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Frost Bitten (Fantasy, Rough)


I'm Cookie Monster. Chocolate chips please....
Aug 13, 2014
Chapter 1:

Lidia dashed through the woods. It was snowing that day. The flakes were falling like rain. She could barely see anything. The cold cut through her like a knife. In her haste to runaway from her broken home, the young woman just left with the clothes on her back. Years of playing in the woods behind her family’s home, the young female had found many hidden treasures. An abandoned cabin was one. That was her destine for the time being. She knew her father wouldn’t call the police, for she was twenty-one already and the things they both had done would cause rise of concern. Such as why a twenty-one year old had to run away. He had money and he wasn’t stupid. His fingers may reach places but the man didn’t need that kind of press. The man would simply hire a group to track her.

Lidia had finally waited until the time was right and made her move. The sun was going down along with temperatures. The wind was picking up. Her hazel green orbs could barely pick up colors and shapes by the time shadows were casted and started to feel alive. It was a scary moment and the cold air was killing her lungs as she ran. The young female thanked her heavens that she was a trained marathon runner. It would be harder if she was a bit out of shape.

The young woman had stopped. Her dulled senses picked up, what she thought was a muffled voice. ‘Was that screaming’, the brunette questioned herself in her own thoughts. The sound traveled again. Curiously she looked about. ‘People’, she confirmed. Lidia didn’t care if they were hurt. If she could help them then they could help her. The woman began to search for the source and found it to her surprise.

Large green hazel eyes widened at the scene that appeared before her. A man laid on the ground with his back against a tree. His clothes were made of a white tunic, a broidered leather vest, and a long fur cloak. The tall male was injured. An arrow stuck through the knee, soaking his black breeches in his crimson fluid. A long blood trail had been peeking through the specks of snow that had fallen. Lidia shook her head. ‘This couldn’t be real’, she snapped in her thoughts but her breath caught as her visions traveled over the rest of the scene.

One man crouched before the raven haired man at an arm’s distance she should judge. The tall male had short white hair, porcelain white skin, and a slightly toned build she would guess under his white tunic and velvet blue vest with decorative swirls sewn into it. The material appeared to be thick and warm. His pants seemed like what a pirate would war. Black, loose around the legs but thick at the top of the black leather boot. It seemed something out of a cosplay catalogue. A silver decorative earing linked from the top of his pointed ear and draped down to the lobe of his right ear.

‘Wait; did she just see a pointed ear’, Lidia questioned herself. The woman had to close her eyes and rub them before shaking her head. By this time the men who were in silver armor like a knight, came up and around the man on the ground. He squirmed and murmured something about a prince to forgive him. This seemed all to unreal for the female but she watched at the distance she was at, ignoring the chill that was biting at her wet skin from fallen snow.

“No, your highness”, the man appearing to be an elf on the ground yelped. “I’m sorry. I had to. My princess would behead me if I didn’t try some sort of arrangement”, the man with long black hair screeched. The white haired male shook his head. “You know I don’t do business like this. So why did you go behind my back and…”, the creature paused and turned his head. Almond shaped eyes blinked, revealing a hue of blue in various shades. It reminded Lidia of the star bursts she watched on some sort of space documentary.

The gaze in the white haired man’s eyes seemed dangerous. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lip as his curiosity was confirmed. The young woman with bark colored hair saw him. Her eyes were wide and even from this distance, in the low light he could still see his reflection. Oh… She saw him, the creature thought. “How delightful”, he hummed before turning to his captain and pulling a furred cloak off his servant’s back. “I’ll return this”, the prince spoke in a jovial tone before turning back and seeing the woman run swiftly away. This earned a whistle on his pale thin lips.

The tall creature turned towards the injured male on the ground who was white washed with fear. Beads of sweat tricked down the sides of his brow. “I’ll have mercy for now… Thank the woman who saw us. It’s because of her that I am in high spirits”, the snow haired fellow whispered into the other’s ear. The prince slapped the man, burning in a frost bitten mark upon the injured man’s cheek. “Take care of his wounds. I have a bird to chase.” His voice was sharp and commanding before he prince darted off into the woods.

The creature’s feet danced on the breeze. After all he was a fairy. A prince from the veil, one who ruled over winter. Catching a human in this weather was simple. Even the snow flakes, through the echoes of their fallen bodies had told him exactly where she was. It seemed the human had fallen and rolled down a hill. She was bruised and hurt but alive. So much, his ice blue eyes could see that she had tried to hide herself behind a white birch. The fairy’s smirk turned into a full grin. Parted lips upon risen cheeks revealed how delighted he was. For the last human to see him was many centuries ago when man still believed in gods and offered sacrifices to the seasons.

Lidia tried to shake her head of the images plaguing her mind. He was handsome but her internal alarms screamed to stay away. After all, he had to be some crazy cosplayer, she thought constantly to herself. The young woman was shaking both from adrenaline and fear. The cold had little factor into her current state. Wide emerald green and creamy brown eyes scanned behind her. All she saw was a white blanket of snow falling. It had gotten heavier. Even the mist from her breath was cut in half and fog started to surround her.

The prince made the fog form a ring around her. Prey tended to not run where they could not see. The creature let his tongue slowly run over his bottom lip. Her soaked clothes, the white short sleeved top the female donned was not fit for his element. The tall male adored the sight. Her flesh shivered under the wet cloth stuck to her features. The blue pants she was wearing were muddy and clung to her short legs. It empowered him a bit to see how small she was compared to his height. His blue orbs could see how succulent her breasts were and wanted to touch them as they shifted with her body moment. He made a careful calculation to stay out of her sight. The fear build up wasn’t enough for him to make his move. The frosty male needed her to get away from the tree first. Lure her out into the more open area. He wanted her under him for many selfish reasons as well as a few kind motives. The woman before him would freeze to death and he simply couldn’t have that. Humans were among a few of his favorite creatures. They actually enjoyed what he could offer. He wouldn’t be where he was if it wasn’t for their admiration of him.

The royal fairy smirked as he thought of a plan to lure the human to the center. A small white dove made of snow formed from his palm. It immediately took flight and landed where he wanted it to. The center where it hopped and bobbed like a normal bird would. The prince watched curiously to see what the human would do. He hopped her curiosities would get the better of her. Most trapped prey couldn’t think beyond their own fear and anything subtle would frighten them further but none the less he didn’t want her cornered.

Lidia saw something odd. A dove but it looked somewhat odd. It appeared almost two smooth. The shivering woman crawled cautiously upon her hands and knees. She would hiss ever time the cold ripped through the nerves of her hands. Soon she was upon the bird but when she touched it, it fell into a million flakes. This caused her to jump a bit but only to find a frozen statue of a tiny cat with circles carved in to identify it as a leopard. It felt smooth and cold to her touch but the detail was so well done. Her eyes were so focused on the tiny object she nearly leaped out of her own skin when a cloak made of wolf skin and fur landed next to her. It was steaming with warmth as the air grew colder and his knight’s body heat was still trapped within side the folds.

It took a long moment for the woman to seize the gift. It was so warm on her frozen skin that her eyes began to water some. She couldn’t see and so the fragile woman rubbed her eyes to clear them before pulling the soft fur closer. It had a nice, warm aroma to it. Like sandal wood. Lidia couldn’t help herself but to dip her nose into to gain the scent a bit more while unbeknownst to her how much she was being stalked.

The near seven foot creature wanted the female in a vulnerable position so it would be easier to control her. A cornered animal was a dangerous one. He craved to take all that power and hope away from her so it would be easier to subdue her. The fairy needed her on her back with no strength so he could completely take control of the situation but also like any creature whose mother was Nature, he was thrilled by the hunt and yes this… was… a… hunt.

The snow colored hair male licked his lips once more and with piercing eyes he watched the woman and her reaction. Patience was a vital key in capturing prey. The individual rocked forward on his toes, bending at the knees some. His sharp nose crinkled a bit as his lips spread across his features into something of a joker’s grin. Slowly the pupils of his eyes dilated into large black orbs. His heart pounded into his ears loudly and his fingers twitched.

The prince held his breath before lunging himself across the breeze and through the mist, to land on top of her. Lidia felt the heavy encumbrance knock her off her seated balance on her knees before being knocked back onto her shoulders and spine. A heavy thud was heard amongst twigs breaking beneath the weight of both of them. Short legs kicked as fingers and hands lunged out to instinctually protect herself. The brunette was out of breath and coughing as she thought she felt an elbow land on her breast bone before cold fingers grabbed her wrist and pinned her arms above her head. Knees sharply stabbed her inner thighs making the young woman yelp in pain before forcing her legs to spread to accommodated his size. His hips wedged between toned flesh before moving on top of her own. His thighs purposely spread as he sat on his knees a bit forcing her knees to hook around them.

The hunter well aware of his surroundings and position, pressed his groin firmly into her own. It acted as an attention getter from her attempts of flailing about. Lidia stopped and glared up at the male holding her on to the cloak that acted as a blanket from the snow beneath her. The fairy nearly hissing at the pleasure ripping through his spine as it seemed easy to over take her but also the stirring his own loins from the position he had her in. The prince made no attempt at hiding it either. Instead he used it.

“Shhhh….”, the large male cooed as Lidia squirmed and tried to kick but every time she would get her legs some distance, he’d use his body to slide up and ram his hardened bulge into her own. “Stop”, she cried out in fear as she froze. “Stop squirming”, he simple stated in a jovial tone. The body contact of his own on top of her left her shivering on top of the shaking she was already doing as her body was running high on adrenaline. Lidia could feel the strength leaving her and the creature on top could feel it. Almond shaped orbs gazed down as he continued to let her run herself into a weakened state. It was exactly what he wanted.

His eyes soaked in ever bit of her being as he slowly rose himself some. Every detail of her hair, to her ample breasts that swayed with every struggling moment. He couldn’t help but to wonder where such a woman came from. Even for such a fairy like himself who have seen the most beautiful creatures the gods had to offer and yet a human, none the less, stirred not only his loins but his instincts. He knew she would be dangerous to have close to him for she would be such a distraction. The male shook his head and conceded to his own desire and greed. It had been centuries since a creature who could warm him with their touches had the gift of sight. A small rumble of frustration vibrated his chest as the fairy lightly growled. There were things he needed to know about this human before he would have her but the prince knew exactly how to get a woman to talk, even if they didn’t want to.
Chapter 2:

Lidia felt trapped. There wasn’t anything she could do but be at the whims of some crazy cosplayer who knew magic tricks. He appeared to be authentic and her mind struggled with the idea of him actually being what he portrayed himself to be but bottom line, the man was clearly going to do something perverted if not straight out have his way with her. She swore if it came to that she would fight with all her might. Teeth clenched and her chest felt tight as he pushed his hardening bulge against the female’s crotch.

