Quick Note: Some of you obviously haven't been reading my thread carefully, or at least the start. Please please do not message me with one line saying "Want to RP"? It's rude. I put a lot of work into my thread, and if you can't be assed to even put a few sentences out about who you are and what you like, why should I think your RPing is any different. Don't put something like "Oh, check out my request thread and see if you like any ideas
" and have nothing else. I made a request thread for a reason. I have ideas. If you don't like any of them, tell me. I'm fine if you mention your request thread at some point or just as an off-handed thing, but don't expect me to do all the work in finding out ideas when you messaged me in the first place. Please, put a little effort in and make it seem like you actually want to RP with me. Obviously, I'm going to just ignore it.
Hello! I am, obviously, Wikwik, and this is my beautiful request thread. I'm currently looking for some more partners for delicious roleplaying!
About Me
Born in the United States and currently living in England, I am a 29 year old who currently has a job in the business world and thus, is looking for some good, fun RPs to focus her time on. I have been roleplaying since I was around 9, though obviously in a much different way than now. My RPing has developed a lot since then, and I have a fair amount of experience with other boards, and a fair amount of experience here on BM as well!
What's that, you say? You want to know even MORE about little old me? Well, I'm friendly. Extremely so. I don't anger easy, I'm not naggy, and I love writing. I like chatting OOC, planning stories, and discussing what's going to happen next. I'm very lax about reply time - I reply when I'm online and have a moment, but don't think that it means I demand your attention all the time. People have real lives - I get it. If you're busy for a few days, that's perfectly fine! I'll probably give you a poke after a week, just to make sure you're still interested.
Current Cravings
This is just a little section at the start so people can see what I'm feeling at the moment - please don't take this as the ONLY thing that I'm into. Our story doesn't have to involve any of this if you're not up for it. They're just little cravings that get me working that extra bit harder to make a play about!
- Anything Cheating, NTR, or Adultery related! Easily my biggest kink at the moment.
- Anything Interracial and Gang/Thug related. Really craving this!
- Something based around Idols or Magical Girls would be pretty fun too!
- Multiple characters!
- Oral worship - specifically involving males receiving lots of rimming, ball worship, handjobs, etc. Really been into this lately <3
- Risk of Pregnancy/Unwanted Creampie - Getting a girl pregnant when she doesn't want it. She's begging not to be creampied, for the guy to pull out...and he ignores it.
- Playing as an Alpha-Type character. Someone in a seat of obvious superiority on a genetic level, as in, a werewolf pack leader, an extremely strong vampire, etc.
The Rules
-->Semi-Lit AT LEAST. Please, for the love of whatever you believe in or don't believe in, be able to coherently speak and write English. PLEASE NOTE - This is NOT a knock against people who speak English as a second language. Some of my absolutely favorite players are this - I do NOT mind the odd misspelling. I'm talking about people who don't even take the time to try spelling, who think as long as they send something relatively smutty that its acceptable. That's the kind of stuff that makes me lose interest. I'm more than happy to work with people who speak English secondly and have the occasional screw up - that's absolutely fine and I'll never get irritated about it.
I write around three to five paragraphs generally (though to be honest I'm more of the "what you give, you get" type of person. If you give me a well-written, long post, I will return the favor. If you give me something that looks like you hashed it out in about two minutes, my reply might match that. The minimum I'm requiring is just a couple short paragraphs each post that I don't need to spell check every two seconds to understand. Be able to keep my interest, have me WANTING to reply to you and not make it feel like a chore in hopes that your next post will be better. I will extend you the same courtesy, with interesting replies (I hope) that are well-written and keep the story going.
--> The PM. I expect replies to my thread to be something that catches my attention. Do I expect a book? No. Do I need fireworks to be spewing out of your PM? Of course not. However, if all you send me is a PM that says "Hey wanna RP?" or little more then that, I probably will be less then impressed, possibly to the point of not even replying. Tell me about yourself, tell me what ideas from my thread you liked or present an idea yourself, tell me your kinks! Give me something to work with. Also please make sure to reply to this thread in a PM, not the thread itself!
--> The Roleplaying. I really prefer roleplaying through private messaging at the moment. Don't ask for discord, forums, skype, or what have you. This is just because I know myself - I WILL forget to check one of those at some point and our play will die. I check my PMs every day (mostly multiple times a day). That's the safe way for us to play!
--> Taking All Comers Female, Femboy, Trap, Futa. I'll fuck 'em all! My preference is M x F and my least favorite is M x M, but if the story is exceptional, I can consider it.
--> No Real Life Stuff. I'm on this site because I like to RP. That's it. I don't want to see pictures of you, I don't want to webchat over Skype. I don't want to meet up in real life. I have a perfectly fine life outside of BM and I'm not looking for any new friends. Seriously, one mention of meeting up or exchanging pictures and I'm gone like the wind, because frankly, I don't give a damn.
--> No OOC IC. What I mean by this, is don't do stuff like *Rubs your ass* or *Strokes your hair*. I don't care what you want to imagine doing to me, but leave it to yourself. I cannot express how much I hate roleplayers who try to get 'comfortable' in OOC with shit like that. It'll grind my gears. Likewise, don't ask me how turned on I am, or if I 'finished' to your post. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. It's absolutely none of your business. Look, we may get to a level of comfort where we're actually sharing that, and that's fine. But if you're asking me within three posts if you're 'making me hot', then guess what? If you were, you're not anymore!
--> Talk to me! In contrast to what I just said, I do love OOC! I just don't like the sexual parts. But I love to chat, whether its about the RPs or just the fun we're having. So please don't be shy to strike up a conversation outside of the RP. I likely will! This isn't necessary, so if you're anti-social type of person, I'll leave you alone outside the RP. But if you're friendly, I will be too.
-->What I'm Looking For. Like I said before, I'm looking for RP partners. Now you might say "Why dear Wikwik, but what kind of RPs are you looking for?" Well, my dear asker, I'm very open. My favorite type of RP is probably a long-term one. I don't mean this has to be favored towards plot or smut. I'm open to either. Do you want an RP that's 90% smut? Come at me! Want one that's 80% plot? Just ask! What I mean is, I don't want to do just a single scene of "OfficerxThug" or something and leave it at that. I grow attached to my characters. I want to see what happens! So if we do "OfficerxThug", he better plan to bring her back to the gang and start pimping her out to extend the Rp! I like to keep my stones a rollin'
The Stuff I Love
So, now that we've gone through all the stuff I hate to see from partners, I'll go through some stuff I absolutely adore seeing in roleplays and from partners!
--> Humor. I like a partner who can make me laugh. I try to be funny, and even if I'm not, my partners in general seem to enjoy my witty (or horrible) banter. I like the same. Your character can be the most staunch, stoic person in the world. I'd like YOU to loosen up a bit. Show me you're enjoying playing with me, enjoying our RP! So many times I've had partners who can't take a joke! I have a massive ego - so massive that its nearly as large as the dick on my characters. And that's pretty big! Beat it down to size, or stroke it up! Taunt me, joke with me, or just be sarcastic as hell. I'll love it all.
--> Communication. Right alongside humor, I like to keep in touch. Do you like the RP? How's it going so far for you? Anything you'd like to add in really badly? Let me know you're enjoying it, what you're really having fun with. Have a problem or just want to let me know about an idea you had? Fantastic! I will NEVER think you're bothering me, even if you send me a hundred PMs a day. I love to hear all your thoughts about our RP! While I won't message quite that much, I also usually send a PM or two every couple days just to check up.
--> Understanding. As much as some people seem to think I'm a perfect erotic-writing machine (given the speed of my replies), I am human. Stuff happens. Sometimes I can't roleplay. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood. Rest assured, if I am bored with our RP, I will be courteous and message you. I will never just drop it. If I haven't replied it's simply because I'm busy or perhaps not in the writing mood. Please understand this! Likewise, I will never pester you for posts. If it's been a week and a half with no word, I might shoot you a message just to check up. I will always be understanding about your family life, work life, etc. We're all people, and I don't expect your full-time commitment to be to some girl you just started RPing with two days ago!
--> Literacy. I want detail and depth. A 5 paragraph response means nothing if its all just fluff and stuff that doesn't matter and doesn't help advance the story, or sex, at all! Make sure the post counts. I'd rather have a two paragraph post that's really well written rather than a boring 5-paragraph post. With that said, I like a couple paragraphs per post. I adore several! 4, 5, 6 paragraphs per post is a nice, healthy chunk to me! While that's usually my limit if playing multiple characters, I can write tens of paragraphs for a single character is we're going long enough. Of course, I understand the different between needless fluff and actual writing. I'm not going to try and stretch every post into a 20 paragraph mess. Sometimes a post only needs 2 or 3 paragraphs! I'm just saying I love a variety of post lengths.
