Pet Emma {darkest_fate&Gunner}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"What?" had come out of Emma Watson's mouth as soon as she'd heard the news from her agent. Apparently he'd jumped on the rumors of her playing the "famous" role of Anastasia Steele. Deals had started flying, money had started changing hands, and apparently now Emma had preemptively signed on to actually play the role. Of course she'd heard of the series; she'd even dared peek at the books. It sounded decidedly unsexy from start to finish, much like Twilight in all the wrong ways.

But the rumors had started, and her agent apparently was more interested in money. And now that Emma was signed on to the project, she felt she had to commit. However, apparently there was "training" that you had to do to get the part. That, in the general sense, didn't surprise the British actress all that much. She'd undergone dance training before; she'd done accent training; she'd even done some training with "wand waving" and so forth. But the moment they mentioned training for 50 Shades of Grey...

Apparently they got a famous "BDSM expert," or possibly some sort of "sex expert" or "sex trainer" on board. The claim had become that they'd found the best guy in the business to help Emma along. He'd show her precisely what she needed to know to play the innocent girl exposed to BDSM to the first time.

The irony of this situation wasn't lost on Emma, who'd been fending off suitors since before she even became legal. Unfortunately, between being Hermione Granger and her busy work schedule, such details as sex sort of fell to the wayside. Emma had learned to use various toys. Funny "fans" had ended up sending various wands for years to her, and Emma had picked one up about the time she'd gotten just curious. Sometimes she needed to destress, and that was the best way to do it. There were times when she dug her toes into sheets and clenched her jaw to swallow down some orgasms from time to time. They often teased that English were sexually repressed, and at times Emma fit the bill.

Not that she wasn't attractive enough. Again: the fans had made that clear. As had the modeling agencies and several others. Emma had that good balance between girl next door and high scale model that held mass appeal. Some light freckles dotted a slender face. Brown eyes expressed almost every one of her intelligent thoughts. Her body was slight, built like the dancer she played in at least one film, but it seemed to fit her well. Her long legs had been shown in a few of her roles, and she'd learned to use them well enough.

And now that woman stood outside a relatively reclusive location. It apparently belonged to the sex trainer, and he apparently made a bit of money, judging by its impressive location and facade. The message had been for Emma to pack a few bags for a weekend, and she'd done so. Simply a duffel with some clothes and a satchel with some makeup and accessories. For now she'd dressed simply, as was recommended: black workout pants and a pink exercise shirt. Her russet hair had been twisted up into a slightly sloppy tail that kept the slightly curled strands off her slender shoulders.

Sighing, she knocked twice before sliding into the domicile, knowing she was already supposed to arrive. She looked around curiously, trying to find where the "trainer" happened to be and where she was supposed to go to get this training started.
Eric Wright had agreed to help Ms. Watson prepare for her roll, for a few reasons. The huge sums of money they were throwing at him to prepare her for the roll didn't hurt, but his primary impetus was that he was going to get his hands on Emma Watson, and he had plans to put in a bit of... 'extra' work, gratis, to take her and mold her into his owned woman. He smirked to himself at the thought. But that would come in time; no need to get ahead of himself. Normally what he did was borderline theraputic work; helping a bored housewife discover her sexuality to delight her husband or even the occassional work with a couple porn stars to help them with some of their performances.

Eric was a hair over six feet tall, with a lean yet muscular build which he worked hard to maintain. He had handsome, chiseled features, with short brown hair, piercing hazel eyes and perfect teeth, his face religiously kept clean-shaven, along with his chest and manhood. Today he was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and a pair of running shoes that he could easily slip off when he needed to.

The location she'd been directed to was off the beaten path, on the outskirts of L.A. in a mostly abandoned industrial area, specifically a 'hidden' loft in an old warehouse; the entire setup screamed 'privacy'.

When she knocked he opened his door, locking it again behind her.

"Ah, Ms. Watson. A pleasure." he said, his voice smooth, with only the barest hint of a Texas accent.
"I'm Mr. Wright. I'm sure you have been told exactly why you're here, correct?" he asked, crossing the room to prepare himself a drink at the minibar, motioning to her to ask if she wanted anything.
It did come as something of a surprise to Emma to see that Mr. Wright looked almost as if he'd walked out of the pages of a novel similar to the one they were supposed to be training to reenact. He did strike her as rather on the tie side, and he wasn't precisely her type, but she could most certainly see the appeal. She'd almost been expecting someone more meek and average looking, so she could definitely appreciate the handsome face that greeted her at the door.

"I certainly hope it will continue to be a delight," Emma replied, her own British accent pushing a little more force than she might normally. She flashed a slightly nervous smile, nodded, and continued to walk into the loft, looking around with some curiosity. Wright's movements did catch Emma's attention to some degree: she followed him with her eyes.

The question seemed natural, and so naturally Emma nodded in return. "I'm to receive training to add more realism to the role," she said. She caught the motion and, not wanting to be rude and wanting perhaps a little alcohol in her system, Emma crossed over to look over the minibar. She was more of a fine wine drinker herself, so she looked over the selection with a bit of reservation, wondering if they'd sent ahead to prepare for her arrival in that manner as well.

