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Feb 26, 2013

Historically, the Middle Ages is defined as a period of deurbanisation, shifting populace, movement of peoples, evolvement of kingdoms, empires, and rulers, and a medieval era of social change. In an expanding civilization of divergent people, imagine a realm where all wonders from the people of the world collide to form one lavish international expenditure of culture, diversity and beauty. This is UniRealm; a compass of many regions, peoples, cultures and religions all prosperous in trade, war, and most of all... magic.

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The Concept:

As a history buff and a fantasy fan, I wanted to create a world where the Middle Ages and the creative freedom of fantasy collides. I wanted to use elements of fantasy, including mythological creatures and especially the concept of magic, paired with the blend of international ethnic cultures, to create a unique universal realm. As a former anthropology and archaeology student, I'm a natural born historical maniac with a particularly recent obsession with the medieval era, not only as in stereotypical England, but across the entire world. In this concept and below storyline, you will find a world full of ethnic diversity, as well as political and military warfare, all based in and inspired by the 10th and 11th century. I have taken immense artistic, creative, and historical freedom in the following storyline, keeping in mind that this is a work of fiction and is to be engaged with a tasteful grain of salt. Cheers ~

The Storyline:

UniRealm is divided into 12 primary regions, all listed and depicted in my UniRealm Atlas.

Each region is home to an ethnic group of peoples, each of which are unique. Each region and ethnic group is inspired by and based on historical peoples in the Middle Ages, as well as current modern ethnic groups. Like any world divided by many different territories, cultures, and religions, there is political, religious, and social conflict throughout all of UniRealm. Tension is greatest in the Central Chersonese, a large area that spreads over East and West Northia, East and West Europia, the edge of Slavian territory connected to Europia, as well as the edge of the Arabyas bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Not only is Central Chersonese riddled with tension, power struggles, and often war, but it is also the paramount middle ground for international trade. Trade, in UniRealm, much like the Middle Ages, dominates the economic market, and has lead to an extensive migration of peoples. Groups that are particular active in diaspora are the primary three Nomad groups that are constantly roving, and are settled on no specific territory or region. In order to facilitate communication and encourage international trade, the world has adopted a universal trade language called Global. Most merchants and educated people, particularly the prestige and royal, are fluent in Global, as it is the Language of Business, and carries a stigma of wealth.

Power in UniRealm is obtained by many classic factors, political power, including strong, strategic armies and royal region influence. The stronger the army, generally, the stronger the Kingdom. Another major influence of power is the use of magic. Majik, in the UniRealm world, is largely disputed as an element in existence. Because it takes so many forms, most of which are subtle and spiritual, a lot of magical, even miraculous, incidents are attributed to an Act of God, or Gods, rather than an ancient mystical force. However, Majik does indeed exist, except it cannot be used by a person. It is not the person who uses Majik, it is the Majik that uses the person. Because of this distinction, Majik is rarely present, except for when it is activated, normally as a defense mechanism to save its own form. Majik, in UniRealm, takes the form of many relics, however, each artifact all have one component in common; they possess a Majik stone or crystal, or a piece of it (varying in size), embedded somewhere in their design. Many ruling members of regions claim possession of some of these relics, however, most are unsure that they are actually magical, as so many fakes have been reproduced over the centuries (and because Majik is rarely seen).

Fantastical Creatures and Places:

Since UniRealm is also a fantasy concept, there are both mythical and fantastical creatures and places. Feel free to incorporate any of your own creatures and places into the roleplay. After all, this is a world building experience, and as my partner, you will have free reign to incorporate many of your own creativities. My only request, however, is that the places linked will NOT be of science-fiction nature. Meaning, you must keep a sort of medieval/ middle ages feel. There are no motor or flying vehicles in UniRealm. There is also no electricity. Running water and active plumbing can be incorporated/ debated. In general, the major mode of transportation is through animal. Horses are the most common ride-able creature, however, there are rare species that are both land animals AND sky (flight) animals. I will incorporate dragons, however I do request that the species remain relatively small (around the size of an elephant - could be bigger, but not excessive); same rule applies for griffins, or other similar flying creatures.

See the portfolios below:
Fantastical Creatures
Fantastical Places

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Below is an extensive list of each ethnic group that is present in the UniRealm series. You will also find by clicking the title links, a portfolio of pictures depicting the general profile of said ethnic groups. Please feel free to look through the profiles to get a feel of each culture. Enjoy!

Ethnic peoples:
1) Grekans
Language: Grekus
Religion: Orthox

2) Romeyans
Language: Latinus
Religion: Catolik

Region Biography:
East Europia is ruled under one absolute monarchy, the Emperor, which is constantly changing between Grekans and Romeyans. The Emperor is aided in his political endeavors through the use of the Byzan Senate, a group of bureaucrats used as a level medium of communication between the People, and the Emperor. Although the Byzan Senate has no legitimate control over the Emperor of the East Europain state, they do have significant influence on both the People (Grekan and Romeyan community) as well as the Emperor, who use the Senate to ease tensions within the region. Although their culture is similar and shared in many aspects, their monothesis religions contrast in many areas. Despite this, for the most part, the Grekan and Romeyan peoples coexist together, and live primarily in harmony with one another. Many people, within the East Europian colonies and outside, consider Grekans and Romeyans to be the same ethnic group. East Europia has, for centuries, had the most conflict with the Arabyas region; a deep gaping wound that is continuously salted at the hands of bitter, feuding royalties.