--> Smut vs Plot. Naturally, I love smut. That's why I'm here and not some PG-13 website. I adore tons of sex scenes. Now, the reason I say this is because, generally, I like my smut to have a plot. Maybe an extensive plot, maybe a little simple one. I don't want to just start out the story with only "Secretary x Boss" in mind! I'm never going to turn down one-shots, but I like at least a little inkling of plots! On the reverse, while I don't mind plot-heavy things, I like there to be a minimum of 20% smut in my roleplays, preferably higher. I love plot as much as the next girl, and am happy to keep the action/drama ball rolling. But as I said, if I JUST wanted drama/action, I'd go to a different site. My general, favorite ratio is 60/40 in favor of smut.
My Pros and Cons
Well, I'm not the most humble gal in the world, but I think it's important to let people know about my flaws in advance, but at the same time, try to talk myself up. So here, I'll just go over a few things about me that I consider either strong points or....not so strong points!
--> Health Issues. I have health issues that I'm very forward about. I dislike talking about the specifics, so here's what you need to know. Sometimes I go to the hospital. Sometimes I don't have time to alert anyone. Sometimes I can be in the hospital for a few days or a few weeks. This is something I'm struggling with constantly in my life and I try to keep my head above water. Apart from hospital visits (which are slowly getting less frequent, yay!) it doesn't hinder my ability to post that much. But occasionally I may need to disappear, and unfortunately sometimes I don't have the time to warn my partners. So please bare with me! If you haven't heard from me, this is likely the case.
--> Smutty. I've come to accept the fact that I am, in fact, a pervert. A big pervert. With that said, I sometimes have a tendency to stick on smut. I'm reluctant to have the smutty scene end, even though I love the plot and want to keep it moving. Sometimes it may seem like too much. Just let me know! Poke me with a big stick and say "Oiy Wik! They've been fucking for a week straight! Shouldn't they have school or something?" I'm very, very aware that I sometimes go overboard, and if you remind me, I'll get myself back on course right away.
--> Jealousy. The old green-eyed monster. No, I'm not going to barrage your inbox with a thousand posts. No, I'm not going to get short with you. This is a very, very minor thing, but hey, I'm acknowledging my flaws here! Anyway. The long and short of it is if you tell me that you're roleplaying with five people, I'm going to strive to be the best. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that when I send you a reply, you drop other replies to respond to me! Maybe this is a good trait, as it just means I'll be faster and better with my posting, but still, I like to be competitive, and I like to win those competitions! This doesn't mean I'm going to ask you to stop talking to other people. It means that if you say - "You're one of my favorite RPers?", I'll say "ONE OF? Pfffft. I need to try harder." I want to be so damn amazing that when you see I'm online, you're backflipping out of your chair! Or...you know, slightly more excited. Whichever one is more reasonable.
--> Cheerful. I'm just a happy person, I like to think. I don't get mad or irritated easily. Are you having a bad day and don't feel like posting? Just shoot me a message and let me know, or talk to me about it! I'm always willing to discuss whatever you like, no matter what the issue is. I'm extremely friendly and easy to get along with.
--> I change easily. Am I writing too much or too little for your tastes? Let me know! I can change one way or another and give you posts that are more easily suited for your style. Do you not like where an RP is headed or want to try something new? Just tell me and I'll be happy to discuss it. I'm always up for trying new things and I adore discussing anything to help make the RP better between us!
--> Honest. If I'm not feeling something, I'll be straight-up about it. I'll tell you face to face (or PM to PM) and just say "Hey, it's not working". I'll do my best to suggest something to make it more interesting for me. But with that said, if I ever disappear or stop responding, don't take it personally. I will let you know if I'm not interested. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for a specific RP for a day or two, and I think that's ok. It doesn't mean I'm done with the RP or dislike it. I may just not be feeling it and as a result, I don't want to give you a post that's half-assed. I give my 110% to everything I post and want to ensure the highest quality of RP to my partner. So don't take it personally. It's not you, it's me, and sometimes I'm just not in the mood. I will tell you if there's a problem. I promise!
--> Literate. I'm a good roleplayer. I'm not the best in the world and I occasionally meet someone who's better than me, and I'm aware of this. But I always rise to the challenge and do my best to impress them. More importantly, I know how to type. I'm fast at it. If I'm in a posting session, I can jam out replies faster than most people expect. My posts have few errors (and now after I post this, I'm sure to prove my point there's going to be like one thousand errors or something ridiculous...) and I never ever use net-speak or text typing in my roleplays unless my character happens to be texting! I take pride in my work and will never give you what I feel is a half-assed post.
So, now that we've got an idea of what it is and isn't I'm looking for in a roleplaying partner, let's get down and dirty!
Getting Kinky
Here's my F-list, newly updated, to peruse! F-list - Warning
Make sure to give the F-list a good read, as I have FAR more favorite kinks listed on it (all in bold for your convenience) that I won't list here. Also, please don't feel like you have to meet any of the kinks - they're all guidelines for what I like, and I can enjoy plays with as many or little from that list as possible!
--> Third Person. I only roleplay in the third person, and I'd prefer that you did as well, lest it get fairly hectic.
--> Multiple Characters. I cannot stress how truly and deeply I enjoy this. I really cannot. I DO NOT require it in an RP. If you want our RPs to be one on one, I will accept this. But having more then one character really gets me more interested. I like long RPs and I like having more then one character. This is something we'll really have to discuss when we talk about the RP, but even so, its one of my favorites.
-->Multiple Roleplays. I like being kept busy. If you have more then one idea, I'd love to do them all with you (though eventually I'll have to have a limit!)
--> Big Cocks. Some girls like smaller dicks. Some like average ones! But I like big dicks. I don't need an exact measurement, I'm not that type of person. If you want to, feel free. What I like is describing the thickness, the girth, the length, and how mammoth it is. For my girls, you better expect that your guys will have the biggest dicks they've ever seen, and their husbands will have much, much smaller ones. If I'm playing a guy, their cocks are going to stretch your girls wide open!
--> Making It Fit. Right along with cocks, I like it being a tight, tight fit into my girl. But you make it fit. All of it. Maybe it's a bit unrealistic sometimes, but I don't care. It's a roleplay. Stuff her with as many inches as you like and make her squeal!
--> Breasts. Right along with dicks, I love tits. When I'm playing a girl, I want them to be fondled, groped, roughly handled and squeezed. Make her tit-fuck you! Squeeze them while she's being fucked! On the flip side, I'll always pay attention to breasts. Kneading, sucking, pinching. Everything to make a girl squirm in pleasure.
--> Various Men. I'm interested in the male body! However, unlike with some ladies, I'm fine with men in all shapes and sizes. Want me to play a muscle-bound stud? Great! What to be a greasy, fat inkeeper that forces your girl over a table and fucks her raw? Fantastic! Want to be a brutish Orc that has his way with whomever he wants? Sign me up! I'm not picky when it comes to men, and I love playing against girls both being pounded by a hunky stud who's the hottest guy she's ever seen and being forced to suck off a fat nerd who has blackmail on the poplar cheerleader. If you prefer studs, I'll play one! If you want to be fucked by the dregs of society, I'll happily play along.
--> Hair. I love a full head of hair on a girl. Soft locks that my character can run their hands through, whether that be long, straight hair, a short bob, or a couple of sleek or puffy pigtails to toy with. Obviously, all hairstyles work - those are just my favorites
--> Ass. I like myself a butt. Now, I don't mean massive bubbles. I mean anything ranging from a nice, cute and tight athletic butt to a healthy shaped rear. I dislike it when a female has basically no ass, or when they have a massive one that obstructs traffic. Expect my women to adhere to that!
--> Oral. Giving and Receiving. Now, out of the two of these, I like blowjobs far more. I love both writing and reading about how a nice, fat cock is stuffed down a tight throat, about how a female can barely breath by having a massive girth making her air-tight while his balls slap her chin, about how her eyes are wide with astonishment at how much left she has to fit inside her small mouth. I really do adore blowjobs, both when I'm the girl and the boy! Naturally, I have nothing against getting eaten out or eating out. I just prefer having a girl on her knees!
--> Anal. Not much to say about this. I love having my character get her ass pounded, whether its from behind while she's on her hands and knees or getting bent in half and having a cock skewer her. Both of a woman's nether holes deserve to be filled to the brim in my eyes, and if both at the same time, well that just makes everything easier! Likewise, who doesn't love a hat trick? Don't be surprised if my guys go for her mouth, pussy, and ass all in the same session!
--> Gang Bangs. This goes hand in hand with multiple characters, but it doesn't always have to, as they can happen without a bunch of main characters. I love having multiple guys on a girl, or sometimes, multiple girls on a guy. Or massive orgies. It's all fun to me, but I think I prefer many guys on a girl at once the best. I like every hole being stuffed until the girl is basically bursting.
--> The Setting. This isn't really a kink, but I wanted to include it. I love all scenarios, so never be afraid to ask. Fantasy, modern, medieval. I love them all!
