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Foreign Desire { DevilEyes & Azuriyuu }


Aug 29, 2009
My family had never liked any culture but Chinese. They were generally racist against everyone, except those of strict Asian culture. All of my family was like that, except for me. I loved culture. I loved studying different languages and religions. It fascinated me the differences between races. My dream was to travel around the world, and my biggest goal was to reach the other end of the world; that being the big olâ?? America. I had been studying English for a couple years now. I was fluent, which advanced me with employments since China had worldwide business, especially with English-speaking countries like the United States and Canada. My parents always complained to my how I was wasting my time, and that I was going to stay in China for the rest of my life; in Cantonese, of course, since that was the only language they knew. They always put me down, no matter what I studied; Always complained that I should be focusing on math and sciences, the â??realâ?? education. I dismissed it. I was studying them, but I was studying what I wanted too. I didnâ??t want to just be stuck in China and run the family restaurant like the generations before me. I wanted adventure, to experience life as a whole, not just China.

It seemed like my prayers were answered. My inheritance wealth was being jeopardized by a distant cousin, which my parents believed was non-existent and simply a fraud. I over heard them screaming and arguing with the company on the phone. He was an American, and claiming to be my great-grandfatherâ??s great-grandson. Finally, they settled for a DNA test, though someone had to go to the US to sort out papers and the such. That was a problem, how would my parents communicate? Thatâ??s where I come in the picture. I offered, gladly, to go over. They said no, more times than a Christian would say God, but in the end they gave in with no other option. I couldnâ??t believe my luck. Well, other than my fortune being hacked by an American, I was getting to live a big part of my dream. I was arranged to stay at an exchange-student housing program, when things were badly booked and the company in which handles my great-grandfatherâ??s wealth made an agreement with the American family to have me stay with them. I was mortified. I hadnâ??t found this out until my long 24-hour flight had ended, and I was on American soil.

Already, it was beautiful. It was different, very alien, but it was an alien I appreciated. I took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air in my nasal. The air was so much more pure, it almost gave me a headache. I was brought by taxi to the home. It was a large home, much bigger than mine in China. My eyes were wide. I could feel my hands trembling as I walked up the steps with my two pink luggages. I gulped, and when the door answered, the only thing that passed through my head was; white. The family didnâ??t look even close to Asian, let alone Chinese. I found myself siding with my parents, which I hated and refused to believe. I really cared little about the money. I didnâ??t need it. I wanted to earn my money, not wait for a dead great-grandfather to pass his wealth to me. I looked at you cautiously. Your red hair and bright green eyes confused me. It was the complete opposite of Chinese. If I were my father, he would have laughed so hard he would have coughed up his lungs.

They game me the spare bedroom. Everything was so different; the furniture, the food, the surroundings. It was like I was in a dream, and I was the alien. It had been a few days since my arrival. I could already tell you didnâ??t like me. You looked at me like I was a filthy bug in need of a foot to squash it. I didnâ??t really comment on it. I was generally a quiet person. I was pretty shy around people I didnâ??t know, and considering I had a Chinese accent when speaking English, I was a little embarrassed. Though, I tried to fit in as much as possible. It made me laugh when I attended school, and people talked slowly as if I was a toddler who was just learning English. The look on their faces when I would reply with clear English was priceless.

Though, as difficult as it was for me to get used to my new environment and people, I started to like it. The difference excited me. It was everything I wanted, and better. It was now night time, and I had completely forgotten about a Science assignment I had in Physics. Panicking, I ran over to my laptop; which was all in Chinese symbols, and started to do it. Just as I began to research, it crashed without warning. I couldnâ??t understand it, or even fix it. I tried everything. It wasnâ??t dead, I tried to charge it. In pure panic, I resorted to your computer. I felt guilty for not asking permission, but it was an emergency. I snuck across the hall as quietly as I could, as it was close to 1 AM. It was easy for me to make little noise, as I tiny and didnâ??t weigh all that much. As I opened the computer and the search engine, my eyes widened to what came before me. I nearly jumped out of the chair. An Asian porn site light up before my eyes, flashing nudity and sexual photographs and videos. I had a weird feeling in my gut, and lower. I couldnâ??t explain it. I went to close it, but I couldnâ??t. I had been sucked into a trance. I watched as a Chinese porn star touched herself, moaning, and smiling. I looked down briefly. I had never touched myself. It was like a sin in my family. I held my legs together. As time went by of me browsing through videos, I began to rub my legs together. I could feel myself getting hot and wet. It was like a drug. It was close to 2 AM, and I had stripped down to just my bra and panties out of curiosity, comparing myself to the Asian females I was watching. I rubbed the outside of my panties; Sliding my finger up and down the covered lips of my vagina. I bit my lip; it felt so much better than I thought it would. I could feel the moistness through the material of my pink strawberry panties. Everything was so new to me. I felt naughty and dirty, but something about that excited me. I couldnâ??t stop myself, my desire just continued to escalate.​
When we'd met at the airport, I was admittedly... somewhat quiet. The whole thing was retarded, in my opinion. Personally, I didn't give a damn about the money, and when I first called the rest of the family down in china, I was calling them to let them know that I was going to give them all but 5% of the inheritance(I planned on keeping a little for college), before one of my aunts or cousins or something began screeching at me that I would never get the money in horrible broken english, then seguing into cantonese to mock me. It was pretty funny when I told her to go fuck herself, right back in perfectly pronounced cantonese without the semblence of mispronunciation. So now I was fighting for the right to have my inheritance, with no need for the money or even any intent to use it other than shove it in a bank and let it sit there for a few years. Goddamn you, Grandpa Yuan. You knew this would happen, didn't you? I should have expected this. Grandpa Yuan called me a month before he died and told me that he had a wonderful plan to end the xenophobia within the family, but when I asked he didn't tell me anything.

When you arrived at the airport, I looked down on you. You were this tiny, annoying thing which I had the misfortune of having to deal with, sent in order to witness the DNA testing to make sure mother and I indeed were descended from our great grandfather. I stood over you whenever I could, my eyes glaring very lightly. Admittedly, I should have been... kinder. I should have been much kinder to you, because I was beginning to realize exactly how much of a douchebag I was being. It wasn't that you were a bad person, not at all. In fact, if you weren't family I would even consider flirting with you a little bit, but your presence was a nusience. Especially since it meant more work for me, as the family cook(Papa worked late, and Mama... Mama can't cook. It's scary when she tries). But as long as you stayed out of sight I didn't glare at you, and I mostly either kept to my room or spent time in the den with Mama and Papa.