Ethic people:
1) Frankians
Religion: Catolik
Languages: Frankus, Latinus

2) Romeyans (Colonial)
Religion: Catolik
Languages: Latinus, Frankus

Region Biography:
West Europia is ruled entirely by one monarchy, the royal Frankian family, who have ruled the lands for hundreds of years without fail. Their rule and territory have been undisputed for centuries; their relationship with neighboring Kingdoms having been peaceful and harmonious for years. It isn't until recent threats against their land have arisen from the pushing forces of the Vikes from East Northia, as well as the merging military forces between the Vikes and the Grekans in East Europia. The alliance forged between East Northia and East Europia is not only unsettling, but a grave betrayal to Frankians from their once uncontested neighbours, the Grekans. The Frankia region is also home to several Romeyan colonies, which formed decades prior due to increasing religious tensions between Romeyans and the Grekans. Because the Romeyans share the same beliefs as the Frankians, many migrated just over the border to that territory and settled with Frankian rulings. Because of this movement, Latinus became a widely popular language, secondary to Frankus.

East Northia:
Ethnic peoples:
1) Vikes
Religion: Scandian
Language: Nordic

Region Biography:
East Northia is ruled by one Vikes King, who in turn divides his land with other sub-leaders, known as Earls. Each Earl is in charge of one territory, an Earldom, however, is required to report back and follow in the steps of his leader, the Vikes King. In East Northia, the Vikes King is constantly changing, for when he dies in battle, or by other means, the Earls of the territories fight for his crown. Additional to this, the Vikes King can be dethroned through interpersonal challenge (fight to the death) as well as through overrule of power. A Vikes King can be overthrown if a leading Earl, or other person, obtains significant might of forces, and wages war against the King to win the crown. Conflict in East Northia is normally internal, with war mainly being civilly fought within their own region. However, recent inertia has dispersed the Vikes to the Seas, where they travel in army to other territories to raid and pillage. The Vikes, known as "Northern Barbarians" by many of the southern regions, have become notorious for their brutality and catastrophic battle methods. They have become one of the most feared battalions in the neighboring regions, with West Europia, Anglika, and even some borders of West Northia, threatened by their invasions. The Vikes are amicable with the Slavian adjoining region, as well as recently courteous with East Europia, having agreed to join forces with the Grekan army to increase man-power.

West Northia:
Ethnic peoples:
1) Keltans
Religion: Keltikism
Language: Gaelis

Region Biography:
The Keltans of West Northia have historically been at odds with Anglians and at peace with the Vikes. However, recent rumors and threat of invasion from East Northia, a region that once agreed to be united as a distant Kingdom, has created a social and political rift between the two northern regions. The Keltans, similar to the Vikes, also have an impeccable combatant reputation for their battle ferocity and their leading militant strategies. Although their fierce army had imperiled Anglika for decades, recent efforts to cease western warfare had become recently successful. The Keltans, who's rule is divided upon several monarchical clans, had recently chosen one of the clan's Keltan princesses for betrothal to a member of the Anglian royal family. The marriage, also acting as a peace treaty and militant alliance, doubles as a political betrayal to the East Northians, the Vikes, who are currently pursuing the region of Anglika.

Ethic peoples:
1) Anglians
Religion: Anglisten
Language: Anglus

Region Biography:
Anglika is historically known for being the greediest of the regions, even though it is one of the smallest. Despite their relatively inferior amount of territory, they are still reputable for their military forces. Although their one on one combat is poor, Anglians are best known for striking in insurmountable numbers, and using creative strategies to defeat their enemies. They are an expanding region, constantly looking to delve into other territories, primarily through interbreeding and marriage alliances; as well as territory trade-offs. Because they have fertile land, rich in nutrients, it is a highly sought after region. Until recently, the Anglians had been at odds with the Keltans. However, the recent plans of betrothal, joining two royal members of each ethnic group, has ended conflicts. Though, tension between the Vikes and the Anglians have now increased, with the East Northians crossing the seas to the west, in their attempts to seize Anglian lands. Similarly, the Anglians have created a treaty pact with West Europia, the Frankians also threatened by the invasion of the Vikes.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Slavians
Religion: Sclavenian
Language: Slavis

Region Biography:
The Slavians have spread their region into principalities, in which each kingdom is ruled by a separate monarch. They were originally nomadic, having only settled on permanent territory within the last two centuries. However, their proclaim to land has been historically brute, having become infamous for barbaric warfare when expanding. They rule a vast northern region, further to the east side of the UniRealm, and expanding upwards to the Otherlands, a region that is uncharted, and filled with frigid weathers and vicious wildlife. In their past, the Slavians have fought against the Asyas region, the Arabyas and sometimes, but rarely, the West Europian regions. For few decades, the Slavians have calmed their boorish ways and have begun forming alliances with the Grekans and Romeyans of East Europia; with rumors of unition circling the regions.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Afriks
Religion: Afrasic
Language(s): Afrasian

