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Once Sacred


Jan 13, 2016
Midwest USA
Raindrops fell like tears, misting the air as a shimmering cold blanket to cover the city. Pools of water overflow and become rivers rushing down the edge of the streets threatening to swallow the passing cars and carry them away. With each tire that slices thru the growing flood, a torrent of water envelops the narrow sidewalks. Eddy's swirl and catch the grime and trash of the city and carry it over cracks and uneven walkways emptying into a darkened alley. Darker shadows scurry away from the putrid mass as it winds its way into every crevice.

A quiet mewling echoes against the alley walls, barely audible over the sound of the rain splattering onto the roofs, and traffic speeding thru the downpour.

Huddled behind a dumpster trying to pull its body into a tighter ball to avoid the muck pooling at its feet, sat a small boy. His bare feet dirty and cold from the disgusting ground, and bleeding from tiny cuts laced across his heels. The poor boy was so wrapped around himself to stay warm that he looked like just another bag of tossed trash.

In the dark with water dripping down his head, Azusa's hair appeared like an ink stain sliding across his face. Long thick lashes framed his wide terrified eyes. The soft grass green of his eyes only made his freezing skin seem even paler than the moonlight. The only color high lighting his fair skin was a brush of purple staining his left cheek. Tears froze along his lashes as he whimpered into his folded arms.

A soft shuffling at the opening of the alley had him stiffen in fear. Through his wet hair a small pair of grey tufted ears perked up listening for the sound. Around his waist a tail with thick tangled black fur wrapped him up like a snake. Azusa shivered in the cool air waiting for the next punishment to be exacted on him. Adrenaline rushed thru his body as the shuffling noise moved closer to his hiding spot. His body was too frozen to take off running like his brain told him to. His muscles just wouldn't respond anymore.

He bit into his hand to quiet his crying as the sound stopped just a few inches from where he sat. With a high pitched yelp, Azusa jumps as a cold wet nose and rough tongue presses against his exposed hand. Looking up at him with warm golden eyes and a questioning meow is a little black and white speckled cat. The poor thing looks as drowned as he does.

Once his heart rate drops back to normal and catches his breathe. Azusa beckons the petite animal closer and gently scratches under its chin. The cat mewls happily and lets loose a throaty purr despite its small stature. For the first time in what feels like forever, Azusa smiles just for fun, forgetting for awhile his anxiety and worry.

"You scared me little one. What are you doing out in this mess?" He nuzzles the kittens cheek with his fingers. "Shouldn't you be in a nice warm home with a loving family?"

Tiny paws stretched against his legs as the cat looked up at him and blinked its soulful eyes. Azusa rubbed the wetness from his eyes and lifted the animal into his arms. He gently stroked its wet and matted fur as it rumbled contentedly against his chest.

"Guess you and I are the same, huh? Don't worry. Your adorable and will find someone to take you in."

Azusa rubbed the cats ears between his fingers for a couple of minutes before sitting it back down on the ground, avoiding the muck ridden puddles of water.

"Go on little one and find a home."

Its soft meow echoed back at him as it loped off into the night. Azusa envied the cat and yearned to follow it. Perhaps a kind family would take him in too and treat him as a cherished pet. He was just as cute, he thought, as any other kid. So why was he always the one left behind. His breath misted in front of him when he sighs. It was like the night has swallowed the sun and would never release her. He groaned as the freezing puddles around him overflowed and washed over his bare feet. At the rate of this downpour and the water collecting around him, Azusa would drown before morning if he stayed where he was. But where could he go and still be safe from the men searching for him. He just couldn't go back to the kennels. All of his friends he made while sitting in those identical cages; waiting for their turn on the auction block were adopted and left him to suffer alone.

The kennel master is a perverted old man that needed a bath more than the young boys that he sold. He also has no issues laying a hand or whip to them either. So long as he didn't harm the merchandise before it can be sold off. Guess that's why he didn't care about laying into Azusa. Every sale Azusa was put up for, he was the only one left from the group.

Azusa winced as his cheek throbbed under the darkened bruise. His pain was a reminder to why he ran away in the first place. It's not like the abuse he suffered was abnormal. He'd seen many others with similar marks. It was an everyday thing to the Breed. They were only pets and bartering pieces for those that could afford them. This was just the way their life had always been.

