RP: House: Gasoline [ Horror_Show & manofyourdreams]


Feb 15, 2010
A young female was sitting in the waiting room impatiently at the free clinic downtown at the university hospital. She was playing on her iPhone. She was a little anxious but had already been waiting for forty-five minutes. She didn’t look quite as good as she normally would, being dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt pulled over a tank and winter slip on's, her strawberry layered shoulder length hair was oily and messy. Her eye’s were a little reddened from constant crying over the past couple of days. She was here because she was going to pay out of pocket to be tested for an STD. She was under 26 and was on her parent’s insurance but she couldn’t let that insurance be billed or they would find out, find out she had a sexual transmitted disease that was given to her unwillingly. That while walking back to her dorm after a homecoming game at her college, she was kidnapped essentially, forced into some sort of storage building on the campus that was vacant, forced into a closet, one night, one room, she was raped.

Luckily she had finally gotten some punches in and was able to get away without being psychically harmed other than violated. That night she should have went to the hospital to be tested and evaluated but waited, wanting to forget it. As the week progressed, so did painful systems of a sexual transmitted disease.

Finally, her name was called and she looked up a little startled but slid her phone into her messenger bag and made her way back with the nurse into a clinic room. The nurse took down her symptoms and made her pee in a urination lab cup to be sent off. She was left and told a doctor would be in shortly. She waited once again for minutes and was bored and nervous and trying not to think about what happened. She laid on the lab table looking up at the bright florescent lighting until the door opened and an awkward older male, in his early to middle thirties or forties walked in on a cane, dressed casually in jeans, a long sleeve buttoned shirt over a t-shirt with a lab coat pulled over, he had a beard and uncombed hair. He was flipping through her file without even acknowledging her, as if he didn’t want to be doing clinicals and was being forced to do when he could be in his office doing more important things.


“Have you not ever seen an after school special, Dawson’s creek? How can you be a student in college and not know about condoms?” He said seeming perplexed and irrigated. The girl felt her stomach drop and her hands which were holding onto the lab table clenched as she started silently shaking.

“I have an STD then?” She said pathetically.

The doctor turned and frowned and shrugged but nodded. “Unfortunately you’re the first today, your lucky day….I mean not for you but for everyone else”


The fact she had one and it was just confirmed made her emotionally break. She sucked in a breath, letting her head fall and let out sob and put her hands up to her face. The doctor looked at her confused but kept talking. “Its Chlamydia…in your case it’s the best worst news, its curable. Your be feeling better in a few days, it be out of your system in less than a few weeks.” She sobbed out even more shaking uncontrollably.

“Calm down, its treatable. I can give you a shot.” He said pulling out a syringe from its wrapping and grabbing a bottle of medicine. The girl was still crying shaking her head when the doctor came over.

“I need your arm---“ but before he could finish she slapped the syringe out of his hand with swelled red eyed glairing.

“Don’t you fucking touch me!” She screamed. The syringe fell and the doctor looked at her as his eyes widened and he realized she had been raped.

“Oh god…..”

Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?
Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?
Oh, how much he hated his clinic days. Knowing it was a clinic day, he was hiding in one of the patient’s room on the 5th floor, watching TV. The patient was basically an old Alzheimer patient, and his patient tray was pulled over to the other bed where House was laying back and eating the sandwich from the tray. Soon after which, his beeper went off which he turned it off. And then they paged him overhead.

Of course, he wasn’t going to reply but then his phone rang and it was Dr. Cuddy. “Y’allo…” he said and responded, “Geez, can you guys give it a rest? Can’t a man go to number 2 peacefully?” he lied as she apologized and told him to get to the clinic soon. “Yes mother.” He said and picked up his cane, pushing the tray away from him as he jumped out of the bed. He used the cane to turn the TV towards the patient before he walked out of the room and down to the ground floor.

He casually walked towards the clinic and upon entering, a nurse pushed a pile of while towards the corner of her desk, “All of these. Waiting for you.” He motioned to turn on his heels, “And I don’t know you.” He said joking, his arrogant behavior was known amongst many and the nurse knew that wasn’t going anywhere. He turned again and walked past her, picking up the first chart, scanning through the notes and the results of the tests that were done.

