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Evren Immortals (not complete)


Jan 13, 2016
Midwest USA
Chapter 1
"Damn! They said it was gonna rain today. Freaking weather men! How in the hell are we even going to squeeze two drops out of those wispy clouds!" Muttering out loud Autora shook her weary head and stomped away.
The soles of her smooth black boots, fondly name her 'ass-kickers', crunched on top of the drying grass, the ground so dry that each step caused a puff of dust to swirl lazily before resettling. One must think it would be the middle of the summer in a desert. Ha! Shading her eyes behind the length of her hand she looked past the 'Welcome to Alaka'i Wilderness Preserve' sign and stared up at the peak of Mt. Wai'ale'ale. The one place located outside of the continental US with the most annual rainfall.
The edges of her fingernails were ragged from teeth marks, teal paint chipped away carelessly. Black strands fell around her face and across her sweat licked neck as they escaped the high pony tail she had thrown up on her way out of the hotel room that morning. Dropping her hand she wished the sight wouldn't fully sink in, but the strangest feeling of being watched just hyped the tension coiling inside her chest. The 'ass-kickers' kept her moving forward though with the sunlight glaring off the golden hood of the rental truck she had parked down the road. Twirling the keys on her fingers, the musical jingle filling the silence that stretched around.
She almost jumped as a giant lizard scurried out from underneath the driver’s side door, hiding to escape the abnormally bright sun that raised heat waves off the pavement. She could almost hear its leathery scales sizzling as it disappeared into the brown and crackling brush. Whatever was going on couldn't be natural.
Opening the door she angles her long limbs into the stifling cab flipping on the a/c as soon as the key turned with a throaty rumble. Escaping down the road Autora thrummed her fingers to some Imagine Dragons, chuckling internally at the irony of the name. She thought it would be a simple stop on a beautiful island, sort of a mini vacation from her normal stuffy office job in upper Manhattan. Seeing no end in sight however to this unbearable heat wave she'd have to go farther. Looks like a trip up the mountains were in order.
The report from this area her boss had dropped onto her desk two days ago didn't mention that there were any clans she needed to gain permission to be able to wander this island so she packed a set of bikinis and her 'ass-kickers', a few light shirts and shorts and boarded a red eye that same night. Renting a car and checking in along with a luxurious dip in her in-room whirlpool and the first day was gone. Waking up to the sunlight filtering across her bed she stretched feeling her spine pop and toes crack she choked back a cough and grimaced. It felt like a lifetime since this morning as the mountain came closer in her windshield.
A loud grumble seemed to shake the truck making her eyes flip back and forth looking for the approaching storm clouds, realizing too late that it was her stomach. Slapping her tummy she in no uncertain terms told it to shut the hell up! Breakfast long forgotten in this heat.
The small pack she had thrown into the passenger seat lay flayed open to her surprise. Searching her memory and coming up blank she could only guess that whatever was watching her back there had no qualms of snooping. Shrugging her shoulders while storing the information for later she spied a smashed granola bar and ripped into the flimsy package scarfing it down like a starving person in one bite.

The sharpness of her incisors increasing at even that tiny morsel of food. Biting back a growl of irritation she took her eyes from the road to hunt down the king sized m&m's she knew she had thrown in her pack. With a triumphant whoop she looked back to the road, bag of candy in hand. That whoop turned to a loud curse as she spun the wheel as hard as she could to the right.
In the second it took her to look out her window triumphantly a large green shape filled her sight. Her swerve to avoid it came to a screeching halt down at the end of a short ravine filled with dried out trees. One trunk buried into the hood and passenger door. Groaning she fluttered her eyes as her vision swam red, her arms pinned in front of her making pins and needles sensations to shiver down her chest and back.
An acrid smell burst thru her nose and made her cough before the cerulean shape occupied her vision again before they closed and she lost consciousness.

Watching the small truck veer off the road the creature winced when the metallic screech of locked up brakes and metal on wood finally came to a stop. Stalking forward it peered down the small ravine at the twisted metal remains surrounding the thick tree trunks.
A small billow of smoke started pluming from around the hood. A shimmer surrounded the creature as it swiped its huge talons and tore off the door just as it saw the girl black out over the steering wheel, her arms pinned between the dash and her body. Talons turned into hands as it plucked her from the cab as the rest of the truck caught on fire.
The creature communicated to its leader to dispatch a team to put out the blaze before it razed this side of the island. Mentioning his unconscious prize he ignored the raise of concern and shut off his link.
Chapter 2
A steady thrumming pulsed beside her head, wincing she tried to raise her hand to the ache in her temple but felt resistance. Tugging her hand harder a deep throaty voice spoke into her ear shocking her into stillness.
“We’ll be there soon. Your hurt pretty badly so I'd suggest you just sit back and enjoy the ride cailin dathuil." The speed of air around her increased after the voice ended making her wonder how much further they had to go.
Flashbacks of the large winged shape burst behind her throbbing eyes. There wasn't much she could do at this point, being not only captive but in incredible pain. Stilling in the voices grasp she merely waited. Hurting too much to even try to process what cailin dathuil was or how to get away.
A sharp tingle stole over her from head to toe making her wince from the intrusion.
She knew that feeling.
Her eyes shot open with a hiss. Her first look thru bleary eyes was off a dimpled chin surrounded by a shaggy chestnut beard a few days shy of being groomed. It flowed up to a pair of strong lips pressed flat in anxiety, the angle of the nose suggesting a few fights over a lifetime. Her head hung too low to see the voices eyes, she shuddered to think of what color would match that deep voice.
Pushing aside the thoughts rambling thru her addled brain she struggled to look around without the voice noticing her perusal. The sound of rushing water greeted her first, the damp smell of moss and heated rocks accompanied it. Then came the voices, first at a distance and then an angry buzzing. Closing her eyes she opened her ears to sort thru the confusion.
"What has he done?"
"Where did she come from?"
"Are we safe anymore? Should we seek out a new lair?"
“Eryavin said we would be safe here!"
The voice seemed to studiously ignore the others and strolled further into the cavern. The man’s heartbeat picked up the closer it reached its destination. Expecting to feel a cold slab underneath her when they stopped moving, but not the warm soothing feel of an underground hot springs. Startling her she pressed into her captor’s heat when she realized they both were in the water. Belatedly she thought of her clothes as they sunk deeper into the water. The cleansing smell of sandalwood and eucalyptus lingered in the air.
"What are we...” was all she got out before the voice dipped her under the water and held her.
Her preservation for life kicked in as she screamed under the water, her arms and legs thrashing despite his hold on her. While reacting she failed to notice the absence of pain and the clearing of her vision. From above the water the voice looked on in amazement. Scales rippled across her pale creamy skin. Not only that, but the coloring had him gasping in surprise. They were a pearlescent pink and silver with an under tone of red.
How was it possible? There had never been anything like her before. It wasn’t conceivable. The clans didn’t mix. Ever. Especially not hated enemies like the silvers and reds. The abrasions on her arms and cheeks disappeared and the gash above her brow washed away along with the dried blood. She was a sight to behold even if her temperament was causing water spouts to erupt around them and sending it over the lip of the pool. She was marvelous.
Pulling her sputtering face out of the water he smiled down at her before she reached out with a clawed hand and swiped at his face wanting to knock it off there.
"Why the hell did you do that you dick?! Stop man handling me and let me go! Now!" Releasing her she fell into the water with an undignified splash, a strong peal of laughter echoing above the water. She re-emerged and glared at him as water steadily dripped down the bridge of her nose and from her thick dark eyelashes.
Lost in the depth of her rage darkened eyes, like lightening at midnight, he didn't see her fist till it made contact with his nose. A sickening crunch swallowed by a grunt of pain doubled him over making him an easy target. Jumping on top of him she shoved him under like he did her.
She didn't realize that the water had healing properties. Grabbing her around the legs he pulled her underneath the water with him, her scream of outrage like sweet music to his ears making him grin widely showing off his lengthened teeth. Shoving her hands against his shoulders she kicked out and landed a good blow to his gut before they both erupted from the water.
If looks could kill he would be dead ten times over. The sight of her mouth falling open in surprise just as his had earlier. The deep bronze of his skin illuminated the green like a burnished copper. Reaching up he went to swipe a strand of her hair that lay curled and plastered across her cheek. She batted his hand away with a snarl. Unafraid he went to do it again, snapping her teeth she went to bite his fingers. Throwing his hands up in defeat he chuckled.
"Alright, alright! Calm down cailin dathuil. I won't hurt you."
"Well then what the hell do you call almost drowning me? Your version of a friendly greeting?"
Shaking his head he swiped the chestnut curls from his face sending a spray of water to halo around him. "This is the thanks I get for snagging you out of your burning truck, and getting you healed? Not drowning healed."
His friendly smile made her seethe even more. A frown creased her brow as small pieces started falling into place. This guy had rescued her from her truck and also had the same shade of scales that the creature had that made her crash in the first place.
Chapter 3
"You! It was you I saw! I wouldn't have crashed if it wasn't for you! Arggh!" The last word came out as a growl as she launched herself at him. His mouth and eyes popped open widely. She would have laughed at it if not for being so pissed she could kill.
