SF - Chun-Li's Descent - (Maj.Mario x MoFo)

Apr 26, 2014
Ah, Japan. Land of the Rising Sun, rich culture, easygoing people, ramen and pachinko machines. Nowhere else could one find a more interesting place in the world (except for every other place in the world), and for those who lived and breathed martial arts, Japan was the best place to hone their skills. Temples were filled with aspiring monks who fought as a means to better themselves, academies sought out tough prodigies and all around the cities were intrepid individuals who made a habit of seeking out new foes for fun and/or profit. And then there was Chun-Li Xiang, Interpol officer, aspiring detective, pride of China and one and only 'Strongest Woman' on the entire Earth. A stalwart soul like her would have fit in wonderfully so amongst the crowds of Tokyo on a search for sweets, gambling opportunities and potential Shadaloo or SIN leads- in that order- yet Japan had called to her for something much different than simple tourism.

Chun-Li was on a vacation, a well-deserved one at that, yet she wasn't capitalizing on it by relaxing. No, like the workaholic she was, the 'First Lady of Fighting' prowled through the Japanese countryside on a quest. Long before she was born her father, god rest his soul, had traveled to Japan to visit the more secluded temples that had more religious and sentimental significance than the other, more commercial temples did. Why her father went to these temples was beyond Chun-Li, so rather than remain in the dark she decided to take some time out of her busy schedule and follow in her father's footsteps. She did not expect to uncover any incriminating evidence about the man or find anything pertaining to criminal organizations. The spring beauty simply wanted to gain a better understanding of her father, to gain a sense of closure and peace that had a tendency of eluding her on a daily basis.

Thus she crunched through the underbrush and tore through a few low-hanging vines on her way to a rather sinister-looking temple which, to her chagrin, Chun-Li decided to travel to when the sun was setting. The temple was situated on a rocky hill overlooking the southern bay of Japan, surrounded by countless trees and rock walls to keep the place secluded and unfit for weekend travelers. No honest business brings a person here anymore, yet back in the day Chun-Li was certain that the temple was the pinnacle of Taoist religion or martial arts. The woman in blue skipped across walkstones and grappled with ledges as she got closer and closer, and soon she found herself at the entrance to the great, foreboding temple. She found it disconcerting to know that the once proud temple was in tatters, ruined by natural causes and human negligence, but Chun-Li wasn't going to turn back just because a few beams were collapsed. No, to better understand her father, the woman was prepared to do quite a lot!

"Are those... Torches?" Chun-Li's steely eyes focused in on a few still-burning torches. Like a moth she approached them and glanced around, soon feeling a little nervous. "Huh... Someone else was here recently..."
The temple torches were alight alright. They were lit to guide one further into the temple almost. However, upon reaching out to simply one of them. The sound of someone approaching from the torch lit path was clear. There coming from the depths of the ruined looking temple, was a man with red hair, a bronzed complexion, a black gi, and the eyes of a demon. His features resembled quite close to that of Ryu, though the comparison was truly fashion deep.

Akuma looked up towards the lone woman, and gritted his teeth. He then began a slow approach towards her. The man clearly had intent to him, and he stood there, then took up a fighting pose a raise of his leg down smashed into the stone work of the temple ground causing cracks to form and a good size hole to form in the ground work. "It has been a long time since I've seen you girl...." His tone gruff and not at all like that of a friend meeting another friend, more like a man meeting someone who he was intending to start a fight with.