“Stop that”, Lidia demanded. Fierce hazel green eyes glared up at the man on top of her only to have her breath stop for a moment. Time felt slow as it seemed that the flakes started falling slower. His movements seemed almost sluggish. White hair caught the floating ice crystals and highlighted wet locks began to stick to his cheeks. The black center of his orbs seemed to burst like stars instead of the round pupils a normal person would have. The female desperately looked for signs of contacts to manipulate the colors.

The silver chain that seemed to pierce the top part of his ear and his lobe, hung forward from the weight and pulled at the ear. “They’re real”, she mumbled to herself. The creature on top of her allowed Lidia time to examine him, after all she was already proving delicious and he wanted to savor this time in the wild with her. The prince was going to make her his, she had no choice in the matter but he wasn’t going to be a brainless beast about it.

Lidia squirmed to try and get away some, to put some distance but felt the weight of his hips and his hardened flesh behind his black breeches ram into her, lifting her lower body some. The fairy clicked his tongue, allowing the sound to scold the woman instead of words. The brunette whimpered some. “What are you”, she snapped biting back the tears of fear welling in her eyes.

“I’m a child of Winter and Nature”, he answered calmly with a gently but mischievous grin upon his lips. It was a softened expression from what he had earlier when he first pounced her. The prince thought it best that no eyes pried into his little fun. The heavy mist around them collected, forming a dome over them. He could feel how cold the human below him was and decided to push the colder air to the walls, freezing the moisture and creating an upside down bowl around them. The darkness outside was nothing compared to the shadows inside. His abilities allowed light to faintly glow and sparkle off some of the ice cycles like tiny stars. The bluish hue danced off her features so well, the fabric containing the prince’s excitement became painful. A grunt of discomfort left his throat.

“What’s your name”, Lidia asked in a demanding tone. She managed to ignore the handsome features upon his angular face. The young woman couldn’t ignore her surroundings but she tried. The female truly made an effort to not be distracted by the light or her position. She was scared but since she started to calm herself, the man on top of her seemed less to rub himself on her. The lack of action allowed her to slow her breathing some and allow the brunette to regain some control of her panicked emotions.

“You know it’s rude to ask in such a manor without stating one’s name first”, the prince pointed out in another light hearted tone. His answer forced Lidia to squirm. Another grunt was dislodged from his lungs. His desire was growing and if she didn’t stop, he’d have a ravaged woman on his hands. Sharp blue orbs narrowed upon her breasts which caused upper lip to twitch some almost as if he was sneering. The male’s grip tightened around her wrists before he was able to slip his hand away and pin her using only one. With one hand freed, this caused the woman’s own hazel green eyes to grow in size. She froze under him and the fairy was thankful for that.

“What is it that you want”, she snapped but softly as if she was losing her voice to fear. The crack in her tone empowered the man on top of her. His softened expression changed to something a little darker, despite the smile he still bore. “I want your name”, the white haired creature calmly spoke before hooking a finger at the edge of her t-shirt and slightly tugging upward. The movement was slow. He treated her like a cornered animal, ready to bite at any moment. Slow motions were the only way to go, he told himself.

The young woman wiggled at first and let out a whimper. “Lidia”, she snapped shutting her eyes tightly and holding her breath. The creature chuckled delightfully. “Such a simple, strong, but beautiful name.” His voice was so soft and calming but it didn’t help that she was already playing horrors of what he might do in her mind. The fairy knew something was going to give and very soon.

“Well Lidia… Aside from everything between us so far, I’ll fill you in on something.” His toned was comforting, she thought as he spoke. The woman shook the thought from her head. “My name is Jack Frost. I am the prince of winter and the king of the winter fairies. As far as what I want, I’ll make that clear now if I haven’t already.… YOU, my dear have the gift of sight. You can see me and at your age, I’m beside myself in delight.”

Frost paused as he let the woman digest the information before continuing. He watched for any changes in her expression but there was none. She was utterly terrified of him at the moment and he wondered if went to far but shook it off as he lifted further allowing her belly button to become exposed. His blue eyes traveled down to the tiny dip before licking his lips in enjoyment. The woman ran on a regular basis. He could see the slight muscle tone under her flesh. The idea of making use of her toned legs and her female endowment made him shiver some. Frost began to make plans on how he was going to use her body to his own cravings.

“Wait… Jack Frost? The Jack Frost?! You don’t exist! You can’t! Hold on… What about my age?!” The next sounds from between her lips were muffled. Her out burst hurt the fairy’s ears so he thought it best to smother her with a kiss. When Lidia locked her jaw but he was fine with that. Her kicking and lashing out was easily controlled. Frost was already between the female’s thighs and knees and her arms pinned. The prince had to suck air through his nostrils as the woman’s supple lips warmed his. It was almost seductive in a way. The first real touch of warmth he’s had other than a steamed bath.

After Lidia had calmed some, she had realized the kiss was a mere way to get her to grow quiet as his hand didn’t side up to take advantage of her body. Frost lifted and broke the kiss a bit before smiling down on her. “To answer your questions… You will answer mine in return. If you choose to lie I will know, if you choose not to tell me all the truth, I will know…, and those offenses will earn a punishment of me stripping you by force. Now, I’m sure you don’t want that kind of embarrassment. You see, the moisture in your clothes will begin to freeze the longer I touch it. This will do you now good as your body temperature will drop and your skin will burn. To avoid this… You answer my questions and I will get up and let you get out of them yourself. I promise I will not harm you. I am a king and a prince, I am not a troll nor mongrel, thus I will not act like one.”

Frost’s voice was nearly firm but there was a ploy to his words and tone, such he neglected to tell her if he willed for her clothes to freeze and he had no means in knowing if she was lying or not but that was something of a secret at the moment. Instead, Jack managed to pick the right words and he knew it. The tall male watched the female’s features open her eyes and blink a few times. Her brows furrowed some but she nodded slowly in agreement. The fairy could tell she was processing what he had said with caution. Despite her clothes, she was starting to prove she was no idiot.

“First of all I am Jack Frost. I have lived long enough to see many dynasties rise and fall of your human world. I am an old man, despite my good looks”, he joked. Blue orbs spotted no humor in her gaze and a frown was forced upon his expression. Seriousness always bothered him but even more so when it was directed at him. “As for age”, Frost digressed. “Adults can not see us. Usually only those with pure innocence such as a child can but occasionally you meet someone with sight. It’s rare. So rare in fact that it has been nearly two centuries since I met a human beyond my world. Despite how many think, there are a few of us who still adore your kind.”

The last of his words fell gently from his lips as he lowered himself. Her enchanting orbs widened some as he slanted his lips over hers. Lidia’s breath tantalized him. It was warm. The feel of her pillowed beasts pressed and molded to his chest. His brows crinkled at the center as her fear was slowly returning but her expression was twisting a little. Concern flooded over him as a whimper wedged from her lips.

“You’re hurt”, Jack pointed out raising himself off her some and removing his hand. Lidia turned her head as if she was ashamed. “Are your injuries something you acquired running from me”, the fairy asked only to see her shake her head no. “It’s the reason I ran away from home”, the brunette reluctantly pointed out under a hushed tone. The woman shivered at the thought of him knowing more. A bad feeling had already begun to set in but now it was in overdrive. Lidia assumed he was the type to manipulate the situation to his favor no matter the time nor place. She wasn’t sure why, it could have been his smile or the look in his eyes. Something in the back of her mind told her not to say to much or she would regret it in the end…
Chapter 3:

“You flatter me”, Frost spoke bluntly. His blue orbs softened as she turned her head to meet his gaze with a bit of a curious stare. “You display your jugular. A sign of full submission. My bird, you wish to be free? What will you give up in order to obtain your freedom”, the male fay questioned before leaning down to kiss the pulsing vein of her swan like neck. The butterfly brushes of his lips forced her to shiver. She tried to squeeze him out using her head and shoulder, only to find his thumb and forefinger squeezing the bone in her wrist. The jolt wasn’t painful but enough to keep the woman from trying to stop him.

Lidia had never felt such a sensation before. His lips were so cool to the touch but his breath was slightly warm. It was odd. A cry of pleasure broke free from her chest. Instantly forcing embarrassment to wash over her flesh as Frost moaned into her ear. He was careful not to set his weight on her entirely. Her back felt much better but the fairy was making her squirm with new touches. A soft tongue of his slowly licked her skin lightly before making it to her lobe. Another erotic noise escaped her which earned the woman strong push of his hips into her loins. She could feel through the damp fabric how hard and ready the male was already. The young lady didn’t want to admit it but since she had calmed down, the amatory things he had started to do were feeling good.

Jack couldn’t help but have the need to take her. His finger tips shook a bit, relaying the excitement that was tearing through him. He wanted to claim her and fill her so badly. Frost was on the edge of depravity. Every orifice of hers was going to receive his hardened flesh and the woman is going to want more by the time he was done. It was just a matter of time before he could have her and the wait was nearly ripping him apart. A puppy like whimper rumbled from his chest before he lifted himself from her ear. Lidia’s cheeks were touched with rosy patches as she continued to keep her head turned away. A small smile was working its way back. He was proud of his achievement.

“I … I don’t know”, she choked out before the young woman turned her gaze up at him once more. Frost nodded as he let the woman mull over what she would be willing to give him in return for her freedom. After all, to have such independence that he could give her would require something in return. “You should take off your clothes”, Jack pointed out as he noticed her shivering more and more. Lidia hadn’t noticed, she was still coming down off her adrenaline prior.