Bracing her legs under the water he reached up and grabbed ahold of her arms and pinned them behind her back as she fell into his chest. Her snarling and spitting only made him smile wider. What a spitfire she was.
"I believe I said calm down, didn't I? I'll put you under if I have to. Don't get me wrong restraining you is fun and all, but I really should check in." he couldn't resist winking at her knowing it would set her off again.
"Gah. What is with you? I swear, you do let me loose I won't hesitate to take off a limb or two!" Her knee hung precariously close to the 'family jewels' so to speak. Realizing this he shifted his hips and pulled her arms in tighter. Locking his gaze with hers, flashing grey and bright cerulean clash in a battle of wills. Her temper seemed to ebb away as light seemed to swirl in their depths sweeping out the anger and allowing a sense of peace in. Seeing the flare of anger leave her eyes and the tension of her limbs loosen he released his hold slowly.
Weaving on her feet she used his shoulders to steady herself. Blinking rapidly she dropped her hands as if burned.
"Fine, let's go check in. You sure as shit know I'm not standing here dripping wet to wait for you to get back. Least you could do after assaulting me is to show me where to get clean clothes. You'd probably love for me to catch hypothermia, oh and by the way, you owe me a new pair of 'ass kickers'."
"A new pair of what?" he looked at her with a small amount of amusement and confusion. Bending her knee she lifted her right foot out of the water and pulled off her boot, a waterfall of water cascaded out from the inside. Shaking the wet leather in front of his face she looked at him like "duh!"
"These are what I'm talking about idiot. For being a handsome guy you don't have a lot up in the head do you?" Carrying her boots smashed against her wet chest she gestures for him to show the way. With an undignified snort he patted her head and walked past her. Biting her lip she reigned in her temper. If she was going to get out of here she needed to find her way around which left her only one option. Follow the insufferable man.
In front of her he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. Listening to her stomp like a small child that was pouting almost made his day brighten. Meeting the eyes of the clansmen and women that lingered outside the bathing cavern though made him sober up pretty quickly. The weary eyes and the questioning looks brought back the real reason why he had brought the girl here. When every ones gaze moved from being curious to wary he knew she had followed and was now in view, puddles of water following their footsteps.
Knowing everyone wanted to ask him questions he shook his head towards them warning them away. Coughing lightly he looked over his shoulder. "So you think I'm handsome huh?" Placing a lot of emphasis on being cheerful he still couldn't keep out the strain of tension from coloring his voice.
"Typical. Call a guy handsome and that's all he thinks about. Worse than damn girl, I swear." Muttering she huffed catching the change in his demeanor she attempted to discretely look around their surroundings.
For a cave it was certainly well lit and it was a hell of a lot classier than some of the five star hotels in Boston. How could they come up with all this inside of a cave? If it weren't for how she came to be here and the disheveled look of the people milling about a person might have thought they were actually in one of those five star exclusive hotels.
What she couldn't seem to wrap her mind around was that brief tingle of magick they had passed thru earlier. Only barriers produced that brief a feeling. So another question to add to her list was where they would be that these people would need a barrier only fae could produce. Who were these people and why did they need to be hidden. It felt like she had fallen into the rabbit hole. Nothing made sense. They couldn't be human rebels. The reports would have indicated any activity of them, especially to those who hold the reins. Could they possibly be? No it couldn't be. A lair of dragons. There hasn't ever been a lair on an island before. There wasn't enough heat and way way too much water. That was, until, the unseasonable heat and subsequent drought that was eating up the island. It wouldn't have occurred to her. Hell even the report didn't say or suggest any of this. Intelligence was falling way behind if they couldn't pick up on this.
All of this she mused pretty quickly. Had to do something other than watching droplets glisten at the ends of deep brown ringlets to fall and cascade down the nape of his neck and onto his collar. She so needed a real vacation and a visit to a spa. Muscles she didn't use were aching just thinking about the piece of meat strutting in front of her. Sighing exasperatedly she hurried her steps and walked beside him.
"How much further? These clothes are getting awfully uncomfortable and I'm getting extremely hungry. You will be the one to blame should I start eating people. I want to leave as soon as possible so let's get this show on the road." She made herself seem like a snotty brat hoping he would want to be rid of her quickly if she made herself be as unappealing as possible. Her musings didn't go unnoticed. He kept a close watch on her. Her emotions were easily passing across her face. A small crease in her brow made him want to push it in with his fingers.
"Do all beautiful girls complain this much? Or am I getting special attention? You did after all say I was handsome. Oh, and as for your clothes and...", a loud growl erupted next to him momentarily silencing him and making her look up with a wide eyes sheepish expression before he busted out laughing. Tears escaping his eyes as he held his chest, “and your extremely angry stomach. Geez when did you last feed that thing? Are children even safe around it?" Shooting him a burning look she stuck out her tongue. "Har de har har, very funny. Children are safe but you might not be if you don't take of my needs. Now!"
Arching a brow he gave her a heated look, not the shut up kind but the panty dropping scorcher. "I didn't. You know that's not what I...oh grow up!!" Sticking her nose in the air she brushed her half dried hair over her shoulders hiding her reddened cheeks. He wanted to tease her further, she almost made it too easy, but a large open archway came into view cutting off his comeback. The palm of his hand cupped her elbow stopping her from walking any farther. She wanted to pull her arm out of his hand but seeing the seriousness on his eyes made her pause.
"Now my cailin dathuil, I know that you are feeling trapped and that seems to make you a bit cranky, but I think it might be more beneficial to this situation if you don't treat my commander as a handsome man. The smoother this goes the faster you can get out of her." Behind his back he crossed his fingers knowing full well they were never letting her go but there wasn't any reason to tip her off yet. "Our meeting with him is through this arch. But first I do suppose you'll need a little more sophisticated clothing. Come on thru here." Guiding her after slipping his palm to the small of her back he strode towards a small building sitting to the right of the archway. Pausing to open the worn wooden door he ushered her inside.
Chapter 4
"Welcome to my humble abode, only the finest for us...royal...hard workers." He stumbled over his title carefully slipping in a different word before revealing certain information. "If you'll wait here I'll get you some clothes. They are gonna fit a bit long and hang weird but they are at least dry. Check the kitchen for a snack to feed that monster in your belly too. Hate for the guards to think you were sprouting an alien and take you down." Avoiding the shoe missile she had chucked at him, he ducked down the hallway with his laughter left in his place. The opening and closing of drawers, slams of cabinets, and the tinkle of glasses rattling as the refrigerator door opens echoes from the small room.
Coming back into the kitchen a few minutes later with fresh clothes and a towel around his shoulders he takes in the damage the lone female could accomplish in a short time, especially a hungry one. A bread package was spread open across the counter joined with a package of Swiss cheese and Cajun turkey. A mayonnaise jar was open with a knife sticking out of the top. To top it off there was a half carton of milk gone and a split bag of nacho cheese chips littered beside the rest. It was like a hurricane. Standing in the middle was the eye, her mouth shoved full, sandwich in one hand, and glass in the other, crumbs littered down the front of her shirt.
The noises she emitted while eating should be illegal. He'd never heard eating sound so much like sex before in his life. Clearing his throat he hid his discomfort behind the island and looked at her as she swallowed hard, wiping a smear of mayo from the corner of her lips. Gulping down the remains of her milk she giggled looking over the mess she made.
"Um, I suppose I was hungrier than I thought. I apologize for my mess. Here I'll clean it up for you." Embarrassed by her behavior she scurried around and put away the cheese and meat, closing the chip bag and snagging the milk to toss back in the fridge. When she went to grab the bread an arm snuck around her waist and pulled her into a hard warm body. Shifting to give him a piece of her mind she was shushed as he pressed a finger to her lips. Her eyes widened as his grew darker, the pad of his thumb swiping at her bottom lip before it popped into his mouth.
"You had a little mayo left. I, um, just thought I'd help you clean it off."
His stormy green eyes made her tense. She was not going down this road ever again. Not even for a pair of sparkling green eyes as deep as the sea.
Sighing he saw her close off from him, dropping his arm he stepped back. The clothes he brought in for her lay heaped on a bar stool.
"Here are some clothes. I hope you don't mind boxers. I don't keep an extra drawer for women. There's a belt for the pants too. I'll uh be waiting outside. The bathroom is the first door to your left down the hall. Don't take too long or I'll have to come find you." He said with a wink before walking thru the front door and gently closing it behind him. He appeared to take her rejection pretty well but didn't want to test his patience and be caught with her pants down literally so she peeled out of her wet clothes throwing them over the shower rod and used a towel to wipe away any extra moisture before tossing on his extras. They smelled faintly of sunshine and coconut. Twitching her nose she tightened the belt to keep her pants up and tried stretching the tight material compressing her chest. She felt more exposed than if she were in a bikini. Not seeing any alternative she huffed and tied her hair up into a low braid. The cool stone floor eased under her soles wishing the coolness could ease the tension ringing in her ears.
While outside he paced back and forth not believing his own stupidity. Holy hell what was wrong with him. He needed to get her to Eryavin and soon before he lost his mind. He was still pacing when she stepped out of his home. Seeing him so unsettled made her want to laugh in payback. Serves him right for all the crap he'd put her thru. But it had to come to an end if she wanted to get out of here.