His stance was very much ready to fight... "Show... me.... that you have grown stronger then when we last met." Akuma was interested in very little save for finding strong worthy opponents, and while he had doubt in him this girl could prove a worthy challenge he was starting to fall into an angry slump over the lack of progress in turning that pitiful Ryu to the path of the Satsui-no-hado's true strength.
Well, thanks to the timely arrival of Akuma, Chun-Li wasn't nervous anymore. If anything, she was now terrified, and it showed in her wide eyes and gritted teeth. This was an Interpol officer and indeed the Strongest Woman on Earth, yet she knew plenty about the infamous Akuma to understand that she hadn't a snowball's chance in hell to go head-to-head with this demon, this Satsui-no-Hado practitioner. As far as she knew, only Gen had fought valiantly against this demon and survived the ultimate kill move, the Shun Goku Satsu. The smart thing to do in this situation would be to cut her losses, turn tail and run off to live another day, and suffice to say Chun-Li didn't have near enough pride to stand and deliver a fight against a near-insurmountable foe. But as Chun-Li made the move to turn and leave, Akuma's gesture of hostility, the sheer strength of his leg smashing down into the temple's stone work, managed to shake the temple down to the very core and bring down enough debris to block the exit. Dust and splinters erupted from the now-blocked exit and obscured any chance of fleeing in one piece for Chun-Li.

There was no mistaking it now: Chun-Li was trapped like a rat before the tiger.

"Tch... This doesn't look good," Chun grumbled. She turned back to face Akuma and sent him a steely, yet worried, grimace. "You're not giving me a choice, are you?"

This did not bode well for Chun-Li. Though she had the strength and skill to take down nearly any foe who stepped in front of her, she still believed that fighting Akuma was futile. However, she had an inkling that Akuma might just let her live if she put up a good fight, and regardless of that, Chun-Li still desired to figure out what significance this temple held for her father in the past. The woman had such lust, such a desire to know the truth that she wasn't going to let 'insurmountable odds' beat her away. Maybe Cammy White's stubbornness rubbed off on her, but she wasn't going to let this opportunity pass through her fingers. She reorientated her wristweights, clenched her fists and hunkered down in her usual kung-fu stance as she readied herself for the trials ahead.

"I'm not leaving until I figure out what this place meant to my father," Chun-Li declared. She steadily approached Akuma until there was a fair distance between them. "I'm not looking to fight, but if I gotta get through you to get answers, then so be it!"

And so, with that said and her determination known, Chun-Li took the fight to Akuma. She couldn't afford to be defensive; she needed to be aggressive and wear down the demon just enough to make him consider backing off! A thick, muscled leg whirled around and ripped through the air on a collision course with the demon's leg or torso...
Akuma saw her make her move. Then waited for her to decide to finally fight him. Her kicks while fast to the human eye, were all to well known he had fought many who fought much the way she did, including one of her many instructors Gen. The flurry of kicks would be left to whiff against the air, as a streak of crimson moved through her and up behind her, Akuma was so fluent with the Satsui-no-hado he transcended it to perform quite supernatural feats. The demon stood behind her and gritted his teeth. "Weak... and slow... to weak..." He said as he pulled back both arms and began to throw out a flurry of purple fire balls at her.

"You think you can go through me... with the look of fear in your eyes?" He said as he began launching about twelve of the purple hadoken's straight for her. The temple wasn't built to be an advantageous fighting arena. Leaving it cramped for dodge space. His eyes just looked completely disinterested.... she wasn't strong at all, was she... not like him, but... she may have potential, she unlike 'him' could be broken, and rebuilt. "Girl.... show me your true strength...." He was still actually holding back on her, for if he used his full strength he could very well kill her without so much as a shed of mercy.
They were just getting started; was Akuma seriously going to lecture Chun-Li from the first few seconds alone? She figured it didn't really matter to her. Hell, she didn't give half a damn as to what the demon thought about or what he plotted. All she wanted was to either drive this evil spirit away so she could search the temple in peace. If anything, she was doing her duty as an officer of the law by attempting to 'remove a potential squatter' from a public place. The officer recoiled from the demon's phasing dodge and took a few steps back out of reflex, though in her haste to decide the fight she misstepped and put herself in harm's way. She did not expect for Akuma to lash out at her with those hadokens... gohadokens? Whatever they were, they were coming with a vengeance that far outstretched the 'friendly' blue orbs that Ryu sent out during spars.