“If I do, you’ll hurt me”, the woman retorted under a soft voice. His grin slowly pulled up into a joker’s smile. “No, I promised I wouldn’t hurt you”, the prince reminded her gently with an expression she could not trust. “Then why do you smile like that”, Lidia asked in a tone just barely above a whisper. Jack couldn’t help but to burst in to a fit of laughter. She saw right through him. It was funny for he was making no attempt to hide his intentions but even his own kind wouldn’t so blatantly ask. They would squirm and shy away, blush, but not once say something they would deem disrespectful. Not to him, the royal fairy had a reputation for having a nasty temper and to incur it could spell death.

The white haired being whipped his head back and let it all out. His ribs began to tense and it hurt a bit but he loved it. Frost couldn’t remember when he had such a moment despite his somewhat carefree attitude. The fairy lowered himself and stole a peck from the woman’s full supple lips. Something changed in his eyes, Lidia thought. They seemed to have lit up more in the dim light inside of his dome. The evil grin, as she named it, had washed away and was replaced by something worth of being considered caring.

The creature on top, let out a deep sigh. He let go of her wrists so he could lay his weight on his elbows, entrapping the tiny woman under him. The shift in weight and the momentum of lowering his body forced her thighs to slip higher upon his hips. Jack had slipped his knees further apart to gain better balance. The move forced toned thighs to accommodate his invasion but it was comfortable for the both of them. For the most part anyways. The woman squirmed as she realized what was firmly pressing against her loins.

“My dear little bird. I will name my price for your freedom. I will even customize a bit for your needs but remember I can only do so much for you. Also the fee I have in mind is not a cheap one.” Lidia couldn’t help but have her heart flutter at the gently tone of his voice. As the man spoke she felt him slip his palms under her back as if he was going to hug her, only to feel weightless for a moment as he lifted her the same time he sat up on his knees. A cool hand dipped low to support her lower spine. The sudden movement forced the young woman to gasp and press her palms against the velvet fabric of his blue vest but in this positon she could meet him eye to eye and the prince never once broke eye contact.

The situation and his tender gaze with a hint of seriousness in his eyes, forced her to swallow hard. Lidia squirmed, only to bit her lower lip. Through the damp fabric of her jeans, the woman had inadvertently rubbed herself against his throbbing flesh. Frost paid no mind. Despite his enjoyment, he had self control. Right at that moment, he wasn’t stalking her. He was offering the woman freedom.

“I ask for your company. You are not to leave my kingdom until I release you. In return, a home… I do promise not to ever raise a hand to you. If you somehow manage to incur my wrath, I swear on my life I will not ever hit you nor allow another to do it. I can feel the welts through the fabric of this white cloth you wear. I know how you look at me. I have been around many years to see the signs of trepidation. That’s how I know you’d rather die out here than go home.” His gentle voice barely above a whisper, hit home inside the woman’s chest. The brunette’s eyes began to well up. The female squirmed.

“I want a home”, she responded. “But I don’t want to give away the one freedom I am trying to achieve. I don’t want be trapped in a room again. My dad’s temper was pretty bad… But the feeling of being alone is worse. I’m scared to go home and that’s sadder then death but again what you’re asking is for me to give up on the thing that I’m trying to gain…” Sniffles filled the air as she spoke. Lidia was starting to choke on her words. It was clear she was very upset.

“My little bird. I am not asking you give up on anything you dream. I simply wish for you to stay in my kingdom and its vast territory. You will not be alone. In the markets, I am sure you are bound to make friends. In my court, I assure you… You will find companions. You will not be isolated. In fact, I have to run away at times to get away from my men. They worry a bit too much and with your presence in the castle I am sure they’ll be on high alert.”

Frost couldn’t help but keep his composure to be light in nature. The woman was nearly in tears and he wanted them to go away. A crying woman was one of the few things he couldn’t stomach. He learned that when he was young and full of energy. It didn’t stop him from groping Lidia in her situation though. Her heart shaped rump fit perfectly into his palm. The fairy squeezed it to feel the muscle tense. A purr nearly left his throat as rubbed the area to force her to squirm.

“Then you’re touching me”, Lidia blurted with her eyes shutting tightly. He couldn’t help but let out another healthy laugh. “Of course I am! Do you think of me some kind of gentleman? I assure you I am not. As loyal as I would be to whom I would keep as a wife, I have none!” Another roar of laughter filled the dome before began to explain his actions a bit. His jovial tone was filled with a light hearted attitude but it still made the woman shiver to think she was nothing but a toy to him.

“You are simply an enigma I want to figure out. Hunting you has aroused me in ways I can not count. But just because I want to be inside you doesn’t mean I’ll hurt you. It means I’m attracted to you! And yes my dear little bird I will have you. You have no say in it no matter what path you chose. Even if you go home I will follow you. Your people can not see me and so they will not stop me. I will make you mine every night if I so choose but the difference is in my home you can have the freedom to do as you want, when you want, and where you want... Even if you get a cabin the the cold forests, I still will come to you. There will be days I will only chose to rest my head on your bosom and nights I will break your womb”, Jack spoke with his eyes narrowing in on her own. His tone was nearly low and threatening losing the joy that it held. His words seemed sharper this time.

“I will not lie”, the prince continued. “I am selfish. You will be my guest and mine alone. No other creature will touch you unless you allow it. And be careful before you let that happened. I can be a very jealous beast if I grow fond of something. For now, you are mine if you agree to my terms.” Frost dropped his voice to a mere whisper. He wanted her to listen and nothing better than making someone hear you by lowering your volume.

Lidia blinked. Reality of who was holding her in his arms was sinking in. She blinked quickly to try and clear her eyes but only his star burst visions filled her sight. “You really are Jack Frost. The stories lie about you”, she grumbled. He was supposed to be a nice guy, she thought. Instead he was a spoiled prince who liked to rape women.

The fairy with the white hair chuckled. “I’ve seen the tv shows and how they portray me now. No… The real stories are the older ones. The ones where disrespectful wenches earned my wrath and I made common maidens into rich nobles.” His snappish tone forced Lidia to pause. Her quirking gaze had the creature wrinkle his nose and turn his eyes the other way.

“Bad memory”, the woman in his arms teased after a moment of courage. To her surprise his cheeks puffed out and his nose continued to wrinkle in frustration. “I tried to grow a beard ok?! My old man has one… And have you ever seen a fairy or an elf with one?! If we do it grows thin and in patches…”, the prince nearly shouted in frustration.

Lidia couldn’t help it. His narrow features and sharp cheek bones on top of his puffed cheeks made him appear ridiculous. Her clear laughter bubbled Frost’s heart. One thing he was horrible at doing was getting a woman to really open up to him. Humans weren’t as guarded as his kind. That much Jack figured out through the ages. He struggled so much with the opposite sex of his own race, it caused him to harm others without thinking. The brunette’s merriment forced him to seal the deal.

Cool thin lips forced their way over her parted supple warm ones. Dark hazel green eyes flared open while blue orbs shut. Lidia felt the tingle of something over her skin. Like ants crawling through the hairs of her arms and traveled slowly down her back. It tickled and made her shiver. The sensation was distraction allowing Frost to deepen the kiss. A cool tongue pressed past her seal and invade her mouth. The shock caused the woman to try and push him away. The female struggled only to have a hand slip around the back of her neck and earn a deep growl from his chest.

The feelings he was pushing on to the tiny woman made her whimper. It felt good, he tasted wonderful, and all of it made Lidia dizzy. Her chest hurt for some reason; it wasn’t until she realized she was holding her breath. The kiss was heated, slow, and it made the young female wonder if Jack had sucked on a peppermint. He tasted like a sweet piece of candy.

Rough pads of his fingers combing over base of skull, through her hair, again, made Lidia shiver. Her eyes finally fluttered shut and she thought she felt the man purr under her digits pressed firmly to his chest. The prince lowered the woman onto the ground. He could feel the air growing warming around her but doubt she would even notice. Their bodies were creating ripple of warm air and he was pushing the cold back. Like a pocket of warm air inside another pocket of just slightly cooler air.

Lidia found herself kissing back. The fur lined cloak acted like a blanket under her. It was accepting of her almost. The hard ground under it seemed to soften as the embracing kiss did not break. Frost wouldn’t allow it. To show her he could be trusted meant such little things as this would not part him from her. Instead the male was feeling every ounce of his own hood being suffocated behind tight cloth. His excitement was painful. If he was on a hunting party, he would have already taken off his breeches. The loin cloth under it wasn’t doing much good either. The woman was going to kill him, the fairy of winter just knew it...
((I apologize. I have been busy and haven't proof read this chapter. Feel free to pm me if you see any mistakes, repeats, or anything that doesn't quite make sense.))

Chapter 4:

Lidia felt his body begin to mold around her. His lips released her own, only to capture the tip of her chin and lay a line down the gentle curve of her neck. The fay’s breath was cool to the touch, livening up the tiny hairs on her flesh. Goose pimples formed causing her skin to tingle. The young woman’s eyes began fluttering open and shut. Frost’s hips slowly started to pump into her body. The cloth teased the hardened flesh underneath. Jack couldn’t help but groan but in the back of his mind he knew his men would come soon despite his wanting of her.

Lidia felt his frustration. He was shaking like a leaf and the thrust of his hips quickened. His mouth slanted over the base of her neck. Pearled teeth gently scrapped over her skin and before the brunette could even moan from the placid pleasure, they bit down. Not painfully hard but enough to make her yelp and feel his canines threaten to break her pale flesh. The pressure became intense when the tiny woman moved her hands to push him off her. She froze when she felt his hands slide up her shirt rather quickly. Tips of his fingers tugged at the top of her bra until her pink, hard nipples were exposed to the fairy’s digits.

“Nnnooo”, the brunette tried to protest in a robust tone but he began to suck on the area where he bit her. The pure indulgence strained her breath, making her choke. Finger tips squeezed the buds gently and the prince shivered again at her cries of lust. To hear the again, he rolled his thumbs over the pink, hardened skin. The bigger male succeeded. Lidia thought she was melting. Her hidden treasure was starting to get moist in such short time of his fondling. It was embarrassing but she couldn’t deny it felt so good. The woman bit her lower lip to keep from saying anything. She was afraid her voice would crack and he’d laugh at her. Part of her felt dirty and not from the specks of mud and dirt sticking to her clothes. The fact that she was at the mercy of a man whom she just met and it didn’t feel right. Not now at least, the female thought only to have her mind go blank.