--> Dirty Talk. Slut. Bitch. Cum-dumpster. Worthless whore. I enjoy these and many more degrading names for women. My girls are usually proper little things. Make them know that they're nothing but a whore! In contrast, I'll likely be very filthy mouthed should I be playing a guy. Or a girl. Most of my characters will be filthy ^-^
--> Owning/Degrading. Again, along with dirty talk and dominance, a lot of the time I like to have a guy own the girl. Making her beg for cock, displaying her in public, holding her down and having her suck him off. All great!
--> Orgasms/Excessive Cum. Now, of course, everyone likes orgasms. But what I mean is female orgasms. I really enjoy having a girl that I'm playing just cumming like crazy, sometimes even two or three times in a row. Girls that cum easy or get horny quick are a real turn on for me. I love giving the notion that the guy is so much better than guys before him. I like girls to be able to be manipulated and controlled through pleasure. Right along with that, though, is the male orgasm. While I enjoy it normally, I like to have a lot of cum when a guy explodes. I don't mean so much that it floods the house, but definitely a LOT more then normal males. Like so much that a female would have a real hard time swallowing all of it and it usually overflows, or it stuffs up her pussy so much that its dripping down onto the floor before the guy is even finished.
--> Dressing Up/Roleplaying. I like to have our characters roleplay from time to time. It feel it ads more of a real world environment to them, as if they really have their own personalities and can use that to be OTHER characters. Not much more to say about that, I just like clothing, whether its roleplaying or just sexy attire.
--> Cheating/Netorare/Cuckolding. One of my biggest, if not the biggest, kink I have at the moment. I absolutely love cheating in RPs, specifically from the female perspective. I want my girls to be taken away from guys they're faithful towards and love with all their hearts. I want them to be guilty about it, but unable to resist fucking the stud again and again. Almost always, my girls will have a significant other that your men are just better than. Likewise, except my guys to be stealing your girls away from their sweet hubby or boyfriend! But especially I adore the guilt with it. Is she cheating on her husband of ten years? She should feel bad about it! But, of course, it just means that she gets fucked all the harder and squeals even louder when it happens. She just feels bad about it
--> Beast/Monster. I love it. Whether it is a werewolf, a Minotaur, or just a plain on dog. I adore this in all shapes and sizes, both playing a girl against a monster or dog, or playing the monster/dog/beast in question!
--> Interracial/Racial Superiority. Now, this kink means a few things. The first part is easy. I enjoy mixing races, whether that be normal races, such as a black man and white woman, or supernatural races, like a human female and orc man. For the most part, I enjoy my women to be of the Caucasian or Asian variety or Human/Elven/Drow/Draenei/Succubus, while the men are different races. Racial superiority goes along with this. While in terms of the entire RP, as well as how I actually feel, all races are equal, a lot of my characters don't talk like that. Orcs may talk about how they are better at fucking then other races, bragging about their cock sizes. My white girls will praise the black men fucking them and will swear that black cocks are so much better than their husband's.. Things like girls praising Orc cocks simply because they're Orcs, swearing that they love taking Orc dick more then a human's. Things like that. I have a thing for white/Asian girls getting hooked up with dark-skin men. Not every single guy needs to be black, naturally, but I'd love for a big portion of them to be, and sometimes will play off that with racy undertones. "Little white bitch loves some dark meat, eh?", "Big black dick better than your little Asian boyfriend's, isn't it?" Stuff like that.
--> Thugs. I love thugs. If we're playing a modern RP, chances are thugs are what I'll want to play against or with. Not that I don't love diversity, and I'm not going to turn down an RP that doesn't involve them. But when it comes to my preference, I adore these. Gangster speak and the general interracial tones that come with everything.
--> Casual fucking. This is a slightly odd one, but something I adore to see. Did a wolf-man just knot a girl and make her squeal in utter pleasure. I'd love to see him pick her up and take her back to his den. But while he does, he keeps his cock inside of her, basically walking along and, as a result, ramming his cock up into her with every step. A casual fucking where he gets a bit of pleasure from it, but it's more a display of power. The thrusting making the woman unable to recover, to keep her locked in pleasure and moaning with every step. Obviously that's only one scenario. Anything with casual fucking/breeding like that, where fucking the girl is second nature/a casual task for the beast/man at hand. It really gets me going. Or one of the characters is sat in the living room, having her suck his cock while her boyfriend is on the phone, talking to her and asking her to come out. Things like that. Really pushing the men's sexual dominance over the woman further!
--> Cervical Penetration. Pretty self explanatory. I like having cocks big enough to pound deep into my character's womb and making them feel pleasure that no man has ever felt before. And likewise, I love penetrating a cervix!
--> Giving In/Non-conish. I never like full-on rape. I'm not against non-con situations at all, in fact I love them! However, I like girls giving into their baser desires. I love having girls who will always give in, though sometimes it takes repeat visits for them to properly break and submit. They loved it the first time, but are still guilty/hesitant afterwards and need more convincing. My girls will put up a fight, but by the end, they'll be cumming their brains out. She may hate your character, but she'll be unable to deny how good they feel. Likewise, I love girls I'm playing against to give in as well. Full-on rape doesn't do it for me. They can scream and fight, but I love to have them cumming in the end. Especially dealing with the guilt of loving it that comes afterwards!
--> Rough Sex. Self explanatory. I love rough sex. Not to say I don't enjoy gentler moments, but I love having my girls get ruined, and doing the same to girls I'm playing against!
--> Public. Anything in a public setting. A risk of being caught. I absolutely adore it. Being felt up in a mall and fucked in the dingy bathroom. Getting railed in the closet while the husband is getting dressed in the room right outside. Fucking in a dark alleyway where anyone could catch the lovely, pure girl cheating on her boyfriend. It's always great!
--> Clubs. I adore clubs. The throbbing music, the mashing crowd. Anything with clubs is always a plus. I love a girl dancing and just getting felt up from behind, eventually getting so turned on just from the guy's hands and mouth that she lets him drag her over to a corner, where he proceeds to fuck her brains out in the darkened corner, the party continuing just a few feet away!
--> Dirty Texting. I absolutely love dirty texting, especially when it involves convincing a girl that she wants a cock or convincing her to cheat on her hubby/boyfriend ^-^
--> Prostitution. I love both pimping out girls and being pimped out! Works very well with any thug settings ^-^
--> Videos/Pictures/On the Phone.
--> Risk of Pregnancy
--> Deep-throat/Face Fucking
--> Condoms. I love any sort of play with condoms. Having them break during sex. Filling them up and leaving them bulging on the bed, or draped over her body, a constant reminder of just how much they've banged already. Or the girl insisting on condoms and the guy persuading her to let him go bareback, or else he uses one condom and 'loses' the others, claiming that they're all out, but she's so horny she lets him go bare anyway...Stuff like that!
--> Vore
--> Scat
--> Extreme Macro/Micro
--> Plastic Surgery (Special note. I do not mean things like maybe my character, at one point, had a small nose job. I mean things like extended lips, massive fake boobs. I like my women, for the most part, naturally beautiful.)
--> Too Much Make-up
--> Text Speak IC
--> One liners
Other Things I Love
--> Thug Speak. Fantastic. There's something about 'gangster' speak that really gets my gears going. Of course, I want it when it works. I don't want to hear thug speak from some massive Orc in a fantasy style RP. But in an RP where your character is from the ghetto? Lay it on thick and I'll adore you forever. This one is so hard to find!
--> Passion. I love passion. I love it when a guy finds a girl so attractive that he slams her against the wall from behind and takes her then and there. When a girl wants a guy so badly that she practically rips his shirt off. While some people dislike passion for this sort of "Hollywood sex" and it CAN be overused, having it done right is something I deeply enjoy.
--> Glass. My girl being pressed against a mirror so she can see herself being fucked by the stud behind her. The dirty shop-keep pushing a girl against the window for all the passerbys to see as he plugs her tight cunt. I adore being pressed into glass. It just makes every scene that much more erotic, with the breasts or ass being meshed tightly and rubbing against it. Quite the display from the other side!
--> Wanting It/Unable to Deny. A girl cheats on her husband, and feels deeply guilty about it. However, despite the fact that she swore she'd never do it again, she's unable to stop thinking about how that man made her feel so much better, so much more alive then her husband ever could, to the point where, perhaps even unconsciously, she seeks him out or dresses to get his attention, just for another chance that he'll seduce her.
--> Seduction. Right along with the previous one, I love characters that seduce. Whether it be a man seducing a woman or a woman seducing a man, I find it incredibly sexy to have someone so into another person that they turn on "that switch" inside of them to make themselves that much more appealing.