Tonight, though, I'd gone out with a few friends. Nothing too big, we just went to play some games(Vision's a damn nut for strategy games). By the time we'd finished it was 1 AM, and with a panicked realization I hopped on my motorcycle and drove home. Getting in, I quietly closed the door, hoping that Mama and Papa would remain asleep, moving as stealthy as a mouse. Boots came off, my coat came off, leaving behind only a tank top and a pair of well-loved(read: tattered) jeans. Still, the candles were out, which meant that Mama and Papa knew that I was coming home late, and they left the light on for me. I smiled, that warm though running through me. Looking in the mirror in the front room I smiled to myself. The ginger hair which flowed down to my waist in a single braid shone in the flicker of candlelight, and my emerald eyes flickered, the shine of the flame reflecting off my glasses. Alabaster skin shone in the natural light, taut muscles that had been earned through martial arts practice were visible on my lean arms and the six pack on my torso. Reaching down, I scratched Lumiere, the family dog between the ears and he looked up at me, before laying back down on his cushion. Well... being an akita,he practically had a mattress to himself, but still.

As I snuck upstairs after putting out each candle, I smiled, heading towards my room, when I saw the light flickering through the doorframe. I tensed, pausing. What? There was one big rule that I had given you. Never go in my room or touch my things ever. I got ready to be angry, but I stopped myself, and calmed myself. Center yourself, I thought, letting out a soft sigh, before I moved into the room, opening the door silently and closing it behind me. I could move in the house more silently than a cat, but it was my territory. I frowned as I saw you going to the search engine, and type in and begin to look for physics, but then I saw you see my porn. I almost spoke up, but then curiousity got to you, and I watched you go to my favorite site. A small smile was pulled onto my lips, something I couldn't help myself from happening. I took a step forward, before I heard a moan escape your lips. I paused, and I seemed surprised as you seemed to be excited. Were you bisexual? That was a curious thought, but I'd remembered something interesting that I'd overheard. Mom was a sex therapist; a registered generalist psychiatrist, but a sex therapist primarily, and she'd spoken to you to figure out more about you. It was through that I knew you were virginal... and you didn't touch yourself, like it was some kind of taboo.

You're cuter than that one, I thought to myself, before I paused, realizing what happened in my head, that thought having been very naughty. My body went rigid as I ordered myself to abandon that train of thought, but it wouldn't leave me. Slowly, though, that train of thought grew slightly darker. I wondered... maybe if I made you uncomfortable... maybe if I did something that you would decry, you would be scared of me like I was trying to be. I could... the word 'rape' came through my mind, but it wouldn't be rape, I would just use my fingers, feel you, make you think that I was the kind of bastard who would do that sort of thing, and you would be scared of me and run away. And if I made you cum and humiliated you, all the better.

So I approached, slowly, and I looked over at you, over your shoulder from the side so that I didn't reflect in the computer moniter, being a master of stealth(In my own home), and my eyes widened, seeing your nipples through your bra. Wow, you were I thought I was a little aroused, but I shook my head. No, no, it wasn't that you were sexy, it was the porn. Slipping directly behind you, I leaned in. "I told you not to use my computer," I said, slipping my hands around your body so you couldn't escape, and I placed one hand on your breast and gave a squeeze. It was surprisingly pleasant. "Do you really think you can get away with just going and using my things?" I asked, although my voice wasn't angry, because...oddly, I wasn't angry, I was horny, as I began to massage your breast. "And now you're being an even dirtier naughty girl by looking at my porn. I didn't know you had it in you..." I whispered in your ear, blatantly ignoring the hot throbbing between my legs.​
When I had first met you at the airport, I couldn't believe my eyes. I swallowed roughly, you were huge. You towered over me like a skyscraper. I had to look up like I was looking up at the sky. Everyone was practically taller than me. Even though in China, a lot of males were over 5'6, it was still a big surprise to see some females even as tall as the males. I suspected this, but it surprised me so much more when I actually saw it. I smiled sweetly with my cute little expression when I first saw you, but I didn't seem to have gotten much of a reaction back. In result, my smile slowly melted from my lips and I felt a knotting in my stomach. I was there for barely a half hour, and already I felted shunned and looked down on; and excluding literally. I had to admit, I was taken aback. I underestimated your looks. For some odd reason, I pictured someone completely different. I picture some wanna-be Asian wearing an anime T-shirt who was skinny, a little scrawny, with glasses. You were, literally, the exact opposite of the image I had imprinted in my mind. I blame my parents and their biased opinion that was unfortunately rubbing off on me. To make matters worse, you were attractive; Really, attractive. Your green eyes sparkled, almost. But I brushed that off like it was nothing.

I was so into the videos playing before me, it was like time itself didn't exist, and all of my senses shut down. The only thing I seemed to concentrate on were my caged up hormones that were raging through my body like I had been suddenly struck by electricity. I couldn't explain the odd trembling I felt in my body. It wasn't something that could be seen, but I felt surges of heat exploding throughout me. As I rubbed my clit and my lips through my panties, I panted a bit. I had closed my eyes and tilted my head back, rubbing a little harder. The sensation I got from pressing my first two fingers was unlike anything I had ever felt. I had never even thought of sex before that, nothing bad like this. I had my curiosity, but now I just wanted to be pleasured. I wanted more. I wanted to know how things felt. I wanted to know everything. The only reason I could think of that I never tried this before was my mother, and how she'd always yell at me about how I should never let a man touch me, unless it was to bring a child into the world; reproduction. She would say how if she ever found out I was sleeping around, I would be a whore and she'd beat me until I couldn't have children. Of course, that was all words. It was just to scare me out of having sex. It worked. Not to mention, I didnâ??t have sex-ed and I didnâ??t get any guidance from my parents. I was clueless; I had to teach myself while studying Biology. Not only that, but I never had an interest, really, in sexual activity. I was never attracted to anything; not until now. I had never realized that Asian men didn't attract me, but that I was attracted to Caucasian males. I guess I never saw it, because I had never really come face-to-face a Caucasian male, or watched Caucasian x Asian porn.