He peeked into the room after opening the door. He ignored the woman sitting on the table as he went over to table on the side, signing few documents. He had to pass off a smart comment about Dawson’s creek. When she asked him, he turned his face, looking at her, “Unfortunately you’re the first today, your lucky day….I mean not for you but for everyone else”

He then turned around and explained it was nothing but simple case of Chlamydia. He even told her about a shot. He pulled out a syringe, thinking anyone in the world would want to be treated. Noticing how her eyes were red when she looked up at him and the way she was behaving, it was chlamydia and some more.

He moved towards her, holding the syringe in his hand before he touched her little, her hoodie, “This needs to come off.” He was surprised to see her reaction and in that instant, he knew she had been raped. He just stood there, “I need to see something. Take your hoodie off.” He said arrogantly and leaned to the side to see if he could notice something and that, he did. He noticed some bruise or what looked like a scratch on the nape of her neck. “My work is done here if you don’t want to get a shot. But here is what I will do. I will refer you to go see a shrink. I will have a caseworker call social services as well as someone from authority will be here to take your statement.” He said, following the typical procedure in such cases. He wasn’t the one to follow the protocols but if this was going to get her off his back, he was glad to be doing this. With that, he wrote few things down and closed the chart, walking away from her and towards the door after he picked up his cane, “Can’t forget this!”
The girl kept holding her body protectively and couldn’t help looking pitiful, hopeless and ashamed. After she had snapped and smacked the needle away from the doctor he arrogantly still demanded she take off her hoodie and she took it half off when he saw bruises all over her body, scratches and a few cuts. She pulled her hoodie back down and sniffled glairing at the doctor. How could he be so arrogant, so emotionless and ruthless. She was quiet and drowning in her own self horror at what had been confirmed. It was as if she had been trying to pretend that night didn’t happen, that she was fine until being sick. It made her relive the moment. She tuned out the doctor as he commented on what he would do. She watched him limp toward his cane, she leaned forward crying out silently. He left and the room was silent.

Minutes passed but she still wasn’t released until an older attractive looking woman walked in looking concern. The female looked up startled but the woman held up a comforting hand.


“My name is Doctor Cuddy, I apologize for how long it took me to get to you. I have been trying to get the on call psychiatrist here as soon as possible----“ The young female looked a little insulted and shook her head


“I didn’t mean to upset Doctor House, I would like to apologize to him in person. I know I’m not in the right state right now….I would like for him to continue being my doctor please.” The young female said blowing the older woman mind, she frowned and leaned on one of her heels.

“Doctor House isn’t mad, he understands. Its why he came to me…..he isn’t the type of Doctor to handle these kind of situations. You need someone more skilled.” Cuddy reasoned.

“Doctor House isn’t skilled enough? He is a doctor is he not, what makes him any different. I want him treating me…..if he is to busy right now I can wait for treatment.” She said standing her ground.

“Its not that he isn’t skilled, he’s very intelligent, our best….he’s just not very good with bedside manners really.” She said and the female shrugged.

“I want him or I can wait.”

The woman sighed looked stumped but nodded. She left the girl once again to remain in the clinical room as she went to pull House from whatever he was doing. They couldn’t discharge this young female, she was mentally unstable, had been raped an needed treated. But they couldn’t treat her against her own will. They had no choice but to get House to be her doctor.
House was a very complicated man. The past he carried with him affected his present and future. Though, he may come off as an arrogant person, he genuinely cares for his patients. He never shows it but he does. Just in that very same manner, he told the rape victim what he was going to do, which was apparently a right thing to do. It seemed she was in denial and that meant, she wasn't safe being alone.

Of course, House wasn't going to waste his time telling her that if she wasn't going to get the treatment from him, after which he would have told her to go home and not worry about anything. And it all changed after the way she had reacted.

House wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and that meant, seeing the rest of the patients. He was fooling around by the vending machine when he heard the clicks of heels. He peeked through the glassed doors of the common hallway and saw Cuddy, the woman for which he seemed to have a flame for. Of course, now he was in denial.

He knew why she was here so he quickly sat next to a patient waiting in the waiting room, hiding himself behind the newspaper. Once he was safe, he picked up a chart and went into another patient room.

The case he was on, the patient, it was a bogus one. The patient was here for regular visit and when he heard a knock, first he shouted out "I am busy. In here with a patient. Going over some important stuff." He said and when Dr. Cuddy stormed inside, he didn't bother stepping out of the room, which she badly wanted. Something called patient confidentiality.