"It's my understanding that you're something of a professional. I think at least one person described you as a sex trainer," she said, flashing him a quick smile, as if the job were a little joke shared between them. "I must admit it sounds a bit outlandish, but I suppose that if you do something well, people are willing to pay you for it."
He smirked at bit at her.

"Outlandish it may seem, but there is a call for it, as evidenced by your presence."

The minibar did not have her drink of choice; perhaps he had not been told (in actuality he had and choice not to stock it; his first small exertion of control over her). Her choices were vodka, whiskey or tequila. There was also bottled water, which was what he poured for himself, as he didn't drink on the job, but he didn't let Emma see that it was an option.

"My job-" he continued, handing her a scotch glass with several fingers of the liquid she indicated.
"-is to prepare you for your roll, like any other coach or advisor, and despite the nature of this, I do expect you to take this seriously and give it your full effort. If you do so, you will get everything you need from this." he said, his tone light, normal, as if discussing sports or the weather and not the sexual training of a virgin celebrity.

Despite his normal tone, he was staring at her intensely, sizing her up, boring into her, making decisions about her. Mentally planning what would happen. He'd given her a calculated amount of liquor, just the enough to relax her and maybe slightly lower her inhibitions without relieving her of her self-control or other mental faculties. Nearly everything he did was calculated; to exert control, to facilitate training, to give control or to induce submission. It was all part of the game, most of which would remain hidden from the girls. The physical portion was a small part of it. Arguable the most important part, but it was only a part. Planning & preparation was the important part, building the situation, making her want & need, denial...

"I'm going to eventually introduce you to a variety of things, but I find it best to start off easy. Especially when dealing with such a... blank slate." he said, waiting for her to finish her drink before continuing.
Indeed, there certainly did seem to be call for it. Though Emma personally hoped she never had to go through something as embarrassing as this again. Already she was debating calling up her agent and insisting that she couldn't go through with it now. Except that would set a bad precedent, wouldn't it? Turning down a deal simply because the thought of doing a little training put her off. Emma didn't want to be seen as a diva or anything.

Which was precisely why she took the offered whiskey with only a slightly tight smile. She swished it slightly, noting the amount he'd poured for her. Clearly someone had at least some experience dealing with slender girls and the amount of alcohol they could imbibe. Emma hesitated before drinking, however. Did she really want to have her head clouded in even the slightest? A little would've helped, but this might very well send her into an almost "buzzed" state, depending on the strength of the liquor.

So the girl sat it down while she listened to Wright's explanation. "I certainly intend to take this quite seriously," she said, nodding. She mentally added that she felt it to be rather ludicrous and fully expected this to be either creepy or silly. Again: this wasn't information she particularly wanted to share with the man designated to "train" her.

Emma ran her fingers along the glass, noting that he sized her up. That just made sense: most trainers did that with new trainees, as well as asking whatever questions were necessary to gain a full understanding of the situation. Though normally said questions didn't pertain to something quite so private as all this. "I've some experience in carnal pleasures," she replied after he spoke. There was some temptation to outright admit to her virginity: Emma had always been one to insist that treating it as if it were some precious treasure or shaming those who had lost theirs was just sexist. However, she simply couldn't feel comfortable enough. Perhaps it was that whole British stodginess. Instead she simply smiled that tight smile at Wright, clearly waiting patiently. After all, they had all weekend, and possibly longer than that, if Wright deemed it necessary.
'I've had some experience in carnal pleasures.'

Eric was sure she thought she had, but he knew the reality of it; if she had, she wouldn't require his training, but that was besides the point. When she finished her drink, he stood and pulled off his shirt, revealing his well-muscled chest and perfect washboard abs. He motioned for Emma to stand and give him a slow spin. Another test; just one of many that she was to receive.

"Elaborate upon your sexual history please. I need to know how to calibrate my training. Men, women, solo...?" he asked.

While that was true, he also wanted to get her talking about sex, to break that taboo, to begin normalizing the words and terms and to get her to become more comfortable talking about it with him.
The unfinished drink remained sitting where Emma had left it. She swore she barely looked away, and by the time she'd looked again, he'd removed his shirt. There was definitely something to appreciate there: apparently all that sex left you fairly fit. Emma wasn't allowed time to really stare, thankfully, as she ended up raising her hands slightly to do a slow little spin. This again struck her as being strangely familiar given everything. How often had various wardrobe specialists or trainers asked to make sure to get a full three sixty view of the starlet?

The next question, however, made it clear yet again that they weren't quite in Kansas anymore. "The standard," Emma replied, adding a slight shrug. She'd grown used to saying whatever it took for the part, so the comment came as easily as anything else. Just play as if you're comfortable. "People have been sending me little toys and whatnot for years now, thanks to my major role," she rolled her eyes for him before lowering her hands, smoothing down her sides again. "But it's been fairly standard. Certainly not like anything outlined in that awful book."