--> Problems/Weaknesses. The man a star athlete? He's so bad at school that he's in danger of failing. The knight saved the town? He's got a crippling fear of fire after beating that dragon. A Princess is so utterly perfect? She's grown so accustom to being perfect that she doesn't even act like herself, or a real human, for that matter. They don't have to be that extreme, those are just examples.
--> Problem Solving/Conquering Fears. Right along side problems. I enjoy overcoming things, having our characters grow together. If a man is afraid of women, some girl shows him that the other gender can be VERY good company. A poor nerdy girl doubts she's beautiful? Let some handsome stud will show her what a woman she really is. Solves all sorts of things, from self-esteem issues to fears to nervous ticks.
--> Foreign/Accents. I love foreign accents (on females). Is my girl Scottish? Japanese? Elf in a mainly human city? Fantastic! I absolutely love it when girls sound a bit different from the mass of females around them. I especially love it when this is incorporated into other Rps that might otherwise have nothing to do with it, just like a small side addition. (Bonus points for British/English accents and Scandinavian accents. I love those two the BEST, and will probably use them for my girls often!) Also note, while I said 'on females', I don't have a problem with accents on males. I just don't care either way!
--> Dresses, Miniskirts. I simply love wearing them! The danger of revealing what sort of panties a girl is using. The easy access for a man anywhere, anytime. I love schoolgirl skirts. Plaid, pleated, short enough to drive any man crazy as he can see my tights and how short is it. I also love Queen and Princess gowns that are a little too risque to show to the public. This goes as well with a sort of Eastern-Princess garb, like belly dancer gear. I love that on my women!
--> Sexy Lingerie. Camisols, panties, garter belts. The sensation of showing off to someone. Being told what should she wear too, so when she buys it or wears it, she can remember his demanding words full of desire. The combination with white sheer camisole and panties in a beach house. Black half-cup bra, garter-belt, stockings and lacey panties in a penthouse.
--> Stockings. Or tight high socks. With or without garter belt. Drawing attention to a girl's legs so their eyes can focus the revealing skin between the hem of the skirt and where the stockings begin.
--> High Heels. The sound of a woman's steps. The way they mold their legs. I simple love high sandals. Boots, platforms, wedges too. Anything to raise a girl's height and enhance their legs!
--> Long, Hot Kissing. The ones that make you melt and desire for more. Getting it more passionate as our tongues meet and fight, the warm of our tasting spreading along our bodies, heart starting to race inside our chest, breath becoming heavier.
--> The Fear Of Being Caught. Doing depraved acts that could make even a whore completely embarrassed.A woman under a desk for a man as he tries to work or talk to someone. Have sex in the stairs of a building, trying to do it quickly before someone sees us.
--> Hair Pulling. Tugged, twisted. Making her turn to see him. Or when she's behind, to make her raise her head up. It just helps her to moan louder! Or feeling him tug my hair to listen to him attentively. The feeling of being his plaything, that he can have me anytime, anywhere.
Other Things I Hate
--> Severe Drama. I don't like things getting so out-of-control heavy. Now, this doesn't mean I don't like drama. Not at all. I enjoy drama quite a bit. What I'm talking about is something like "My character was raped by a man wearing a pink shirt, and now she freaks out if she sees the color pink near her." Something along that line. Complete freak outs happening very often, I don't care for that.
--> No Character Development. Even if its just my character slowly losing their mind and going from proper Princess to total slut or my girl being wracked with guilt several times after cheating on her husband, I enjoy character development. What I don't like is that, after weeks of posting and several in-RP days or weeks, our characters are still the same old/same old. It gets very boring very fast.
--> Ignorance. Not to be confused with naiviety. If your girl doesn't know how to do a blowjob because she's a virgin, that's perfectly fine. I'm talking about the kind of girl who gets her clothes ripped off, but then doesn't understand why men are staring. Basically, the kind of Daisy Duke idiot who doesn't realize how hot she really is. (Not to be confused with hot-but-nerdy girls who just need a little confidence boost)
--> SO DARK, SO EDGY. I like grim settings sometimes, I like pushing things to the edge and getting a little violent now and then. But I don't like it when the setting, or characters, are suppose to be just oh-so dark and gritty, so edgy that the world is shocked at them. Like the joker. A fine villain in the movie, but I dislike characters like him within my RPs.
--> Perfection. I enjoy characters who have problems, from small things to large issues. A completely perfect character is a completely BORING character. I don't want any mary sues or jims.
So, onto the meat of everything! The RP itself!
--> Anime. I am a huge anime nerd, as mentioned before, and so I derive a lot of stuff from anime. Whether this means a generic "Highschool Rp GO!" or something more along the lines of an anime-ish adventure, I love to play with stuff from that.
--> Fantasy. Oh boy am I in love with fantasy. Magic, dragons, knights in shining armor. All of them are great. You know what's the best though? Those pure, beautiful maidens known as Queens and Princesses. They're begging to be violated, whether its lovingly by their husband, passionate by some foreign diplomat, or roughly by a brutish Orc that took over their kingdom. I adore playing Queens and Princesses in my Rps!
--> Modern. I love modern. A highschool setting. An office setting. Throw it all at me!
--> Various Races. I love to have a mix and match of races, including but not limited to: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Drows, Draenai, Night Elves. Etc. The only thing I do not like is: Either of us being a shorter race, such as gnomes or dwarves, and I also don't care much for females of hefty races, such as Orcs.
--> Modern Fantasy. Things like magic in a high school, vampires living among us. Things like that. I especially enjoy combining things so that, while there are things like electricity and tvs, there aren't things like guns or airplanes. Swords and horses make things much more interesting, after all.
--> Sci-Fi. While its not my favorite, I do enjoy the occasional trip into the future or on a space ship.
--> Adventure. I like a sense of action in Rps, even if it doesn't always take the fore-front. Whether its my character fighting off a villain, our characters dueling in a friendly, or not so friendly, way, or even rescuing a fair maiden from a vicious gang raping. Everything from small things like that to big things like a full on D&D type session.
Note that if something is not listed on here, that doesn't mean that I won't give it a shot! Below are just some of the fandoms I love and the characters from which I enjoy playing! The amount of stars next to a Fandom are how badly I'd love to play them. Same with characters. (Also, as per site rules, all characters would be aged up to 10 no matter what!)
Persona 3/Persona 4 *********
-Yukari *****
-Chie *****
-Rise *****
-Ms. Toriumi (Maya) *****
-Elizabeth *****
-Yukiko ****
-Naoto ****
-Mitsuru ****
-Chihiro ****
-Yuko ****
-Nanako (Aged up) ****
Harry Potter****
Invader Zim****
-Elsa *****
-Jasmine *****
-Anna ****
-Ariel ****
-Bell ****
-Esmeralda ****
-Rapunzel ****
-All Other Girls ***
League of Legends *****
-Miss Fortune *****
-Ahri *****
-Sona *****
-Lux *****
-Caitlyn *****
-Any Other Girl ****
Pokemon *****
- OC *****
-Hida ****
-Flannery ****
-Rosa ****
-Sabrina ****
-Elsa ****
-May ****
-Dawn ****
-All Other Girls ***
Naruto ***
-Ino *****
-Temari *****
-Kurenai *****
-Anko *****
-Hinata *****
-All Other Girls ****
One Piece ***
-Boa Hancock *****
-Perona *****
-Bonney Jewelry *****
-Nami *****
-Robin *****
-Other Girls ****
Sailor Moon ***
-Any Girl *****
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra ****
-Katara *****
-Toph *****
-Azula *****
Korra *****
-All Other Girls ****
Dragonball Z **
-Android 10 *****
-Bulma *****
-Chichi *****
-Videl *****
-Pan *****
-Bra *****
-Any Other Girl ****
Dynasty Warriors ***
-All Girls *****
Game of Thrones *****
-Arianne Martell *****
-Cersei ****
-Sansa ****
-All Other Girls ***
Angel Beats **
-All Girls *****
KissXSis **
-All Girls *****
Fairy Tail ***
-Levy *****
-Canna *****
-All Other Girls ****
These are just random one-shot pairings that I'd love to have. Like before, stars are the amount I'd like to see the pairing. Out of five, but of course, even the low ones obviously have some interest for me, or else they wouldn't be on here! (Naturally, there are a ton of pairings I haven't even though of. Feel free to pitch me any you have!) Naturally, I'm willing to play whichever role is opposite your own. So if you're a guy, I'll play the female role. If you're a girl, I'll play the male!
Housewife x Home Fitness Trainer *****
Housewife x Thug****
Daughter x Thug****
Any Girl x Thug (Duh
Maid x Employer ***
Teacher x Student ****
Teacher x Student ***
Father x Daughter ***
Brother x Sister ***
Gym Coach x Student *****
Business Man x Secretary ****
Photographer x Model ***
Athlete x Sports Therapist*****
Artist x Muse **
Goth Girl x Older Gentleman *****
Nurse x Patient **
Fashion designer x Model **
Innocent Girl x Drug Dealer *****
Cheerleader x Big Nerd *****
Housewife x Black Handyman *****
Princess x Monster *****
Princess x Knight *****
Princess x Common Man *****
Princess x Father/King *****
Queen x Monster *****
Queen x Knight *****
Queen x Common Man *****
Queen x Other King/Prince *****
Queen x Son *****
More Below!