I didn't even hear you enter, or walk round. I couldn't sense your presence in any way shape or form. I thought I was alone until I felt your hot breath beat against my ear. 'I told you not to use my computer,' My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. My face fell, and I gasped loudly. Startled, my instinct was to jump up and cover myself, but as I tried to push out of the computer chair, I felt a warm restraint. Still in shock, I looked down at my waist to find your strong arm wrapped around in. I gasped again, in surprise as your opposite had cupped my breast. I let out a whimper, but it sounded more like a hold-back-moan than anything. My face was tomato red. I was so embarrassed I felt I could faint. It was physical instinct to tilt my head. My breath became heavy, I felt even hotter than I did before, and you were barely doing anything. It must be the fact that you're holding me down, and that you had your hand in places they should not be. "I-I- I'm sorry!" I pouted in a soft but frightened voice. My brain was spinning in my skull. The only thing I could do was stare at that cursed computer screen and the heavy images and videos. My heart pounded heavily against my chest. I was so nervous that I could barely focus. If I had the option to drop dead, I would take it.

I paused, listening to you as you continued to whisper things in my ear. It was negative, but seductive. Something about the tone of your voice excited me. Before I had a chance to answer, I felt your hand move against my breast and begin to message. I let out a moan, one that slipped. My cheeks were burning. My hands grasped the chair arms. I squeezed hard on them as my legs closed and I squirmed a bit. "I-I- didn't mean too." I could barely manage the words. My mind was a blur of emotions and hormones. "It was an e-emergency." I stuttered before realizing how wrong and inappropriate that sounded, since I was watching porn. "My computer shut d-down." I bit my lip. My breasts were so sensitive, even with a bra on. As you mentioned how I was naughty and dirty, my eyes widened and I shook my head. "No! .. No!" I paused, my breath quickening, "It- It was an accident."​
I paused as I almost stopped, realizing that I could pull away and say that I was just joking, but as you meekly bowed yourself before me, I felt something inside of me well up; as you stepped down, my instincts drove me to step up, to dominate if you would submit. I forced those instincts down, told them to shut the goddamn hell up, but I couldn't force those thoughts all the way down. I bit my lower lip as my worn pants felt like they were slightly tight... "I-I- I'm sorry!" came through my ears as I bit my lower lip, wanting to do more as you were terrified almost as you stared forward. I looked ahead and I chuckled a bit as you let out a moan. My entire movement paused as I heard that moan and my cheeks pale cheeks reddened slightly, invisibly in the dark. The only sound I heard was the sound of you breathing deeply and of the chinese model screaming loudly as she brought herself to climax, my eyes looking forward, the sight of her pussy exploding with juice reflecting dully on the shine of my thin glasses. I bit my lower lip and didn't even notice as my hand began to squeeze your breast harder.

"I-I- didn't mean too." brought me from my trance and I looked down as you spoke again. "It was an e-emergency." At that, I laughed, pausing as I looked at the porn. "An emergency?" I asked, sounding slightly amused, ignoring your protests and statements of your computer shutting down. I let your breast go and held onto you, amused as you claimed it was an accident. The way your breath quickened, you sounded just like that adorable, fuckable little model on the model who I'd lusted after for months, only speaking in english. I undid your bra in the moment. "I bet now you're going to say you were doing 'research'... Alright, I guess I can help you with your research, you little perverted cousin," I said. I wanted to burn this into your mind and make you never forget. I wanted to force you down and make you fear me, make you realize that you would never be as strong as me, and I could force myself on you if I ever so chose to. I reached under the cup of your now loose bra and held you down. Feeling that flesh, I realized it was surprisingly soft... Surprisingly soft and pleasant, and I ended up running my hand along the wonderous flesh, enjoying it, enjoying your breast as I looked down at you. I was only trying to act, but there was a sexual hunger in my eyes, a desire.

"Don't make noise, or I'll gag you," I threatened. As I continued to squeeze your breasts, I reached down into your pink panties, smiling as I felt my fingers brush along your hairy snatch, before they reached the top of your slit, and I shuddered, feeling the warmth and the wetness. "You're already so wet... Well, let me show you exactly what she's doing, and you can follow along with cousin Bartiel," I said, smiling, although my own breath was growing hotter... I was beginning to get an erection myself, the thought of dominating you, being in control... a shudder ran up my body and I supressed it by squeezing your breast and squeezing your nipple between my index and middle fingers as I used my hand's thighs to just barely drive your thighs apart so you wouldn't be able to clamp them shut, and I very slowly, very lightly ran my index finger along the slit of your pussy, revelling in the heat of your sex from behind.​

( Edited to clean up my html tags )
I could feel you squeezing harder. I was so confused, not only at myself but at you. I couldn't tell if you were serious or just messing with me, trying to chase me away. After all this time of being shut out, now you're here, touching me, holding me, feeling me. I was having mixed emotions. I was out of control, I had no control- that frightened me, but in opposite, it excited me. Something about being wildly out of control made me hunger for more. I took a breath of relief, half of disappointment as you let go of my breasts. Just when I thought it was over; Click. My face lit up with fear, my eyes bulging out of my face. My breasts were no longer being supported. I squirmed more, immediately throwing my arms to my chest, to hold the bra there- denying you access. But my weak arms were no match against your strength. '...perverted little cousin,' I pouted some more, shaking my head and squirming more. "N-no...! St-op! That's not true!" As I struggled a little more to get away, I forgot about the focus of my bra, and let go a bit. I moaned in surprise as your hands brushed against my bare breast, and held it like a trophy. Your hands were cold against my heated breasts. "It's cold!" I muttered, my voice getting a little louder from the surprise and change in temperature.

I froze, as you were now threatening me. Threatening to gag me. That word made me shiver. The thought of being tied up, and denied my voice made me even more afraid. The only thing that echoed through my mind was rape. I didn't want to think that, though. I knew you disliked me, but I would have never guessed you were that cold. I didn't want to believe it. But, nevertheless, I shut up, calming down a bit; or tried too. "Cousin!" I moaned out quite loudly as you stuck your hand in my underwear, and glided your finger up my moist lower lips. I threw my hands other my mouth immediately after slipping. I frowned. It wasn't my fault; it was an unexpected movement, causing an unexpected reaction. But now, I began to panic; really panic. I began to squirm- almost violently as you touched me. I could barely breathe. It felt so much different than when I rubbed myself with the cloth. It felt... better. No, it felt amazing. I shook my head side to side, grabbing your wrist; the wrist of the hand in my panties.