He was sitting next to the patient table, "Oh sorry. I am a little busy at the moment. Going over the importance of having a colonoscopy done. And how it can avoid him having a colon cancer which then you'd have to go in and remove his rectum. You don't want that sir...do you? No...see." He said looking at the empowering woman, and whined, "I am not going back in there again. She doesn't need me. She was raped and she needs a shrink. Throw her on the psych floor." He said and stood up, walking up to Cuddy, standing right in front of her, breathing over her, "You need anything else?" he asked, "My patient's waiting, and willing to take my offered help, unlike the girl."
Cuddy eyed him and shook her head and opened the door. “House, now.” She said with a dominant tone and he had no other option but to do as he was told. She couldn’t really fire him because of the money he brought into the hospital by being the best but she could make his life a living hell. This wasn’t an issue they could dilly dally around with. Cuddy apologized to the waiting patient and promised someone would be back with him shortly. Cuddy shut the door and sighed.

“When are you going to stop playing these games and take your job seriously?” She snapped and then put her heel in front of his cane so he couldn’t move.

“That girl, your patient you dismissed, she’s 23 years old and is refusing any sort of treatment if she does not have you…. for some reason she wants to be under your care. We cannot let her leave the hospital in the state she is in. If you want your next pay check, I suggest you get her admitted and under your supervision.” Cuddy said leaving him In the hallway.
He knew he really had no choice but he already knew Cuddy was going to have her way. He did see this as if he was doing a favor on her so he already knew what he wanted and that's why he was playing a game with her. When she opened the door, he stepped out and stood in front of her.

He wanted to walk away but her heels were in the way and he looked down, "Ooo shiny ones. New pair? About time." He widen his eyes and nodded, trying to get on her nerves. "Probably ...hmm?" he said taking a pause, "When you stop harassing me." He chuckled and looked at her, "Well, she is old enough to make her own decisions and if she doesn't want to get treatment, I can't do anything."

He teased her more, seeing it was working. "What? Under my care. She almost hit me. I could sue her for trying to poke me with a needle." He looked at her, giving her a serious nod and before he could say anything, she was walking away, "I will take this on, but one condition. No clinic hours for the rest of the week." He said and smiled at the nurse overlooking this drama, "You heard her. Now find another doctor for the rest of the week." He said as he took a lollipop from the bucket on the counter before revisiting the patient again.

He knocked at first and then shut it behind him, "Okay, there's something seriously wrong with you. You reject my help at first and now you want me to be treated by me? I am not the right doctor for you...and yes, I am breaking up with you." He said as if breaking up with a guy...I am not the right guy for you and you will find someone better than me sort of crap.
The young female had already been at the hospital close to five hours from the moment she signed in, had to be in the waiting room, saw the nurse and first spoke with House. She was getting more anxious and anxious waiting, especially after she saw the head doctor and wanted the man who had been so arrogant before. Something about him made her want to be under his care, he was an asshole, but he was hiding, she didn’t exactly know why but she trusted him. She looked up wide eyed, and watched him limp in. She could tell by how he moved, he was irritated. The door didn’t even close before he started.

"Okay, there's something seriously wrong with you. You reject my help at first and now you want me to be treated by me? I am not the right doctor for you...and yes, I am breaking up with you."

She stared at him quietly and looked a little caught off guard with his comments, she had been raped, beaten, all her dignity had been taken away and here he was addressing her like this.

“I didn’t mean to upset you. I was out of line.” She admitted, seeming to have a little bit of a European accent.

“You just don’t want to be my doctor because you want me to see the psychiatrist and because your scared to treat me.” She said putting a hand on her hip.

“Why don’t you want to treat me anymore?” She walked up to the lab table eyeing him.

The fact was the man was a genius and he was hired at this hospital to be a diagnostic doctor. There was nothing to diagnose about this young woman, she was psychically healthy, mentally damaged and scarred, there was nothing challenging him and he wasn’t the greatest with bedside manners, he was the type of person to cure someone from afar, making things happen like a god.
There was something unusual about the younger woman sitting on the table, waiting for him to enter. When he did, he went about telling her how it was rude of her and now she wants him to be her doctor. It was odd but then the oddest person was hosue so anything was really possible.

He was blunt with his words and after spilling them, he simply waited for that to sink in. He knew the state she was in, a fragile one. Though, it seemed to matter to him very little. "Well you did upset me and you were out of line." He said in response to her admittance.