Hello! I am, obviously, Wikwik, and this is my beautiful request thread. I'm currently looking for some more partners for delicious roleplaying!
About Me
Born in the United States and currently living in England, I am a 29 year old who currently has a job in the business world and thus, is looking for some good, fun RPs to focus her time on. I have been roleplaying since I was around 9, though obviously in a much different way than now. My RPing has developed a lot since then, and I have a fair amount of experience with other boards, and a fair amount of experience here on BM as well!
What's that, you say? You want to know even MORE about little old me? Well, I'm friendly. Extremely so. I don't anger easy, I'm not naggy, and I love writing. I like chatting OOC, planning stories, and discussing what's going to happen next. I'm very lax about reply time - I reply when I'm online and have a moment, but don't think that it means I demand your attention all the time. People have real lives - I get it. If you're busy for a few days, that's perfectly fine! I'll probably give you a poke after a week, just to make sure you're still interested.
Current Cravings
This is just a little section at the start so people can see what I'm feeling at the moment - please don't take this as the ONLY thing that I'm into. Our story doesn't have to involve any of this if you're not up for it. They're just little cravings that get me working that extra bit harder to make a play about!
- Anything Cheating, NTR, or Adultery related! Easily my biggest kink at the moment.
- Anything Interracial and Gang/Thug related. Really craving this!
- Something based around Idols or Magical Girls would be pretty fun too!
- Multiple characters!
- Oral worship - specifically involving males receiving lots of rimming, ball worship, handjobs, etc. Really been into this lately <3
- Risk of Pregnancy/Unwanted Creampie - Getting a girl pregnant when she doesn't want it. She's begging not to be creampied, for the guy to pull out...and he ignores it.
- Playing as an Alpha-Type character. Someone in a seat of obvious superiority on a genetic level, as in, a werewolf pack leader, an extremely strong vampire, etc.
The Rules
-->Semi-Lit AT LEAST. Please, for the love of whatever you believe in or don't believe in, be able to coherently speak and write English. PLEASE NOTE - This is NOT a knock against people who speak English as a second language. Some of my absolutely favorite players are this - I do NOT mind the odd misspelling. I'm talking about people who don't even take the time to try spelling, who think as long as they send something relatively smutty that its acceptable. That's the kind of stuff that makes me lose interest. I'm more than happy to work with people who speak English secondly and have the occasional screw up - that's absolutely fine and I'll never get irritated about it.
I write around three to five paragraphs generally (though to be honest I'm more of the "what you give, you get" type of person. If you give me a well-written, long post, I will return the favor. If you give me something that looks like you hashed it out in about two minutes, my reply might match that. The minimum I'm requiring is just a couple short paragraphs each post that I don't need to spell check every two seconds to understand. Be able to keep my interest, have me WANTING to reply to you and not make it feel like a chore in hopes that your next post will be better. I will extend you the same courtesy, with interesting replies (I hope) that are well-written and keep the story going.
--> The PM. I expect replies to my thread to be something that catches my attention. Do I expect a book? No. Do I need fireworks to be spewing out of your PM? Of course not. However, if all you send me is a PM that says "Hey wanna RP?" or little more then that, I probably will be less then impressed, possibly to the point of not even replying. Tell me about yourself, tell me what ideas from my thread you liked or present an idea yourself, tell me your kinks! Give me something to work with. Also please make sure to reply to this thread in a PM, not the thread itself!
--> The Roleplaying. I really prefer roleplaying through private messaging at the moment. Don't ask for discord, forums, skype, or what have you. This is just because I know myself - I WILL forget to check one of those at some point and our play will die. I check my PMs every day (mostly multiple times a day). That's the safe way for us to play!
--> Taking All Comers Female, Femboy, Trap, Futa. I'll fuck 'em all! My preference is M x F and my least favorite is M x M, but if the story is exceptional, I can consider it.
--> No Real Life Stuff. I'm on this site because I like to RP. That's it. I don't want to see pictures of you, I don't want to webchat over Skype. I don't want to meet up in real life. I have a perfectly fine life outside of BM and I'm not looking for any new friends. Seriously, one mention of meeting up or exchanging pictures and I'm gone like the wind, because frankly, I don't give a damn.
--> No OOC IC. What I mean by this, is don't do stuff like *Rubs your ass* or *Strokes your hair*. I don't care what you want to imagine doing to me, but leave it to yourself. I cannot express how much I hate roleplayers who try to get 'comfortable' in OOC with shit like that. It'll grind my gears. Likewise, don't ask me how turned on I am, or if I 'finished' to your post. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. It's absolutely none of your business. Look, we may get to a level of comfort where we're actually sharing that, and that's fine. But if you're asking me within three posts if you're 'making me hot', then guess what? If you were, you're not anymore!
--> Talk to me! In contrast to what I just said, I do love OOC! I just don't like the sexual parts. But I love to chat, whether its about the RPs or just the fun we're having. So please don't be shy to strike up a conversation outside of the RP. I likely will! This isn't necessary, so if you're anti-social type of person, I'll leave you alone outside the RP. But if you're friendly, I will be too.
-->What I'm Looking For. Like I said before, I'm looking for RP partners. Now you might say "Why dear Wikwik, but what kind of RPs are you looking for?" Well, my dear asker, I'm very open. My favorite type of RP is probably a long-term one. I don't mean this has to be favored towards plot or smut. I'm open to either. Do you want an RP that's 90% smut? Come at me! Want one that's 80% plot? Just ask! What I mean is, I don't want to do just a single scene of "OfficerxThug" or something and leave it at that. I grow attached to my characters. I want to see what happens! So if we do "OfficerxThug", he better plan to bring her back to the gang and start pimping her out to extend the Rp! I like to keep my stones a rollin'
The Stuff I Love
So, now that we've gone through all the stuff I hate to see from partners, I'll go through some stuff I absolutely adore seeing in roleplays and from partners!
--> Humor. I like a partner who can make me laugh. I try to be funny, and even if I'm not, my partners in general seem to enjoy my witty (or horrible) banter. I like the same. Your character can be the most staunch, stoic person in the world. I'd like YOU to loosen up a bit. Show me you're enjoying playing with me, enjoying our RP! So many times I've had partners who can't take a joke! I have a massive ego - so massive that its nearly as large as the dick on my characters. And that's pretty big! Beat it down to size, or stroke it up! Taunt me, joke with me, or just be sarcastic as hell. I'll love it all.
--> Communication. Right alongside humor, I like to keep in touch. Do you like the RP? How's it going so far for you? Anything you'd like to add in really badly? Let me know you're enjoying it, what you're really having fun with. Have a problem or just want to let me know about an idea you had? Fantastic! I will NEVER think you're bothering me, even if you send me a hundred PMs a day. I love to hear all your thoughts about our RP! While I won't message quite that much, I also usually send a PM or two every couple days just to check up.
--> Understanding. As much as some people seem to think I'm a perfect erotic-writing machine (given the speed of my replies), I am human. Stuff happens. Sometimes I can't roleplay. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood. Rest assured, if I am bored with our RP, I will be courteous and message you. I will never just drop it. If I haven't replied it's simply because I'm busy or perhaps not in the writing mood. Please understand this! Likewise, I will never pester you for posts. If it's been a week and a half with no word, I might shoot you a message just to check up. I will always be understanding about your family life, work life, etc. We're all people, and I don't expect your full-time commitment to be to some girl you just started RPing with two days ago!
--> Literacy. I want detail and depth. A 5 paragraph response means nothing if its all just fluff and stuff that doesn't matter and doesn't help advance the story, or sex, at all! Make sure the post counts. I'd rather have a two paragraph post that's really well written rather than a boring 5-paragraph post. With that said, I like a couple paragraphs per post. I adore several! 4, 5, 6 paragraphs per post is a nice, healthy chunk to me! While that's usually my limit if playing multiple characters, I can write tens of paragraphs for a single character is we're going long enough. Of course, I understand the different between needless fluff and actual writing. I'm not going to try and stretch every post into a 20 paragraph mess. Sometimes a post only needs 2 or 3 paragraphs! I'm just saying I love a variety of post lengths.
--> Smut vs Plot. Naturally, I love smut. That's why I'm here and not some PG-13 website. I adore tons of sex scenes. Now, the reason I say this is because, generally, I like my smut to have a plot. Maybe an extensive plot, maybe a little simple one. I don't want to just start out the story with only "Secretary x Boss" in mind! I'm never going to turn down one-shots, but I like at least a little inkling of plots! On the reverse, while I don't mind plot-heavy things, I like there to be a minimum of 20% smut in my roleplays, preferably higher. I love plot as much as the next girl, and am happy to keep the action/drama ball rolling. But as I said, if I JUST wanted drama/action, I'd go to a different site. My general, favorite ratio is 60/40 in favor of smut.
