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Story time with HerrFuckface

May 19, 2014
This is an original work.All characters belong to me.

Untold tales of the Vampires Chapter 1: A gentleman's introduction

My name is Gage Demorrior ("Dee-More-E-ay"). I am a two hundred fourteen year old vampire.I stand five feet,nine inches tall,and weigh one hundred thirty pounds.I have pale skin,dark brown eyes,and shirt black hair.

I was born November eighteenth,eighteen hundred one in Baton Rouge,Louisiana.My parents are Scott and Marie,a farmer and seamstress respectively.When I was six years old,my father disappeared.Everyone in town had their own theories as to why he was gone.Some accused him of being an alcoholic who had been too intoxicated to find his way home.

Others claimed that he was an adulterer,and that he had another wife,and possibly other children.About three days after he went missing,my mother packed up our belongings,and we boarded a ship that was bound for the territory that would later become Oregon.

"Stay close to me,and don't talk to anyone." My mother told me.About a day and a half into the journey,several people perished.Many of them had been children.Some died of starvation,others due to an unknown illness.Many of the parents stopped caring for their children entirely once they discovered something was not right.

The bodies began piling up,and at one point,they occupied an entire corner of the deck.One evening,the captain emerged from his cabin and ordered that the dead be thrown overboard.He was an old man with bony fingers,and a horrible,thundering voice. "Toss the dead to the sharks,and be quick about it!" The older man shouted. Fearful of the captain,and what he might do,the able-bodied passengers complied and tossed the bodies overboard as quickly as they were able.The man watched them silently,and without emotion.It took about twenty minutes.The women stood back and held their children close to them,weeping.

My mother tried to hold onto me,but I was too curious about what was going on.I simply took a couple of steps forward and stared.Once the deed was done,the captain shuffled back to his cabin without another word.The following evening was one of quiet sadness.Many wept,and some even said prayers for the dead.
Untold tales of the Vampires Chapter 2: New beginnings

We reached our destination after a few days.It was a small colony with six cabins at best,along with a school house.A church stood in the center of town.There was also a small garden in which vegetables,fruit and herbs grew.

A young widow with two small children put us up for the night.The next morning,a few of the local men began construction on a cabin for mother and I right next to that of the widow who had put us up the previous night.

Mother got a job as a seamstress,the only one in town,actually.This meant that she was very busy.The years came and went,as did some of the residents.

Oddly enough,there were never very many children.One afternoon,it was announced that the teacher was retiring and that they were looking for a new one.A replacement was found within a few days.The man was tall and pale and his long red hair spilled over his shoulders and to the middle of his back.He called himself Lelio,never mentioning a last name.Lelio had a bit of an odd request.He asked that he not be required to teach class during daylight hours,saying that he had some medical condition which weakened him when he was exposed to the sun.

When I turned twelve,I began doing odd jobs for money.I worked in the garden and delivered finished garments to customers for my mother.I was not quite sure what I was saving the money for,so I just kept saving.My mother had taught me to sew so that I could take on her work load when she needed me to.

By the time I turned sixteen,I was able to make any alteration to just about any garment imaginable.I excelled in school,and favored writing and art.I wanted to be either a writer or an artist.I told mother,and she always supported my work.

One evening,I met a boy my age.He had eyes like bright,shining emeralds,and long,dark brown hair,and he was a lot shorter than I. "What's your name? And what are you doing here?" I introduced myself,and told him that I had happened upon the cabin by chance.He said his name was Ian,and that he was an actor and singer.We spent our free time together,and soon became best friends.

His parents were religious,so they would force him to go to Sunday services.I did not care for religion,and found a lot of it unbelievable and contradictory.On top of that,the pastor gave me this strange feeling.

I told mother,and she warned me to be careful. "You're already considered a heretic,son." She said softly. "I know,but something is...wrong with this pastor."

While on a walk one evening,I got this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach as I passed the church.It was not at all like a pain.This feeling told me that something was very wrong.I got goose flesh,and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

I rushed over to the church; the door was ajar so I peered inside.The pastor was seated with his back to the door.Ian was sitting in his lap.I quietly went in and as I approached them,I could see that Ian was trying to get away.My hands clasped around his neck.The man reached for my hands blindly in an attempt to free himself.Ian took this opportunity to get off his lap.


Luckily,he stopped just short of saying my name.Not taking my hands off of his neck,I mouthed the word 'Go' to my friend.The next thing I heard was Ian hurrying down the aisle and leaving the church.One of my hands moved to grip his hair,pulling his head back slightly. "Do this again,and you will regret it." I did my best to disguise my voice,and was able to make it sound a bit deeper than it actually was. "Do not get up until you hear me leave." I removed my hands from around his neck,and left the church.