Region Biography:
The Afriks have been a relatively quiet peoples over the last century, having kept to their own region without prominent desire to expand, conquer, or rule outside of their already substantial designated zone. The region is partitioned by multiple empires, all of which substantially differentiate in terms of wealth, populace, and military power. However, the North-West Afriks are possibly one of the wealthiest nations in the UniRealm; extremely rich in gold and protected by massive armies. The Afrikas are also a leading active force in the business of trade, and are in constant contact with the Arabyas, for which they share a cordial relationship. Aside from gold, the Afriks have maintained commercial success through the trade of ivory, ebony, and foremost, slaves. The Afrikas also contain a huge numeric population; a grave portion of residents living in poverty. In the UniRealm there are more Afrasic slaves than any other ethnic group, with the Roma nomads coming up in second. Travelling traders also engaged in exchanges for others goods such as silk, beads, and cotton from distant neighbouring regions such as the Asyas and the Indyas.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Indy
Religion: Syndhu
Language(s): Sanskryan

Region Biography:
The Indyas has remained a stable mass of territory throughout UniRealm history. Their region has not expanded or changed significantly over the years, primarily due to the lack of consolidation. The Indy people rule through separate major dynasties. Each dynasty is also not unified, as it consists of several clans within that specific dynasty. The empires are riddled with civil war between clans, which causes an erratic changing of rulers and political power throughout the Indyas region. However, recent efforts to band clans together has lead to a shifting political formation. Within the last few decades, the separate dynasties of the Indyas have gradually begun transforming into royal monarchical empires, in which Warrior Princes rule. Despite efforts to band the region, the fluctuation has left the region vulnerable to the intrusive forces of the Isarabs and Percyans of the Arabyas.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Isarabs
Religion: Isladin
Language: Arabus

2) Percyans
Religion: Isladin
Language: Percyan

Region Biography:
The Arabyas region covers a substantial chunk of central UniRealm, being the only territory to bleed in to so many other regions. Historically, the Arabyas nation has been the most successful in their expansion efforts, especially with the rise of their dominant Isladin religion. In recent conquests, they have absorbed the Percyan region, a body of people who have adopted the Isladin religion. Now, both Isarabs and Percyans stand as a united nation. Despite recent unification, the Percyans still identify as a separate culture and continue to maintain their traditional Percyan tongue. Although most the Arabyas peoples speak Percyan, the region's main language is still Arabus. Since the surge of the Isladin religion, the Arabyas government has evolved into a singular Caliphate, head by one leader, the Caliph, who is chosen through claim of descent from the Isladin prophet. Subsequently, the Caliphate is monarchical, as caliph status is determined by ancestry. Despite one absolute monarch ruling the Arabyas, the region's territory is divided into separate dynasties, governed by Sultans.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Chinsori
Religion(s): Ruidao
Language(s): Chinsoric

2) Japosi
Religion: Shintoan
Language: Yamato

Region Biography:
The Asyas is an especially dynamic region, the source of power under constant wavering due to domestic warfare. The region is divided into several dynasties, all of which are fighting to gain ultimate Emperor status at any given point. Because the Asyas is mainly governed by absolute monarchy, head by an Emperor, there is constant turmoil, battle, and strife to fight for that leading position. One dynasty, in particular, is isolated from Central Asyas, and that's the Yama dynasty of the Japosi people. In Asyas, there are two dominant asiatic ethnic groups; the Chinsori, who ratify most of the region, and the Japosi, a sub-group that is situated on an separate island farthest East. Although the Japosi have joined forces with the Chinsori in unifying their territory within the last century, there is still grave social conflict between the two peoples. Aside from civil war between dynasties, few threaten to invade the Asyas, as over the centuries, the region has amassed a colossal wall, dubbed the Fortress of Asyas, along their region borders, which prevents any enemy forces from infiltrating their area. However, despite region solitude, the Asyas are rich in cotton, textiles, paper, and porcelain, which are used to engage in trade past Fortress borders.

Great Amerikas:
Ethnic peoples:
1) Ameri
Religion: Aborinian
Language: Natchian

2) Anasazi
Religion: Puebo
Language: Picosan

3) Mayics
Religion: Mayacan
Language: Yumaya

4) Toltekas
Religion: Tollian
Language: Tula

5) Kilkas
Religion: Cuzko
Language: Kilkani

Region Biography:
The Great Amerikas is a vastly untouched region located on the far West of the UniRealm hemisphere. It is currently the region with the most land, however, it is also the farthest territory from the Central Chersonese area, where most ethnic peoples from other regions communicate and trade. Because it is so isolated, the Great Amerikas and its native people have little to no conflict with politics in other regions. Instead, they are riddled with internal, civil-national war between dominant tribes. Tribes, which are lead by Chieftains, vary in size and in culture. Since the Great Amerikas is such a massive terrain, it is filled with many uniquely distinct civilizations through the North and South Amerikas. Although the Ameri, the Anasazi, the Mayics, the Toltekas and the Kilkas are the largest and most prominent ethnic groups in this region, there are many others spread across the lands. Similarly, each culture has their own religious and spiritual beliefs, as well as their own native tongues. Because the people of the Great Amerikas don't travel outside of their region, they are not familiar with Global, the universal language of trade. They do, however, have their own national language, Nahavic, which is spoken by most major leaders across the great lands in both North and South areas and used as an important tool of communication in times of need.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Turkans
Religion: Ottoshamic
Language: Turcyan