"Gah!" Chun-Li felt one violet orb glance off her shoulder and stumble her into a few others. The wind was knocked out of her; these things were like flying fists that had no regard for where they struck. The hellfire from the few final orbs burned off a few patches of her quiapo, but nowhere close to the condition where her luscious body could be seen and admired. "You should just leave this place, Akuma! This used to be a temple for peace before your aura corrupted it!"

Chun-Li cared little for true strength. As far as she knew where Akuma was concerned, the demon wanted her to brute force things. That wasn't how the officer fought. By utilizing the cramped space of the temple Chun-Li darted between different pieces of cover as she avoided any further projectiles. Once back near Akuma, Chun-Li twisted her body and sent a kikoken towards him with an open palm only to follow up on it with a leaping strike. The air brushed back her auburn hair and oddly enough made her feel at peace, but only for a moment before Chun-Li directed a heavy leg to come crashing down on the demon before her.
Akuma was watching her make her move this time. Her attempts would prove to seem to strike him this time the kikoken struck him in the back, her kicks knocking him forward a little. But the overall result didn't seem to deter him. "Your kicks... atleast have some bite...." He stated, before turning around and swinging a kick of his own out, the kick would then combo its way into a Tatsumaki. The demon didn't seem to bother fighting her as if she were a woman, his intent was to test how strong she was, and to see just what he could do to awaken her to her own darkness. The demon's tatsumaki rained forward to kick her up into the air he spun 3 times kicking just enough times, before he stood again.
"Raagh... What the hell?"

These attacks didn't even seem to phase Akuma, not in the slightest! Chun-Li was going to get flustered if this continued. She fought as best as she could, dodging and deflecting blows while throwing in her own, but as time passed the woman realized that she was fighting a losing battle. Well, it was a game that was rigged from the start; she had no chance against Akuma, and that fact had been beaten into her with each powerful strike from the demon upon her supple body. Hadokens hit their target and ripped her outfit to shreds, punches and kicks left disgusting welts on her arms and legs, and grapples that she should have gotten out of left her with reduced stamina and decreasing amounts of moxxy. Suffice to say, Chun-Li was being beaten within an inch of her life and without anything to show on her end.

But even when her outfit was in near tatters, bra barely straining to keep her bosom from seeing the light of day and boots singed to the point of being unusable, Chun-Li proved that she wasn't as weak as Akuma might have initially thought. What she lacked in strength and skill, in the demon's eyes, she more than made up for it with sheer willpower alone. The problem was that willpower could only get her so far. She wiped blood from her lip with an uninjured hand and steadied herself for another barrage when Akuma struck her with that tatsumaki senpukakyu and threw her for one hell of a beating. The buns in her hair came undone and let her hair fly free in the onslaught, resulting in a frayed mess of auburn locks when Chun-Li fell to the floor on her back in a pained heap.

The woman shrieked in pain; something must had snapped inside her body, or maybe an organ had ruptured. Chun-Li didn't know for sure. Though she was in a defeated heap, a tangled mess of limbs shielded by a tattered outfit, Chun-Li still had that look of defiance in her eyes. She raised up a clenched fist to defend herself if Akuma decided to hit her with a coup de grace.

"Nggg... J-just had to push it, didn't you?" Chun-Li spat. "All I wanted... Was to... Was to explore..."
The battle had raged, fireballs and kicks flew for much of the time. Akuma managed to break past her clever defenses time and again during the fight. The demon tore open her clothing with every blast of fire, and upon leaving her a crumpled beautiful mess on the ground. It was a good thing for her that she had willpower, a drive to keep fighting. Akuma approached her downed battered form. Then he stood over her gaze looming down at her the eyes of the demon were intimidating. "These ruins.... interested you more then this fight." He stood waiting to see if she had any fight at all left in her. His large hand reached out grabbing her by the hair and pulled her upon her knees. "You.....will be broken so I may find out your darkness." He said coldly.
"Let go! Let go, let go!" Chun-Li cried as she tried to bat away Akuma's hand. She hissed in pain when her long locks were ripped up. "Fuu- Nnngg! S-stop this, now!"