Clearing her throat she watched him come to a stumbling halt. Geesh he wanted to drool, his eyes nearly popping from his head, She was damn near indecent in that shirt but they didn't have time for her to change. Clearing his mind he offered his arm bowing his head. "Shall we go now?" Nodding she took his arm and kept her amusement to herself.
The archway they passed opened into a small stadium with small rows wrapping around an open dirt arena. Directly across was a set of chairs that were placed higher than any others and surrounded by a railing. In the middle chair sat a large man, not rotund by any means but bulky and intimidating. The lightest blue eyes she had ever seen was staring back at her watching her every move. His expression was clouded, undecided. He looked from her to her escort, his brow arching questionably taking in their comfortable demeanor. Meeting Eryavins’ eyes he inclined his head and released her arm. "Well met my Lord. It's my pleasure to introduce our guest....uh..." He looked over at her realizing he hadn't ever asked her for her name.
"Autora, My Lord, My given name is Autora VanDromen."
"It's a great pleasure to meet you young lady. I hope Fadan has treated you well and taken care of your needs?"
"Ah so that's his name, I had taken to calling him Idiot."
Fadan blushed slightly and made to explain when the elder suddenly shook with laughter. "A girl after my own heart. If only I were brave enough to call him as I see fit too. He only let's those he likes give him pet names. Yours is by far the best I've heard in my lifetime. My, my young woman you certainly know how to make an old man feel young again. Fadan bring her closer so we might talk without having to shout over the meeting grounds."
Hiding his embarrassment he led her around the walkway and up to the gathered chairs. Up close the deep etches around Eryavins eyes and mouth softened with laughter, a streak of silver ran from his widow’s peak and towards the back in an elegant sweep. Instead of ice for eyes they seemed like a clear summer sky free of clouds. For an older man he was still toned like a twenty year old not a gentleman in his sixties. Were all the men here this amiable?
Looking back and forth between the two she noticed subtle similarities. They had to be related. Deep blue robes flowed around his ankles, sleeves falling to mid elbow hemmed in silver, the colors accentuating his chestnut hair. Feet bare and slightly webbed. Reaching out his warm rough hands grasped her small one in between them.
"Welcome my dear, welcome to our humble home. I am so grateful you joined us." The warmth in his voice kept her from stating that she didn't come of her own free will. She turned her gaze to the younger version of this charming man for help. The smile on his face shouted loud and clear that he wasn't going to be of any help to her. Swallowing her pride she plastered on a warm smile and bowed her head.
"Please Sir, I am grateful for your help. If it wasn't for Fadan I would be a charred strip of meat only fit for the flies at the bottom of a ravine. You both have my gratitude for it." Her grinning face turned to Fadan and glared at him furiously.
"Oh you poor thing. Then it was good that Fadan stumbled across you and brought you here to heal. Our underground spring is quite rejuvenating." He pulled her down into the chairs with him, Fadan settled behind her seat with his elbows resting along the top of the chair. "I do believe you about that underground spring. It definitely cleared a lot of things up for me. You've been most kind and I couldn't possibly intrude on your home any longer. I should report the accident to the car rental and get back to my own clothes. I have friends that will be looking for me before too long." While she tried to ease herself from the conversation the two guys carried an internal dialogue.
(E)~ What the hell did you think you were doing by bringing her here?
(F)~ She had paperwork containing a report on the climate changes. I had no idea she would react to seeing me that way.
(E)~ Why did you show yourself like that in the first place? Now you have her suspicious. You could have just spoke to her and eventually got what she was doing here without the mess.
(F)~ I know I know. There was just something about her. I don't think there was any way to reason with her. She brings out the idiot in me.
(E)~ Well that's for sure. I haven't seen you so tied up before. Oops, I think we've been quiet for too long.
Glancing back and forth between the two it was like a staring contest gone wrong. Clearing her throat she waved her hands back and forth in front of her.
"I apologize my dear, you were saying?" She had to bite her tongue to keep from retorting angrily. "Yes I had been saying that I didn't want to keep you any longer. There are things I need to do back in town. So if it's not an inconvenience I'd appreciate if I could go back." She looked at both of them with a mix of expectation and frustration, her feet bounced up and down nervously. Eryavin winced slightly turning towards her he placed a warm palm on her knee, the muscle jerking to a stop.
"We can see to all of that for you. We'll call your car rental, have someone pick up your belongings from the hotel and we can leave a message for your friends telling them you’re alright. I want to make sure you are perfectly fine before you leave. Please you won't be an inconvenience on us. It isn't often that we have visitors. You'd even have Fadan as your personal escort. Won't you stay with us a little longer?"
If it weren't for the bitter taste of desperation and nerves coming off of him she would have believed they honestly wanted her company. Moving her legs to the side she tried dislodging his hand from her knee without tearing it off, but it was like a leech, suctioned to her. She'd had enough of this. Fadans hand cupping her shoulder was the final straw.
"I don't know what the hell is your problem but you cannot keep me here like a freaking prisoner no matter how fancy the words and packaging! Get your filthy hands off me before I chew them off!" Her eyes flashed a stormy silver and her incisors elongated, scales erupting down her arms and neck. Both men jumped back and stared at her in amazement and just a tinge of fear. The sweet scent making her toothy grin even bigger.
"I'm getting out of here and don't you even think of following me. Something is seriously wrong here and I'll get to the bottom of this." Walking backwards she hissed, narrowing her eyes, turning her head back she made the mistake of looking behind her. Before she could make it thru the archway Fadan had shifted to a space in front of her retreating form. her snarl of anger was cut short as he pounced on her and pinned her arms behind her back dropping them to the floor on the thresh hold of the arch. Fadans body encompassed Autoras keeping her anger from rebounding. Pressing his head to hers he forced her to look at him in the eye.
"Oh hell no! Get off me you freak! I'm not joining your cult, or you lair, or freaking be your captive bride. You have all those other women to be with so let me go!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and squeezed her eyes shut, her nostrils flaring in outrage. A small crowd formed around the couple grappling on the floor. Her instincts kicked in as the change embraced her body, her skin tearing and long spikes erupt down her back and arms. Realizing what was happening Fadan jumped off her and ordered everyone to back up.
Erupting before them with an earth rattling roar Autora stood on all fours a magnificent specimen covered in scales the same shade as pearls from the sea. Talons etched deep grooves into the floor as she sweeps her tail in a 20 foot arc around her. A small trail of smoke lazily streamed from her nostrils, a slight electrical charge released a waft of ozone around her body.
"Shit! Everyone out, one small spark and it would ignite the whole room! Go! Now while she is still preoccupied." Watching the masses scurry like vermin she chuckles loudly, the sound harsh and grating. Her large head swung back and forth till her huge swirling gray eyes settled on the lone male figure. Crooning tauntingly she took a step forward when she felt the first brush of magick tingle up her spine. Growling she slammed her tail down savagely sending dust and dirt to fall from the ceiling. Her spikes quivered on outrage. Instead of her target there stood a tiny woman with her arms out in front of her. Painted blue swirls covered her palms. Short red pixie cut hair swayed with the ripple of energy that emanated from her hands. Shrieking Autora tried pushing forward only to hit a barrier. Her maw opened wide releasing a stream of fire that formed around her in a wide arc, a few sparks skittered like fireworks around her open mouth.
"Oh Shit! Autora don't!"
Chapter 5
Fadan ran toward her waving his arms. The look of panic on his face was the last she saw. An explosion rocked the cavern. The screams of the unprotected echoed thru the dim light that filtered thru the dust and debris. Huge chunks of the cavern ceiling lay littered along the floor. Coughing roughly Fadan swiped his hands back and forth in the air clearing his field of vision. A small heap caught his eye as it lay next to a pool of blood. Grabbing at the fae woman’s arm he dragged her over to the crumpled body. Dropping to his knees he rolled over the still form.
"Autora...Autora...wake up cailin dathuil...Come on...please..." Fadan gently slid a palm under her neck and the other around her waist, pulling her up against his body. Her nude body from shifting was covered in blood, her dark locks glinting ruby as they lay limply against her head and across her shoulders. Holding her softly to his chest he leaned his head down so that his ear was by her parted lips internally begging for even the barest brush of moisture and heat. Gulping when he thought it was never going to come he visibly shook as the first puff of warm air brushed past the edge of his ear.
"Oh thank goodness. You stupid, stupid girl. And you call me the idiot. Come on beautiful open those pretty eyes for me. You know you want to wake up and scream at me." Shaking her head back and forth lightly, his eyes burning with tears when he feels a small hand land on his shoulder.
"Prikhodite molodoy I privesti yeye."
The faes rich Russian calmed his anxiety. Picking up the woman’s slackened body he trudged behind the fae and tried not to jar Autora too badly as he jumped around the debris left behind from her explosive discharge. If she would stay with him, he could only imagine the power they could wield and what their group could accomplish. Looking at the destruction and the clean-up crews busying themselves with the mess he wondered how the hell had he not ever heard of destruction like this in one of the major cities before. This woman’s temper seemed almost legendary. He thinks even some of their toughest warriors would have a hard time standing against her. With his arms curled around her he tried to block her nudeness from on lookers, growling possessively at several males staring at her lewdly. They were a few who had seen her shift and knew her power.