Nomadic Biography:
The Turkans, in UniRealm, are a major force to be reckoned with. Although nomadic in nature, the Turkans possess a mighty army, capable of infiltrating even the strongest of empires. Known primarily for their arching techniques and horseback attacks, the Turkans are a leading threat to many regions. With every Turkan attack, a region's territory is lost, and the land is conquered. Moving south from the Slavian region, the Turkans have begun invading the Arabyas in the Percyan district, and claiming colonies as they go. Sweeping across the desert region, the Turkans' recent efforts have been to penetrate the southern East Europian shores, home to the Romeyan nation. Despite being originally Ottoshamic in beliefs, decades of Arayas infiltration has lead to some conversion of Turkans from traditional spirituality to the Isladin religion.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Israyites
Religion: Yahadian
Language: Yehudis

Nomadic Biography:
The Israyites are a vast partially-nomadic peoples who have been trying to settle in any region who will allow them to prosper off the lands. This, however, has become a difficult challenge over the last couple centuries, as their Yahadian faith conflicts with other region's dominant religions. Despite religious tension, the Israea nomads have continued their quest and have spread small colonies across Anglika, the Europias and the Arabyas. Despite peaceful intentions at migrating, the Israyites have faced the most discrimination and difficulty at the hands of Anglistens and Catoliks; many times being banned from their regions or unfairly treated. However, the relations between them is a double-edged sword. Although the Anglistens and Catoliks shun and shame Yahadians, they often also rely on the Israea nomads for money lending, and other economic gain. The Israyites are known as the best merchants in all of the Central Chersonese, and although are nomadic, have many riches. For similar reason, they are particularly welcomed by the people of the Arabyas, and are rarely driven out due to religious differences. However, the Isarabs are eager to convert the Israyites to the Isladin religion, and those who do not convert are still allowed to colonize, but pay steep taxes to keep their Yahadian faith.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Romai
Religion: Kalian
Language: Kalani

Nomadic Biography:
The Roma nomads are possibly the most discriminated ethnic group in all of the UniRealm regions, even more so than the Israyites. Originating centuries ago from the Indyas region, the Romai are extremely unique in their appearance, often bearing dark skin but light eyes. They are one of the poorest ethnic groups in most regions, having faced grave mistreatment and abuse nearly everywhere they go. Because these nomads have traveled the world and interbred with many other ethnic peoples, they are considered impure, dirty, and plagued by mostly every ethnic group (including in their home origins, the Indyas). The Romai are found virtually everywhere in Central Chersonese, spanning across most of Anglika, West and East Europia, the Arabyas, the Indyas, and even partly in Slavian territory. They faced the most acceptance from the Israyites, who sympathized with their nomadic troubles until recently. The Romai, traditionally of Kalian beliefs, have begun converting to localized religions, in attempt to be more widely accepted. This, however, has been failing as an effort, and has also upset the Israyites, who believe in maintain origins and beliefs despite social turmoil. No matter the endeavors, the Romai still remain outcasted, and ultimately banned from many areas throughout the regions.

Ethnic peoples:
1) Sirenians
Religion: N/A (Majik)
Language: Sirenic (or Siren)

Sirenis Biography:
Sirenians are a strictly female species of human-fish hybrids; native to the seas. Originally humans, capable of walking the Earth, the Sirenians are a product of a Majik curse, caused by the Ocean Stone. The stone, taken possession by a human, managed to be manipulated by an evil King. He found a way to extract the Majik from the stone without the stone's true will, and use it for his own malicious causes. He was a madman and a misogynist, wreaking havoc on many nations and especially on women. He used women his personal chew toy, sucking them up and spitting them out like they were garbage. Those who refused to bow to his reign were subjected to the harvested powers of the stone, in which he cast a wicked curse on all women who did not obey. Turning them into mermaids, the King tossed them to the ocean throughout his travels in hopes that they would suffer for the rest of their lives. Little did he know, the stone, in secret retaliation to the King's relentless control, cast the sirens with the ability to enchant men through song. The women, plagued by this curse, were in turn gifted the opportunity to enchant the King to steal back the stone and return it to the sea. However, their attempts failed time and time again, as the King was smart, and hide the stone so that his fish mistresses could not find it. Unfortunately, he took the secret of the Ocean Stone to his grave, and the Sirenis populace has roamed the sea aimlessly, ageless through the power of Majik. For nearly two centuries, sirens have tried day in and day out to locate the missing precious stone - garnering a violent reputation for seducing sailors, pirates, and other men at sea. Sirens, in a struggle to survive, have been rumored to enchant men, kill them, pillage their ships and rob them blind. Although mermaids do not age, they are still susceptible to death from poachers, and from other sea creatures. They possess an accelerated healing factor, and require both saltwater, oxygen and food to survive. Single their conversion to fish, mermaids have vastly dwindled down in numbers - many women choosing to end their lives, as well as many of them being naturally killed in the ocean. They are a widely speculated species; most people believing that they are in fact mythological and not real. Because they are so rare and highly debated, the retrieval of a mermaid body is highly sought after, and completely invaluable (worth an incredible amount).