Lidia felt her thoughts break apart as she hadn’t realized he was massaging the whole breast. Frost had started to push the supple mounds together and flick her pink tips gently before squeezing them. Jack could feel the lack of strength in her arms. She really was trying to push him away and deny herself untold pleasures but every time he attended the two rosy buttons, the woman enfolded her fingers around his vest. Her hazel green orbs were shut tightly. His visions picked up on her ques. Whenever her mouth opened to release a voice, the woman bit it back. Her expression appeared painful. The prince would put gold on the theory, the tiny female was confused. After all she had just met him and he was making her body sing with magical touches. Probably the first time she had felt something like this.

Frost paused a moment as a devious thought touched his mind. Fingers slowly traced down the woman’s abdomen. Lidia’s brows crinkled in the center as she felt the cool touches tease her hot skin forcing her lids to reveal hazel orbs. It wasn’t until Jack’s fingers reached passed her belly button that she understood somewhat of what he had in mind. “N..n..n… No… No… I don’t…”, the young woman’s voice was interrupted by a kiss claiming her as his own in a hungry moment.

Hands tried to push the prince away but his combative skills didn’t allow her to try and deny what he was going to claim. Lidia felt her wrists be grabbed once more by only one large hand and shoved over her head. Her clenched jaw dislodged as the feeling of fabric began to be pulled away as the button snapped and zipper was pulled down. For a brief moment Frost thought how wonderful her clothing was easy to get into. The fairy shivered as he indulged himself by pushing his hand deep inside her pants.

Lidia had frozen with fear touching her gaze. Jack pushed himself up somewhat using an elbow. A tight grip keeping her in place while his hand found soft, moist cotton. “Hm, what’s this? Enjoying our encounter?” His taunting tone, teased as he pushed harshly up against her pink rose that her treasure was hiding from him. The woman gasped and tried to wiggle away. “Oh, you are sensitive. I almost feel like you are trying to play coy and you really want this”, the prince hissed into her ear.

All the brunette could do was swallow air to keep from gasping at every brush of his finger. When the large male didn’t get the sound he was hoping for, he would force it by pushing her button through the soft cotton of her underwear. The white haired fairy’s thumb began hooking the side of cloth and pulling it to the side. The female tried to scream but only began panting as she felt the silken folds of her womanhood be slowly parted.

Heat rushed to the woman’s cheeks. It really did feel good. The rough pad of his thumb slowly working over her honey and creating a slick spot just under her pink crux. She didn’t want her first time to be that way though. Not with a stranger who seemed hell bent on making her cry out. Lidia realized that as soon as she bit her lip when he told her to sing. Frost didn’t look happy and forcefully rolled his thumb over her rose petal. The creature still was denied what he wanted.

“In the wild, a female doesn’t refuse the other the sounds of their achievement”, he darkly spoke in a hiss. “I’m going to ensure you can not reject me by any means.” A part of the prince wanted to enjoy this. She was the first in a while to not give him what he desired. The woman didn’t succumb to his way but instead fought back the best she could in her position. This was also racking his nerves. He didn’t want to scare her away but he so badly wanted to hear the young woman’s voice cry out. Like some heated story of lust, he wanted her to call out to him and beg for more. He was at a crossroad of decisions to make. Unlike the female’s mind, muddled with fear and confusion, he was as sharp as one of his swords that he kept locked away with his armor.

With a heavy breath, he decided to at least violate her tight entry with a couple of his digits. She would be shy around him but he wouldn’t let her get far. The prince knew he had ways to keep her where he wanted the woman. His hand reared back. Lidia held her breath as she could feel her entry being toyed with. Frost licked his lips as the flesh started to part and felt the woman’s inner warmth teasing him. Both hearts were racing for different reasons and two thought their chests were going to burst. It was almost painful for the royal fairy. He could barely contain himself when the crunch of snow under a heavy step outside the dome caught his attention and his hand stopped.

“By all the gods damning me”, he hissed in a snap. His subordinate found himself with floating sharp daggers made of ice, pointing in his direction. Surrounding his every step. “My lord, it is I Demirr.” The raven haired knight blinked as a sharp point was millimeters away from piercing his ocean blue eye.

Frost removed his hand to Lidia’s relief. She sat up quickly and buttoned her jeans up before closing the zipper. “This better be good or you’re going to find yourself on the end of my wrath, Demirr.” The brunette flinched to Jack’s cold voice. It was clear he was angry for being interrupted. White locks surrounded her vision as he leaned over to leave a cool peck of his lips on her cheek. The prince let it linger as it was the only thing keeping him from losing his grip on his temper.

The seven foot fairy outside the white dome cleared his throat. He knew his master’s hot heated attitude. That’s why the captain volunteered himself to go. Any of the other two younger subordinates would be impaled. “My lord… I apologize for interrupting anything important but I have terrible news. Our scouts spotted Snow Trolls pushing their borders and they are headed this way.” The officer let out a subtle breath as the daggers dropped. His calm demeanor and voice was all an act, practiced over the many years in service. Inside the male’s body, the elegant creature was running around screaming.

Lidia had only enough time to adjust her pants and sit up before the dome fell into flakes of snow. The white haired prince stood above her only to offer a hand. Frost could be a gentleman when he wanted and now was the time. He could see the young female wobble with weak knees so he kept his arm extended for her to take if needed for balance. The brunette who was being eyed from behind, took the arm after grabbing up the cloak and wrapping it around her. The temperature change from the outside wind was very cold compared to the mild comfort the inner part had offered.

Frost could feel her body quivering almost uncontrollably. He figured he went to far to fast but that was how he was many times. It was his men who kept him grounded. His blue orbs met hers and the prince saw the fear she was harboring. The fairy leaned down into her ear and whispered it was going to be ok and he was sorry for taking to much right then. He purposely kept his voice low. Mainly to keep his knight in black leather behind his human from hearing a word.

Lidia physically shivered. For some reason, she could feel herself forgiving him but didn’t want to. The young woman couldn’t remember how many times she told him no but yet he still managed to violate her. Frost turned on his heels away from her and dipped low on his knees to pick up packs of snow. The female realized it was to wash his fingers of her own body essence. Her cheeks flushed with color as she turned her head. That’s when the deep voice that spoke before interrupt her thought and caused the brunette to jump.

“My lord, are you seriously thinking of taking this human with us?!” The knight shook his head. Lidia turned visions towards the man speaking behind her. This black leather formed over his body well. He was slightly taller than the prince and wider in the shoulders. Now that she got a better look at the adorned buckles and swirled patterns, it was a magnificent piece of uniform. His bow on the back reminded her of the wounded man earlier.

“Demirr”, the prince warned as he took full height and stepped between his tiny human and his captain. “Think about your words before speaking to me”, Frost spoke slowly in a dark tone. His anger seemed to settled after feeling her hands slide up his back and her chin rest in the center of his spine. “I feel bad already for not asking you about the man you injured earlier, so please don’t…”, the woman behind him asked in a mere whisper. It was soft enough he thought it might have been the wind but knew the weather only spoke to him when his parents willed it.

The prince felt his edge melt. The welling anger was slowly going away back to into the shadows of his mind. His excitement through the cloth of his breeches was still there and he blamed his sudden sensitivity to her on it but the act of calming him was curious in itself. He wondered how long had it been since he fully got to enjoy the company of another. The downward gaze of his subordinates almond shaped eyes brought him back to the moment at hand.

“She can see us. How, I do not know. I know of your distrust and it’s well noted but I will not let a creature die in this weather nor will I have her torn apart by such foul creatures such as trolls. You and I both know they’d do more than just eat her.” The cold gaze in the royal fairy’s glare snapped his captain from his disbelief and received a nod. “The others will be arriving soon, your highness.” That was all the captain could stomach for the moment before turning his back and pulling his bow. “I will watch your back as you open the gate”, the officer assured. Frost nodded before leaving a heavy kiss on the top of Lidia’s head and departed from her side.

The female was confused. She lightly touched the top of her head and brushed some of the twigs from her hair. The woman wondered about this gate the two spoke of and further more where were they taking her? She had a cabin not far from there. Long brunette hair was combed freely of wood and leaves, Lidia shook her damp locks and let them fall freely down her back over the grey wolf fur.

The woman didn’t see a certain captain peeking over his shoulder to study her. Her curves were fuller than most of the maidens in his homeland and the woman was much shorter. A curious thing but he would have to keep his inquisitiveness under wraps. Right now the human was the prince’s favorite. He was curious to know why. He heard the sounds and she was trying to tell his beloved leader no. Were humans always that conservative, he began to ponder. The black haired fay shook his head and adjusted his sights to the forest. He would have to find the answers to his questions at a more appropriate time…
Chapter 5:

A loud rumbling filled the forest. Lidia couldn’t help but cover her ears. The cloak fell to her feet. She now understood why Frost needed someone to watch this back. The noise alone wasn’t exactly quiet and would draw attention if he was in danger of anyone attacking him. The prince panted and bore sweat upon his brow. Large double doors made of ice and snow filled the black void that appeared between the pillars. The doors arched at the top adding to the exquisite appearance. Large snow flakes dotted the nearly transparent blue ice. The handles were long and curved like the ones she would see at an expensive hotel.

The fay slowly walked over to his human. His tall stature bent down some as two cold fingers lifted her chin to force her gaze upon him. Large, brilliant hazel green orbs blinked in awe. Lidia didn’t feel his cold thumb gently running over her bottom lip. Frost could stare at her for another hour, if given. The way the flakes of snow from his homeland blew over the doors and into her hair, gave her an exotic presence. He watched as tiny specks of white landed in her long lashes, adding beauty to her eyes. His kind were blessed with either blue or white almond shaped orbs, but her visions of green mixed with hues of brown sparkled with life. He could only imagine running his fingers through the woman’s dark bark colored hair. It appeared to be as soft as velvet. The royal fairy scolded himself for not paying much attention to her finer details earlier but he knew exactly how to make up for it.