He had to admit that she was extremely intoxicating and that was even before her show of anger. That level of power made her down right irresistible to unmated males. A shiver stole down his spine to think of what a mating ride would be with this one. If she was awake she would have smacked the grin from his face before clawing at him especially knowing his train of thought. For fucks sake she was unconscious and drenched in her own blood and here the lot of them were thinking about one thing. S.E.X.
Shaking his head he berated himself once again for these perverted thoughts. As they passed into where the hot springs were housed, his thoughts travelled back to just this morning. Wow it had only just been this morning that she was first in his arms. It was almost uncanny. Perhaps it was fate that brought all of this together. His thoughts drifted back even further to last night. Patrols earlier in the day had noticed a rogue satellite had been circling the island. Someone was awfully curious. That night he landed at the top of the extinct volcano and looked up into the night sky, winking with not only stars but hundreds of satellites. None of them seemed particularly focused on them but who knows who was watching. What their group was doing here had to stay quiet. If they came under watch by the Evren Corporation then they were all dead. They wouldn't stand for rogues in their world. As if they ruled everything. He stayed there on the edge of the world all night, ever vigilant.
His father kept pushing this unusual climate on the island causing further damage to the environment. Someone was bound to notice. He tried telling him that to set up this lair on an island that sees some of the highest annual rainfall was madness. He supposed that it does create a large barrier between them and any other dragon communities.
At the break of day he pushes off the ledge using his back legs and at the peak of his jump unfurls his wings. Like emerald jewels the sun reflected prisms of color on the foliage below. Keeping to the less populated side of the island he dipped back and forth, running his wing tips across the water, his claws snatching at waves and cradling fish for breakfast, the heat from the tempered climate warming his back. Turning on his back he laid the fish to cook on his stomach. When they started to sizzle he plucked them into his massive maw and with a satisfied belch he flipped over and landed on a small rocky outcropping. Cleaning his claws in the scrubby grass that broke and pretty much turned to dust underfoot. He snorted in disgust.
A loud rumbling came from the road. Knowing he stuck out he shifted back and crouched down. A rather noisy truck ambled down the road and seemed to slow down when it reached the welcome sign to Alaka'i Wilderness Reserve. Pulling off to the side of the road it grumbled to a halt. The cab door opened and out stepped one of the most enchanting creatures he had ever seen, even for a human. She appeared to be studying the sky and the mountain. From where he stood crouched he could barely make out what she was saying, only catching the anger radiating off of her.
While she was preoccupied he snuck over to her truck, testing the latch he begged for it not to squeak, a high pitched peal startled a lizard out from underneath her cab. He saw a bag laying in the seat and a manila envelope stuck out from the top. Looking up he noticed a dark shadow hanging in front of the driver side door, but it appeared frozen. Panicking he grabbed a few pages from the envelope, ripping the bag in his rush before gently closing her passenger door just as she opened hers. Blending back into the brush he watched her confusion over the bag but shrug it off and start up the vehicle. As she drove off he looked at the papers in his hand. What he found made a bead of sweat form across his brow and his heart pump full of adrenaline.
They were found and now if she made a report all would be lost. He didn't wait to consult anyone he just reacted. Shifting mid run he bolted thru the drying palms and Cyprus and erupted out onto the road. His hulking shape took up the whole road as he watched her truck approach at a dangerous speed. His reptilian eyes widened when he realized she wasn't going to stop in time, her attention occupied to the side of her interior. When her head popped up in triumph and then quickly turned to panic he almost wanted to laugh but didn't. He watched as she swerved and then the rest of what happened sped thru his memory.
The warm soothing scent of eucalyptus shook him from his train of though. The natural springs fed over the dormant volcano hot air pockets were one of the main reasons they chose this area of the island in the first place. It always calmed his beast being in here. The group’s sole fae female gestured to the water’s edge, herself kneeling in wait. Walking into the water he turned to face the ledge and gently spread her body onto the edge. His hands hovering under her neck and across her hips. He cradled her as an excuse to stay close even if he wasn't needed. Clucking her tongue the woman spread her hands, coated in magick, out centering them over Autoras stomach then circling them outward, small orbs of light followed her fingertips drifting along over the top of the skin. The trail leaving in their wake made her skin glow ethereally. Reaching down the fae cupped some of the water in her palms bringing it up to Autoras forehead, dribbling it across her eyes and arcing it like a crown across her brow. Pink rivulets rolled down from her hair and pooled under her neck. Words of strength, peace, and healing sifted thru the air to mingle with the sandalwood and eucalyptus. Every minor ache he had floated away into the moist air as he waited impatiently for Autora to awaken, his hands itching to crawl over her body and wake her up one way or another. He hadn't been this nerve racked before over any woman. Growing more and more frustrated at her unconsciousness he gently slid his hands out from under her and stepped out of the water. The fae never stopped her chanting even as she noted his absence. Her tone of voice changed when he stepped out. Bending over she whispered into Autora's ear.
"Ya pos ylayu tebya obratno. Vy prosnetes! Kog da vy priyeolete. Vy dolzhny predupredit' ikh ob proiskhodyashchego. Vy budete pomnit' vse!"
Surrounding Autoras body with a powerful spell she bowed over with the force of the travelling spell she was equipping. The ripple of power burst outward as Autoras body shimmered within it. Winking out the fae slumped over onto the ground, using the last of her strength she broke her connection to the male fae living with this lair. Her eyes dimmed as she closed them. Fadan felt the change too late, coming in and dropping to his knees in agony as the female breathed her last. Autora was gone and now their female fae. A loud roar could be heard coming from the volcano along with a terrible rumble that shook the birds from the trees. The natives trembled and the visitors huddled in their hotels fearing the worst. But it was yet to come even as the air on the island became thicker and more charged.
A continent away, a bloody body landed face down on an austere office desk scattering papers and pictures to the floor in a flurry. The desks occupant jumps from the thick black swivel chair and looks down in anger and confusion. A smooth dark skinned hand reached out and lifted the tangled black locks from around the face, the other hand resting gently against the small of its back. A sharp inhale of breath lingered in the room before a rich timbre spoke one word.
Chapter 6
Crete smashed his palm against his speaker phone yelling into it. "Get my medic here. Now!" Scooping her into his arms he ignored the shards of wood scraping the back of his hands and arms as he rolled her over onto her back and carried her to his overstuffed lounger. Slipping her to the soft fabric he tore off his jacket and covered her immodesty. Brushing her hair away from her face he had to peel it away from where the blood had dried against her cheeks and shoulders, He winced seeing the dark bruises under her eyes and the swelling along the bridge of her nose. A swelling and cut upper lip along with a scratched up right cheek joined the injuries to her face alone.
Seconds later his door banged open and a middle aged man with dark rimmed glasses rushed in and laid out a black medical bag. Pulling out a small pen light and his stethoscope. Looking up at Crete he waited for approval, receiving a nod, he knelt down and placed the end of his utensil and listened intently for a few seconds before putting it away and pulling back her eye lids shining his light back and forth watching her pupils dilate. Taking a deep breath he gingerly pressed the tip of his fingers along her ribs and lower abdomen before checking her arms and legs for breaks. Pushing up from the floor he placed his instruments back into his bag.
"Milord, I thank we are in luck. Other than a couple of cracked ribs and the broken nose and split lip she is perfectly healthy. I believe she is just unconscious due to the pain. I'm going to give her a shot straight into her spine to ease the discomfort when she does awaken. I will need your help to keep her steady so I get the needle in there straight, if you'll just sit her up and bend her forward just slightly then I'll prep the needle."
Leaning over Crete went to one knee and wrapped his arms under her arm pits. Pulling her legs off the side he slid them to sit sandwiched between the lounger and his legs. Cupping her head to rest gently against his shoulder and arching her slender back in just the right way. Despite her being unconscious he still rubbed his palm up and down her back soothingly. The doctor re-approached with a 5 inch long needle braced in his hands. Squirting out the air bubbles he prepped the small of her back with an alcohol wipe and stretched her skin taut as he pushed the needle into her spine between her vertebrae. Easing the numbing solution into her spinal fluid he pulled it back out and taped on a cotton swab to stop any bleeding.
"There that should lessen the pain and make it more manageable. Do you want me to call for an aide to help you get her to an apartment or someplace comfortable to wait out her minor coma?"
"Just call Fransica to make up the guest room in my townhouse and have my car ready in five minutes to take us."
The man nodded and started issuing orders into the phone. Wrapping an afghan around her limp body scooping her up into his arms and hurriedly strolled out of the room. The distance from his door to his car sped by. His personal driver opened the back door of his luxury sedan allowing him to slide his willowy frame into a seat, adjusting her to rest against his chest and shoulder. Sitting back he drummed his fingertips against her thigh as he counted down the minutes till they arrived. Too many thoughts swirled around his head to concentrate on one. He was going to find out what happened. Someone was going to pay.
Burying his head into her hair he took a deep, slow breath. Her usual scent of cinnamon was overpowered by the coppery scent of her blood and a new mixture that was unfamiliar to him. A growl of possessiveness erupted from him as the sharp bitter smell of another male lingered underneath it all. His best friend and sister was in a coma, hurt and this male had something to do with it.
Why the council wanted her to have gone on that mission he wouldn't understand. They were going to hear about this. That stuffy old dragon in the American seat was way past his prime and too stuck in his ways. Golds always thought they were on top.