My Pros and Cons
Well, I'm not the most humble gal in the world, but I think it's important to let people know about my flaws in advance, but at the same time, try to talk myself up. So here, I'll just go over a few things about me that I consider either strong points or....not so strong points!
--> Health Issues. I have health issues that I'm very forward about. I dislike talking about the specifics, so here's what you need to know. Sometimes I go to the hospital. Sometimes I don't have time to alert anyone. Sometimes I can be in the hospital for a few days or a few weeks. This is something I'm struggling with constantly in my life and I try to keep my head above water. Apart from hospital visits (which are slowly getting less frequent, yay!) it doesn't hinder my ability to post that much. But occasionally I may need to disappear, and unfortunately sometimes I don't have the time to warn my partners. So please bare with me! If you haven't heard from me, this is likely the case.
--> Smutty. I've come to accept the fact that I am, in fact, a pervert. A big pervert. With that said, I sometimes have a tendency to stick on smut. I'm reluctant to have the smutty scene end, even though I love the plot and want to keep it moving. Sometimes it may seem like too much. Just let me know! Poke me with a big stick and say "Oiy Wik! They've been fucking for a week straight! Shouldn't they have school or something?" I'm very, very aware that I sometimes go overboard, and if you remind me, I'll get myself back on course right away.
--> Jealousy. The old green-eyed monster. No, I'm not going to barrage your inbox with a thousand posts. No, I'm not going to get short with you. This is a very, very minor thing, but hey, I'm acknowledging my flaws here! Anyway. The long and short of it is if you tell me that you're roleplaying with five people, I'm going to strive to be the best. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that when I send you a reply, you drop other replies to respond to me! Maybe this is a good trait, as it just means I'll be faster and better with my posting, but still, I like to be competitive, and I like to win those competitions! This doesn't mean I'm going to ask you to stop talking to other people. It means that if you say - "You're one of my favorite RPers?", I'll say "ONE OF? Pfffft. I need to try harder." I want to be so damn amazing that when you see I'm online, you're backflipping out of your chair! Or...you know, slightly more excited. Whichever one is more reasonable.
--> Cheerful. I'm just a happy person, I like to think. I don't get mad or irritated easily. Are you having a bad day and don't feel like posting? Just shoot me a message and let me know, or talk to me about it! I'm always willing to discuss whatever you like, no matter what the issue is. I'm extremely friendly and easy to get along with.
--> I change easily. Am I writing too much or too little for your tastes? Let me know! I can change one way or another and give you posts that are more easily suited for your style. Do you not like where an RP is headed or want to try something new? Just tell me and I'll be happy to discuss it. I'm always up for trying new things and I adore discussing anything to help make the RP better between us!
--> Honest. If I'm not feeling something, I'll be straight-up about it. I'll tell you face to face (or PM to PM) and just say "Hey, it's not working". I'll do my best to suggest something to make it more interesting for me. But with that said, if I ever disappear or stop responding, don't take it personally. I will let you know if I'm not interested. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for a specific RP for a day or two, and I think that's ok. It doesn't mean I'm done with the RP or dislike it. I may just not be feeling it and as a result, I don't want to give you a post that's half-assed. I give my 110% to everything I post and want to ensure the highest quality of RP to my partner. So don't take it personally. It's not you, it's me, and sometimes I'm just not in the mood. I will tell you if there's a problem. I promise!
--> Literate. I'm a good roleplayer. I'm not the best in the world and I occasionally meet someone who's better than me, and I'm aware of this. But I always rise to the challenge and do my best to impress them. More importantly, I know how to type. I'm fast at it. If I'm in a posting session, I can jam out replies faster than most people expect. My posts have few errors (and now after I post this, I'm sure to prove my point there's going to be like one thousand errors or something ridiculous...) and I never ever use net-speak or text typing in my roleplays unless my character happens to be texting! I take pride in my work and will never give you what I feel is a half-assed post.
So, now that we've got an idea of what it is and isn't I'm looking for in a roleplaying partner, let's get down and dirty!
Getting Kinky
Here's my F-list, newly updated, to peruse! F-list - Warning
Make sure to give the F-list a good read, as I have FAR more favorite kinks listed on it (all in bold for your convenience) that I won't list here. Also, please don't feel like you have to meet any of the kinks - they're all guidelines for what I like, and I can enjoy plays with as many or little from that list as possible!
--> Third Person. I only roleplay in the third person, and I'd prefer that you did as well, lest it get fairly hectic.
--> Multiple Characters. I cannot stress how truly and deeply I enjoy this. I really cannot. I DO NOT require it in an RP. If you want our RPs to be one on one, I will accept this. But having more then one character really gets me more interested. I like long RPs and I like having more then one character. This is something we'll really have to discuss when we talk about the RP, but even so, its one of my favorites.
-->Multiple Roleplays. I like being kept busy. If you have more then one idea, I'd love to do them all with you (though eventually I'll have to have a limit!)
--> Big Cocks. Some girls like smaller dicks. Some like average ones! But I like big dicks. I don't need an exact measurement, I'm not that type of person. If you want to, feel free. What I like is describing the thickness, the girth, the length, and how mammoth it is. For my girls, you better expect that your guys will have the biggest dicks they've ever seen, and their husbands will have much, much smaller ones. If I'm playing a guy, their cocks are going to stretch your girls wide open!
--> Making It Fit. Right along with cocks, I like it being a tight, tight fit into my girl. But you make it fit. All of it. Maybe it's a bit unrealistic sometimes, but I don't care. It's a roleplay. Stuff her with as many inches as you like and make her squeal!
--> Breasts. Right along with dicks, I love tits. When I'm playing a girl, I want them to be fondled, groped, roughly handled and squeezed. Make her tit-fuck you! Squeeze them while she's being fucked! On the flip side, I'll always pay attention to breasts. Kneading, sucking, pinching. Everything to make a girl squirm in pleasure.
--> Various Men. I'm interested in the male body! However, unlike with some ladies, I'm fine with men in all shapes and sizes. Want me to play a muscle-bound stud? Great! What to be a greasy, fat inkeeper that forces your girl over a table and fucks her raw? Fantastic! Want to be a brutish Orc that has his way with whomever he wants? Sign me up! I'm not picky when it comes to men, and I love playing against girls both being pounded by a hunky stud who's the hottest guy she's ever seen and being forced to suck off a fat nerd who has blackmail on the poplar cheerleader. If you prefer studs, I'll play one! If you want to be fucked by the dregs of society, I'll happily play along.
--> Hair. I love a full head of hair on a girl. Soft locks that my character can run their hands through, whether that be long, straight hair, a short bob, or a couple of sleek or puffy pigtails to toy with. Obviously, all hairstyles work - those are just my favorites
--> Ass. I like myself a butt. Now, I don't mean massive bubbles. I mean anything ranging from a nice, cute and tight athletic butt to a healthy shaped rear. I dislike it when a female has basically no ass, or when they have a massive one that obstructs traffic. Expect my women to adhere to that!
--> Oral. Giving and Receiving. Now, out of the two of these, I like blowjobs far more. I love both writing and reading about how a nice, fat cock is stuffed down a tight throat, about how a female can barely breath by having a massive girth making her air-tight while his balls slap her chin, about how her eyes are wide with astonishment at how much left she has to fit inside her small mouth. I really do adore blowjobs, both when I'm the girl and the boy! Naturally, I have nothing against getting eaten out or eating out. I just prefer having a girl on her knees!
--> Anal. Not much to say about this. I love having my character get her ass pounded, whether its from behind while she's on her hands and knees or getting bent in half and having a cock skewer her. Both of a woman's nether holes deserve to be filled to the brim in my eyes, and if both at the same time, well that just makes everything easier! Likewise, who doesn't love a hat trick? Don't be surprised if my guys go for her mouth, pussy, and ass all in the same session!
--> Gang Bangs. This goes hand in hand with multiple characters, but it doesn't always have to, as they can happen without a bunch of main characters. I love having multiple guys on a girl, or sometimes, multiple girls on a guy. Or massive orgies. It's all fun to me, but I think I prefer many guys on a girl at once the best. I like every hole being stuffed until the girl is basically bursting.
--> The Setting. This isn't really a kink, but I wanted to include it. I love all scenarios, so never be afraid to ask. Fantasy, modern, medieval. I love them all!
--> Dirty Talk. Slut. Bitch. Cum-dumpster. Worthless whore. I enjoy these and many more degrading names for women. My girls are usually proper little things. Make them know that they're nothing but a whore! In contrast, I'll likely be very filthy mouthed should I be playing a guy. Or a girl. Most of my characters will be filthy ^-^
--> Owning/Degrading. Again, along with dirty talk and dominance, a lot of the time I like to have a guy own the girl. Making her beg for cock, displaying her in public, holding her down and having her suck him off. All great!