“You’re about to enter your new home…”, Frost barely spoke above a whisper. With shaking fingertips Lidia brushed the front of his vest, knocking some of the loose snow off. “I’m really leaving aren’t I”, the young woman murmured back under her breath. A gentle nod followed her question as he bent down to pick up the protective fur cloak and wrap it around her once more. The prince stepped away from his small human and turned towards the other. His demeanor changed with every step as he made it way half way towards his knight. “Captain, any objections before I take my guest with me”, a sharp almond shaped eye shifted to gaze at the man in black leather armor with a black tunic under it. The fairy shook his head, allowing long black strands of his bangs to frame his angular face before the gush of cold air came rushing out from the doors that opened slowly.

The three were joined by two others who bore light brown leather armor vests over white tunics and bows at at their backs. Lidia took note to the silver handled swords on their hips as well. Nothing fancy like one would see in a movie but black leather wrapped around a heavy metal hilt and a small counter weight at the bottom of the handle. The female noticed one of the passers blinked as he detected her watching him walk by. He had short white hair and frosty blue eyes like Jack. His features appeared to be uniquely the same. The human wondered if they were related. Full supple lips began to part to ask the question but was hushed by a guiding arm. Frost had wrapped an arm around her hip and started to escort her to Aurora.

Lidia looked straight ahead. The could cracking and rumbling reminded her of breaking glaciers. The kind she had seen in videos. Once the doors were open, the woman took note that night time was setting in their land as well as orange hues danced with a red glint of the falling sun in the sky. Frost pulled lightly at her body to get her to follow but had to release her once they reached the other side. There he turned on his heels and waited for the others. While doing so, he spoke to her to encourage the woman to look around some.

The nearby brownies over heard the short conversation and the young short woman found a face full of fairies, or so she thought. The were so small and adorable, the female exclaimed in her own mind. Nearly the height of her fingers and ranged in different sizes. Some as tall as her middle finger and others as short as her thumb. Child like expressions with wide grins and sparkling black eyes filled her view. It appeared they had no irises, which threw the curious woman off a bit. The female was enchanted by them none the less. Despite the physical incursion she had to face with Frost, the woman was in astonishment. Their voices were fast, seemingly high pitched, and hard to pick up along with the buzzing of their transparent insect like wings. Many of them had brown hair or blue. Two females were already tying knots into her hair as they hummed along but she didn’t mind. It would be easy to comb them out, or at least the human hoped.

Lidia noticed their cheeks were dashed with a bit of a red color and round. For such tiny creatures they appeared with a little extra weight. Their clothing seemed to made of blue and white cloth sewn together like leaves. The dresses the women wore were like that of fallen leaves, covering their flesh from the neck down. When they landed on her shoulder, the dress folded out like petals from a flower. The small gentlemen of the group wore blue or black trousers that only came down to the shins. Their tunics were of some sort of variation of blue hue with a matching vest or a color coordinated vest that matched their lower half. Tiny swords and daggers equipped their sides. She saw none with bows amongst the lot, just tiny hand held weapons.

“You’re new”, many in the group that fluttered around her head spoke swiftly with wide smiles. “I’m Lidia, what’s all your names”, the brunette asked tenderly with a grin tugging at her expression. “Field”, a small younger appearing fairy fluttered up nearly to the tip of her nose. He was adorable, the young woman continued to think. His little dark brown beanie on top of his head with tiny black orbs peeking at her through blue locks of hair. She did scratch her head some, slowly to not hit anyone flying by. The brunette didn’t see any whites to their eyes. Just giant almond shaped eyes with sparkling voids peer back at her.

The sort human cupped her hands together so a few may sit. Field took the first seat. He dangled his legs over the edge of her palms. She took a brief interest in his tiny black shoes with the toes curled up. “You all look so cute! I have never seen anything quite like you except in books. Your pointy little ears to her button like eyes are truly unique”, the female pointed out with excitement pouring from her lips. Unbeknownst to her, Jack was listening and keeping a careful eye out for her. A small smile had formed on his expression. Of all the creatures she could have befriended, it had to be brownies. A chuckle bubbled from his chest as he let her speak with them.

Lidia soon was introduced to a feisty, blue haired fairy named Fen who claimed to be Field’s woman despite his protests. Another female who landed on the opposite side of the young male in the human’s palms; they claimed to be Fidget the mighty young sister of Field’s. She was half the size of the young woman’s pinky. The tiny fairy was younger with two front teeth missing and a bit chubbier in the cheeks than the other two. A child with short white hair unlike Field’s blue. She asked the brunette, with a whistle to her tiny voice, if she would play with them sometime but before the human female could answer a heavy shove from between her shoulder blades pushed the woman forward a bit forcing the fairies to scatter.

A round of “hey”, echoed in unison by the lot. Lidia didn’t complain. She just stepped aside as the knight in black with black hair glared. “Don’t keep my master waiting”, he snapped under a hushed tone. The meeting of hazel green eyes made the tall creature look away swiftly. The odd coloring of her orbs made him feel a bit uncomfortable. They seemed to be using some strange magic, she had to be! He shouldn’t be so distracted by her presence, Demirr scolded himself harshly in his own thoughts. He reasoned that was the only purpose his master took such a quick liking to her which added more bitterness to his attitude.

Of the group of fairies, Field, Fidget, and Fen all landed on her head. “Wonder why Frost’s men don’t like you”, Fen asked before pulling a tiny Fidget into her lap. The young white haired girl spread out her dark blue dress to make the two of them appear like hugging flowers in Lidia’s hair. Field dropped his legs over the edge of Lidia’s forehead. It tickled her a bit as his legs swayed. For the first time she felt like a giant.

“Are you all ok”, the brunette asked to the three on top. She noticed many other friends of theirs had joined on her shoulders. They laughed at the feeling of grey fur upon the skin of their cheeks. Everyone answered in unison, “we’re ok”. A breath of relief left her as her back ached where he had pushed her. Her bruises were fresh but that didn’t stop her from worrying about her size and the possibility of harming another.

Lidia had been wrapped into her own thoughts and only started to notice the market place the female had wondered into. Voices shouted about prices from anything from armor to food. Creatures that she had never seen in her life walked by with arm full of goods from pastries steaming in the cold air to bags of feed for various animals. She even saw a robust raccoon walking by on two legs like a normal person, only half her height, with a rack of meat dangling over their shoulder. He was dressed as if he had just walked from the dark ages in leathers with thick cloth under his hunter’s vest. The young female had to stop and rub her eyes.

“So what are they asking for”, she questioned her new found friends. “Ah, you mean the money”, Field answered with another question. A subtle, slow nod brought the brownie to speak with a proud voice. “We pay in copper, silver, gold, and pearl. A hundred copper per one silver, a hundred silver per one gold, and ten gold per one pearl.” Lidia listened as the fairy continue. “Pearls are condensed magic mixed with packed pure snow. They are our country’s personal currency. If you see a blue pear, it’s rare and worth more. It means there is more magic in it and can be used for various items.”

Lidia couldn’t help but smile at his cheerful voice. He was so proud to tell her about the small things that she needed to know. Her thoughts were broken when another shove from behind pushed her forward, forcing the little ones to scatter some like insects. The three only returned with promises from the others to play another time. This time the tiny human glared before looking away when the Captain glared back. He wasn’t in the mood to be trifled with, at least not by a human who was slowing his prince down.

The brownies stuck out their tongues in retaliation only to earn a snort from the much taller fairy, whom Lidia assumed was an elf. Field took off his cap and revealed messy, short blue hair. “Are you ok Liddy”, he asked gently floating just mere inches from the top of her nose. “Liddy”, the female questioned and just shook her head gently. “I’m fine…”, she assured. “Are you? That looked like it made you hurt”, his sister asked ruffling her own white hair to look like her brother. “Eh…, I’m ok. Seriously I am fine. Thank you for asking. I keep worrying about you all since the jolts can’t be easy on you.” The three blinked in surprise to Lidia’s confession before hugging her cheeks and nose.

The short human looked up to see everyone stopped. She took the moment to gaze around when the same firm hand that had pushed her earlier grabbed her forearm with a vice like grip. “Stay close”, the creature with piercing blue eyes snapped in a low gruff tone. He let go rather swiftly as he had realized how small her arm was inside his palm. The long haired knight with a pony tail pulled back, shook his head. He took his leave from his master’s guest. The brunette blinked rubbing the sore spot. It stung a bit from the force but nothing she wasn’t used to. It was then she heard a faint whisper upon the breeze. The air carried the aroma of something delicious and her hazel green orbs settled on the stands before her. Bread of all sorts were steaming. Loafs and baked sweets fresh from the oven but further down the alley that split the two wooden structures was an old woman.

The brownies gasped. “You’re not thinking of talking to the hag, are you”, the Fidget asked with a cute whistle emitting from between her teeth. “Hag? She’s just an old woman. Besides it’ll be quick. I want to at least look at something”, Lidia admitted. She felt like she was on a guided tour but unable to look at anything. That feeling of lack of freedom was getting to her a little too much. The young woman didn’t think a little investigating would hurt.

Field quietly left Lidia and gave a nod to Fen. The tiny brownie female grabbed Fidget’s hand and rode on top of the young woman’s head. “What every you do, don’t give your name out to her. She’s a real hag. The kind that boil children and eat them. I can tell from here, she’s a resident of HellScape. The wares she’s selling are more than likely cursed or banned from our markets.” Fen’s tiny voice reached Lidia’s ears. The brunette nodded slowly as to not shake off her companions.

“What a beautiful child. What is your name”, the woman asked in an old crackling voice. It went well with her physique. She was short; shorter than Lidia. A large hump was covered in a black dress and forced the woman to hunch over. Her nose was long, sharp like a bird’s beak with a large mole on the side of it. The old woman’s hair was long, thin, and oily. There was an odor to her body but the young woman remained quiet about that.