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The Pairings:

The idea with this storyline and concept is to have interracial and inter-regional play. I created a mass ethnic diversity for UniRealm and it's something I want to incorporate and center the roleplay around. Essentially, two unlikely people who's lives come together in an unpredictable way. The two must work together and/or are forced to communicate with one another to save each other or to brace whatever conflict we form for them. I can play many different character types and personalities, although I will shape my character around the social, political, racial and religious issues we incorporate in the play.

POSSIBLE ROLES (Female - My Character):

East Europia:
Grekan or Romeyan Emperor's Daughter
Grekan or Romeyan Royal (Niece or Sister)
Grekan or Romeyan Byzan Senate Member's Daughter (Bureaucrat)
Grekan or Romeyan Noble Woman (Government Official's Daughter)
Grekan or Romeyan Soldier's Daughter (High to Middle Class)
Grekan or Romeyan Doctor, Architect, or Engineer (or his Daughter - High to Middle Class)
Grekan or Romeyan Merchant, Craftsmen or Artisan (or his Daughter - Middle Class)
Grekan or Romeyan Farmer (or his Daughter - Low Class)
Grekan or Romeyan Slave Woman (Lowest Class)
Grekan or Romeyan Prostitute (Lowest Class - Slave)
Grekan or Romeyan Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

West Europia:
Frankian Princess (King's Daughter)
Frankian Royal (King's Niece)
Frankian Noble Woman (Count or Duke's Daughter, Sister or Niece)
Frankian Doctor, Architect, or Engineer (or his Daughter - High to Middle Class)
Frankian Merchant or Craftsmen (or his Daughter - Middle Class)
Frankian Farmer (or his Daughter - Middle to Low Class)
Frankian Slave Woman (Lower Class)
Frankian Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

East Northia:
Vikes King's Daughter (Royal)
Vikes Earl's Daughter (Noble)
Vikes Noble Woman (Earl's Niece or Sister)
Vikes Seer (Clairvoyant)
Vikes Shieldmaiden (Warrior/ Soldier)
Vikes Farmer or Craftsmen (Middle Class)
Vikes Slave Woman (Lower Class)
Vikes Outcast (Banished)

West Northia:
Keltan Princess (One of many)
Keltan Warrior
Keltan Farmer or Craftsmen (Middle Class)
Keltan Servant (Lower Class)
Keltan Outcast (Banished)

Anglian Princess (King's Daughter)
Anglian Royal (King's Niece or Sister)
Anglian Noble Woman (Count or Duke's daughter or sister)
Anglian Knight (secretly female, not male - Noble)
Anglian Vassal (or his Daughter - High to Middle Class)
Anglian Doctor, Architect or Engineer (or his Daughter - High to Middle Class)
Anglian Craftsmen or Artisan (Middle Class)
Anglian Merchant (Middle to Low Class)
Anglian Farmer's Daughter (Middle to Low Class)
Anglian Peasant (Lowest Class)
Anglian Translator (languages and script)
Anglian Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

Slavian Princess (One of many)
Slavian Shaman (or his/her daughter)
Slavian Shaman's Daughter, Niece, or Sister (Noble)
Slavian Tradesmen (or his Daughter - Middle Class)
Slavian Farmer (Middle Class)
Slavian Servant (Lowest Class)
Slavian Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

Afriks Princess (King's Daughter - one of a few)
Afriks Royal (King's Niece or Sister)
Afriks Merchant / Trades Dealer (or his Daughter - High Class)
Afriks Craftsmen (or his Daughter - Middle Class)
Afriks Farmer (Low Class - Servants and Workers)
Afriks Slave (Lowest Class - For Sale/ trade)
Afriks Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

Indy Dynasty Princess (Emperor's Daughter - One of many)
Indy Clan Leader's Daughter (Noble - One of many)
Indy Merchant or Craftsmen (or his Daughter - Middle to Low Class)
Indy Farmer (or his Daughter - Middle to Low Class)
Indy Servant (Low Class - different types)
Indy Field Workers (Lowest Class - Peasants)
Indy Entertainer - Singer or Dancer (Any)