Being beat or kicked going to and from his cage became routine. He could handle that knowing that they lost money if they maimed or ruined their merchandise before selling them. Most handlers kept to a swift kick or punch that would produce small bruises with maximum pain. A couple of broken ribs wouldn't stop them from sending the boys out onto the stage. The one rule that was supposed to be unbroken was that the merchandise was to be sold with innocence intact. If a handler was caught dipping his dick into his stock and then turning around and trying to sell them to owners as unused, would meet with swift and deadly consequences. The rich and mighty didn't like to be lied to. Even through all the beatings Azusa felt safe in knowing that he wouldn't end up being trash tossed to the side just because someone couldn't keep it in their pants. At least, that's what he used to believe.

(I would greatly appreciate reviews if you want to leave them, I will be adding more chapters too! Thank You Lovies!!)
RE: Once Sacred:: Chapter 1 (neko, yaoi, virgin)

-A Few Days Earlier-

A golden tail swishes back and forth in ecstatic joy as a strong arm wraps around its owner and guides it out the door. Azusa watches his last familiar companion be sold off and the door to his happiness close with finality. The weight of his own tail settles around his waist in comfort. The soft grey tufts at the tips of his ears were barely visible thru his black hair as they drooped in disappointment and shame. He couldn’t count how many times he was the last one standing off to the side of the stage as the floor cleared of owners and their new pets.

The new influx of available boys wouldn’t be brought in for a few days. This left Azusa all alone. He’d always had someone to talk to after being the one left from the line-up. He could almost feel the fury radiating off the Master Handler in waves buffering against Azusa’s nearly naked body. He knew fear but right now he didn’t know if he was going to survive the anger engulfing his senses.

Azusa kept his gaze to the floor with the tips of his handler’s shoes at the edge. He could already feel his muscles tense up in preparation for his beating. He knew that keeping them so tight only made the hurt worse, but he couldn’t stop from freezing up.

“You worthless piece of shit! I’m practically giving you away, and still not one damn bid.” Burr, his handler, snarled and grabbed ahold of Azusa’s shoulder length hair and sharply pulled his head back to look him in the eyes. Azusa couldn’t curb his whimper of pain and it had Burr smiling.

“You know something runt. I’ve put a lot of money into keeping you and haven’t gotten a single penny back for my trouble. I think it’s about time I get something for all my charity. What do you think boys? Care for some entertainment?” Burrs’ grip on Azusa’s hair kept him from being able to move his head and look away from the terrifying cruelty gleaming in Burrs gaze. His body trembled unsteadily feeling others move in to grip his wrists and shoulders. He could already feel the bruises that would mottle his pale skin. He jerked uselessly in their grasp as a set of knuckles connected with his cheek in a blaze of pain. He swayed on his feet trying to stay conscious even though his face felt like it was on fire. Tears pooled along his thick lashes just waiting to spill over.

“I just don’t see why those rich cocksuckers wouldn’t love to see such pale pretty skin covered in deep beautiful blue and purple bruises. He’s like a fresh canvas just waiting to be painted on. Well, pity for those fools. We have plenty of tools to paint ourselves a masterpiece.” He reached out a gripped Azusa’s chin between his fingers. Shock almost stopped his heart when Burrs dry-cracked lips claimed his virgin ones in a searing painful kiss. It was as if Azusa was kissing a still lit cigarette. He gagged uncontrollably and pulled his chin out of Burrs hand.

“You better learn to love it runt. You our bitch now!” A glint of metal caught Azusas eyes. Waving in front of him was a small blade. Its sharp edge catching the light and glinting with its dangerous intent. Being held in lace only made his fear jump, his pulse throbbing beneath their tight grip. A sudden sting under his collar bone had him yowl in agony. He could slowly feel something dripping down over his bare chest and across his small nipples. The ugly grin on Burrs face brought acid up Azusas throat. Burr flicked his tongue up the edge of his small blade; lapping up the warm blood. Azusa cringed at the low moan of ecstasy coming from Burr.

“Please! Please stop! Someone will buy me! Please don’t take this away from..nngghhh…” A pair of lips wrap around one of his blood coated nipples and tugged on it painfully.