Full lips parted to say her name but slowly closed with a gentle smile. Something about the whitish grey irises of the woman’s eyes told the young female to heed Fen’s words. “I actually was informed not to give my name out to strangers. I’m sorry if it seems rude.” The brunette’s apology earned a hackled cough with wrinkled lips pulled into a smile full of gnarled, blacken teeth from the elderly. “Tis ok child. You seem in pain. I may have something for you… Tis the reason I summoned you…”

Lidia felt the pit of her stomach drop. It was the way the woman said she had summoned the brunette. It was as if she had no choice in her actions. The tiny voice in the back of her mind was screaming, ‘bad idea’, over and over again and she felt the sinking feeling of regret. The young woman whimpered some which had a certain brownie reach down and pat the top of her head. The sensation tickled and it helped her feel better knowing the female was not alone. The realization of Fen’s words mixed with the dark alley that wasn’t being lit up well. Now the sun had really started to fall, the sky was no longer orange and red but blue and purple with a green glow from above from the Aurora Borealis. The light reflecting off the brunette’s skin gave her almost an unearthly glow but also made the woman in front of her very mysterious and the feeling of danger grew...
((Alright, working on getting the NSFW chapters out but it takes some time with character build up. Sorry if this seems a bit dry to all of you it will get better, I promise. Just please bare with it.))

Chapter 6:

A loud rumbling filled the forest. Lidia couldn’t help but cover her ears. The cloak fell to her feet. She now understood why Frost needed someone to watch this back. The noise alone wasn’t exactly quiet and would draw attention if he was in danger of anyone attacking him. The prince panted and bore sweat upon his brow. Large double doors made of ice and snow filled the black void that appeared between the pillars. The doors arched at the top adding to the exquisite appearance. Large snow flakes dotted the nearly transparent blue ice. The handles were long and curved like the ones she would see at an expensive hotel.

The fay slowly walked over to his human. His tall stature bent down some as two cold fingers lifted her chin to force her gaze upon him. Large, brilliant hazel green orbs blinked in awe. Lidia didn’t feel his cold thumb gently running over her bottom lip. Frost could stare at her for another hour, if given. The way the flakes of snow from his homeland blew over the doors and into her hair, gave her an exotic presence. He watched as tiny specks of white landed in her long lashes, adding beauty to her eyes. His kind were blessed with either blue or white almond shaped orbs, but her visions of green mixed with hues of brown sparkled with life. He could only imagine running his fingers through the woman’s dark bark colored hair. It appeared to be as soft as velvet. The royal fairy scolded himself for not paying much attention to her finer details earlier but he knew exactly how to make up for it.

“You’re about to enter your new home…”, Frost barely spoke above a whisper. With shaking fingertips Lidia brushed the front of his vest, knocking some of the loose snow off. “I’m really leaving aren’t I”, the young woman murmured back under her breath. A gentle nod followed her question as he bent down to pick up the protective fur cloak and wrap it around her once more. The prince stepped away from his small human and turned towards the other. His demeanor changed with every step as he made it way half way towards his knight. “Captain, any objections before I take my guest with me”, a sharp almond shaped eye shifted to gaze at the man in black leather armor with a black tunic under it. The fairy shook his head, allowing long black strands of his bangs to frame his angular face before the gush of cold air came rushing out from the doors that opened slowly.

The three were joined by two others who bore light brown leather armor vests over white tunics and bows at at their backs. Lidia took note to the silver handled swords on their hips as well. Nothing fancy like one would see in a movie but black leather wrapped around a heavy metal hilt and a small counter weight at the bottom of the handle. The female noticed one of the passers blinked as he detected her watching him walk by. He had short white hair and frosty blue eyes like Jack. His features appeared to be uniquely the same. The human wondered if they were related. Full supple lips began to part to ask the question but was hushed by a guiding arm. Frost had wrapped an arm around her hip and started to escort her to Aurora.

Lidia looked straight ahead. The could cracking and rumbling reminded her of breaking glaciers. The kind she had seen in videos. Once the doors were open, the woman took note that night time was setting in their land as well as orange hues danced with a red glint of the falling sun in the sky. Frost pulled lightly at her body to get her to follow but had to release her once they reached the other side. There he turned on his heels and waited for the others. While doing so, he spoke to her to encourage the woman to look around some.

The nearby brownies over heard the short conversation and the young short woman found a face full of fairies, or so she thought. The were so small and adorable, the female exclaimed in her own mind. Nearly the height of her fingers and ranged in different sizes. Some as tall as her middle finger and others as short as her thumb. Child like expressions with wide grins and sparkling black eyes filled her view. It appeared they had no irises, which threw the curious woman off a bit. The female was enchanted by them none the less. Despite the physical incursion she had to face with Frost, the woman was in astonishment. Their voices were fast, seemingly high pitched, and hard to pick up along with the buzzing of their transparent insect like wings. Many of them had brown hair or blue. Two females were already tying knots into her hair as they hummed along but she didn’t mind. It would be easy to comb them out, or at least the human hoped.

Lidia noticed their cheeks were dashed with a bit of a red color and round. For such tiny creatures they appeared with a little extra weight. Their clothing seemed to made of blue and white cloth sewn together like leaves. The dresses the women wore were like that of fallen leaves, covering their flesh from the neck down. When they landed on her shoulder, the dress folded out like petals from a flower. The small gentlemen of the group wore blue or black trousers that only came down to the shins. Their tunics were of some sort of variation of blue hue with a matching vest or a color coordinated vest that matched their lower half. Tiny swords and daggers equipped their sides. She saw none with bows amongst the lot, just tiny hand held weapons.

“You’re new”, many in the group that fluttered around her head spoke swiftly with wide smiles. “I’m Lidia, what’s all your names”, the brunette asked tenderly with a grin tugging at her expression. “Field”, a small younger appearing fairy fluttered up nearly to the tip of her nose. He was adorable, the young woman continued to think. His little dark brown beanie on top of his head with tiny black orbs peeking at her through blue locks of hair. She did scratch her head some, slowly to not hit anyone flying by. The brunette didn’t see any whites to their eyes. Just giant almond shaped eyes with sparkling voids peer back at her.

The sort human cupped her hands together so a few may sit. Field took the first seat. He dangled his legs over the edge of her palms. She took a brief interest in his tiny black shoes with the toes curled up. “You all look so cute! I have never seen anything quite like you except in books. Your pointy little ears to her button like eyes are truly unique”, the female pointed out with excitement pouring from her lips. Unbeknownst to her, Jack was listening and keeping a careful eye out for her. A small smile had formed on his expression. Of all the creatures she could have befriended, it had to be brownies. A chuckle bubbled from his chest as he let her speak with them.

Lidia soon was introduced to a feisty, blue haired fairy named Fen who claimed to be Field’s woman despite his protests. Another female who landed on the opposite side of the young male in the human’s palms; they claimed to be Fidget the mighty young sister of Field’s. She was half the size of the young woman’s pinky. The tiny fairy was younger with two front teeth missing and a bit chubbier in the cheeks than the other two. A child with short white hair unlike Field’s blue. She asked the brunette, with a whistle to her tiny voice, if she would play with them sometime but before the human female could answer a heavy shove from between her shoulder blades pushed the woman forward a bit forcing the fairies to scatter.

A round of “hey”, echoed in unison by the lot. Lidia didn’t complain. She just stepped aside as the knight in black with black hair glared. “Don’t keep my master waiting”, he snapped under a hushed tone. The meeting of hazel green eyes made the tall creature look away swiftly. The odd coloring of her orbs made him feel a bit uncomfortable. They seemed to be using some strange magic, she had to be! He shouldn’t be so distracted by her presence, Demirr scolded himself harshly in his own thoughts. He reasoned that was the only purpose his master took such a quick liking to her which added more bitterness to his attitude.

Of the group of fairies, Field, Fidget, and Fen all landed on her head. “Wonder why Frost’s men don’t like you”, Fen asked before pulling a tiny Fidget into her lap. The young white haired girl spread out her dark blue dress to make the two of them appear like hugging flowers in Lidia’s hair. Field dropped his legs over the edge of Lidia’s forehead. It tickled her a bit as his legs swayed. For the first time she felt like a giant.

“Are you all ok”, the brunette asked to the three on top. She noticed many other friends of theirs had joined on her shoulders. They laughed at the feeling of grey fur upon the skin of their cheeks. Everyone answered in unison, “we’re ok”. A breath of relief left her as her back ached where he had pushed her. Her bruises were fresh but that didn’t stop her from worrying about her size and the possibility of harming another.

Lidia had been wrapped into her own thoughts and only started to notice the market place the female had wondered into. Voices shouted about prices from anything from armor to food. Creatures that she had never seen in her life walked by with arm full of goods from pastries steaming in the cold air to bags of feed for various animals. She even saw a robust raccoon walking by on two legs like a normal person, only half her height, with a rack of meat dangling over their shoulder. He was dressed as if he had just walked from the dark ages in leathers with thick cloth under his hunter’s vest. The young female had to stop and rub her eyes.

“So what are they asking for”, she questioned her new found friends. “Ah, you mean the money”, Field answered with another question. A subtle, slow nod brought the brownie to speak with a proud voice. “We pay in copper, silver, gold, and pearl. A hundred copper per one silver, a hundred silver per one gold, and ten gold per one pearl.” Lidia listened as the fairy continue. “Pearls are condensed magic mixed with packed pure snow. They are our country’s personal currency. If you see a blue pear, it’s rare and worth more. It means there is more magic in it and can be used for various items.”

Lidia couldn’t help but smile at his cheerful voice. He was so proud to tell her about the small things that she needed to know. Her thoughts were broken when another shove from behind pushed her forward, forcing the little ones to scatter some like insects. The three only returned with promises from the others to play another time. This time the tiny human glared before looking away when the Captain glared back. He wasn’t in the mood to be trifled with, at least not by a human who was slowing his prince down.

The brownies stuck out their tongues in retaliation only to earn a snort from the much taller fairy, whom Lidia assumed was an elf. Field took off his cap and revealed messy, short blue hair. “Are you ok Liddy”, he asked gently floating just mere inches from the top of her nose. “Liddy”, the female questioned and just shook her head gently. “I’m fine…”, she assured. “Are you? That looked like it made you hurt”, his sister asked ruffling her own white hair to look like her brother. “Eh…, I’m ok. Seriously I am fine. Thank you for asking. I keep worrying about you all since the jolts can’t be easy on you.” The three blinked in surprise to Lidia’s confession before hugging her cheeks and nose.