It was times like these that made Chun-Li wish that she carried her service pistol with her at all times. Shooting a fighter who was honorable enough to fight mano a mano would leave a bitter taste in the officer's mouth, but if it meant that she could live to fight another day, so be it. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have her pistol on her nor did she believe that mere hot lead would be enough to stop a raging demon from going all Satsui no Hado on her ass. Chun-Li thrashed about against Akuma's hold and even tried smacking his hand away with the sharp end of one of her remaining, intact wristweights, but still to no avail.

"Please... Don't tell me that mercy is beneath you," Chun-Li pleaded as her eyes began to tear up.
Akuma would just gaze as she batted at his arm still held firmly upon her hair. He soon let her go only his gaze didn't leave her.... "I shall spare your life, in return... you forever are to belong to me.." He said, she had nowhere to run, no bargining chips to use on him. He firmly gazed at her, arms now crossing and he stood imposingly, he doubted her pride would make her to stupid to realize turning down his contract to show mercy.... "You will make the choice, servitude, or death....." These were his only words he needed to tell her she truely had few options anymore.
Chun-Li recoiled from Akuma's hold once he let her go, though she couldn't get very far. She sat on her rump before the demon, one arm across her chest for it had been nearly broken and hurt to high-hell, and listened to his declaration with no shortage of hushed gasps and pants. She was beaten, a little bloody and now defeated. Her pride, though small as it was, did not take lightly to this injustice and urged her to get up and fight once again. But her body was so battered and tired that she couldn't do a damned thing even if she willed for it.

"S-servitude?" Chun-Li narrowed her eyes and grimaced. Though she did not necessarily mean it, she just had to say, "Pheh... Serve a... a demon like you? I'd r-rather die than have you own me."

She was the Strongest Woman on Earth for a reason, after all.
Akuma stared down at her. The girl was stubborn, battered and beaten nearly to an inch of her life, admirable. But Akuma wasn't a man of mercy, so upon hearing her answer he shot a hand out quick and caught her about the neck. "You can no longer fight.... yet you still have that will of yours." He squeezed firmly but not to the point her neck would break. Undoing his belt he stood before her soon naked from the waist down, the raging demon she was getting was going to be of a different nature, his large cock was laid before her eyes. "Until you can defeat me you shall not leave this place girl." With that the massive cock was forced into her mouth, it forced that petite Chinese jaw open. The thick member was to big for her bite down on.

Chun-Li's hazel eyes widened until her pupils were mere dots in a sea of stark white. It was bad enough to be put in a compromising position, but now to have her neck grasped and to stare upon this demon's... thing? Oh gods, what was happening? The Chinese woman gritted her teeth tight together and did what she could to angle her head away from Akuma's massive, obscene member, showing that even though she was defeated she still had the will to resist. She certainly didn't want to be violated, to be disgraced like this, yet it seemed that the choice wasn't hers to make. The musk from that horrible organ filled her nostrils and made her want to gag while the mere sight of it was enough to dissuade her from ever pursuing relations with a man again. But through her resistance Akuma had managed to squeeze her neck just enough to make her cry out in agony, and thus, his cock slid through, past her lips and into her mouth.