Fingers pinched the other nipple, twisting it hard. Azusa grunted, making the rest of them laugh darkly. His eyes closed as he fought off the dark wave of desire pulsating thru his veins. He didn’t know what to do with the sensations of them playing so roughly with his body. His cries turned to whimpers as a big warm hand slipped past the band of his only piece of clothing and cupped his length. A not so gentle squeeze made his legs give out from under him. Breathing hard, Azusa was pinned face first to the floor. A strong hand wrapped around the back of his neck and smashed his face against the cold concrete floor. He could feel his hips get shoved up in the air and a huge body forced his legs apart. Realizing what was about to happen when he felt tugging and a loud rip sound behind him, Azusa growled and fought out of the tight hold they had on him.

His fist swung out and connected with a jaw making a sickening crunch. Claws erupted from his fingers as he lashed out like a wild cat. Blood flew thru the air as he clawed Burrs face. The room grew eerily silent with everyone looking at Azusa with stunned fear. No one moved fast enough to catch him when he grabbed a set of clothes off a shelf and disappeared out an open garage door. Burr laid groaning on the ground with blood oozing from his wounds and pooling under his head.

(Please review for me!!)
~Present Time~
Warmth eluded him even after rubbing his hands up and down his arms hard enough to make his skin sting. How pathetic was he? Azusa hated himself. To only be wanted by a sick old perverted bastard. Maybe he was just a useless piece of ass. Hell no one wanted him anyways. What purpose could he possibly serve? He would stand on the platform and take peeks out into the crowds hoping that this time someone would even give half an attempt at bidding on him. He was a little on the thinner side from malnourishment. But that was no different than the majority of his cage mates. He wasn’t too young or too old. Hell 17 was still illegal enough to be dangerous from some. Azusa gripped the tip of his pointed ears between his fingers and rubbed them softly. What was he gonna do?

The puddles around him grew too deep for his comfort so he had to relocate. His small shape slunk from awning to doorways trying to avoid the nonstop rain. His drenched shoulders slumped over making himself smaller to the few wanderers left on the streets.

A darkened shopfront offered a dry stop alongside the road. Leaning against the wall, he slowly slid his back down til his tired body landed on the semi-dry pavement. He pulled his legs in tight to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knees. Biting his tongue to keep from shivering, he rested his head against his knees. Whimpering quietly he slowly slipped into fitful sleep with his tail curling over his ankles.

Above him, looking out from the dark windows, a pair of electric blue eyes watched the little neko huddle into a trembling ball of matted fur and wet clothes.

Chapter 2

Sunlight streamed between a set of curtains allowing a narrow band of light to fall across a small bed. Under a pile of blankets a small matted tail flicked back and forth with the radiating warmth. Its fuzzy tip swished to the bedside table’s clock gentle tic-tic-tic. A ruffled head peeked out when Azusa stretched out his stiff muscles. He yawned with a loud groan. Sleep clouded his eyes as he unburied himself from the cocoon of warmth. His mind was a bit muddled still. He couldn’t figure out why he felt so warm and dry. Hadn’t he fallen asleep last night on a door step. Rubbing at his sleep encrusted eyes, he slowly peeled them apart and blearily looked around.

Everything was so clean and modern. A color scheme of blues and grays surrounded him. He didn’t even want to guess as the thread count of the sheets that he laid on. It was the softest in his short life he had ever touched. A sad thought passed thru his mind that this will probably be the only time he feels such comfort. Scooting back against the wooden headboard, Azusa folded his legs in front of him and let the fantasy last just a bit longer. It hadn’t passed his notice that all his clothes were gone and he was left in just a pair of boxers. Not even the ones he had on when he ran away. These were like silk and didn’t fall off of his hips. A small bandage was taped across his chest. Whomever had taken him in seemed to have been concerned with his wellbeing. What puzzled him was that in his condition last night he couldn’t have fought back if he was assaulted, and yet he was still filthy and definitely wasn’t sore in any unusual places. Something didn’t make sense.

Had he been picked up and right now Burr and his goons were on their way to take him back? But then why was he allowed to sleep?

Outside his room, soft footsteps headed towards the closed door. A single knock landed against the wood before the handle turned and it slowly swung open. Reflexively he tugged the thick comforter up to his chin.
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