--> Orgasms/Excessive Cum. Now, of course, everyone likes orgasms. But what I mean is female orgasms. I really enjoy having a girl that I'm playing just cumming like crazy, sometimes even two or three times in a row. Girls that cum easy or get horny quick are a real turn on for me. I love giving the notion that the guy is so much better than guys before him. I like girls to be able to be manipulated and controlled through pleasure. Right along with that, though, is the male orgasm. While I enjoy it normally, I like to have a lot of cum when a guy explodes. I don't mean so much that it floods the house, but definitely a LOT more then normal males. Like so much that a female would have a real hard time swallowing all of it and it usually overflows, or it stuffs up her pussy so much that its dripping down onto the floor before the guy is even finished.
--> Dressing Up/Roleplaying. I like to have our characters roleplay from time to time. It feel it ads more of a real world environment to them, as if they really have their own personalities and can use that to be OTHER characters. Not much more to say about that, I just like clothing, whether its roleplaying or just sexy attire.
--> Cheating/Netorare/Cuckolding. One of my biggest, if not the biggest, kink I have at the moment. I absolutely love cheating in RPs, specifically from the female perspective. I want my girls to be taken away from guys they're faithful towards and love with all their hearts. I want them to be guilty about it, but unable to resist fucking the stud again and again. Almost always, my girls will have a significant other that your men are just better than. Likewise, except my guys to be stealing your girls away from their sweet hubby or boyfriend! But especially I adore the guilt with it. Is she cheating on her husband of ten years? She should feel bad about it! But, of course, it just means that she gets fucked all the harder and squeals even louder when it happens. She just feels bad about it
--> Beast/Monster. I love it. Whether it is a werewolf, a Minotaur, or just a plain on dog. I adore this in all shapes and sizes, both playing a girl against a monster or dog, or playing the monster/dog/beast in question!
--> Interracial/Racial Superiority. Now, this kink means a few things. The first part is easy. I enjoy mixing races, whether that be normal races, such as a black man and white woman, or supernatural races, like a human female and orc man. For the most part, I enjoy my women to be of the Caucasian or Asian variety or Human/Elven/Drow/Draenei/Succubus, while the men are different races. Racial superiority goes along with this. While in terms of the entire RP, as well as how I actually feel, all races are equal, a lot of my characters don't talk like that. Orcs may talk about how they are better at fucking then other races, bragging about their cock sizes. My white girls will praise the black men fucking them and will swear that black cocks are so much better than their husband's.. Things like girls praising Orc cocks simply because they're Orcs, swearing that they love taking Orc dick more then a human's. Things like that. I have a thing for white/Asian girls getting hooked up with dark-skin men. Not every single guy needs to be black, naturally, but I'd love for a big portion of them to be, and sometimes will play off that with racy undertones. "Little white bitch loves some dark meat, eh?", "Big black dick better than your little Asian boyfriend's, isn't it?" Stuff like that.
--> Thugs. I love thugs. If we're playing a modern RP, chances are thugs are what I'll want to play against or with. Not that I don't love diversity, and I'm not going to turn down an RP that doesn't involve them. But when it comes to my preference, I adore these. Gangster speak and the general interracial tones that come with everything.
--> Casual fucking. This is a slightly odd one, but something I adore to see. Did a wolf-man just knot a girl and make her squeal in utter pleasure. I'd love to see him pick her up and take her back to his den. But while he does, he keeps his cock inside of her, basically walking along and, as a result, ramming his cock up into her with every step. A casual fucking where he gets a bit of pleasure from it, but it's more a display of power. The thrusting making the woman unable to recover, to keep her locked in pleasure and moaning with every step. Obviously that's only one scenario. Anything with casual fucking/breeding like that, where fucking the girl is second nature/a casual task for the beast/man at hand. It really gets me going. Or one of the characters is sat in the living room, having her suck his cock while her boyfriend is on the phone, talking to her and asking her to come out. Things like that. Really pushing the men's sexual dominance over the woman further!
--> Cervical Penetration. Pretty self explanatory. I like having cocks big enough to pound deep into my character's womb and making them feel pleasure that no man has ever felt before. And likewise, I love penetrating a cervix!
--> Giving In/Non-conish. I never like full-on rape. I'm not against non-con situations at all, in fact I love them! However, I like girls giving into their baser desires. I love having girls who will always give in, though sometimes it takes repeat visits for them to properly break and submit. They loved it the first time, but are still guilty/hesitant afterwards and need more convincing. My girls will put up a fight, but by the end, they'll be cumming their brains out. She may hate your character, but she'll be unable to deny how good they feel. Likewise, I love girls I'm playing against to give in as well. Full-on rape doesn't do it for me. They can scream and fight, but I love to have them cumming in the end. Especially dealing with the guilt of loving it that comes afterwards!
--> Rough Sex. Self explanatory. I love rough sex. Not to say I don't enjoy gentler moments, but I love having my girls get ruined, and doing the same to girls I'm playing against!
--> Public. Anything in a public setting. A risk of being caught. I absolutely adore it. Being felt up in a mall and fucked in the dingy bathroom. Getting railed in the closet while the husband is getting dressed in the room right outside. Fucking in a dark alleyway where anyone could catch the lovely, pure girl cheating on her boyfriend. It's always great!
--> Clubs. I adore clubs. The throbbing music, the mashing crowd. Anything with clubs is always a plus. I love a girl dancing and just getting felt up from behind, eventually getting so turned on just from the guy's hands and mouth that she lets him drag her over to a corner, where he proceeds to fuck her brains out in the darkened corner, the party continuing just a few feet away!
--> Dirty Texting. I absolutely love dirty texting, especially when it involves convincing a girl that she wants a cock or convincing her to cheat on her hubby/boyfriend ^-^
--> Prostitution. I love both pimping out girls and being pimped out! Works very well with any thug settings ^-^
--> Videos/Pictures/On the Phone.
--> Risk of Pregnancy
--> Deep-throat/Face Fucking
--> Condoms. I love any sort of play with condoms. Having them break during sex. Filling them up and leaving them bulging on the bed, or draped over her body, a constant reminder of just how much they've banged already. Or the girl insisting on condoms and the guy persuading her to let him go bareback, or else he uses one condom and 'loses' the others, claiming that they're all out, but she's so horny she lets him go bare anyway...Stuff like that!
--> Vore
--> Scat
--> Extreme Macro/Micro
--> Plastic Surgery (Special note. I do not mean things like maybe my character, at one point, had a small nose job. I mean things like extended lips, massive fake boobs. I like my women, for the most part, naturally beautiful.)
--> Too Much Make-up
--> Text Speak IC
--> One liners
Other Things I Love
--> Thug Speak. Fantastic. There's something about 'gangster' speak that really gets my gears going. Of course, I want it when it works. I don't want to hear thug speak from some massive Orc in a fantasy style RP. But in an RP where your character is from the ghetto? Lay it on thick and I'll adore you forever. This one is so hard to find!
--> Passion. I love passion. I love it when a guy finds a girl so attractive that he slams her against the wall from behind and takes her then and there. When a girl wants a guy so badly that she practically rips his shirt off. While some people dislike passion for this sort of "Hollywood sex" and it CAN be overused, having it done right is something I deeply enjoy.
--> Glass. My girl being pressed against a mirror so she can see herself being fucked by the stud behind her. The dirty shop-keep pushing a girl against the window for all the passerbys to see as he plugs her tight cunt. I adore being pressed into glass. It just makes every scene that much more erotic, with the breasts or ass being meshed tightly and rubbing against it. Quite the display from the other side!
--> Wanting It/Unable to Deny. A girl cheats on her husband, and feels deeply guilty about it. However, despite the fact that she swore she'd never do it again, she's unable to stop thinking about how that man made her feel so much better, so much more alive then her husband ever could, to the point where, perhaps even unconsciously, she seeks him out or dresses to get his attention, just for another chance that he'll seduce her.
--> Seduction. Right along with the previous one, I love characters that seduce. Whether it be a man seducing a woman or a woman seducing a man, I find it incredibly sexy to have someone so into another person that they turn on "that switch" inside of them to make themselves that much more appealing.
--> Problems/Weaknesses. The man a star athlete? He's so bad at school that he's in danger of failing. The knight saved the town? He's got a crippling fear of fire after beating that dragon. A Princess is so utterly perfect? She's grown so accustom to being perfect that she doesn't even act like herself, or a real human, for that matter. They don't have to be that extreme, those are just examples.