He shrugged her shoulders and shook his head as if he was shaking from being scared, "Oh I am very scared. I am scared that you might just poke me with a needle next time I try and treat you." He looked right at her, watching her walk to where he was, "How about you tell me why I should treat you? Do you really think I am the doctor who can help you because you obviously need a different kind of doctor, not a diagnostician." He said as he claimed his title, hoping to make it clear for her where they stood.
The girl leaned back eyeing him and was quiet as if analyzing him. She narrowed her eye’s and let a hand comb back her messy matted strawberry blonde hair and sighed. “I want you to treat me, if you don’t want to that’s fine but I am refusing treatment.” She said grabbing her belongings.

“I apologized, I understand.” She said seeming a little upset and went to head for the door until, right as her hand fell on the metal doorknob she looked down to see a cane blocking her from opening the door, she followed the cane to him holding it with a look and she tilted her head as if waiting for a reason why he would have stopped her.
House stood there watching the girl run her hand through her pretty hair. There was definitely something about her, something broker that needed fixing. He was all about puzzles because he, himself, was a broken toy. Along the years, he’s developed this behavior, making everyone miserable around him.

“So, in other words, you are blackmailing me.” He said and cocked his brows at him. He scoffed as she moved towards the door and he placed his cane between her and the door. When she looked into his face, “Fine!” he said and turned his back towards her before he walked over to the table where her chart was and started writing something as well as picked up a phone to call up the nurse outside. “Admitting this patient under my care. Let me know once she’s upstairs in the room.”

He said and turned around before walking to where she was, “I hope you’re happy. First thing you are getting is the medication. I will see you upstairs.” He said before he filed out of the patient room.


He’d spend the rest of the day doing what he usually does. Throw the ball at the wall in his office. It wasn’t until later he got a call from another nurse, asking what were the instructions on the patient. He simply told her that someone from his team would be up there soon. Paging Dr. Chase, he briefed him when he came to his office and told him to go visit the patient and administer the drug, then transfer the patient to psychiatry unit.
Chase got briefed but got the idea something was fishy about this case. He knew House wasn’t the social type but the man despite being a hypocritical asshole had saved a plentiful of lives. He was dangerous and poisoning at times but his way made him able to help others without being directly involved. House made some smart ass comments about hopefully having her stabilized enough to leave before the week was over. Chase decided this time it was better not say something smart back and headed up to give the girl some medication to start curing her sexual transmitted disease.

By the time he got up to her room the girl was dressed in scrubs, was hooked to an IV and looked over to him.

“Riley? Riley Wilson?” He asked looking at his charts and saw her face, she didn’t seem pleased.

“Yeah, that’s me.” She mumbled. He nodded and walked over to a tray getting ready to administer some medication.

“I’m going to be giving you Olfoxacin, its an antibiotic, it will start treating the the infection. I can also prescribe some sedatives to help you get some rest if needed. Were going to have you transferred over to the psychiatric unit and get you comfortable.” Chase said putting the syringe in her IV.

“So where’s House, isn’t he my doctor or does he just send people to do his work with his patients?” She asked seeming annoyed and Chase smiled, a smile that told her.

“Yeah, he has three direct doctors under his team, me and three others….he rarely interacts with his patients unless necessary.” Chase said.

“Right.” She said leaning her head back seeming annoyed.

“Your start psychically feeling better in a few days…. the nurses will move you shortly to a more private comfortable room. Get some rest.” He said.

House had done what had to be done to help treat the girl from ER. He didn’t even recall her name by the end of the day. The case was solved. Cuddy wanted him to take her under his case, which he did and then got her to take the medicine, which Chase did for him.

When he received a call from Chase, he informed her that he had successfully administered the dose of antibiotics and was heading home. Speaking of which, House also had a home to return to. He didn’t take too long to put on his leather jacket and when he got to his bike, he put on his helmet. Careless, but he didn’t want a ticket or a cop pulling him over. Once he was ready, he left to go home.

The night was peaceful and no one bothered him. He did enjoy such nights from time to time. It allowed him to catch up on his sleep. Next day wasn’t hectic and it was just matter of handling other patients that were under his case. He didn’t need to check up on anyone but pass time at the hospital, especially since he was off of clinical hours. The rest of the day was also peaceful and it seemed like a waste of time. He troubled Wilson and convinced him to go to this monster truck event that was supposed to be late evening. They were set to leave after work, in the evening and it was about an hour left in the day. Taking a nap on his desk, he was comfortable and waiting for Wilson to come by so they can leave.
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