Lelio was outside waiting for me. "Gage,I know this is personal,but threatening that man isn't the answer." "First of all,that was a promise,not a threat." I said. "Moreover,how did you know where I was? And what I said?" Lelio turned away from me then. "...I have my ways."

The next morning,Ian wanted to meet me at the cabin. "I told mother what you did for me.She said to t-thank you..." I was surprised she had believed him! "Of course.You are my best friend.I would do it again and again if it meant your safety..."

"B-but, took a big risk." Ian bit his lip,and stepped closer to kiss me.I closed my eyes,and kissed back.Wanting more,I pulled him closer.His hands found their way under my shirt.The sound of tearing fabric filled the air,and met my ears.My hands moved to pull down his pants.By that time,mine were discarded somewhere.Ian had changed,and I found it rather enticing.The timid and shy boy had vanished,and left in his place was a confident young man who knew exactly what he wanted.Me.
Untold tales of the Vampires Chapter 3: Awakening

Ian rubbed against me,and I groaned.He smiled slyly. "Now,Gage,be a good boy and tell me what you want." Be a good boy.Everything about those words made me shiver with anticipation,and filled me with such excitement! "I want you take me." More than anything,I wanted to please him. "Good boy." Ian purred,grabbing a bottle of lotion nearby.

"Now lie back." I did as I was told,letting myself sprawl out before him.I felt vulnerable,and I needed that feeling with every fiber of my being.I began to crave it from that moment on.Suddenly,there was a slight discomfort as he pushed a digit into me. "Yes! Yes! More,please!" I arched toward the finger,and tightened and loosened my muscles around it.Within moments,it was replaced by something much bigger and thicker. "Yesyesyesyesye-" Ian pinned my hands above my head,and began pounding into me. "As hard as you can,please.I can take it." I wanted the pain,and the blood.He kissed me roughly,possessively. "You're mine,Gage." I nodded "Yes.Yes,I am." Saying those words made me so happy.Soon,a hot,sticky substance flooded into me.There was a knot,a pressure,and I let go.I lay there,panting and grinning like a fool. "That...was amazing." Ian smiled. "Yes,it was."

When I turned thirty,my mother threw a party for me at the local pub.Everyone was there: Mother,Lelio,Ian.I received drawing paper and pencils.

The following month,my life changed more than I could have ever imagined.The pastor got to Ian,and he hung himself.I was devastated.Lelio finally told me about his mysterious "illness".He is a vampire.I went to speak with him. "I need you to give me the strength to finish this." "Gage,you don't know what you're asking me to do.You're asking me to rob you of your humanity,and turn you into a monster." "I am through with waiting.This man needs to be taught a lesson.NOW!" Lelio sighed. "Fine,but there are a few things I need to tell you first." Fire,the sun and decapitation were all lethal to a vampire,while a stake to the heart caused paralysis.A vampire can hear the thoughts of others,and possesses enhanced strength and speed,and heals quickly from injury.Disease does not touch them,and they never grow old. "Are you ready,Gage?" "Yes." Lelio approached me,taking me into his arms.He bit my neck.I groaned,and clung to him.It felt wonderful.Then,he stopped,and bit his wrist,holding it to my lips.I took hold of it,and began drinking the blood.After several minutes,he stopped me.At first,I felt horrible.I was lightheaded,seeing double and my heart nearly stopped.I must have lost consciousness,as I recall coming to.When I woke,everything was different.Colors were more vivid,sounds were clearer--I could hear everything! I was reborn.I thanked Lelio,and made for the church.I threw open the doors.
Untold tales of the Vampires Chapter 4: A most Unholy vengeance

"Gage! What is the meaning of this intrusion,you Godless heathen?" "You have robbed children of their innocence.It is time to pay." The man laughed. I willed a gaudy statue of some saint to block the door,and the sound of marble dragging on the floor filled the tiny building.Next,wooden stakes impaled his arms and legs. "You...are you the one making all of this happen?" I laughed. "Oh,yes.I most certainly am." "Demon!" "You want a demon,do you? Then a demon you shall have!"

Suddenly,my body lurched forward not of its own accord. "Grab him by the bloody tallywags and squeeze!" I looked around and saw no one. "I...beg your pardon?" The pastor gave me an odd look. "Who are you talking to?" He did not hear that voice? "Are you balmy on the crumpet? The ballocks! Grab em and squeeze! You wanna hurt him don't you? Do it!"
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