Caliph's Daughter (Royal)
Caliphate Royalty (Caliph's Sister or Niece)
Dynasty Sultan's Daughter (or other family member - Noble)
Isarab or Percyan Doctor, Architect, or Engineer (or his Daughter - High Class)
Isarab or Percyan Soldier's Daughter (Middle Class)
Isarab or Percyan Merchant, Craftsmen or Artisan (or his Daughter - Middle Class)
Isarab or Percyan Farmer (or his Daughter - Middle to Low Class)
Isarab or Percyan Slave Woman, Peasant or Labourer (Lowest Class)
Isarab or Percyan Prostitute (Lowest Class - Slave)
Isarab or Percyan Translator (Languages - Any)
Isarab or Percyan Entertainer - Singer or Belly Dancer (Any)
Isarab or Percyan Desert Wanderer (Any)


Chinsori Emperor's Daughter (Royal)
Chinsori Aristocrat (Emperor's Sister or Niece - High Nobles)
Chinsori Scholar (or his Daughter - Middle Noble)
Chinsori Warrior (or his Daughter - Low Noble - sometimes Middle Class)
Chinsori Farmer or Peasant (Middle to Low Class)
Chinsori Craftsmen, Artisans, and Tradesmen (Low Class)
Chinsori Merchants (Lowest Class)
Chinsori Singer or Dancer (Any)

Japosi Emperor's Daughter (Royal)
Japosi Political Leader's Daughter (High Noble)
Japosi Samurai (or his Daughter - Middle Noble)
Japosi Ronin (Soldiers - Low Noble)
Japosi Farmers and Peasants (Middle to Low Class)
Japosi Craftsmen, Artisans, and Tradesmen (Low Class)
Japosi Merchants (Lowest Class)
Japosi Merchant or Artisan (Lowest Class - Poor)
Japosi Singer or Dancer (Any)

Great Amerikas:
* In Progress *

Turka Nomads:
Turkan Leader's Daughter (Military Leader)
Turkan Warrior (Military - Soldier)
Slave to the Turkans (Would either be Turkan or of another ethnic background)

Israea Nomads:
Rabbi's Daughter (High to Middle Class)
Israyite Merchant (High to Middle Class)
Israyite Farmer/ Landowner (or his Daughter - Middle to Low Class)
Israyite Peasant or Slave (Low Class - typically a slave to another ethnic group)
Israyite Singer or Dancer (Middle to Low Class)
Israyite Translator (Languages or scripts - Any)

Roma Nomads:
Romai Merchant (Low Class)
Romai Fortune Teller / Clairvoyant (Low Class)
Romai Street Singer, Musician, or Dancer (Low Class)
Romai Translator (Languages or scripts - Low Class)
Romai Peasant or Slave (Low Class - typically a slave to another ethnic group)
* All Romai's are considered Low Class, because they are of poverty in every region they inhabit. *

N/A - Not Applicable
There are no social classes in the Sirenis culture.
Sirenians are all equal in the sea.

If you're interested in this concept, and you have ideas/ pairings already in mine, don't hesitate to private message me! :] If not, stay tuned, check back, and I will have some pairings and character ideas in the next couple of days.

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Additional Details:

1) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. I know there is an absolutely terrible stigma on BlueMoon towards first person (which baffles me), and for this reason, I always make sure there are no surprises. Despite my personal writing style, THIS DOES NOT OBLIGE YOU TO ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than welcome! It doesn't bother me AT ALL.

2) I do NOT roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

3) I am very limited when it comes to time. BlueMoon is a hobby, not a job for me, so although I am committed, I will not be able to provide multi-daily responses. I'm looking for a partner who is very patient, and who doesn't mind my posts rolling in every few of days.

4) ROMANCE is a MUST. I'm looking for a plot-heavy roleplay that will encourage romance between the two main characters (MC and YC). I'm also a big fan of action/adventure as well as spontaneous partners who throw in a lot of plot twists in order to keep the roleplay interesting (and moving fluidly).

5) Additionally, here is my F-List. I've come to realize that when I don't post my F-List, I get fewer responses as some people may just assume that I have no kinks/ that I am not interested in a sexual roleplay. On the contrary! When I talk about romance, that includes INTIMACY and of course, SEX!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* * * Please Note: All content and material related to and including UniRealm,
and of this post are ORIGINAL content - MY OWN - creative work. This material is not
to be used or copied without my personal, authorized permission. Thank you! :D * * *​
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept]

In other related FANTASY concepts, I also have a craving related to the Shannara Chronicles TV series on MTV. See below!


The Shannara Chronicles is an American television fantasy fiction show based off the the second book (The Elfstones of Shannara) of the Shannara series by Terry Brooks, that premiered on MTV on January 5, 2016. The show has only had one aired episode, the two-hour premiere, in which it introduces the main characters and general fantasy world.

Because this show is so new (although the books are from the 70s onwards), I'd like to start a roleplay that centers around this series, but specifically, around the fantasy realm and its current doomsday crisis. I'm not as interested in the characters specifically or the book/show series as a continuum. However, I really loved the storyline, and specifically swooned over a secondary male character, Ander Elessedil. Ander does not have a significant role (yet) in the premiere, however he is very charming, smug, and independent. He does not take his role as a Prince too seriously, considering he is not the next kin to the throne (his older brother is).