The car pulled up to the curb of his building. Not waiting for his driver, he kicked open his door and walked thru the revolving door, ignoring the strange looks he received he bumped the call button for his private elevator. Slipping in and standing close for the retinal scanner to pick him up and the cab to taxi him to his floor. It opened straight into his townhouse, the pure electrical smell of his home greeted him along with the silence. His maid was paid very well to keep out of the way and everything spotless. He used varying shades of brown to make his home feel warmer and more welcoming. The guest room though swam in the warmest and softest creams and ivories. He kept this room for one woman only despite that she'd never been here. And now the one time that he got her here she had to be unconscious. You'd think his best friend would have been by at some point. Walking into the attached bathroom he walked into the large open shower and switched on the water, setting it to a steamy warmth. He tossed the afghan out onto the floor and carefully removed his shirt and jacket adding them to the pile. Backing into the warm water he held her and cleaned her off till the water flowed from her body in clear rivulets and the only scent left was his and hers natural warm cinnamon and apple. His pants and shoes were soaked but waited to kick them off till after he had her dried and laid down comfortably in the middle of the bed surrounded by thick blankets. Leaving her there he went to his room across the hall to change.

Chapter 7
Making a call to the council headquarters in Inverness, Ireland he apprised them of his situation making it clear he was none too pleased. Ending his call he hung a towel around his shoulders and checked in on his guest. Her breathing seemed even and peaceful. Knowing she was going to be out from awhile he went to his kitchen and brewed himself a cup of coffee. Leaning back against his marble countertop he crossed his legs and leaned back on his elbows. He lost himself into thought. A small tick under his eye started up as his anger surfaced.
"Those freaking idiots! Why couldn't they send more than one person? Why not someone more trained. Certainly she didn't appear like anyone from Evren. But for fucks sake why use a woman when they have so few of them." Something didn't smell right and it wasn't that rival males scent. Speaking of scents, the warm rich smell of cinnamon reached him.
Twisting around he growled protectively at the comforter clad female standing inside his doorway. Autora looked at him in confusion. She whispered his name with a slight catch in her throat.
He opened his arms wide with a gentle smile. She crossed over and wrapped herself in his embrace, stifling her cries of hysteria into his chest. He pulled her head in under his chin and held onto her until she stopped shaking. Caressing her hair like a child he brushed it away from her face and swiped away a tear with the pad of his thumb.
"You’re safe Tori, I promise. What is it with you woman. I beg you for years to come stay in my guest room and to do it I had to get you unconscious."
He cracked a small smile and tilted up her chin to look at him. She sniffled and smacked his chest weakly.
"Ever the brat aren't you." Closing her eyes she laid her head onto his shoulder blade and breathed deep of that crisp apple smell she had grown up with. He smelled like home. "How am I here brother? Did you come for me? What happened to Fadan and the group of rogues? Did you shut them down? What's...?”
He shushed her with one of his long fingers. "Whoa, whoa little sister. What rogues? And who the hell is Fadan. That slimy bastards scent that was coated around you?"
"You didn't come for me did you? Then how did I get here?" She pulled back from his arms and started pacing, her heart racing as she heard broken Russian words hurriedly whispered into her head. A female’s voice she didn't recognize echoed over and over, one word getting louder. Remember. Her loud growl of anger set her skin to ripple, shades of silver and pink arching across her skin. Coming across the room Crete cupped her shoulders and held her in place.
Concern marred his expression. In their time together he had never seen her shift. He knew she was an orphan but just always assumed she was a silver. "Tori, stop and take a deep breath. We will get it figured out. Together. I've already contacted the council and informed them of your return and the shape in which you came back to me."
"I'm the reason I was unconscious. They wouldn't let me go and I shifted. I tried fighting back and they used a bubble which sent my attack back on me knocking me out. While unaware their female fae sent me back after healing most of my self-inflicted wounds. She was a resistance hidden among these groups of rebels. I landed back here somewhere." She looked at him and begged him with her eyes to believe her.
"We don't need to go over everything today. The council is going to convene in 3 days. I want you to rest here until then. I'll have some of your things brought over here from your apartment. And don't even think about telling me no or arguing with me. For once you’re too weak to fight me. You can do that later after your better. Come on I know you’re starved. Surprised you didn't decimate my food stores already." She rolled her eyes and clutched at the blanket.
"Do you think I can get a shirt or something you perv?" She giggled and shrugged her shoulders emphasizing her indecency. "Oh no just for that you have to stay in the blanket the whole time. It's rather fetching don't you think?" He tilted his head and smirked teasingly.
"Wipe that look off your face before I hit you. Now clothe me and feed me." A wave of Deja-vu had her shivering under the blanket. “Tori, are you okay?" He had seen her pause and stood up behind her capturing her in a hug. "Stop thinking about it, about him and relax. Your with me and you know I'll always protect you little sis." She relaxed back into his embrace and nodded, turning her head to kiss his cheek. 'I know you will and thank you. You are truly the best brother ever."
Taking her hand in his he lead her back to his room where he found one of his smaller shirts and tossed it at her, then a pair of gym shorts that wouldn't hang past her knees. "I'll have some of your clothes sent over, or we can go shopping if you want? My treat and I'll take you to this awesome hole in the wall Chinese place I found one day. They have some killer sweet and sour chicken and pork fried rice." A loud grumble followed his words. "I know at least one part of you agrees with that plan." She chuckled and pulled on the clothes. "You always were a good guesser about what I liked."
"Damn straight wench, now let's get going." God it was so easy to fall back into the old days. She missed their constant teasing. Pinching her cheeks he ran around her and called for his car while trying to keep out of her reach. She jumped onto his back as he stopped to press the button for the elevator. He yelped as she scrambled to hold onto his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his hips. Her laughter whispered into his ear. He hefted her up higher and wrapped his forearms under her thighs and carried her piggy back onto the elevator. "Hey darling press the ground floor button with your toes will ya?" She obliged and wiggled her legs just to annoy him. He tickled under her knees in payback. By the time the elevator dinged on the bottom floor they were practically falling over with the force of their laughter. The lobby attendant looked over with a perturbed expression and held a finger to his lips in a shushing manner. They both tried stifling their chuckles which made them snort. It was what Autora needed. The tension and anger fully forgotten as she looked forward to the day. They worked in the same building but hardly ever saw each other. Him being a noble born and her an orphan made all the difference. Despite that his parents took her in she was still considered an outsider. She had to work her way up just to get to where she was now. Seeing how much fun she was having he speared the attendant an icy glare and swung out onto the street as the doorman pulled open the outside door, his car waiting for them. After dropping her unceremoniously into the back seat he pushed her over using his hips and slid in beside her. Pressing his intercom release he ordered his driver quote “To the stores!"
Chapter 8
Several hours later, a full trunk, full stomachs, and a burning credit card later they pulled up outside of Autoras apartment. "You are to stay here in the car while I run up and check your apartment and grab some of your necessities. I'll be right back." She wanted to protest but felt too tired to do anything. The weariness was catching up to her as she waved her hand over her head as she laid sprawled across the backseat, missing the pillow of his lap. He chuckled and patted her head with a small smile. Using the spare key she kept hidden under an overhang he let himself into the Victorian remodeled to be three separate apartments. Something didn't settle right as soon as he walked in the door. It seemed cold. The soft black, white and greys were Tori's favorite. He stalked forward and checked every room. Nothing seeming to be a miss or out of place. He shrugged it off and went into her bathroom gathering a few supplies into a small makeup case. He looked around the apartment once more on his way out, a small black envelope laid on her coffee table. He picked it up and saw her name scrawled on it in silver. It looked like a party invite so he brought it with him wondering if she had seen it yet since it didn't appear to be open.
Locking up behind him he pocketed her spare key just in case someone saw him use it. He would always protect her. Tossing her bag onto the car floor he lifted her sleeping head back into his lap. The car pulled away silently with him running his fingers thru her hair, stroking it in an even rhythm helping her to slip into an even deeper sleep. One untouched by nightmares or Russian voices.
Muted sunlight and the sound of husky male voices awoke her the next morning. She stretched and noticed the silky fabric that slid across her tummy. Huffing she realized he had turned her into his doll while she was asleep. Always trying to dress her up and show her off. Slipping her feet into some fluffy slippers she insisted upon getting yesterday she pulled on the cami and used the bathroom to brush her teeth and freshen up. He had even brushed her hair and braided it to keep her from getting tangled. Following the dreamy smell of bacon cooking she came upon three large males and one tiny woman. Autora practically dive at the woman in her excitement.
"Matria...Patria...what are you doing here? When did you get in?" She addressed the woman and one of the males adoringly.
"Oh my little angel! It’s so good to see you. My you are certainly a sight to behold and so beautiful. You've grown up so much in the five years since we've visited last. I'm so relieved and happy you are alright." Autora’s mother hugged her and kissed her face repeatedly. A strong pair of arms pulled her out of her mother’s embrace and into a crushing bear hug. A stern voice filled with concern and love brushed warmly across her hair. "Don't you ever scare us like that again little one. Your mother almost shifted just to get here faster."