I attempted to shut my legs. My thighs tried to crush your hand, to block access or to trap you at least, but the way you moved your finger, I was losing control of my own body. The message didn't seem to process properly from my brain to my legs, and instead, I just moved them, but not hard. Before I could organize my thoughts and demands, you had already stopped me from stopping you. I could feel my pre-juice sliming around on your fingers and helping them smoothly slide on my clit. I bit my lip so hard, I almost made myself bleed. I crippled my neck a bit, trying to fight the delicious sensation of your touch. I just briefly glanced at you as you continued; I could see that look in your eyes. You wanted me. You weren't playing, you actually wanted me. You were enjoying this. Suddenly, it hit me like never before, we were family. Family. This was wrong. So wrong. Yet I was here, going crazy, while you're there, driving me crazy!​
I began to almost pant softly as you moaned. I could feel that you were beginning to panic, and I knew you would squirm, struggle, and as soon as you could, you would run away from me, run, and never look back. That thought almost made me feel sad, and so somewhere in the back of my mind I'd decided that even if you were going to be afraid, I wanted to at the very least make it feel good for you as a small, secret apology for the trauma that I would be putting you through. When you grabbed my wrist, I looked at you, raising an eyebrow as you tried to resist. You squeezed my hand with your thighs, but I knew that if you really wanted to you could pin my thighs; your legs may have been slight and weak, but leg strength was so much greater than arm strength. I could tell, looking into your eyes as our eyes locked that you were indeed enjoying this. You didn't want to enjoy this, but you were enjoying this. So I dropped down onto my knees, leaning over the chair a little bit as I sat up on one knee, the angle of everything changing, my arm pushing your leg out slightly as my hand on your breast moved to holding it from below.

I squeezed your breast as I breathed in your ear, ignoring the thoughts of this being so very wrong as I felt the hard nub of your nipple. I slid my finger down lower, running it just along the outside of your slit, not daring to penetrate, but not staying on your clit as my finger slipped between the wet folds of your womanhood and slid up and down along them, moving down to the very bottom before rising up, brushing against your clit before falling down again. As you squirmed and could barely breathe, I held you, I forced you to feel me, I forced you to feel this pleasure. Looking into your eyes from behind the chair, we both knew it. I also knew you could scream, but when that thought came, I lightly used the tip of my index finger to brush directly against the top of your nipple, the other fingers of that hand pumping your breast as the hand down your panties ran a soft circle around your clit, wanting to use pleasure to drain even more of your strength. Biting my lower lip, I completely ignored the erection in my pants.

This was so wrong, so horribly wrong, it went against everything I knew; I knew from being the son of a sex therapist what molesting you like this would do psychologically in the long run, even if the damage was lessened by you accepting my ministrations and my dominance, I knew that I was breaking so much trust, and if you were shrieking and in pain I would have stopped. Actually, lookign at you I would have stopped after just a moment, the point of me being stronger and being able to completely dominate you having made it's point, but I could feel the arousal of your body, I could smell the scent of your wet pussy, I could feel the convusions as I touched you, and every touch made my cock harder, made me want so badly to show you what more than 'Masturbation' was, but I resisted. Resisting took concentration, though, and in my concentration I began to squeeze your breast harder, slightly rougher, and rub your clit faster, almost panting as I looked towards you, wordlessly.
I should be emotionally scarred by this. I should be trying everything in my power to escape your grip. I should be practically throwing a tantrum. I was small, but I wasnâ??t sit-by-and-do-nothing type of person. I was the type to stand up for myself. I made an unconscious decision not to cry for help. I could, and due to the lacking of noise in the house, even a medium cry would awake any living being. His parents were just across the street, or really, my aunt and uncle. They werenâ??t directly my aunt and uncle, and you werenâ??t directly my cousin. Everything was half in our family tree. Our parents were half-cousins, making us, half second-cousins (You have no idea how long it took me to figure that out). I didnâ??t like to call them that, and I didnâ??t like to call you my cousin even if that was partially the reality. I didnâ??t like to think of it that way because, well, I guess it was because I had never met you before this, and that I didnâ??t know them or grow up with them being family. That upset me, because I missed out on that opportunity, even if you were as distant as half-second cousin. Technically, this wasnâ??t as incestuous as one may think. Second cousins used to marry and mate all the time. Second cousin is half as incestuous as first cousin. And if youâ??re my half second cousin, cut that half in half. If that isnâ??t confusing enough, everything still boils down to immorality. And despite the fact that this alone was illegal because I was under aged, how much more illegal is it now that itâ??s incest by the quarter?

That seemed to be the only thoughts running through my mind; how wrong this was. I didnâ??t want you to stop, that was obvious. I would have stopped this is it was what I wanted. But to make me feel even guiltier, I wanted more. As if this wasnâ??t far enough, I wanted even more. I wanted to feel you in return- I wanted to feel all of you. Just the whatâ??s-supposed-to-be-gross thought of you on top of me echoed throughout my dirty mind. It was an echo so loud that it seemed to abolish the fact that you were still related to me.

I had closed my eyes, trying to fight the warm and arousing feeling of your hands on my body. I opened my eyes as I felt you switch positions. You were lower; I could tell by movement of your breath and the position of your hand. I looked down a tad, realizing you had placed yourself on your knees rather than standing. That was a clear example that you were getting comfortable and that this wasnâ??t just a touch-and-go situation, but that you were planning to continue. I twitched my eye a bit, arching my back more as you moved your fingers over my slit and around my clit. A soft moan, louder than before, leaked from my mouth. My nipples were growing harder and harder as you stroked my pussy, and pressed your fingers against my breast. My body had been the most aroused than it had ever been, and I was at peek pleasure. With every brush of your fingers against me, pleasure increased. It was beginning to feel more and more good, faster and faster. I felt so much embarrassment, especially since I was showing satisfaction and approval by moaning. But that sense of embarrassment felt a little smaller as I realized the quickening of your breath; you were panting. I bit my lip again. The sound of your panting triggered more perverted thoughts. I could only picture your panting increasing and your imaginary moaning as I lay under you, while you thrust into me. I shook my head a bit, trying to dust off the thoughts from my mind. My hand slowly eased from your wrist, and slid up your arm. I was squeezing so lightly on your hand, but as my level of arousal increased, my squeezes got harder. I was getting close, but I didnâ??t know it.​
I didn't hesitate at all as your eye twitched and your back arched, hearing a soft moan coming from your mouth as your nipples grew even harder. I could feel you writhing, and I could sense the pleasure coming off of your body as I looked over you. You were so beautiful, so sexy, that thoughts ran through my mind, thoughts of doing more than simply fingering you and showing you my strength, thoughts of throwing you against the wall and really dominating you began to run through my mind as the entire point of all this was beginning to disappear, the entire point of forcibly masturbating you was fading. The point was... I could barely remember anymore. All I was thinking of was the way that your body writhed with pleasure and you moaned in front of me, the way that your hand slid up my arm, shuddering as I felt the soft touches of your hand, although as you squeezed those squeezes were firmer, the squeezes of pleasure as I shifted softly, my cock throbbing inside of my pants, begging for me to pull it out. I could only imagine picking you up and slamming you roughly against the wall, piercing your tight pussy with my cock, violently banging you up against the wall as you moaned and screamed...