If you have not seen the premiere, but would like to, you can find it online at However, if you don't feel like watching but are still interested, FRET NOT! It is not necessary to have seen the pilot, as the only important thing in this roleplay is that it holds a very stereotypical-fantasy theme, and that I will be basing the roleplay on the Shannara world/ realm from the series. THAT IS BASICALLY IT.

SO, how will this work?
I'm going to keep it simple by describing the general Shannara series fantasy realm.

The series (and roleplay) takes place in the post-apocalyptic world called the Four Lands, hundreds of years after a nuclear holocaust that basically wiped out Earth as he know it in modern day. The Four Lands are supposed to be a futuristic version of our own, however it hugely deviates from the standard sci-fi theme in order to embrace a completely stereotypical fantasy world (it's very Tolkien-esque). From the holocaust, the humans evolved into other races such as Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls, though, the baseline human race still widely exists. However, after the nuclear holocaust, a new species/ race emerged (or rather, came out of hiding), known as Elves (your typical human-like elves).

After the Great Wars, the world was divided into Four Lands. Each land is named after the compass point it faces: the Northland, the Southland, the Eastland, and the Westland, and is the primary home of different peoples. The Westland is the homeland primarily of the elves, while the Northland is mostly inhabited by trolls and the Eastland is the home mostly of dwarves and gnomes. The Southland is primarily the homeland of humans. Each species essentially fight with one another, however there is a particularly shared hatred for Elves by other species (including Humans). For that reason, Elves are especially secluded from others, as they are often hunted for leaving the Westland.

In the Four Lands, the belief of magic is trumped by the many hundreds of years the magic has been hidden. Most races believe magic is just part of the many fairytales and folklore told within the lands. However, all of these tales are true, and magic does exist. So do Demons, and so do Druids. However, the demons were banished into a dark realm known as The Forbidding. The Forbidding, a powerful world-encompassing magical enchantment, was created back in the time of Faerie to banish the Demons to a "timeless dark" limbo-like world known as Jarka Ruus. The key to the maintaining of the Forbidding is the Ellcrys, a sentient tree that keeps the Demons locked away so long as the she remains standing. The Ellcrys was created through faerie magic involving the transformation of a young Elven girl into said tree. Currently, the Ellcrys stands tall in the center of the Elfish Kingdom (Westland), ruled by King Eventine. However, the Elfish people believe the tree is symbolic, and not actually magical, until recent magic emerges after the tree becomes ill. The King, however, knows the truth of the tree and magic, but has kept it a secret from his family and people since the end of the wars.


Other things to known:

- There are no more known Druids (humans "chosen" to be magic-users and fight evil).
- The Ellcrys has become sick because the demon lord / ruler of the Forbidding named Dagda Mor has escaped. He is an extremely powerful magic user and very dangerous. He also brings with him a Changeling, who he uses to kill the Chosen.
- The Chosen are a group of seven Elves who ran a race through Westland forests blindfolded. The first seven to reach the Ellcrys tree are considered to be blessed/ "chosen" by Ellcrys to serve and protect her. However, the race has become more of a symbolic tradition, as the Elfish people don't realize the legends are true until the tree becomes sick.
- The King's granddaughter, Amberle (niece to Ander), ran the race and was the seventh Chosen one, despite running the race without her father's permission (she was trained by Ander). She is also the first female to run/ win. Perhaps because of her gender, she is especially "chosen" by the Ellcrys, as the tree begins to communicate with her through visions of the future. Amberle has two visions, one of the Elvish people being eaten by demons, and the other of her murdering her boyfriend (another one of the seven Chosens). In fear of hurting him, she runs away.
- When she is gone, the Changeling sneaks into castle and kills Amberle's boyfriend (having taken the guise/shape of Amberle herself). The Changeling then kills the other five Chosen ones, leaving Amberle as the only remaining and surviving Chosen member. The Changeling then leaves the castle in order to hunt Amberle down.
- THE ROLEPLAY WILL TAKE PLACE AROUND THIS POINT. We can have my character introduced either right before the Changeling slaughters the Chosen, or right after.


Keep going!​

The character I wish to play is an OC, one that I created a while back for fantasy roleplays. I was inspired to modify her origins in order to fit the Shannara series after watching the pilot premiere on January 5th on MTV. Thus, I have edited her character to properly blend into the Shannara fantasy realm, and have plugged her into the current Shannara Chronicles storyline. SEE BELOW! ~



Pronounced: Sir-rin-thee-ah
Species: Hybrid > half demon, half tree
Appears: Female, human
Unique characteristics: Rounded ears, purple eyes
Powers and abilities: Magical, magic-using, shape-shifting, untapped telekinesis, telepathy (partly - about to feel emotions and sometimes thoughts) other