The short human looked up to see everyone stopped. She took the moment to gaze around when the same firm hand that had pushed her earlier grabbed her forearm with a vice like grip. “Stay close”, the creature with piercing blue eyes snapped in a low gruff tone. He let go rather swiftly as he had realized how small her arm was inside his palm. The long haired knight with a pony tail pulled back, shook his head. He took his leave from his master’s guest. The brunette blinked rubbing the sore spot. It stung a bit from the force but nothing she wasn’t used to. It was then she heard a faint whisper upon the breeze. The air carried the aroma of something delicious and her hazel green orbs settled on the stands before her. Bread of all sorts were steaming. Loafs and baked sweets fresh from the oven but further down the alley that split the two wooden structures was an old woman.

The brownies gasped. “You’re not thinking of talking to the hag, are you”, the Fidget asked with a cute whistle emitting from between her teeth. “Hag? She’s just an old woman. Besides it’ll be quick. I want to at least look at something”, Lidia admitted. She felt like she was on a guided tour but unable to look at anything. That feeling of lack of freedom was getting to her a little too much. The young woman didn’t think a little investigating would hurt.

Field quietly left Lidia and gave a nod to Fen. The tiny brownie female grabbed Fidget’s hand and rode on top of the young woman’s head. “What every you do, don’t give your name out to her. She’s a real hag. The kind that boil children and eat them. I can tell from here, she’s a resident of HellScape. The wares she’s selling are more than likely cursed or banned from our markets.” Fen’s tiny voice reached Lidia’s ears. The brunette nodded slowly as to not shake off her companions.

“What a beautiful child. What is your name”, the woman asked in an old crackling voice. It went well with her physique. She was short; shorter than Lidia. A large hump was covered in a black dress and forced the woman to hunch over. Her nose was long, sharp like a bird’s beak with a large mole on the side of it. The old woman’s hair was long, thin, and oily. There was an odor to her body but the young woman remained quiet about that.

Full lips parted to say her name but slowly closed with a gentle smile. Something about the whitish grey irises of the woman’s eyes told the young female to heed Fen’s words. “I actually was informed not to give my name out to strangers. I’m sorry if it seems rude.” The brunette’s apology earned a hackled cough with wrinkled lips pulled into a smile full of gnarled, blacken teeth from the elderly. “Tis ok child. You seem in pain. I may have something for you… Tis the reason I summoned you…”

Lidia felt the pit of her stomach drop. It was the way the woman said she had summoned the brunette. It was as if she had no choice in her actions. The tiny voice in the back of her mind was screaming, ‘bad idea’, over and over again and she felt the sinking feeling of regret. The young woman whimpered some which had a certain brownie reach down and pat the top of her head. The sensation tickled and it helped her feel better knowing the female was not alone. The realization of Fen’s words mixed with the dark alley that wasn’t being lit up well. Now the sun had really started to fall, the sky was no longer orange and red but blue and purple with a green glow from above from the Aurora Borealis. The light reflecting off the brunette’s skin gave her almost an unearthly glow but also made the woman in front of her very mysterious and the feeling of danger grew.
Chapter 7:

Lidia felt the comfort of arms around her waist from behind her. Just from the cool air filling the void between them, the young woman knew it was Frost right then. The brunette leaned back into the larger body. A sigh left his lips as he leaned down, putting his nose to the top of her head; allowing his cool breath the seep through the strands of her hair. He couldn’t help but let his brows furrow as he felt his guest flinch. His human was clearly tense and he pondered even further if the whole thing could have been avoided.

The young woman couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of guilt for the elder’s out come. That shame had her quietly trembling in his arms. “Shhh”, he hushed to try and calm her. “Did I go to far”, the prince asked in a muted manner. Lidia felt a bit shocked from his question but let out a subtle breath. “We have harsh punishments were I come from but it’s a cruel thing what you did. The old woman…” Jack cut the female off with a grunt. “Is alive. Conscious as well or it wouldn’t be a severe reprimand. The imprisonment is average. I, at least didn’t boil her in gold like some would. She’ll be fine and will live out her hundred-year sentence. I don’t think you quite understand the danger you were in either. For starters, she used suggestion. A forbidden magic in my lands. I passed the law to make merchants a bit more honest and customers safe from what could have happened to you.” The fay continued to speak in a mere whisper and closed his eyes, enjoying her sweet scent.

“I acted on my own”, Lidia rebutted but the brownies in front of her shook their heads. “You think you did. Suggestions don’t work like that. You don’t know you’ve been enchanted. I can guess you never would have talked to a stranger down a dark alley way while your friends don’t know where you’ve gone too. Such tricks don’t work on us. That’s why we were able to help.” Field spoke proudly with the blue pearl held over his head. A child like grin traced over his lips and it was clear he was pleased with himself. Jack gently chuckled as he ignored his guards enforcing his words. It turned out they used the old woman’s shop to destroy the creatures she had brought. An unnecessary loss of life but nothing he could do to avoid it. He still, however, wanted to have a chat with his captain.

Lidia blinked. She thought that she wouldn’t have gone earlier and Field had confirmed her feelings prior. “Your fear of those blasted spiders had broken the spell. You must really fear them”, Fen pointed out while fluttering in the air. “I do… I don’t know why but I really can’t do spiders. Even being in the same room freaks me out”, the brunette stated with a tremble in her voice. The idea of the skinny legged creatures, was enough to send chills down her spine. Luckily she didn’t have to explain herself. Frost made it clear they needed to get going. He informed the human female to say goodbye to her new friends while he stepped away a moment to check on his men.

The goodbyes went well as they promised to show her around the markets another day. People gazed on as Frost returned and wrapped his arm around her, swearing to himself never to let go until they got inside his castle. The captain followed after barking orders to collect the goods that were brought. The two did as they were told and would stay up longer than their shift dictated. To their surprise so many items and creatures were being brought and which they began to catalogue and take names to reimburse the people who didn’t even know they had spent their earnings on things they couldn’t afford.

Before long Lidia found herself walking up towards a large cathedral style castle. The building, or she would think was many built together, was enormous. Made of stone and thick ice, the massive structure clearly was like something from a fairy tale. The towers were nearly the double height of the trees that stood nearby in a thick forest.

The entry hall, was just that, a long narrow corridor with a huge fire place at the end of it. Two guards stood at attention of every entry and exit. The were dressed in armor like one would see from a fantasy movie but they didn’t have giant axes but instead had sheathed swords on each hip. Tall in nature, Lidia felt insignificant. The metal clinked as heels snapped together. It was like a domino effect as Jack walked his female guest past each opening in the hall. He guided her to the end. There the fay tugged off the fur cloak and let the warm air from the blue fire brush her bared skin.

Lidia eyed the various paintings and tapestries that decorated the walls. Large weapons were mounted above some of the art work. Everything from maces to large lances, they seemed to have it all. The fire in the fireplace caught her eye, despite her new surroundings appearing from the middle ages. The flames were blue and she could have sworn she saw a face. She was so enthralled by the spirit that she hadn’t realized Frost had stepped away from her side only to return with a purr in her ear.

“What are you looking at”, the white haired prince asked as he leaned his body weight over the back of her shoulders. The force pushed Lidia to bend at the hip and she found large hands grabbing her hips to keep her balanced. Jack felt the curve of her rump fitting perfectly over his loins making him wish for more. His chest heaved a bit as he gained control again. His instincts, the creature swore, were running around outside his body.

“I… I think there’s something in the fire. I thought I saw white eyes and mouth appear before the blue hues changed to a darker color.” Lidia couldn’t help but let her voice crack in the situation she was in. The young woman could feel a slow arousal popping up under the protective cloth of her jeans. It was reminding her of what was really on the ruler’s mind and she would have no choice in the matter. Her throat went dry as she could feel her body shiver. The brunette wanted a choice but would it matter if she fought…?

Lidia’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard foot prints come close behind them. She stood when Frost removed his weight and stepped to the side of her. There she could see a pair of familiar blue orbs from earlier. They were peering from behind raven locks that fell just short of the captain’s brow. The gaze he gave her made her shudder once more and move behind Jack.

“You wished to have a word with me”, he inquired as the prince frowned. “I do”, the white haired fay spoke. “You treated my guest with ill will. I want an explanation.” Frost was right to the point and it shocked Lidia. Somehow she felt the need to interrupt but didn’t know how. The captain nodded after breaking his glare at the young woman, whose fingers reached out momentarily towards the angered male. “You were out in the open sire and she was dawdling. I was only thinking of your safety.” The guard didn’t raise his tone. He continued to keep it low and smooth. Any sign of weakness and the fairy understood his prince would pounce with anger and violence. The officer recognized his master’s signs of ire. It was best not to antagonize him or one would find themselves dead before hitting the floor.

“Of course she’s going to be slow”, Jack spoke harshly raising his tone enough to force the captain to flinch and make Lidia step away retracting her fingers. The captain thought she was going to be an idiot for a moment but had to give it to her for knowing not to interrupt or at least listening to her fear. “This world is new to her. She has the right to see everything she so feels the need to see. If she wants to touch it, smell it, or even taste it…, she can. I keep you around to do your job…” The prince paused to get nose to nose with his officer and lowered his voice angrily. “Your job is to follow my orders and keep my people safe. Being a guest gives her as much right as any subject or citizen of mine. If she wishes to take things slow, you WILL allow it and if that woman bares any questions, you will answer her…”

Jack turned on his heels and gazed at the pale woman with a faint glow of white from the light of the fire. Even in dirty clothes she was a bit of a looker. The distress in her hazel green orbs spoke to him louder than any of his council men. “I have an idea. I’ll give you a choice Demirr. You can either serve her for her duration here or let her pick out your punishment.” Frost’s gaze never parted from Lidia’s expression as confusion was written over her features.

The raven haired fay knelt on one knee. “I meant no harm, your majesty I only meant well. I will take any punishment she sees fit to deal out.” Demirr lowered his eyes to the floor and withdrew his sword from it’s midnight leather sheath. He held it out flat with the blade resting in both palms. Lidia was beside herself. “Uhhh”, was all that left her lips. “C..Can I be honest”, the brunette questioned timidly towards Frost who’s nostrils were nearly flaring with irritation. The prince nodded his head with quivering lips of frustration.

“Uh, despite the fact I didn’t appreciate being pushed around, there was really no real harm done. I mean… He did kind of apprehend the old woman and he did warn you when those trolls were in the area. Can we just call it even since you scolded him?” Lidia’s hazel eyes dropped to Jack’s toes only to have his fingers force her chin to gaze up at him. The anger was diminishing in his stare. “If that’s what you wish”, the fay muttered gently only to smile gingerly at her nod.