Tears pricked the woman's eyes at the shame of it all, the pain coursing through her jaw from the forced entry. Chun-Li let loose a rather pathetic whimper, even for her, and shut her eyes tight as inch after inch of that massive cock slid across her tongue and soon hit against the back of her throat. So, this was rape, eh? Chun-Li tried her hardest to bite down on the member, to dissuade Akuma from traveling down this horrible, forsaken path, but her teeth couldn't even pierce that thick skin. If anything it probably made Akuma more aroused. If she had the time and energy for it, Chun-Li would wonder why in god's name this demon was trying to rape her, but now wasn't the time. No, all she could do was go with the flow and pray that this demon left her alone once he was finished with her.
Akuma stood before the woman with his cock forced down her mouth. From the corners of her mouth drool began to leak out as his cock head blocked any path for the saliva to go down. Tears streamed down her eyes the makeup marking the corners of her eyes started to run, if it hadn't been already of course. The demon stood their and released her neck and grasped the back of her head and pulled her forward forcing her to kneel before him, the demon could definetly easily still kill her, and dying like this probably wouldn't leave Chun-Li able to face her father in the afterlife with dignity. As soon as he had her settled where he wanted her... He waited for a bit, realizing... she actually didn't have any skills that a woman would well learn by her age... "You can neither fight... nor do you even know how to suck a cock, your a failure as a warrior, and as a woman.... your father would find you despicable...." He said using her father which seemed like her vice against her.
The World's Strongest Woman didn't even want to look at herself anymore, not when she knew that her makeup, that black eyeliner, was scattered down her cheeks like some kind of preteen's botched goth job. But that wasn't even the half of it. That obscene member, that Raging Demon's Dong was wedged deep inside her mouth and she couldn't for the life of her get it out. Chun-Li clenched her fists and thought hard about reaching for the swelling sacks that Akuma presented her, twisting and near-castrating him, but if the member was anything to go by combined with the anger and power this demon exuded, doing something that foolish would certainly result in death. And that scolding was something else either; hell, Chun-Li felt embarrassed and angry at the same time.

Chun-Li wanted to scream at Akuma, to tell him that her father wouldn't dare think that way, but there was naught that she could do. She needed to swallow her pride just this once and get on with the disgusting act of pleasuring this damn demon. Perhaps... Only then he would leave her alone.

With no shortage of tears clouding her hazel eyes Chun-Li began to move her lips back and forth along the demon's veiny member, sucking and blowing with some trepidation. She wasn't happy at all about this, but she had no choice. She unclenched her hands and placed them upon Akuma's hips to steady herself as she put a little more effort into her work. In time a manner of lewd sounds would come from her slick lips as she tried her damndest to please this ungrateful abomination known as Akuma.
Akuma stood watching her now, hands free of her and stood with his arms crossed under his chest. She was trying now, it showed she wasn't enjoying this... Which ultimately didn't seem to bother him, it had been some time since he had bothered getting his rocks off. She'd be the first to do so in a good many years. His cruel gaze battered down upon her as she went to work, his cock was probably to much for her, if his fighting was brutal, then she could only come to worry more about what his idea of lovemaking would result in. His cock showed signs of enjoying her struggles though, as if watching her swallow her pride caused some sadistic pleasure to him. It felt more pleasurable to him, watching her, disgracing her... Death would be to good for her.... This was far worse then that, for she would live to watch herself... and she would soon grow to enjoy this very act... In response to showing that he was enjoying this a hand unflexed from under his chest and reached down to grasp on of her voluptuous breasts, his large hand was enough to palm the heavy tear drop of breast flesh he began to carress the soft slightly sweat moistened breast with his calloused and rough hand, moving from rubbing it upon his palm eventually to grasping the nipple and rolling the bud betwixt his finger tips.
In the short span of time between Akuma's growing... tolerance, Chun-Li hardly realized that the top of her outfit had become undone along with her bra. She would be naked from the top all the way down to her pantyhose, and even those looked like they were near destroyed. The large, bulbous orbs of her breasts did not sag at all even when freed from their bindings; a fact that made the woman more or less ashamed of her body. She wanted to fight and make a difference, not to be blessed with a body that could make men and women alike quiver and lust for her touch. But she didn't cover those puppies up and neither did she compress them. Instead she just let them hang out, free from any support whenever she wore her quiapo. Knowing that Akuma was getting acquainted with them was not something Chun-Li wanted, but whatever could she do to stop it?