"Oh shut up, you were the one trying to shove people out of the way or run them over just to drive us here quicker." The little woman smacked her husband on the arm playfully. “I don't care how you got here, I'm just so glad you are." She kissed both of them on the cheek and wrapped them in a family hug. She shrieked when another pair of arms wrapped long arms around them all. Looking over her shoulder she couldn't keep the tears out of her eyes as she mouthed "Thank You" to her brother. He kissed her nose and smiled mouthing "I Love you" back.
Their embrace seemed to last an eternity until a shuffling noise came from behind them. Separating, Crete shifted Tori behind him as the family faced their guest. Tori's head popped over Crete’s shoulder and narrowed her eyes. The blondest hair she had ever seen haloed around a tan complexion and dark blue eyes, almost black in their depth. With everything that had happened she was very wary. The sense of danger wafting off this guy even as he just stood there was almost unnerving.
"Please excuse my rudeness. I know how frustrating being away from your family can be. I'll just await you in the living room." The stranger bowed and turned on his heel out of the kitchen leaving them in silence. Tapping Crete’s shoulder Tori crossed her arms and tapped her foot, a brow arched in question. With the soft pink of the cami she looked quite adorable in her annoyance.
"Does anyone perhaps want to explain to me why the freaking king is here?!" Grimacing the other three each looked back and forth at each other. Crete was the first to speak up. "Our guest came to check up on you actually. He didn't want to wait to hear the report from the council." Throwing her hands up in frustration she stomped over to the plate of bacon and tossed in two pieces using chewing as an excuse to keep her harsh words from flying out. The nerve of that pompous ass coming here and demanding her story before she even got to recover fully. Granted thanks to her brother she felt a million times better than she had, but how the hell would he know that. She twisted the edge of her top between her fingers. It wasn't something she could blow off and claim exhaustion. As if that man would care. Her family stood back and allowed her this small moment of freak out. This wasn't the only bomb they had to lay in her lap. This time it was her father that spoke up.
"Aye little one we know it is damn inconvenient but it’s a necessity that we give him what he wants. The nature of the beast you understand." Autora growled softly at his words. Her mother stepped in and wrapped a small arm around Tori's shoulder and ushered her out of the kitchen. "Come now sweetie. Let’s get dressed and I'll fix you a plate. You'll feel better after you eat and are in more comfortable clothes." Knowing arguing got her nowhere she avoided looking into the living room as they passed by. Feeling his stare between her shoulder blades made her want to squirm. She quickened her steps and rushed into her room, leaving her mom outside in the hallway without another word. Choosing a simple knit sweater dress in a dark blue and the pair of new crème colored high heel boots to replace her old ones. Throwing her hair up into a low ponytail she refused to dress up farther. A gentle knock brought her from her staring contest with the mirror.
Thinking it was her mother with the plate of food Autora opened the door and turned her back to pick up her dirty clothes to put into her hamper, the back of her dress creeping up slightly. A small choking sound alerted her to something wrong. Turning around she shrieked in surprise and anger. Setting her plate on a small side table Rharonis, their king, cupped Autoras face in his hands. "Don't scream nor be alarmed. I'm not here to hurt you ma Cher. Just hear me out before you decide to rampage." Fury swirled in her eyes as she looked at him murderously. Storming out of his reach she flopped down onto a padded chair. Crossing her arms she stared up at him and waited for him to continue. Walking over he knelt down in front of her resting on the balls of his feet if he needed to back away quickly.
"I understand you have been in quite the ordeal and are still trying to recuperate. The reason for my visit is in part as I told your family, to hear first-hand what you have found. But that's not all of my reason. I came for you."
His eyes rested on Autoras face watching for her reaction. She looked down at him in confusion.
"Me, why me? Look Roni, we grew up hating each other. You were a snotty nosed brat as a child and you took every opportunity to torment me about my heritage. I wasn't very appreciative of you either. Have to admit I wasn't the nicest of children. But I saved the majority of it to avoid you." Chewing at the tips of her finger nails was the only bad habit she had never broken as a child. Just as he had watched her, she now watched him. "We certainly were a pair back then. You had such fire in you and I was so arrogant. Hell I had to be to become what I am right now. Besides, I enjoyed every moment of the chase with you. You are intelligent, brilliant, beautiful, and deadly. I was told to keep back and not encourage and friendship with you." He gently cupped both of her knees and looked up pleadingly. "I was bound my law to keep my distance until the appropriate time approached. A test needed to be conducted first. You passed it ma cher."
Her mouth popped open wide as she fought with what he said. A test. They had put her thru a bloody test. And for what. They couldn't possibly mean for her to be....
"Uh way. You had to wait...wait to....oh hell you mean to claim me!" Jumping up she growled and pushed him away as she bolted for her door.
"Tori, Stop!" The authority in his voice coupled with magic inherit thru birth forced her body to a halt mid step. She tried to scream but the order kept her from even uttering a peep. “Gods woman why are you so stubborn? Even the mere mention of getting close to someone has your spikes in a knot. You know not all men are alike. Please relax now alright."
Autora slumped forward to the floor as her halted momentum came back into play making her stumble and collapse to her knees. "Shit I'm sorry Tori. I've never used my powers on you before. Here let me help you up." He wrapped his hands around her upper arms and lifted her with no issue, ignoring her growls of protest. Fighting back against him wore out what reserve strength she had left, falling into his chest.
" you...the right to come here...and say these me?" Grimacing she pushed weakly against his chest. "Go back to your court and leave me alone."
"Dammit Tori. There is no getting out of this. You know the law just as much as I do." He brushed a strand of loose hair from her eyes. "We can discuss this at a later time. You need to rest. I will be staying here to help take care of you until we are ready to go home together." Picking her up under her knees and around her shoulders he laid her across the unmade bed and tucked her in after removing her boots. He kissed the top of her head and brushed across her pale cheek.
"Don't worry ma cher you will be happy. I'll make sure of it." He left her as she laid in a daze.
Chapter 9
The door seemed to open back up as soon as it closed. "Go away Rharonis. Just leave me to think since you've taken away my choice." Her emotionally thick voice spoke from under her covers.
"Tori my sweet wonderful sister. Mother and father didn't tell me till after he was in here with your food. I tried coming in. Dad held me back until I saw him walk out the door. Don't worry I gave him a good black eye for you. Stupid bastard taking advantage of your weakness like that. God if I had known I would have never left you by yourself."
Autora rolled over and reached for him as he curled in next to her on the bed. A few tears trickled down her face when she looked up at him. "Crete, why is it that now I've become the popular girl. I just want to be left alone. I don't think I'm going to go back to work. It was a bloody test Crete. A test. I went thru all that just to meet the council’s approval as a mate for that arrogant jerk. I don't want or need a mate. Haven’t I gotten this far without depending on a man? Hell after we grew up I barely saw you when we were in finishing school. I didn't depend on you then to protect me from other people." Autora rubbed the palms of her hands against her eyelids and cleared away her tears. "And thanks to that jerk, my room smells like him. All warm....and....and vanilla-e. Geez it smells like a snickerdoodle in here. Crete what do I do? They can't possibly mean for me to go thru with this. The council won't approve of me. Not as their queen. There isn't even...a pull."
Autora took a deep breath and shivered." No not even a tingle of wanting him." The look on her face was desperate as she dug her nails into his upper arms. “You have to help me. I'm too impulsive to do this. I'll bring our people ruin. No one will accept me. I'm not pure enough. Hell no one even knows who my parents are. Please Crete I'll do anything for you. Just please get me out of this."
Shaking her side gently he grabbed her attention from her hysteria. "I'll do whatever you need darling. Don't worry about work. You’re on leave until you want to come back. I'm making sure of it. I am also going to be beside you for as long as you need me. He is just going to have to get over it. No need for a lady in waiting when you have me around." Tweaking the tip of her nose he smiled his signature crooked smile making her smile back softly.
"There really is no getting out of this is there. Thank you for taking care of me once again. I need to get my report to him over with first." Kissing the middle of his fore head she rolled out of the bed and padded over to her cold plate of breakfast. While he climbed out of the bed and walked to her door opening it. Soft classical music flowed from the front room. Nibbling on her cold scrambled eggs and chewy bacon she bumped his shoulder as they passed thru the doorway. Handing her half empty plate to her brother she brushed her hands together and then settled onto the couch opposite the king. He looked at her in surprise. He leaned his body forward to rest his elbows on his knees, steepling his fingers under his chin. Autora angled her knees to the side and rested her hands in her lap.
"I apologize for my reaction earlier. Your declarations just came as a shock to me. I still do not think I would make a good candidate as our peoples Queen. But in the interest of being fair I will consider your proposal over the next week at least until after the report to the council. I am however ready to go over my report with you."
"Please ma cher go ahead." Autora recounted the whole tale from the moment she received the envelope with the reports to the moment she had woken up in her brother’s guest room. Rharonis didn't even twitch as he listened to her intently, wanting to hunt down this Fadan and his father himself. He knew there were rogue groups but they were few and far between. But this one was bolder and causing too much of a disturbance to be ignored. He was infuriated by the males blatant display of possessiveness over what was not his. Autora arched brow noticing his frown.
"There were very persistent about me staying. Obviously it wasn't about mating but about how they did not want me to be able to tell anyone about what I saw. I was very lucky that they had a defector inside their compound. Unfortunately that contact gave her life to help me and to keep my memories intact."