Born of the demon Dagda Mor, ruler of the Forbidding, and the sapient magical tree Ellcrys, Serinthya is an oddity to the Four Lands. She emerges from The Ellcrys after the tree becomes ill and begins to rot. The Ellcrys, located in the heart of the Elven kingdom in the Westland, is surrounded by royal Elvish headquarters, to which the Elessedil family, with King Eventine, currently rule. As the Ellcrys begins to wither, a humanistic form begins to sprout from a wound-like rift in the tree's trunk. Sirenthya, thus, in adult form, is born. She is pulled out of the tree by the King's second son, Ander, who is drawn to the tree late-night after hearing the song from an enchantress' voice. He is lead to the Ellcrys, who's trunk has split to reveal a bloodied, naked, and barely conscious woman inside (Serinthya). After tearing her from the tree's core, he immediately recognizes her to be the little girl from his dreams. Ander, throughout childhood, had dreamt of a child similar to him in age, who called to him through ghostly song. The girl, who he remembers as having bright purple pigment of her eyes (despite his dreams being colorless), he thought to be a figment of his imagination, now lay cradled in his arms at the roots of the sacred Ellcrys tree.

I'm looking for someone to play Ander Elessedil, Prince and second son to King Eventine.


About the Pairing:
Depending on the level of smut we want to incorporate, we can have the two share a strong intial bond and sexual attraction right off the bat.
Their relationship will also heavily depend on how we want the roleplay to pan out. I don't have any particular ideas. Just some thoughts/ brain-storming.

Here is my general idea of the roleplay:

Because she has sprouted from the sacred Ellcrys tree, I'd like for there to be great controversy over what to do with her and over who she is.
I'd like for Serinthya to be MUTE for the beginning of the roleplay (though she is deliberately not talking, not that she is literally mute). There could be a sort of rift over whether she is good or evil, having come from the tree would suggest she is a product of Ellcrys, or even Ellcrys herself, OR some could speculate that because she emerged from Ellcrys only now that she is sick, that perhaps Serinthya could be in fact a demon from the Forbidding lands. Especially because she refuses to talk, or appears not to understand English, the King Eventine is at a loss for what to do.

I would imagine his eldest son, Arion, the crown Prince, would be cynical and cautious around her, referring to her as a Siren who called out to Ander to use him (and probably eat him). He would deem that they lock her in the dungeon until they figure out what and who she is. Ander would be on the opposing end (as usual) of his older brother, and would want her to join the festivities rather than be treated like a prisoner (there is an Elfish ball being held in the castle, despite the ailing Ellcrys - the ball could be for whatever reason). Ander, or course, would not reveal to his father or brother that Serinthya is the girl who has appeared in his dreams for many years.

If Ander is over-thrown in his decision to honour her, not imprison her, Serinthya, dubbed "Siren", could be jailed at the castle dungeon until further notice. She could perhaps seduce him/ lure him in with song once again. Or perhaps she will not talk, but in the middle of the night, begins to sing again. Ander is awoken and heads to the dungeon to see Serinthya.

The Druid, Allanon, could return the following morning (after she is pulled from the tree). He would warn the King, his good friend, that this strange Siren is unknown to him and a mystery to the legends (meaning he has no idea who/what she is), but that she is most probably a product of Dagda Mor and therefore must be evil/ up to no good. Because she is mute and/or refuses to speak, Allanon would propose that he interrogates her/ tries to use magic on her to get her to talk. Serinthya would either be immune to Allonon's magic, or she would deflect his magic by using her own; suddenly revealing to everyone that she is more than just a siren, but a potentially powerful and/or dangerous magic-user.

If we want to incorporate the Changeling from the pilot, I have a couple ideas for that. (Not to spoil the show, just PM in and we can discuss that).

If we want something more smut-driven, Serinthya could somewhat seduce Ander. Perhaps they already bear a connection from his dreams, which she remembers, and while he is sleeping at night - she sees his dreams in her own mind (and he is dreaming about bedding her). She sneaks into his room to stare at him as he dreams of her. He would wake up to find her standing by his bed, like a dark figure looming over him.

THOUGH, if you have any other ideas, SEND THEM MY WAY! :)
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *Links Fixed*

Wanna be a slave woman from Afrikas for my Vike male?
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *Links Fixed*

eric said:
Wanna be a slave woman from Afrikas for my Vike male?
Unfortunately, as stated in Additional Details, I'm looking for plot-heavy roleplays over smut.
However if you're still interested, PM me!
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *Map Fixed*

It has been brought to my attention that the East and West Europias were accidentally mislabeled in the UniRealm Atlas.
That is my mistake and I have now corrected the map.

Previously, the links were also not working. I have replaced the broken URLs and they should be all functional.
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *NEW* Fantastical Creatures & Sirens


Fantastical Creatures + Places

SIRENS as an ethnic group/ species/ region.

RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *NEW* Fantastical Creatures & Sirens

Bump ~
Profiles should be coming soon. Bit delayed on them.
RE: UniRealm© [Original HISTORICAL-FANTASY Concept] *NEW* Pairings Added + Sirens

Finally added Pairings/ profiles/ my character's potential roles in the play.
It will probably be updated sporadically.

If you have any other ideas (not listed) feel free to pitch it to me! :)
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