As my imagination took over my thoughts, slowly my movements showed it; rather than simply rubbing the very outside of your slit my finger slowly moved towards probing your inner walls just slightly, dipping it in until the first knuckle, which was suprisingly long, due to my long, gangly fingers. I moved my finger in a slow soft circle once it was inside of you, before pulling it back and continuing to rub your clit faster and harder, your squeezes driving me to attack your flesh harder, determined to make you cum... The excuse I told myself was I was trying to make you cum so you would understand that I was dominant and I had complete control, I could even make you feel pleasure against your will, but I didn't even know anymore.

As my index finger moved faster and pressed harder against your clit, my chest rose and fell, excitement filling me up before I did something I shouldn't have done. I leaned up as I hold you against the chair, forcing my lips on yours, forcing my tongue inbetween your lips... I was enjoying this too much. I was moaning into the kiss. I was fingering your clit happily, squeezing and massaing your breast harder. I didn't care that this was all wrong. I found myself excited that we were doing all this, that we were family, that I was in command and control of one of you pricks from China... even though you were kind, I still loved this feeling of control.​
I gasped as your finger entered me. I arched my back even more, bobbing my head a little more backwards and moaning a little more. My legs stiffened a little be, and my toes began to slightly curl. There was an escalation of pleasure. It felt as if it had doubled. My body was having a reaction to this sensation. I was losing the battle. I felt my body become more and more vulnerable and you continued to pleasure me. The feeling of your long finger scraping the walls of my pussy felt unbelievable. It felt so much rawer than my clit or lower lips, but it felt almost like a violation. Something about that feeling of violation, which I accepted, mad me even hotter. I felt dirty; naughty. Because I was raised to believe that that was a place no one should touch but my husband to bear a child. I was rebelling against everything, everyone; my parents especially, who I had a distaste for the majority of my life. It felt good, so good. After being trapped inside that dreadful life. After being controlled by my parents. From everything from friends, to school, to education. I finally felt free. Something I never had much of, freedom.

I lifted my head back up a bit, opening my eyes a little more and trying to maintain control over my heavy breathing. I was failing. I looked up a bit to see you, leaning in. As if I wasnâ??t blushing enough, my cheeks got pinker as your lips pressed against mine. My eyes were dimmed; half open as you first kissed me. It was my first kiss, my first everything. My eyes slowly closed with a sense of pleasance. As I got more into the kiss, and I felt your mouth open and your tongue barge through the doors of my mouth, I let it be. I opened my mouth as well, welcoming your hot tongue to caress my own. I was a little nervous, because I had no experience and it was quite self explanatory that this was not your first time. But I picked up pretty quickly. It took half a second to register in my mind how to use my tongue, and how much to open. It was like an instinct. I swirled my tongue around yours, moaning through the kiss as you did. Something about sharing saliva and having your tongue in my mouth, while your fingers were in me, sent a wild surge of excitement in my body.

Without realization, because of the looseness of my bra, it has practically fallen off, just being held up by the straps which had slide down my arms. With that the way it was, it was pointless. Moving my arm, I let the bra fall off of me completely, thus causing it to slide off of my body and fall on the floor with a light tapping sound. As our tongues hugged one another, my hand moved up your arm and to your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. My touch was gentle and my skin as soft as a babyâ??s ass. My hand stopped for a second at your shoulder before sliding to the crook of your neck, holding your head to mine as you kissed me. My opposite hand released from holding onto the arm of the chair and I subconsciously turned the chair around just enough to have better access to you. I lightly placed that hand against your chest. It moved down slowly before creeping under your shirt. My small fingers grazed against your abdominals, and trailed down until I let go. It was until a quarter of a second later that they came for a surprise visit, this time, lower than your abdominals. The palm of my hand brushed up against your tight erection. I was out of my mind. My mind was spinning. I had that little angel in the back of my head screaming â??No! No!â?? yet the rest of me was screaming for me to feel you, just as I wanted. I was to feel more than just a guarded erection. I wanted to feel your manhood bare in my hand. I rubbed my hand up and down before taking my other hand away to assist. Both hands were now in the process of undoing your pants, and surprisingly, without looking, I managed to get them undone in barely any time. I pulled down your pants and underwear just enough to let your shaft fall into my hand. I wrapping my delicate fingers around it and used them to massage you slowly, but surely.​
My body grew hotter as I moaned into kissing you, my mind burning. No, no, no, stop! My mind screamed to myself, breathing deeply through my nose as your tongue accepted mine, no, embraced mine. The point had completely faded as you had begun to kiss me back, as you accepted the pleasure... I could feel your body accept the body, feel your tongue swirl around mine. I pulled my tongue back lightly, sucking your tongue into my mouth, sucking hard on it, pinching it lightly between my teeth, continuing to suck on it, my fingers continuing to finger your clit. Your arm moved, and your bra fell. I needed to stop this, I needed to end this and kick you out of my room, but as your hand touched my shoulder, I flinched. I wasn't expecting you to touch me like that, i wasn't expecting you to touch my neck, stretching out my neck very softly, exposing the flesh more deeply to you.