Rubbing her palms on her knees she shrugged and took a long breath. "That's it. It's up to you and the council to decide what to do with it. Next time find yourselves a different guinea pig to do your dirty work. I am taking leave from work."
Roni started to say something but Tori held up her hand. “I’m taking a leave and it's already been approved by my boss. I'll be taking someone with me and going to the high council. Needless to say they will be like my chaperone. Where ever we are, they will be also. That is my condition. You want me happy and I want to feel normal. I think it seems like a good compromise."
Roni chewed on his bottom lip and stared at her waiting to see if she was done. Picking up the glass of water that sat in front of him he sipped from it before he spoke. “You are within your right to take your leave as well as to have someone with you as a chaperone. I had hoped you would feel safe with just me but it cannot be helped. I will only agree to this so long as your chaperone does not interfere with my pursuit of you."
An overly calm voice spoke from behind them both, eerie in its softness belying its agitation and anger. “Her chaperone won't interfere so long as you don't push her too far and ignore her requests. I might understand your position but hell if I like it." Crete came up beside Tori and patted her shoulder.
“Your brother, He's your chaperone. For the love of magick you've got to be joking. This is gonna be great. Just freaking great. Fine, have it your way. But I get to add a female to help you in more delicate situations." Waving his hand he dismissed himself but not before he placed a tender kiss on her hand, letting it linger just a bit longer than appropriate. The rustle of his wool slacks moved down the hall.
"I'm proud of you sis for standing up for yourself. That took a lot of guts. I think it's time for us to ditch this stiff and go to a party." Reaching into his jacket pocket he pulled out the black envelope he found in her apartment the other day. “I’m not quite sure what this is, but it looks cool." Tossing the envelope onto her lap he flopped down onto a seat beside her and threw an arm behind her on the back of the couch. Picking it up she looked over the outside, a brief whiff of sandalwood assaulted her as the outside had no return address, and only her name written on the front. Sliding her finger under the edge of the envelope she cut open the back and winced at the bite of the paper cut, a small drop of blood welled up across her fingertip. One droplet splashed onto the parchment within. A brilliant flash lit up the room surrounding Autora in a smoky white haze.
"What the fuck!? Tori...Tori are you okay?" Crete reached out a hand into the haze and came back only a single strand of hair. Crete sniffed the hair and cursed.
Jogging followed by a skid was heard coming from the hall. “Crete what's wrong? Wait where the hell is Tori?" Stepping into the room Roni took a deep breath and his face flushed red. “That bloody bastard! How the hell did this happen?" He turned to Crete angrily, his whole body trembling in fury. “I don't know Sir. I handed her an envelope I found in her apartment thinking I had found a party invite for her. She cut herself opening it and then poof, this horrid blinding light and then Tori was surrounded by a haze. How the hell did they find her and where are they getting the magick to do this. What the hell did you get her involved in?"
Crete turned on Rharonis and struggled with him to the floor. Rolling around like two teenagers they got pulled apart by Crete’s mother and father. “Stop it you two idiots. I heard your shout from outside. Fighting each other isn't going to bring her back." Shoving his son down onto the couch he turned to their king. “Your majesty the decision is yours on where we go from here. I'm sure the council will want to know about this turn of events. Leave that up to me. You and Crete...have a damsel to rescue, and if you don't do it then who knows what she'll leave for you guys to pick up." Wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders he ushered her outside of the apartment. Crete and Rharonis looked at each other, both thinking the same thing. Nodding at each other they walked out thru the patio door and launched themselves off the railing both shifting midair. A warm rich gold shined back on a platinum silver. Their bestial roar of the hunt shook the glass from a few windows as they disappeared out of sight following a faint trace of magick left behind from the transport.
Tori coughed and choked at the thick white smoke. Her hands dropped the envelope, momentarily forgetting her cut, she waved her hands frantically in front of her trying to clear her vision. The lack of oxygen was starting to make her woozy. No matter how much she waved her hands the smoke only got thicker. Doubling over she covered her mouth with her arm as her body was wracked with coughs. She couldn't even choke out her brother’s name. Black spots filled her eyes before total blackness settled in, Tori slumping over to the ground. Before she fell completely a pair of arms wrapped around her torso and tossed her over a shoulder.
"Sorry cailin dathuil, but your presence has been requested by the high council and we don't like to wait."
Chapter 10

Rharonis sent out a call to his enforcers and informed them of his change of plans. Him and Crete stretched their wings and beat past the tiredness making them ache all over. It had been awhile since they had to fly so long and hard. The iridescent swirl of their eyes locked as they decided to set down on the roof top of the hotel Autora had stayed in while on assignment. An updraft flipped chairs over and towels flying off deck railings. The two men shifted back and thought of clothes as they pulled the magick of their being back under control. Ripping the top entrance from its hinges they wasted no time and jumped down each stair level bounding over hand rails and stopping at a floors entrance that faintly held her smell. Opening the door they sniffed until they reached her room. It was paid for up to a week and had the do not disturb sign hangar on the door. Picking the electronic lock on the door with a few key strokes of his phone Crete pulled it open silently. Both of them slipped in and closed the door behind them to prying eyes.
The room in front of them was in complete disarray. Her luggage was spread across the room, bed sheets thrown to the floor, even her makeup bag was spilled across the top of the mattress. The identification tag from her luggage was ripped off the handle and laid on the dresser. A pen and the hotel stationary laid beside it.
"Fuck now we know how they found where she lived." Huffing the guys left the room, but not before Roni snuck one of her shirts and stuffed it into his back pocket. Taking the elevator to the lobby and strolling out into the searing heat like they owned the place. The two of them tried tracking her steps ending up to where deep gouges tore up the dried earth. Broken trees and charred branches was the ending of the story but where was the beginning. Her rental truck was gone so obviously they had cleaned up to throw off the local authorities. Roni held a handful of blackened earth in his palm and sighed. His gaze naturally sliding up the tall mountain. A slight shimmer caught his attention and he tossed the dirt away and tapped Crete on the shoulder. He had been staring down at the destruction when he felt Roni's tap.
Pointing up at the imposing mountain Rharonis narrowed his eyes and focused on the unusual sight. It reminded him of a bubble. When looked at from specific angles it cast a rainbow hue along its surface. Echoing Tori’s same words from a few days ago Crete nodded his head as he looked up to the extinct volcano. “I think that's worth investigating, looks like we go up the mountain."
It took them no time at all to make it to the edge of the barrier they had seen surrounding the southern end of the island, the weather getting milder as they approached it. Rharonis placed his hands in front of him. The energy radiating from it felt weaker than it should be for a barrier. It appeared the rogue group hadn't recovered from losing one of its fae. Stretching out his senses he searched for a weak spot. Maintaining the barrier was an extreme expenditure on multiple fae let alone one. The magick was riddled with holes like Swiss cheese. Gesturing to a spot between the two trees about 30 ft. away Roni guided Crete thru one of the holes. Both of them watching their footing so as not to trip thru the barriers warning system.
Inside the barrier it was extremely muggy due to that the environment was normally an abundance of water and now it seemed like it was trying to re-dominate itself. It had both guys pulling at their shirts and grumbling.
"They must have taken a serious blow, so how would they be able to accomplish stealing back my sister? Something else doesn't make sense. What is your opinion on it man?" Wiping away at his brow Crete tugged at his collar and spared the other man a glance.
"That's what we are here to find out. But your right something is most definitely up." Shrugging his shoulders Rharonis walked on ahead and did his best to ignore the humidity. Every footstep sounded like a giant's in the silence that stretched around them. There were no animals or insects. There wasn't even the sound of a breeze coming thru the top branches. Every so often Roni would signal for a stop to listen for anything really. They slowly curved their way around the base eventually stopping about midway up when both heard a few voices about 50 ft. in front of them. They dropped to a crouch and then their bellies, dragging themselves forward until a large outcropping of rocks made a ledge. Seated below that were two males and one female. Edging their way closer, Crete pulled the phone from his pocket and set it up to record, sitting it along beside his hands as he peeked over the ledge. The voices sounded strained as they spoke out in the open.
"How long do you think it will take to repair the damage that stupid chit caused?"
"They better do something fast because it’s sweltering out here. We are all going to drown in our own sweat at this rate. I thought Fadan was speaking with Palturn about acquiring a new female fae. Knowing him he probably chased after that girl."
"You have to admit she was certainly something to see. If I was a few years younger she'd well be worth the time and patience needed to break her." A sharp smack followed by a chuckle came from the group.
"I don't care what you say. Eryavin promised us peace out here, and it's been nothing but trouble since we arrived."
"Whatever we'd better get back to patrol before we get caught." The grumbling from the three faded away as they disappeared up higher in the mountain. The two men watching looked at each other. Roni mouthing a name “Palturn".
“Why the hell would this group of rogues be talking to a member of the international high council?"
"You don't think there corruption on the council do you man?" Crete asked him seriously. None of it making much sense but it made it that much more imperative they found his sister and fast.
"I know I didn't mishear them. Fuck! It's possible that someone on the council is aiding the rogues. This might be why they are always slipping from my grasp. I don't think we are going to find her here. Why bring a valuable female back to a barely defensible lair? I'm going back to Boston and from there onto Inverness. Are you coming back with me or do you want to sweat your balls off in this jungle?" Rharonis smirked and slapped Crete on the shoulder before picking his way back down the mountain. Crete kicked his shin and followed close behind.