She wrinkled her nose slightly at the mention of the book. Just thinking about it twisted her stomach: who would let someone do that sort of thing to them? Then again, hadn't Emma all but signed up for that this weekend? There was a great difference between being awed by an "attractive man" (who struck Emma as being more of a stalker) and going to a professional for training for a particular role.

"So are we going to begin with looking at the equipment or is this more of a throw you into the deep end and see if you can swim situation?" asked Emma, tilting her head slightly to the side, brows raising with just a hint of curiosity. After all, it wasn't as if she would be inundated with possibilities to look at official BDSM gear.
He smirked at her question.

"No, not into the deep end. Like all things, you start easy, and work up. Crawl, walk, run. But all things in time. I will ensure that you are fully prepared for your role, do not worry. Now, what is 'standard'? You mentioned toys. Have you been celebate to this point?" he asked, his voice changing just a bit at the last part, letting her know that he expected answers when he asked a question.
that smirk nearly made Emma want to smack him or do something worse. However, she knew that wouldn't work out so well. Didn't want to start things off too much on the wrong foot. Plus, he was offering an explanation and some reassurance not soon after: talking about working up, getting prepared. The pressing for details proved rather annoying, as did the mention of her celebacy.

"Well, what most people would consider standard," Emma replied, again reaching for the glass, playing with the rim for a little longer, feeling its smooth texture against her fingers. "I believe the norm for someone of my age is generally a few sexual partners and some rather basic sexual and sensual encounters?" she looked up at him, meeting his eyes. "That was what I was referring to."

Because there was most certainly no way she was going to be fully honest with him, even if he was supposed to be some sort of trainer. "Casual positions and locations. Missionary on the bed after a candlelit dinner," she shrugged slightly. "That sort of thing." There, that should give him at least some idea, even if Emma hadn't exactly experienced that directly herself.
Eric looked at her hard for several seconds, not really believing her, but decided he wouldn't gain anything by pressing the issue. Actually, her reactions had told him more than the truthful answer would've.

"Stand, set down your drink, and turn around." he instructed.
"We should begin..."

With her turned away, he removed his shoes and silently dropped his jeans and boxers to the ground, leaving him completely naked as he came up behind the star and pressed himself against her back, his rock-hard cock pressing against her tight ass. His hands went to her sides, the barest hint of a touch as they slowly slid down to the swell of her hips. His head came over her shoulder, bending slightly due to their height difference, his mouth against her ear, his muscled form pressing against her.

"To begin, you must learn how your body reacts, how a man can tease and fire you up, what it feels like to have your body played like an instrument. You need to understand animalistic want, need; to feel lust instead of romance..."

As he whispered to her, his hot breath gently played over her ear and neck. Slowly he started kissing down her neck, gentle, flitting touches of his lips against her skin. As he kissed, his left hand slowly slid around her, resting just above her mound.
Put her drink down? she'd already set it down a while ago, so Emma had to wonder if he was distracted by something else. She did turn away for a moment to doublecheck, but there the glass sat, right where she'd placed it not soon after receiving it. A noise drew her attention back, and she turned just in time to see Wright's garments leaving his body. Her mouth fell open for several seconds in shock as she stared at him, outrage almost immediately rising within her. Fortunately for Wright, Emma's immediate response stunned her, rooting her feet to the ground.

Thus she didn't move as he moved behind her. She did let out a soft gasp as she felt him moving against her, his throbbing erection close to her pert ass. Emma did have a few layers herself: the cotton pants and equally cotton panties serving as something of a protection. But this was most definitely as close to a real life cock as she'd gotten in her young life, and she could definitely feel its impressive size pressing against her. It appeared as if Wright simply outweighed her in almost every possible way: looming over her so that his hot breath panted against her ear.

The words nearly sounded as if they'd been lifted directly from the novel. Emma had to wonder if he'd done that on purpose or if this was merely part of the whole sexual teasing aspect. "Do you really need to be naked for this?" She asked, fighting the urge to hiss the words. His hands were moving along her body, one in particular drawing dangerously close to Emma's sex. She lowered her own hand to place upon his wrist, gently nudging it away, not certain what he was even thinking. He'd stripped naked immediately and just... just started kissing.

"I'm really not seeing why you have to be naked," she repeated, shifting slightly, getting ready to worm her way out of his grasp if need be. His touches were hitting the right areas, but the whole circumstance was leaving Emma feeling more uncomfortable than anything else.
"If you cannot stand to be touched by a naked man, you cannot portray your character." he said, his moving hand stopping what felt like mere millimeters above the top of her slit.
"And just as important, if you cannot complete your mandated training, you will be in breach of contract." he said, without a change in his voice.

He didn't move, leaving his hands where they were, leaving her pressed against him, giving his words a few seconds to sink in.

"So, are you going to trust me as a professional and allow me to prepare you for this role and for success, or are we going to second-guess?"
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