I gasped. "Zhen," your word came from my lips as you continued to touch me, feeling your fingers run down my tank top, beginning to move along my upper chest, letting you feel the hard muscles that martial arts training had given me. When your hand reached down, brushing up against my erection, I tensed. No, you can't, you can't actually rape her, you have to stop, his mind thought, but I realized that you were doing that intentionally... your body was accepting mine, that you were already wanting me, that you pulled open my pants, that you undid the button. My entire body went completely rigid as you pulled down my jeans... of course, there were no boxers underneith. I didn't really believe in boxers. As you grabbed it, you would feel it firm and slightly damp from being in my pants as precum had begun to leak out. I shuddered, letting out a tiny groan into your lips, my eyes growing just barely misty before I pulled away, looking into your eyes as you continued to reach back, lightly massaging my cock.

When you grabbed my cock, that caused something to explode inside of me. Desire, a burning desire to do more than just play with you, but to truly dominate you, to make you into a woman, because I knew you were a virgin. My mind was telling me to stop, that everything had completely failed, that you were actually enjoying this, and that I couldn't have sex with you, because... I couldn't! But my body obeyed itself, not my mind, and I leaned in, kissing your neck, before I sucked on your neck, using the hand on your breast, squeezing it and pinching your nipple, panting softly into sucking on your neck, pushing that index finger into your pussy, pushing it deeply in, to the second knuckle as I sunk my teeth into your neck, moaning.​
My name from your lips only drove me to work harder. I was new at this, and I knew you knew that. But I strived to satisfy you as much as you were satisfying me. I was tired of just sitting around, waiting, standing by and watching my life pass before me. I wanted to experience life to the fullest, and now that I had that chance with you, I wasnâ??t going to throw it away like I had thrown everything else. I was never going to get this chance again, not like this, and there was something about you that made me want to do more. There was something about you and your character; you and your relationship with my great grandfather. It was strong. Something I never got. Something I wanted for all of my life that phenomenal connection with my great grandfather. I was jealous. I didnâ??t know what other way to put it. You had everything I had ever wanted. Freedom and my great grandfather. But rather than being angry at you, I wanted you. I wanted to feel that burning passion; that burning desire. The only way I found that could explain my mixed emotions, was that now that my grandpa Yuan was gone, the least I could do was to make an effort to fix the past; to fill that gap between both families.

I could feel my heart beating roughly as I commenced to touch you. My warm palm hugging your firm manhandle, I felt to out of control. Stroking it up and down lightly, I changed the way I held it. I gripped your cock with my index finger touching my thumb to form a circle around the base of your shaft. Squeezing lightly, I moved up. As I reached the head of your penis, I would twist ever so lightly before pressing back down. I did it repeatedly, and began to teach the whole to the urethra by gliding my thumb over it quickly, or massaging it with my palm. After going at a low pace, I started to pick up speed to increase level of excitement. As to not leave out your boys, when falling down on a stroke, I move to cup your balls in my palm. I rolled them gently in my hand; squeezing them, and massaging them. I moved my hand back up, this time handling your cock with all fingers, and squeezing a little harder to have a fuller grip. I stroke it a little more roughly, making sure I traveled all the way up to where your dick and your head connect.

As I was in the process of massaging you, I felt you sink your finger deeper into my pussy. This caused me to release a series of moans as your rubbing became more intense. My legs began to tremble slightly. I could feel myself exploding more and more with pleasure. I was panting a lot louder, but trying to keep as quiet as I could. I wanted to moan so loudly, to show my true satisfaction, but I knew that would worsen the situation if someone would hear. My opposite hand that was not being used to manhandle you subconsciously grabbed your arm again. As your teeth grazed upon my neck, I moved my neck over to give you more room. I was squeezing harder on your arm than before, and moaning more. â??Bartiel,â? I moaned breathlessly. I was so close to cumming.​
The way that your body moved and writhed to my touch drove me to break away from the taboo thoughts in my mind, to continue to push forward. Looking into your eyes, I panted, feeling you lightly touch my cock. I didn't imagine that it would feel all that great, but as you twisted your hand lightly against the head of my cock, my eyes widened slightly as an audible moan was pulled from my chest, my back arching just slightly as you moved your palm along the head, my cock throbbed harshly, leaking precum, covering your hands in a small bit of wet, sticky juice which covered your hand. Desire filled my eyes as I looked towards you, softly, panting. I'd always had a thing for asian girls... so small, so demure, so fragile that I could do whatever I wanted with them, control them, hold them in my arms and bind them up. And yet, it wasn't that I wanted to break them, but that I wanted to have the power to break them... and have them trust in me, submit to me.

As you cupped my balls, I shifted, moaning as I pushed my finger into your pussy harder and deeper, looking down as you began to tremble with pleasure, shuddering before you grabbed a full grip on my cock. Hearing my name on your voice, I bit down harder on your neck, squeezing your breast and moving it in a circle, handling it harshly as I began to pant. My cock was throbbing and twitching in your hand as you continued to jerk it skillfully. Looking at you, I saw you for what you were; an incredibly horny girl who was very repressed sexually, with strong sexual instincts. A body that was made for pleasing a man. My cousin's body...

I realized exactly what was happening at that moment, like I was hit in the head with a brick. Your hand felt wonderful, but it was the hand of my cousin, of a girl who was not only family, but who I had hated(On principal, mind you, not any true hate) since you arrived. Actually, that was completely untrue, and somewhere in my mind I knew it. As Grandpa Yuan said once, I was incapable of hating someone who hadn't made themself my direct enemy. I was an impatient and demanding person, incredibly dominant and crude, but genuinely good. And I knew, being genuinely good, I couldn't continue. Slowly, I pulled my fingers from your pussy, pulling my hand from your breast, looking at you as I grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand very gently off my cock. It still dribbled with precum, and I could feel it twitching in the cold air, begging for release, begging for more, as I enjoyed the texture of your wetness on my fingers, my eyes gazing into yours.

Strangely, the next words were very hard to say.

"Z-Zhen, we have to stop," I said, realizing that I was panting and that my breath was ragged, that my eyes fell to your breasts and your incredibly wet panties. It was obvious that I was looking at you not as my cousin, or even as a little girl, but as a woman, and even more, as a woman who I wanted to push against the wall and fuck senseless. And I was trying to make myself see you as my cousin.​
Your sudden stopping seemed to cause everything to shut down. I could feel a tingling sensation when you pulled your hands from my panties, and my breast. The tingling dimmed down within a matter of seconds to leave me normal, yet breathless. My eyes opened wider, wondering why you had stopped, I was asking with my eyes. I looked down at my hand as you removed it from your sticky cock. I looked back up at you, though the look I seemed to give was innocent; that was subconsciously. I looked confused, and most of all, dumbfounded. I paused, there being an awkward silence between the two of us before you broke it. Though, the words that escaped your lips nearly made my jaw fall. This was so unexpected, especially since you had been the one who started it. Suddenly, I found myself even more confused. Just when I thought you actually wanted me, now all of a sudden, I was being turned away. I had never felt more rejected in my entire life, and that was the feeling I had been so deeply searching to free.