--> Problem Solving/Conquering Fears. Right along side problems. I enjoy overcoming things, having our characters grow together. If a man is afraid of women, some girl shows him that the other gender can be VERY good company. A poor nerdy girl doubts she's beautiful? Let some handsome stud will show her what a woman she really is. Solves all sorts of things, from self-esteem issues to fears to nervous ticks.
--> Foreign/Accents. I love foreign accents (on females). Is my girl Scottish? Japanese? Elf in a mainly human city? Fantastic! I absolutely love it when girls sound a bit different from the mass of females around them. I especially love it when this is incorporated into other Rps that might otherwise have nothing to do with it, just like a small side addition. (Bonus points for British/English accents and Scandinavian accents. I love those two the BEST, and will probably use them for my girls often!) Also note, while I said 'on females', I don't have a problem with accents on males. I just don't care either way!
--> Dresses, Miniskirts. I simply love wearing them! The danger of revealing what sort of panties a girl is using. The easy access for a man anywhere, anytime. I love schoolgirl skirts. Plaid, pleated, short enough to drive any man crazy as he can see my tights and how short is it. I also love Queen and Princess gowns that are a little too risque to show to the public. This goes as well with a sort of Eastern-Princess garb, like belly dancer gear. I love that on my women!
--> Sexy Lingerie. Camisols, panties, garter belts. The sensation of showing off to someone. Being told what should she wear too, so when she buys it or wears it, she can remember his demanding words full of desire. The combination with white sheer camisole and panties in a beach house. Black half-cup bra, garter-belt, stockings and lacey panties in a penthouse.
--> Stockings. Or tight high socks. With or without garter belt. Drawing attention to a girl's legs so their eyes can focus the revealing skin between the hem of the skirt and where the stockings begin.
--> High Heels. The sound of a woman's steps. The way they mold their legs. I simple love high sandals. Boots, platforms, wedges too. Anything to raise a girl's height and enhance their legs!
--> Long, Hot Kissing. The ones that make you melt and desire for more. Getting it more passionate as our tongues meet and fight, the warm of our tasting spreading along our bodies, heart starting to race inside our chest, breath becoming heavier.
--> The Fear Of Being Caught. Doing depraved acts that could make even a whore completely embarrassed.A woman under a desk for a man as he tries to work or talk to someone. Have sex in the stairs of a building, trying to do it quickly before someone sees us.
--> Hair Pulling. Tugged, twisted. Making her turn to see him. Or when she's behind, to make her raise her head up. It just helps her to moan louder! Or feeling him tug my hair to listen to him attentively. The feeling of being his plaything, that he can have me anytime, anywhere.
Other Things I Hate
--> Severe Drama. I don't like things getting so out-of-control heavy. Now, this doesn't mean I don't like drama. Not at all. I enjoy drama quite a bit. What I'm talking about is something like "My character was raped by a man wearing a pink shirt, and now she freaks out if she sees the color pink near her." Something along that line. Complete freak outs happening very often, I don't care for that.
--> No Character Development. Even if its just my character slowly losing their mind and going from proper Princess to total slut or my girl being wracked with guilt several times after cheating on her husband, I enjoy character development. What I don't like is that, after weeks of posting and several in-RP days or weeks, our characters are still the same old/same old. It gets very boring very fast.
--> Ignorance. Not to be confused with naiviety. If your girl doesn't know how to do a blowjob because she's a virgin, that's perfectly fine. I'm talking about the kind of girl who gets her clothes ripped off, but then doesn't understand why men are staring. Basically, the kind of Daisy Duke idiot who doesn't realize how hot she really is. (Not to be confused with hot-but-nerdy girls who just need a little confidence boost)
--> SO DARK, SO EDGY. I like grim settings sometimes, I like pushing things to the edge and getting a little violent now and then. But I don't like it when the setting, or characters, are suppose to be just oh-so dark and gritty, so edgy that the world is shocked at them. Like the joker. A fine villain in the movie, but I dislike characters like him within my RPs.
--> Perfection. I enjoy characters who have problems, from small things to large issues. A completely perfect character is a completely BORING character. I don't want any mary sues or jims.
So, onto the meat of everything! The RP itself!
--> Anime. I am a huge anime nerd, as mentioned before, and so I derive a lot of stuff from anime. Whether this means a generic "Highschool Rp GO!" or something more along the lines of an anime-ish adventure, I love to play with stuff from that.
--> Fantasy. Oh boy am I in love with fantasy. Magic, dragons, knights in shining armor. All of them are great. You know what's the best though? Those pure, beautiful maidens known as Queens and Princesses. They're begging to be violated, whether its lovingly by their husband, passionate by some foreign diplomat, or roughly by a brutish Orc that took over their kingdom. I adore playing Queens and Princesses in my Rps!
--> Modern. I love modern. A highschool setting. An office setting. Throw it all at me!
--> Various Races. I love to have a mix and match of races, including but not limited to: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Drows, Draenai, Night Elves. Etc. The only thing I do not like is: Either of us being a shorter race, such as gnomes or dwarves, and I also don't care much for females of hefty races, such as Orcs.
--> Modern Fantasy. Things like magic in a high school, vampires living among us. Things like that. I especially enjoy combining things so that, while there are things like electricity and tvs, there aren't things like guns or airplanes. Swords and horses make things much more interesting, after all.
--> Sci-Fi. While its not my favorite, I do enjoy the occasional trip into the future or on a space ship.
--> Adventure. I like a sense of action in Rps, even if it doesn't always take the fore-front. Whether its my character fighting off a villain, our characters dueling in a friendly, or not so friendly, way, or even rescuing a fair maiden from a vicious gang raping. Everything from small things like that to big things like a full on D&D type session.
Note that if something is not listed on here, that doesn't mean that I won't give it a shot! Below are just some of the fandoms I love and the characters from which I enjoy playing! The amount of stars next to a Fandom are how badly I'd love to play them. Same with characters. (Also, as per site rules, all characters would be aged up to 10 no matter what!)
Persona 3/Persona 4 *********
-Yukari *****
-Chie *****
-Rise *****
-Ms. Toriumi (Maya) *****
-Elizabeth *****
-Yukiko ****
-Naoto ****
-Mitsuru ****
-Chihiro ****
-Yuko ****
-Nanako (Aged up) ****
Harry Potter****
Invader Zim****
-Elsa *****
-Jasmine *****
-Anna ****
-Ariel ****
-Bell ****
-Esmeralda ****
-Rapunzel ****
-All Other Girls ***
League of Legends *****
-Miss Fortune *****
-Ahri *****
-Sona *****
-Lux *****
-Caitlyn *****
-Any Other Girl ****
Pokemon *****
- OC *****
-Hida ****
-Flannery ****
-Rosa ****
-Sabrina ****
-Elsa ****
-May ****
-Dawn ****
-All Other Girls ***
Naruto ***
-Ino *****
-Temari *****
-Kurenai *****
-Anko *****
-Hinata *****
-All Other Girls ****
One Piece ***
-Boa Hancock *****
-Perona *****
-Bonney Jewelry *****
-Nami *****
-Robin *****
-Other Girls ****
Sailor Moon ***
-Any Girl *****
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra ****
-Katara *****
-Toph *****
-Azula *****
Korra *****
-All Other Girls ****
Dragonball Z **
-Android 10 *****
-Bulma *****
-Chichi *****
-Videl *****
-Pan *****
-Bra *****
-Any Other Girl ****
Dynasty Warriors ***
-All Girls *****
Game of Thrones *****
-Arianne Martell *****
-Cersei ****
-Sansa ****
-All Other Girls ***
Angel Beats **
-All Girls *****
KissXSis **
-All Girls *****
Fairy Tail ***
-Levy *****
-Canna *****
-All Other Girls ****
These are just random one-shot pairings that I'd love to have. Like before, stars are the amount I'd like to see the pairing. Out of five, but of course, even the low ones obviously have some interest for me, or else they wouldn't be on here! (Naturally, there are a ton of pairings I haven't even though of. Feel free to pitch me any you have!) Naturally, I'm willing to play whichever role is opposite your own. So if you're a guy, I'll play the female role. If you're a girl, I'll play the male!
Housewife x Home Fitness Trainer *****
Housewife x Thug****
Daughter x Thug****
Any Girl x Thug (Duh
Maid x Employer ***
Teacher x Student ****
Teacher x Student ***
Father x Daughter ***
Brother x Sister ***
Gym Coach x Student *****
Business Man x Secretary ****
Photographer x Model ***
Athlete x Sports Therapist*****
Artist x Muse **
Goth Girl x Older Gentleman *****
Nurse x Patient **
Fashion designer x Model **
Innocent Girl x Drug Dealer *****
Cheerleader x Big Nerd *****
Housewife x Black Handyman *****
Princess x Monster *****
Princess x Knight *****
Princess x Common Man *****
Princess x Father/King *****
Queen x Monster *****
Queen x Knight *****
Queen x Common Man *****
Queen x Other King/Prince *****
Queen x Son *****
More Below!
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