Demirr was beside himself. He couldn’t believe it. No, he wouldn’t believe it. The captain was not going to be in her debt! “No”, he blurted almost in rage and confusion. “I won’t have it”, the officer corrected. “I deserved to be punished for my deeds”, the male continued only to hush as foot steps of his master neared. He could feel Jack’s shadow casted over him. The seething anger his prince was controlling. The commander knew his life was on the line but he refused to be indebted to a stranger and more so to a human who just happened to have caught his majesty’s favor.

“Demirr”, Frost drawled out in a low tone. In fact, it was subsequently muted in a way that the human didn’t hear over the crackling of the fire. “I know you don’t want a human saving your hide but you are seriously pushing my patience”, the white haired prince snarled through nearly closed lips. “She…, is of a fiery but gentle nature. I know because unlike you I can see into the human heart. Their spirits are precious to me and always have been. So…, let me tell you how this will go. Tomorrow will be a big day for her if she’s up to it. You will be her escort and ensure her safety. Do I make myself understood”, Jack asked in a more condescending manner.

“Understood, your majesty”, Demirr choked out in a whisper. He couldn’t believe how swiftly the woman had his prince around her finger. She had to have been using magic but the last he remembered humans didn’t have any. This was a puzzle he needed to figure out and swiftly. It would be for the wellbeing of the kingdom…
((Ok, hope this isn't to dark for you guys... I will try and reign Frost in a little bit. I did write the in a hurry so forgive any mistakes. I will correct them as I go. Thanks!))

Chapter 8:

Lidia was soon led through corridor after corridor. The castle or fortress that Jack called home happened to be rather confusing. The young woman could barely keep up as soreness started to set into her legs. She couldn’t help but let out a whimper when Frost made her climb nearly four stories of twisted stairs to the very top of the main steeple. There she was rewarded with another fire place and a view of a room that were only spoke of in fairy tales. The young woman wondered if she was even still alive and all this was a part of her imagination.

The tall male broke away from her side. His long strides took him to the middle of the large room where he stretched out his arms and took in a deep breath. “My fair bird, this is my sleeping chambers and now yours as well.” His voice was cheerful but the way the light caught his eye it almost felt as if he was planning something dreadful. A chill went down Lidia’s spine and it wasn’t from the cold.

Her eyes wondered a bit but she remained just on the inside of the heavy twin doors. Large tapestries depicting white dragons and what resembled Jack with wings. He appeared so young in the pictures. A large painting of the cathedral like castle hung over the fire place. A large blue fire roared as the white haired male gave the special flame it’s favorite logs to burn.

Lidia’s orbs turned towards the intimidating bed. It was huge with tall bed posts framing the king size bed. Furs covered the quilted blankets under it. Even the pillows were encased in velvet with fox fur lining the edges. A polar bear rug laid flat on the floor but it lacked the fake head and teeth. Instead a large cloth under it was sewn in. The room could fit almost a quarter of her own home. Stone lined the floors and the walls were stone encased in ice. Windows were large but covered by heavy red curtains that were closed for obvious reasons. The brunette felt out of place in the dim lit space.

The young woman began to stutter some. Her nerves were on end. Everything was to much to fast. “C…Can I j..just get my own room”, she timidly asked as the realization of what he was getting at was setting in. Jack’s eyes seemed to widened before he nearly stomped his way over to her. A punitive, large hand reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled the much smaller framed woman into his own body. Lidia let out a grunt from the force and struggled, only to find it futile as a heavy arm wrapped around her waist line. The larger male dominated her in every sense. She felt weak against him and he wasn’t even that muscular but he did have nearly two feet of an advantage over her.

Lidia felt her body nearly crushed against his. His hardened, toned physique allowed him to subdue the woman swiftly before whirling her around away from the door so she could not have the opportunity to run. From past experience, it did not end well for the creature who decided to run down his spiral stair case. The larger male backed her up by using the momentum of his own. The brunette was now in the center of the room. A heavy hand reached forth and forced her jaw upward. The fear in her eyes reflected his dander.

“Do not think this is some tale you read in one of your books”, Jack snapped. “I am not the nice guy your stories portray me as! I will have you when I want you. You will stay with me as long as I wish it. Remember my words?! I would even visit you repeatedly in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. I am a prince of winter and a king to the fairies of Aurora. I do not run a kingdom by being the nice guy! I give you the freedom to roam and go where you wish but that comes at a cost like all things…”, Frost lowered his harsh tone. His heart was racing and it was nearly painful.

The squirming woman froze. He was tense under her fingertips. Lidia honestly didn’t know what to think. To demand a stranger’s body and company like the creature holding her just did, sent more mixed messages and caused more questions than answers. She wanted to know why but figured that would just cause him to yell at her again. The brunette didn’t want any of that and regretted being found Jack. She didn’t know what was worse; being forced to give up her body and dignity every time he wanted it or having parents that wouldn’t let her leave the house despite her being eighteen. Her father used her as a stress doll while her mother used her as a chess piece against her old man.

A whimper of pain filled the void of silence. Frost’s eyes widened and he snapped his hand away from her jaw. He blinked. Maybe he wasn’t as ready as he thought to have mixed company. Surrounded by guards, knights, even peasants, one would think he wasn’t a lonely creature but he could argue. Not a single person would talk to him without wanting something in return. He desperately didn’t want Lidia to be that way and the white haired fairy wanted to physically touch her. It was contact that has been denied over the ages. Of course he could seduce a spring or autumn elf but it would be painful in the end. Their warmth would eventually start to degenerate his cold aura which kept him from being harmed by their homeland.

To have one developed and as old as the woman in his arms was an extremely rare treat. It had been nearly fifty years. That did not end well. She was tricked into partaking in a ritual which ended her life. Since then he’s hated the high elven princess. The Season’s rulers, like himself, nearly banned the summer elves from every kingdom of their own but Nature got in the way.

Lidia felt him trembling. It was surely an odd behavior for someone that just cornered her and threatened to have her as he saw fit. She noticed his blue orbs were closing and before the woman could say or do anything, Frost held her in a tight hug. “I’m sorry…”, he muttered. “I will have you… And I won’t be gentle. Not the first time”, he continued in a whisper. His cool breath danced upon her ear when he spoke. His cheek pressed against her own and Frost adored the feel of it. It was warm. A temperateness that didn’t hurt him. It was alluring.

The young woman felt fingers climb up her back gently as if to soothe her fears. She concluded he must be insane. There was no other explanation. Then something donned on her. “Wait, you said king of the fairies! Does that mean that you’re not an elf”, Lidia questioned in a shocked tone. Frost couldn’t help but snicker at her sudden outburst and pull back some, opening his eyes to gaze down at her. “Not the first time I’ve said it”, he pointed out with a smile gracing his lips. “You have a lot to learn”, the male continued. “I thought you were an elf! Fairies, sprites, pixies, and so on… All have wings”, the brunette rushed.

Jack couldn’t help but to admire her features. She actually looked cute with her wide eyed expression. His features softened as he continued to smile down at her. “Elves are short. Shorter than you. Beautiful but still diminutive tricksters. Don’t trust anything they tell you, my dear. You probably assumed the brownies you met earlier were fairies…” Frost continued to speak as he backed Lidia up. Her mind reeling in the information seemed to not notice where he was leading her which was fine by him.

“Here, I am a fairy. Wingless… but still true to my nature. Now I know you have heard about fairies whisking humans away. So explain to me, how can we do that if we’re only the size of your finger?” It was true, Lidia thought. His words struck a natural curiosity in her. If fairies were seducing people, how could they lure a normal size human if they were so little? The answer was standing in front of her and embarrassment of the thought brought heat to her cheeks.

Warmth started to touch the skin of her arms and forced the brunette to blink. She broke the stare Frost had her in. Next to her was a heated tub of water. A large white clawfoot tub that seemed antique but in perfect condition standing behind a silk changing screen, green in color. There was yearning in her eyes as she spotted the steaming water and Jack saw it. He leaned into her ear. “Touch the water with your fingers and let me know if you like it.” Lidia shook her head but to her dismay, Jack grabbed her hand and walked her closer to dip her fingers in briefly before letting go once more. The young woman found it delightfully warm and couldn’t retract her hand. Her body screamed at her to get in and a pout formed when the young female removed it.

The prince brushed his finger tips at the hem of her shirt. “Is it to your liking”, he asked before pulling away his body but leaving his digits to remain. “Y..yeah”, the young woman hesitantly admitted. “Good”, Jack purred in the brunette’s ear. Lidia had a bad feeling something horrible was going to happen. She was right. Her white t-shirt was tugged upward. If she fought, the woman considered he would lose his temper and she didn’t want to be encased in ice. The force raised her arms over her head and before the female knew, she was topless in front of a man she had just met.

Star burst blue eyes narrowed on her swollen breasts. The woman was surely top heavy but he thought it would have a little padding. Instead the thin lace supported the rather endowed bust. Frost licked his thin lips to moisten them. His mouth felt dry like a frozen desert with raging need. The prince’s instincts rocked his body and forced his hands to shake. He could feel himself slowly turning into an animal. It wasn’t something the fay was proud of. Control was slipping away and he was losing ground.

Lidia wanted to cover herself but when her arms moved up, a deep rumbling growl bubbled from his chest. A sigh left him when she pinned her arms behind her. “Take it off”, he muttered in a dark tone. “All of it. I can’t touch you right now”, he painfully admitted before backing her to a wall and caging the woman with his arms. The bulge in his pants grew and it was excruciating. So much so, his eyes began to water a bit.

Lidia hissed from the cold surface of the ice encasing the wall and hesitantly did as she was told. The slow tease of the removal nearly had him twirling her around and ravaging her against the ice. His breathing became more erratic and his chest hurt from his heart pounding so hard. If this moment was hard on him, the royal fairy couldn’t imagine how difficult it was on her to be forced to endure his commands and knowing just how much he was going to violate her. A large part of him felt remorse for what he was going to do but a darker side, the part of him he wished he could cut away, couldn’t help but enjoy the thought of violating the woman over and over again because forbidden pleasure was best savored in moments like this one…
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