I took my hand away completely from your grip, looking away. I was staring blanking at the floor. I didnâ??t know what to say. I stood from the chair, standing in front of you and not bothering to take my clothes. I stood there for another silent moment, before I walked past you. Though, I didnâ??t get too far. Only a few steps when it had dawned on me. Just when I had been so caught up in feeling denied completely, I realized I hadnâ??t been all that rejected at all, but respected. You werenâ??t stopping me because I wasnâ??t good enough, but because you didnâ??t want to dominate me like an object. I had my back to you, only for you to for the first time see a large tattoo that was in the middle of my back. The tattoo was of a tiger roaring, and a Chinese dragon behind it, with it, giving a challenging glare. Bellow the two animals, were two symbols.

I held my finger out, as if I was about to say something and I didnâ??t want you to speak. I looked over my shoulder towards you, staring at you with my innocent eyes. They were soft; considerate. With the same finger, I slowly pointed to my back, to the tattoo. â??You see it around that the dragon and the tiger are most often fighting. If this picture, they are not fighting, but working together. The Chinese Dragon represents power and strength, while the Tiger represents, in China, courage, luck, and bravery.â? I paused, turning around a little more, and walking back towards you. I faced you, looking up at your from my height. â??With the power and strength of a dragon and with the courage, luck, and bravery of a tiger; I will fight for my freedom and for the freedom of others.â? So far, nothing had to do with anything. But for me, it represented my whole life. â??I am the Tiger.â? I paused again, letting the thought sink in. My eyes never left yours. â??I have the courage, luck, and bravery. I am just missing the power and strength.â? I paused, looking away before looking back at you. â??I want you to be the Dragon. I need your power and strength, in order for me to be free.â?

I smiled a bit, but weakly. I trailed my hand up your torso and to your neck, my other hand resting on your upper arm. â??Thank you.â? I smiled softly. â??Thank you for not seeing me as an animal, but as a person.â? I rubbed my thumb over your cheek before pushing myself up on my tippy toes and pressing my lips against yours. It wasnâ??t just a peck, but a full kiss. A real kiss. Our lips parted just barely, as I opened my eyes to look into yours. "But you're not taking advantage of me. Even if I am your distant cousin from China." I whispered, my steamy breath beating against your full lips.​
I bit my lower lip, pausing and shifting softly with a sigh. It hadn't meant like this. I had meant to stop at scaring you, not for you to come back and want me... actually, that wasn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem was that my intention shifted from wanting to terrify you and push you away to wanting to have you and keep you in my arms. I stayed completely silently as you pulled your hand away, my eyes facing the ground darkly. I bit my lower lip, frowning softly, not facing you as I stood up straight, my pants falling idly, barely aware as the main focus of my attention was the sound of footfalls.

Looking up, I noticed that you had a large tattoo on your back. I understood some of the symbolism behind the animals, eternal rivals, yet alike in so many ways. I mused softly at how similar the two animals were at times. Kind of amusing, given that they were both animals of the wood element. Mama said I was full of wood, just like she was. A strong element, full of flexibility and balance, and also growth. I mused at the 'freedom' as well, though I knew it was... almost ironic. I almost spoke up, wanting to stop you, before you suddenly held your finger out and began to speak in proverbs. Standing up tall, I was obviously much larger than you, as you explained the meaning behind your two tattoos. I smiled. Not one of my cruel smirks nor my wry smiles of amusement, but a genuine(If small) smile.

Then you spoke to me. You wanted me to be the dragon. You wanted... my eyes widened softly as you moved to touch me. I found my own body moving on it's own, moving slightly closer to you, my heart in my chest beating. As you thanked me, I nodded. That... it was why I couldn't abuse you, or continue to do this, that I did see you as a person. When you kissed me, though, a shiver ran up my entire form and I stopped, pausing as I pressed back into the kiss.

I thought about how it was wrong; we were cousins, we were, in a way, enemies, and this was so wrong, intellectually, but it felt right.

Ah, fuck it. 'Don't think, feel', right?

When your steamy breath continued to brush against my lips, I wrapped my arms firmly around your waist, pressing my lips onto yours, slipping my tongue into your mouth softly as I picked you up. One of my hands fell against your ass and moved under it as I held you up, my hand that was on your waist moving to the upper part of your back, begging to scratch your back softly. I held into the kiss, moaning softly, more able to reach you, sucking your tongue into my mouth as my heart beat wildly. I decided then that I would be your dragon.
The last thing I expected from you was the welcoming of my lips on yours. I knew I was risking it, kissing you after you had told me we had to stop, and seeing as you were enjoying yourself just as much as I was; it took a lot to say no- but you did. I was almost certain that after that kiss, you would back away, or ask me to leave. But I was wrong. You didnâ??t push away, you didnâ??t just stand there and put not effort as I kissed you, you kissed me back. I could feel your lips press hard against mine. Though, the depart of my lips was the real test. I just watched you, pausing; my piercing brown eyes against your sparkling green eyes. To the feel of your arm wrapping around me, and your fingers touching my bare back, a shiver struck my body. But that didnâ??t compare to the spark of lightning that exploded in me when you pressed your lips back against mine. As you lifted me up, truly holding me to perfect face-to-face level to bond our lips, I couldnâ??t help but to smile through the kiss. I loved the flavor of your tongue. The feel of it caressing mine drove me insane. I split my tongue from yours and our lips to take a quick breath. Doing so, I licked your lips briefly with the tip of my tongue, from bottom to top before holding my mouth to yours again.