"Hhhmmmnn... Hmnhm!" Chun-Li whimpered despite the cock sliding past her lips and over her slick tongue.

The voluptuous woman groaned in protest as Akuma played with one of her breasts. Oh how she so wanted him to sod off and leave her alone... Chun-Li just wanted this to be over; hell, she prayed that she wouldn't be raped by this disgusting demon! Sure she was swallowing her pride, but that didn't mean that the woman enjoyed what was going on. To fall into such pits of corruption, to enjoy such a lewd, horrible act, would take plenty of time, abuse and psychological warfare.
The demon's cock was throbbing a bit now. Her mouth was proving to do its job, his crotch was giving off a musky scent at this point, it was strong and filled with masculine hormones to it. A mix of sweat and unwash, it was clear he hadn't had his dick worked on in a long time. His fist closed around slowly upon one of her breasts gently pressing his palm upon it. Then drew some energy into his hand, not enough to create fire but enough to pulse energy through her breast it cause a slight warmth to flow from his hands to her breath, unlike his hell fire this was an almost hypnoticly soothing warmth... It began to flow through her body, her wounds would slowly start to heal themselves up, it would be slightly unusual to feel ones body healing itself at such a fast pace. Even at full strength Akuma was not afeared of this woman in the slightest, for no matter how hard she tried, she would never be a man and she would never be quite as strong as him... or so he would believe at the moment... Akuma watched her the administration from her tongue caused him to groan in pleasure... "That is the way you work a cock? You show promise now."
Did this demon even know what it meant to wash up? Chun-Li wrinkled her nose at the scent of Akuma's devilish musk and resisted the urge to gag as best as she could. Nevermind the odorless, invisible vapors of pheromones and other potent chemicals in the air, Chun-Li was concerned more about the scent- If she ever got away from this horrible situation, that would be the first and only thing she would remember about it all. Still she worked upon that cock, her lips sliding over the veins and puffiness, her tongue swirling along the underside of the member and pushing, surging about. The movement of her lips and tongue was natural to her; sure she had a few other suitors but never in her life had she even thought that she would do this. Perhaps she was a prodigy when it came to this, but as Chun-Li kept sucking, blowing and pleasing the demon, that idea was the furthest thing from the top of her head.

"Hnnn...! Sssttmpmh..."

And then her body's wounds and injuries began to heal at a pace that was anything but realistic. The rough, calloused hand around her breast that once felt so horrible and alien to her now felt good when that ki energy surged through her sensitive skin and seeped into her veins. Her body heated up and soon Chun-Li could feel a patch of moisture forming between her legs. To keep that covered up from Akuma she pressed her thighs together as best as she could. She couldn't, wouldn't dare admit that this strange energy flowing through her, this pleasure and warmth, was making her feel aroused. No, she would rather die than admit that to this monster!

Yet still Chun-Li sucked on that throbbing cock, her hazel eyes growing misty with desperation and impending horniness.
Akuma watched her clamp her thick muscled thighs together in a sudden method to hide her growing arousal. Her torn hose would hardly be able to hide a growing puddle beneath her should one form, she was weak to the sensation of the ki, and it gave him something he could use against her. Akuma let his hand rub and stroke about her breasts both hands grasping a sizeable breast. His hands were big enough to control the size of Chun-Li's breasts. His calloused hands firmly begin to squeeze and rub, he sent more ki to his other hand sending more waves of the soothing energy through her tired body. The way she was working upon his demonic cock had him groaning in pleasure.... "I see... so you do know a thing or two." Seems even if she didn't ever think she would be in this situation, as a woman her age, she had to be prepared for it.... "You continue to suck.... and I will see if your worthy to move onto the next test." He said in his low gravelly voice.
Alright, Chun-Li was getting fed-up with this now. She wasn't concerned with surviving any longer under Akuma's gaze or having to deal with this disgusting turn of events. No... As she continued to suck and blow and manipulate that thick, pulsing cock about with her tongue, all she wanted at that moment was for this to be all over. So she did what she could to please Akuma to the fullest, but not for his sake or for his pleasure... Again, she just wanted this to be over and done with. She reached up to the bits of member she couldn't fit into her mouth and wrapped her lithe fingers around the base to give it a few good strokes while her free hand roamed over and cradled the demon's balls as if she was gently sizing up a hefty coinpurse. Chun-Li wasn't thinking when she did so- had she put thought into it, she wouldn't have done it in the first place- but she wasn't going to stop now that she had extra stimulation in place. If she took a few seconds to mull things over she might have put a halt to the whole operation for fear of Akuma's potent semen- and whatever effects were inside it- getting inside her mouth...