A small slap whipped Tori’s head to the side. The fogginess cleared slowly from her mind as she blinked her eyes open. Twisting her head side to side she caught sight of a figure looming to the right of her. A narrow light came from over its shoulders.
"I was wondering when you were gonna wake up cailin dathuil. You were screaming like a mad woman in your sleep." Snarling she made to jump from the bed but met resistance. Looking down her wrists and her ankles were cuffed to the bed she laid on. Tugging at her arms she also kicked her legs and growled like an animal. She was trying her best to release her inner dragoness, but met with a resistance that nearly crippled her. A violent tremble starting from her head and traveling down her spine all the way to her toes. Wiggling her finger Fadan gave her a look of reproach.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The chains are spell bound and are quite nasty to anyone lucky enough to be in when trying to use any kind of energy. I'm sorry to have to hurt you again but I was under orders this time. I know it doesn't make you feel any better at all but I'll try to make you as comfortable as possible my dear. If you’re hungry of thirsty then let me know. Until we are summoned you are staying with me in my room. Think of me as your special servant cailin dathuil." Fadan tried to tenderly run a finger along her bicep but was met with a menacing growl.
"Fuck off you bastard! I don't want you as my servant. I don't want to be in your room. And I most certainly don't want to be chained in here. Let me out of these damn things!" She once again took a shock to her system as she tried to free herself from the restraints.
"I've already told you that the high council requested you. It pleased me greatly that you took my invitation. I wasn't entirely sure you would." Plopping down on the edge of the bed by her feet he grabbed ahold of her right ankle and started rubbing it under the cuff. She tried twisting it out of his hand but couldn't take another hit. "I'm sorry I didn't think to have these lined for comfort. I didn't know how long they were going to make us wait." Wincing as he caressed the bruised skin she refocused her mind.
"I'm not understanding why they had you bring me here. I was told to meet with the council in a weeks’ time anyways to discuss my findings about your encampment. They were the ones who arranged it. Hell even the king is involved. So there's a bit more to your story isn't there?" Fadan only stumbled for a second in his touch but Autora caught it. “I’m right. Whatever is going on I won't be a part of it. I'm pretty sure anyways that my brother and family as well as the possibility of the king are looking for me as we sit here." She sneered bravely as she looked up into Fadans eyes hoping to catch a glimmer of doubt, but was met with triumphant glee instead instantly wilting her.
"Oh believe me my cailin dathuil, it's what we are hoping for. Perhaps not your family, but I will assure their safety in all this. The king will see a different outcome. Especially for coating you in his scent. On any other it would be like you are a walking bakery but to me it's offensive. It's too bad we don't have the springs nearby and I can't release you to enjoy them anyways." He offered her an apologetic smile that she responded back with a stare. Rolling her eyes she drug her tongue along her teeth and flexed her jaw before she looked at him in aggravation.
“You won't find me arguing about the smell. I don't appreciate it any more than you do. Unlike you though I chose to be diplomatic about how I handle certain affairs. Have you even met the monarch?" Tori arched a brow and looked at him pointedly. “You haven't, have you? And yet you want to, what, kill him. Remove him from the throne? Please, even with whatever support you have here this plan will not come to fruition." Snorting in disgust she threw up her hands as far as the shackles would let her. Wiggling her toes she yawned and felt a sharp pull in her back. Arching her chest up her wiggled until the pain lessened. She stretched out her torso hearing a small pop. Not stretching after a full shift was extremely taxing on a shifters body. She definitely wasn't known for her workout routine. Trying to relieve the pressure on her muscles and spinal cord she didn't notice as his hands slid farther up her calf, working muscles and flesh under his warm palms.
"Watch how far you go Fadan. I might be your captive but I'm not your slave girl." She spoke with enough venom in her voice it made him flinch back.
“I wouldn't do that, especially in your condition. I would rather you or any female come to me willingly. You don't trust me and I doubt I'll ever get it, but you can trust that I wouldn't ever take more than you would give. I'm quite fond of you cailin dathuil. You are something special and deserve the best." A gagging noise made him stop and look at her with pursed lips.
"Please just stop. Geez I'd rather drown in my own puke than listen to another declaration of love or what an amazing woman I am. I want to just sit here in quiet until they come get us." Sighing Fadan patted her leg and mimicked zipping his lips before standing and leaning against a bed pole facing the door. Releasing a slow breath Tori closed her eyes and pleaded in her head for her family to hurry.
Chapter 12
It felt like she had just closed her eyes, bored with just looking at the back of Fadans head. The creak of the door stirred her out of the fitful dream she was having. She shook her head back and forth to fully wake up recoiling when Fadans sleep addled face appeared beside her. She hadn't noticed till now that an arm was wrapped around her torso and a leg tossed over her left knee. A sharp shove from the foot of the bed sent him snoring and sprawling to the floor. The jarring made her wiggle in the cuffs and set off the metals defenses. Crying out she tensed up and shuddered from the pain. A sharp male voice spoke up from the end of the bed.
“Get up hatchlings. They are ready for you." The angular line of his face was thrown into sharp contrast from the meager lighting. Turning away he grunted out the word 'pathetic' as he threw open the door and stood outside waiting for them. Fadan popped his head over the edge of the bed and rubbed the back of his head throwing a nasty look his way.
Unlocking the clasps as easily as he could eh scooped up Tori's body and told her to rub her wrists as they were escorted down a long corridor that emptied into a multi chambered room, a dais raised in the middle surrounded by a group of a dozen people give or take. As they got close the idle chatter died down as the faces turned to look at their guests. Tapping Fadan on his shoulder Tori whispered for him to let her down. He gave her a look to say ' Are you sure?' and she nodded straightening her dress once her feet touched the floor. Brushing her hands on her hips like a nervous tick Autora looked at the crowd and cleared her throat. “My presence was requested. If I may apologize, I am not sure who I should be speaking to so if everyone is comfortable I'll begin..." An extremely tall and lanky man held up his hand muting her with a squeak. She noted in her building anger that he had thin pointed ears sweeping out of his hair.
"Thank you Quelyn." A man as short as he was round waddled over and studied Autora like she was a bug inside a net. Tori stared back at him fearlessly as he strolled around her. He pinched at her cheeks and arms, sniffing her hair and disgustingly licked up the side of her neck after he commanded his guard to freeze her in place. Fadan had to be held back when he stepped up and growled wanting to intervene. The pudgy man shot him an aggravated look showing Fadan how close his dragon was to the surface. Turning back to the female, after he was sufficiently satisfied that the young one knew his place, he pulled her chin up with the tip of his finger.
"My my my my you are positively enticing. Eryavins report on you does not do you justice." The unholy gleam in his eyes made her shiver under his stare. Licking his lips, his tongue like a giant worm sliding over two sausages made her want to gag. “You don't have any idea how special you really are. To all of us. The entire shifter world should be kneeling at your feet and worshipping your very voice." He reverently looked her up and down, the awe in his voice matched the creepy smile glued to his face. Tori on the other hand looked at him as if she were face to face with a crazy person. She tried looking around at the people surrounding them for anyone who might see the crazy man in front of her and agree that he'd lost it. All that met her eyes were wide awed expressions and subtle whispering. His voice brought her focus back on him.
"You will bring about a new order to our people. You should be excited my pet. Quelyn you may release her voice." He snapped his fingers hurriedly and stared at her beauty. The words from her mouth seemed to break the spell her looks had put him under.
"Are you fucking crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?! New order....kneeling at your feet....the only person I want kneeling at my feet is the woman who gives me my pedicures. What type of sicko are you and how the hell do I get out of here? I'm so sick and tired of being dragged against my will to where ever people want me. I want to be home and I want to be left alone!" She wished she could stomp her foot like a petulant child. A wild flush stole across her cheeks as she fought against the magick straining to keep her in place. A tick started in the faes cheek as he felt the power rolling under her skin rippling to burst forth. He tightened the cord around her body and watched as she turned her intense gaze on him. “Wux geou tir lae si yenta katima.” her voice spoke directly into his head despite never have being a part of the clan he belonged to in subservience. The red clan of southern Australia based in Sydney never ventured outside of its home range except for when their representative was needed at the international headquarters. This girl was too young to be a part of his clan. The last hatchling was born over 120 years ago. She couldn't have seen more than 25 or so summers. He narrowed his eyes and shook off her weak compulsion while strengthening his binding into almost a choke hold. He smiled as he saw veins pulsing inside of her neck from the strain.
Fadan also watched on and grew angrier by the second as he watched her struggle. "Palturn, stop this! Do you not see how far he is hurting her?" Fadan tried begging with him barely holding onto his anger.
"Will you just shut up!?" Palturn bellowed with rage, his fat rolls moving menacingly as he waddled over to the young dragon’s side, his hand leaving a resounding thwack as it made contact with Fadans face. "Get this trash out of my council chambers! Quelyn bring her with us. We are retiring to my rooms so we can officially verify her heritage and her purity. You are all dismissed."
Sweeping his hands out he cleared the room and disappeared down a side hallway. Quelyn dutifully followed keeping a close eye on the woman as she fought him with every step. Fadans cry of outrage their exit music.
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