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Teacher taught a lesson

Sep 21, 2013
It was only by chance that Mrs Spencer happened to be walking along that corridor, taking a short cut back to her office. It was only be chance that, just as she passed the door, she happened to hear a noise, a noise from a room that should be empty at this time of day. It was not, though, by chance that she opened the door. She took her role as head teacher seriously and if something was going on in there, she needed to know what it was.

As she opened the door, three boys stared back at her, their eyes like rabbits caught in a car’s headlights.

‘What are you doing in here?’ she asked firmly.

‘Nothing, Miss.’ That was Wayne, the smallest of the three, but the cheekiest of the pupils in her school.

‘Don’t give me that, Wayne. You should be in class and you shouldn’t be in here, so you must be doing something.’ She sniffed. ‘It wouldn’t be anything to do with drugs would it?’ The school had very strict policies on drug use and they were rigidly enforced.

‘No, no way, Miss.’ That was Terrell; he always backed Wayne up. ‘We never touch that stuff. It’s wrong.’

Mrs Spencer sniffed again and gave the boys a quizzical look. Wayne and Terrell met her gaze, but Winston looked at the floor. He was the weakest, always hanging around the other two, but never taking the lead. She stepped into the room and began to look around. As she neared some shelving, her eyes fell on a pile of small packets. And as she spotted them, she heard the door shut behind her.

‘Now, Mrs Spencer, it would have been much better if you hadn’t seen those.’

The voice was Wayne’s, but the tone had changed. No longer a schoolboy’s wheedling tone as he tried to get out of trouble with a teacher, this was the menacing tone of a streetwise dealer.

Knowing that she had to stamp her authority, she turned to find him blocking the door and felt the others close around her from behind.

‘Wayne,’ she spoke firmly, ‘you know that what you’ve been doing is wrong and I ask you, I ask you all, to remember what you’ve learnt in lessons about respect.’

Wayne laughed and unzipped himself.

‘If you want some respect,’ he said, ‘how about some of this.’

Mrs Spencer looked down and fought to suppress her smile at the thin cock that Wayne was waving proudly. She dared not show her contempt, but knew she had to get out of this room before the situation became more difficult. She took one swift step forward and brought her knee up into his groin. One quick, sharp, stabbing movement.

Wayne reeled back, coughing, and sank to his knees. When he looked up, his face was pale and his eyes blazing.

‘Get the bitch,’ he managed to spit out before doubling over again.

Terrell and Winston moved swiftly, grabbing her from behind. Winston ripped her blouse off her shoulders, while Terrell grabbed the waistband of her skirt and wrenched it down. Instinctively, Mrs Spencer stamped the heel of her shoe on the top of Winston’s foot, forcing him to release her. But Terrell acted swiftly with a punch to the roll of fat around her waist and a backhanded slap across her face that sent her tumbling back into a pile of chairs.

‘Tie her up.’ Wayne had managed to get to his feet and was leaning, unsteadily, against the door.

Winston hobbled to the shelves and came back with some plastic parcel ties. With Terrell’s help, he stripped off Mrs Spencer’s underwear and forced her onto her back across a table, where they tied her to the legs by her wrists and ankles. She began to protest and try to regain some authority, but Wayne understood her tactic.

‘Gag her.’

Barely had he spoken before Terrell stuffed a handkerchief into her mouth.

Helpless now, Mrs Spencer could only wait her fate as the boys stared at each other.

‘Rape her,’ Wayne commanded.

Terrell stood back, not wanting to take precedence over his leader, but Wayne waved him on.

‘I’ll be OK in a minute. Get her warmed up for me.’

Terrell dropped his trousers and Winston unzipped himself and began masturbating at the sight of his head teacher naked and tied before him.

‘Fuck,’ he mumbled, ‘look at that mess.’ The boys all stared at the tangle of Mrs Spencer’s pubic hairs. ‘Looks like she’s let herself go since her divorce.’

Terrell stepped between Mrs Spencer’s legs and readied himself to push his way in.

‘She’ll be needing a good shagging. Lucky we just happen to be available.’

He grinned, but then stopped in surprise.

‘Fuck, Wayne, she’s cunt dry. I can’t fuck this.’

‘Then turn her over and peg her flabby ass,’ his leader commanded.

‘Can’t do, boss,’ Winston intervened, still staring at the prone body and masturbating vigorously. ‘There’s nothing to cut those ties with.’

‘Then just get on with it,’ Wayne insisted. ‘I wanted her juicy for me.’

By persistence and pressure Terrell managed to penetrate her an inch at a time.

‘Shit, Wayne,’ he complained, ‘she’s like sandpaper.’

But working steadily and cautiously he managed to get some juice flowing and soon built up a rhythm to match Winston.

‘Look at those tits go,’ he laughed as his hand worked faster.

Both boys were on the verge of cumming, when Wayne grabbed Terrell by the shoulders and pulled him away, his sperm spraying over the teacher’s stomach and thighs just as Winston’s load sprayed over her tits.

Wayne stood proudly between her thighs, which is more than could be said for his cock. Longer than it had been, but still thin, it was barely rigid. Holding it firmly he eased himself into her cunt, grinning all the time at her.

‘Like it, don’t you, Mrs Spencer. It must be good to get a decent bit of meat for a change.’

He worked rhythmically but carefully, finding it difficult to get a purchase with a barely stiff cock inside a slippery cunt. His sore balls banged painfully against the edge of the table and he struggled not to fall out. Finally he managed to shoot a small load and pulled away with a glint of triumph in his eyes.

It was Winston who asked the obvious question.

‘What are we going to do with her?’

‘That’s right,’ Terrell agreed, ‘she’s bound to report us.’

Wayne considered the matter as he packed his slimy cock away.

‘Nah,’ he said finally, ‘just leave her. She won’t want everyone to know what we did to her.’

And with that the boys grabbed their stash of drugs and rushed away.
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