Searching for Dominate Obese Male Commander and others...

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Dec 23, 2015
Once upon a time, thousands of years ago...OCTOPUSKING won the war in reclaiming their world from an old enemy. Octopusking is considered a renowned war hero ─ and resides in a place known as the boundary, where their world connects with the human world ─ the humans being their food supply. Without a supple[/align]

he became obsessed with one of his strongest soldiers: OCTOPUSKING ─ his determinate to mate with her and claim her as his own to replenish their species back into this world.

Octopusking is considered a war hero ─

OCTOPUSKING who won the war in reclaiming the world so their species could dominate once more. Considered a renowned war hero ─ Octopusking now resides in a place known as the boundary, where their world connects with the human world. She


OCTOPUSKING sits alone at her desk, aligning the polished brass nameplate, which reads her name. All around is the seemingly endless monochrome corridor, lined with dozens upon dozens of small doors and the occasional normal sized door leading to the crematorium. A phone with no buttons, just a smooth dial-less face, rings. She immediately answers it. There was a faint buzzing on the line, before there is an earshattering screech of static, then silence. Octopusking puts down the phone, and stands, underneath the fluorescent lighting her brownish skin gleams. She wore an expensive crimson suit with matching overcoat and black tie. Her black hair cropped short and styled, coppery irises which bore the tiniest flecks of gold, gleam. She pulls out a cutesy red octopus keychain walks over to the nearest small door, located on the leftmost side of the corridor. Octopusking unlocks the door in front of her and partial slides out a morgue drawer containing a white sheet concealing a naked body underneath it. Octopusking starts peeling back the sheet. And a single glance at the body and she frowned in disapproval, and immediately slammed the drawer back in place, a loud clang reverberating throughout the corridor. The keys in her hands jingled as she secured the door, locking it before returning to her desk to await the next phone call.
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