Breaking A Curse |Persephone & Applepoisoneer|

Jan 4, 2016
The new year of school had began, for the last years this was the last year they would be in high school which would be a treat for them. This day a teacher had come in with a young girl who seemed to catch people's attention. she had low back long red hair, as red as fire in some cases. Her body was small she was short for her age but looked like she could kick ass. She had these bright blue eyes that seemed to stand out from the deep red color of her hair as the teacher had smiled.

"Everyone this is our new classmate Suzune, please treat her with respect and welcome her to the class" The teacher spoke as he had looked around. "Ah yes you can go and take a seat next to Hatori Sohma" He said as he had pointed toward the young man by the other two as Suzune would head toward the empty seat and take her seat. Suzune could feel stairs as she had soon looked to the one behind her. "Your hair is very pretty I'm Ayame" He spoke as she had smiled. "Nice to meet you Ayame" Suzune had said as she had soon paid attention in class.
"Wow, red hair and blue eyes are really unique together." Shigure whispered from around Hatori's shoulder. "I'm Shigure, by the way. And, of course, this is Hatori, but you knew that."

Hatori waved his hand in a mild salutation and went back to work, writing where he'd left off. The teacher had glanced over in Shigure's direction, noticing he was speaking. But Shigure straightened up and pretended to have been paying attention all along.
Suzune had smiled at the others as she had waved and soon would go back to work on what was handed to her in the class.

-Two months later-
Suzune had been sitting down by a tree as she had pulled her legs close to her body as she had not seen her golden trio in a while she had just sat there under the tree as the school stood in front of her, it had been two months since she arrived and she got along so well with the trio but today had been a bad day as she had wiped her tears from her face trying to stay strong.

Her father had once again hit her for some reason or another as she had covered up her arms from her three best friends, not wanting them to see her in pain or with bruises as she had sat there hoping to stay out of sight
Shigure and Hatori came up the crest of a hill in sight of the tree. Shigure called out to Suzune and practically lept to her side. Hatori just smiled and waved a little, coming to settle on her other side. He turned to address her and caught sight of the streaks on her face. From across her knees, he locked eyes with Shigure, who had seen them as well.

"Is something the matter?" Shigure asked, tilting his head to look at her face a little more closely. "Have you been crying?"
Suzune had heard the two calling out for her as she had soon heard them sitting beside her as she had looked up her eyes had tears coming out as she had looked at them both, glad they cared so much about her as she had looked down. "My father did this to me" She said as she had hissed as one of her arms was touched as she had pulled up to sleeve to revel the large newly bruise that seemed to go over old ones.

Suzune had looked at both Shigure and Hatori before she had leaned on them both just wanting to curl up and just leave this world but as she was talking to the boys a man who seemed to be in his late 40's came he was clearly drunk. "Hey whore come on out" He called as Suzune had sat up right as she had looked over in fear as her father held what looked like a small pocket knife. "Come back to daddy I want to apologize" He said with his words all slurred.
Hatori stood up, his face resolute and stony. He reached out and grasped the older man by the wrist and squeezed it. "This is school property. And you need to leave. Now."

Shigure came to stand next to him, and the two of them nodded at eachother. Then, Shigure took off running for the office, while Hatori still stood twisting the man's wrist.
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