Yes indeed, Chun-Li was very sensitive to this dark ki energy surging through her body. It was as if Akuma was literally massaging each and every erogenous zone when his hands reached out to grasp her breasts. Sure she felt better, more invigorated and such, but at the cost of feeling more and more aroused as time passed. Her hot ladyjuices streamed down her thighs and formed a small puddle beneath her form while her body glistened with a faint sheen of sweat. Her cheeks burned with a bright blush as she continued to suck, blow, cringe and writhe about... Hoping that it would all be over soon!
The look on his usually stony face was one that slowly started to crack into a confident, grin. The look of that puddle spawning beneath her, soaking into the stone work of the temple. If she was worried about it being desecrated and ruined, she would now be one to be blamed for now marking it with her sign of arousal. The demon smirked and groaned out a loud pleasured roar erupted out amongst the stone work his powerful first eruption would leave her little time to pull back as a heafty load of cum spilled in down her throat, he held it in spews a buckets worth of thick hot cum, it would be so thick swallowing it would be painful, however if she didn't want him to hurt her she would be wise to not spit all of it out. His gaze lingering down at her and he grazes at her, and with his hands he pushed her down and would with one strong hand pull her legs appart and kneels down before her then forced her legs to spread into a split, good thing Chun-Li was flexible.
(( Come on man, there's only so many grammatical problems and sentence structure anomalies that I can stand in one day. I'm not saying 'git gud', I'm just saying slow down, take your time and make it memorable! Gimmie all the hot, lewd detail! ))

Bad enough to have to deal with all this fondling and rowdy business from an aggressive, deadly demon, but to now have to- Oh god, was he really going to-


The thick stream of cum from such a disgusting, bulbous member shooting down her throat made Chun-Li want to vomit. She couldn't gag or spit up the semen with that cock blocking her, so if she wanted to survive and breathe again, all she had to do was ingest it. The Chinese woman opened her mouth wider and teared up as strand after strand of hot, musky cum trickled down her throat and into her stomach. Gods, so gross, so slimy, and yet at the same time Chun-Li kept sucking, eager for either this whole ordeal to be over or for more cum. The remnants of black eyeliner slid down her cheeks as she kept doing her part to survive, and in turn, guzzle down that rich stream of milky white cum.

But there was too much of it! Chun-Li felt like panicking when her throat and stomach seemed to fill up and force her gag reflex. Luckily Akuma had finished disgracing her and removed his cock from her mouth so she could cough and sputter, so she used the opportunity to pant, moan and heave as well as spit out whatever gushes of cum she couldn't take in. There wasn't much of it that fell upon the ground- Clearly Chun-Li had been a 'good girl' and drank up a lot of the demon's sperm, as much as she could handle. The World's Strongest Woman was absolutely disgusted that she had taken in so much cum inside her, and yet at the same time she was oddly excited. No, more than that, the feeling of hot white strands of cum writhing about in her stomach made her so goddamned hot that her cunny began to quiver.