I thought about the fact that this was wrong on every term and probably illegal due to the plain fact that we were related. Although, our relation is generations ago, we were still bonded together by blood; Grandpa Yuanâ??s blood; and the blood of his children. His act of adultery lead to this; an incestuous affair that seemed undeniable, and unpreventable. It was clearly inevitable that we both wanted each other, ignoring the fact that it was only within the past hour. Even so, it was a want- no, a need and passionate desire for each other. It had to start somewhere, so it started now; today. And maybe, just maybe, we would be lead to feel we made a mistake; but at least we enjoyed the mistake and we would have learned something- even if it was about each other, or about our family. After all, that is what it boiled down to; one big, unhappy family. With every broken family, there is a piece that pulls it back together. That piece was us. Us; as one- together.

Little did you know, though, the trouble that lies ahead. That very trouble that has been threatening my very existence since the day of my birth. In a way, I used the inheritance money as an excuse to flee from China. Flee from it all. I had never felt so awake, and in-the-moment than now. It was as if the world could melt and weâ??d still be there, standing tall. Even if I was out of my mind, out of my morals and a landslide from the law, for once I felt there was a purpose. I felt half full, rather than half empty.​
I wasn't worried about anything at this point. About the inheritence, if this turned out to be a mistake it would mean nothing, if it turned out to be right then I could pawn the responsibility of what to do with the inheritence off to you. I could pawn it off, but I already knew about it. As for the law... well, I had a pretty decent understanding of law, and I knew that the distance of our blood relationship made this perfectly legal. Immoral in some peoples' eyes, but legal. And I didn't care about the 'morals', anyways. I carried the blood of Grandpa Yuan in me, blood stained by a sin which was undeniable, but I wouldn't face away from the sin which gave birth to Grandfather Bartiel, and eventually myself.

I moaned into the kiss, pushing my tongue deep into it, with a great deal of force as I held you up, groaning softly. I continued to suck on your tongue until you broke the kiss, breathing deeply, sucking your tongue into my mouth again as I moved, holding you up. The hand under your ass pulled and tugged at your panties as I moved to the wall, pushing you against the wall firmly as I set you down, pulling away lightly, looking down at you, pinning you lightly to the wall with my hands on your shoulders. My heart raced as I began to pant just slightly, hesitating before pushed you down to your knees, pulling my tank top off, showing a body that was muscular... and slightly scarred. As far as everyone but Grandpa Yuan, Delilah Schwarz, and myself was concerned I got into a few knife fights when I was a kid and got nicked and split open a few times. Sword marks and knife marks looked about the same.

Once I pushed you down rather forcefully, I ran my fingers through your hair, looking down as I grabbed the base of my cock, lightly moving it closer to your lips, smiling, communicating what I wanted without a word.
I could feel the intensity of this act increase dramatically within a few seconds. Your tongue became more active, wrestling with mine, before you pushed me up against the wall. It was at that moment, that I knew things had just been brought to a new level. I moaned softly into your mouth to the thought of you. The hand I had on your shoulder was used to help remove your shirt. Without looking, I ran my hand down your firm torso, feeling your form and even your scars. It didnâ??t scare me, or concern me, it just made me wonder but even worse, it made me want to give you this more since I was ignorant to your past.

I had had my legs wrapped around your waist tightly when you first picked me up, to ease the tension of holding me up. But when you pushed me up against the wall, and tugged at my panties, I eased my legs, lifting them slightly so that you could pull them off. I parted my lips from yours as your fingers touched my hair. I looked down slightly to see your hand on your cock. I could feel it pulsing against my outer lips. I couldnâ??t say Go happily, because I was nervous, and slightly terrified. I had never had sex before, and I had no idea what to expect or how I would react. I knew for a fact that your manhood was not going to be easy on me at the start. I looked back up at you, smiling lightly before I pecked at your lips. I trailed my kisses to your neck. Lightly licking before I started to nibble a bit. That was my way of saying it was alright.

My hand slid up your stomach before resting again on your shoulder. As you began to push your shaft inside, I bit my lip, and subconsciously began to squeeze on your shoulder. I closed my eyes. The deeper you went, the harder I held, until I couldnâ??t help but to let out a whimper of pain. I tried to stay as calm and quiet as I could, but with the tightness of my pussy and the size of your cock; I lost. I leaned my back against the wall, panting lightly. Yes, it hurt. It hurt a lot, but I wasnâ??t dying. I opened my eyes lightly, as I arched my back. The first few seconds that it took you to fully push yourself in me were the longest in my mind. Once you were in, I could feel your heavy cock pushing at the back of my walls. It felt so strange to me. Ignoring the pain, the feel of you altogether was unlike no other. There were no words to describe how odd, but how happy I was to feel you and have us as one. The first few thrusts were the most painful, but I knew I just had to get through them before anything exciting could happen. As you pushed yourself in and out of me the first few times, I could feel the small amount of blood that leaked from my lips. The drops of blood sounding like a leaky tap, falling and colliding with the ground like water would against the ceramic of a sink.​
As you smiled and pecked my lips, a smile grew on my own lips. I understood what you were saying as you planted kisses along my neck, the hand on your back that held your body against mine pulling your body tighter against mine as the head of my cock pushed against your walls. Slowly, I pushed it in, letting out the tiniest sound of pleasure as I felt myself wrapped up in your heat, in your tightness. Gods, you were virginal, and tight. My cock wanted to explode already as I slowly drove myself into you, enjoying the feel of deflowering you as I groaned, feeling your pussy spasming and tightly holding my cock as it throbbed inside of you, allowing the tiniest bit of precum to escape the slit.

Feeling your hands dig into my shoulders, I watched your eyes, my hand on your back moving up to your hair, running a hand through your hair as I watched your face. There was beauty in your position, in your barely-opened eyes as your back arched and your breasts pressed into my chest which pressed back, pushing my hips into yours, pushing your ass against the wall as I panted, no words escaping my lips. Soon, I grabbed your hips and pulled back, before driving myself up into you again through the tightness of your body.

Slowly, I began to thrust, pulling back as far as I could so the head barely remained before driving my cock up into your pussy, pulling down on your hips and looking into your eyes as I held you up, your weight trivial. My thrusts were slow, but deep, and powerful, grinding into you after each thrust to stimulate your inner-walls and to lightly let my pubic area press against yours and stimulate your outer walls as well as your inner reaches. Moaning softly, I placed a hand on the side of your head and forced my lips onto yours as I pulled back once and then thrusted up into you as quickly as I could a single time, groaning as the single sound of our flesh slapping together filled the air and made my cock twitch inside of you as I held my position for a moment before I continued thrusting.​
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