It was only a matter of time before Akuma noticed it as well. Pushed down to the ground and legs spread wide, Chun-Li looked up at Akuma and struggled to voice her concerns to him. Her chest heaved and made her large breasts bounce while that lovely sheen of sweat helped to herald her horniness. And to see Akuma's cock was still as stiff as it was when it started... Well, it was safe to say that Chun-Li was on the ropes when it came to whatever Akuma would do next!~
((Hot lewd? Details... I'm playing Akuma mate lol anyways if you want longer posts I will try its not easy to know what you want from Akuma in terms of lewd details but I will try.))

Akuma puts his hands around the backs of each of her thick, world renowned thighs. Squeezing down on the well developed leg muscles, and pulled her in close by them. His hips pushed forward meeting her half way as he pulled her in, his bulbous cock head glistened with her saliva and some pre-cum some white strands remained clinging to his cock. The head would be pressed up against her vaginal entrance the very center of what made her woman. "I will take this... and I will make it my own... after all you never did plan for this to ever happen did you?"

A slide in forward, pressuring his cock head up against her vaginal entrance. The thick mighty demon pushed its way past her defenses, from the amount of cum he left in her to the state she was in tired and dizzy from the amount of cum, she was going to find struggling a hard thing to do, plus he had her legs held pretty hostage, so she was just as vulnerable as any woman at this point.

There was a slick juicy sound as his cock slowly pushed its way down inside her. The massive demonic dong was buried down inside, her pussy could only manage about 7 inches of the foot long organ. Once he hit the back of her pussy, he began to pull back, slowly ,then in a sudden press forward his cock lunged in to hit the back of her quivering hot cunny.

The juiciness of Chun-Li's cunt would send a splatter of juice out as soon as his cock head impacted the back of her pussy. There was blood on his cock, he had long since broken through the hymen at this point. The beginning of the first few thrusts were slow, he was stretching her out so she could fit like a glove around his massive length.

The 'World's Strongest Woman' was going to find that her cunt after this would only be able to handle a certain demons length, or someone of similar size at this point, Akuma cared not, so he began to speed up his thrusts, the gyrating hammer paced thrusts started. These hit harder then the first, and it was only a matter of time before they got faster, and harder hitting, if his fists hurt it was only a question of what sort of damage a raging demon cock could do to a woman's inner works.
Chun-Li's pussy? Only capable of managing 7 inches? Well, that was true, but with Akuma at the helm, violating her and with those dark plans of his swirling around in that hive of villainy he called a brain, well, it could be assured that Chun-Li would soon be able to accommodate much, much more. But she couldn't, wouldn't dare think about that or anything else in the future if it had anything to do with Akuma. She tried her hardest to scuttle away from the demon's hold and his grabby hands, but with how weak she felt combined with how horny she had become, she couldn't bear to get too far away from him. Her hazel eyes were fixed on that demon's cock and wouldn't glance away; gods, did Chun-Li hate herself for that...

"No... S-stop, please! You don't have to do th- Uuugghhuuu!"

The woman shrieked in pain and fright as Akuma jabbed his thick cock through her pussy and ripped through her hymen in one go. Damn him! Chun-Li wanted to save herself for someone truly special, and yet here she was getting fucked over by this monster. With all the musk and pheromones flying about in conjunction with her heightened arousal, Chun-Li hated herself for admitting that all of this was... pretty damn hot. Despite the pain she was blushing and feeling tinges of pleasure whenever Akuma thrust in nice and deep to scrape against all her lovely, untreated nerves. Though miniscule at first, the pleasure began to build up to the point where Chun-Li had to cover her mouth with her hand and turn to the side so Akuma couldn't see.

She clenched her eyes shut and whimpered through the covering hand even as her thighs and hips bore the full front of Akuma's sexual barrage. Chun-Li couldn't give in... She wouldn't! She would fight this torture... Though it did feel good. Really, really good. What would the harm be in enjoying herself? But Chun-Li was riding on the final proud fumes she had left. Akuma would have to force her to realize that she was enjoying all of this!
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