A Riddle, wrapped in an Enigma, shrouded in Insanity (Applepoisoneer x Persephone)

Bea stepped out of the police car and shook off the smelly claustrophobic feeling of it's back seat. Gordon asked if she would follow him, and although she wished she could reply with "do I have a choice?", she trekked silently behind. They moved quickly through the station to a little room with a tape recorder already set up on a table. One of those big, hulking ones that've been out-of-date for the past decade or so.

"Alright," Gordon began, pulling her chair out for her. "You're going on record here. But, I think this'll be the last time we have to call you in for anything. Especially since you didn't... uh... visually see anything.. You didn't, am I right?"

"No," Bea sighed. "They were too far away. I can only relay what I heard."

"Okay, let's do that then." He pushed a strong forefinger into the REC. button and , in his most officious voice, asked her her name and what she saw.

She repeated everything she'd told them down the street from here. It had literally happend a block away, which made getting into the car really ridiculous. She'd been coming out of a coffee shop with a cup in one hand and a cookie in the other; just walking and sipping, when something in the alley space created by the far side of the coffee shop and the near side of some kind of auto parts distributer, caught her ear.

It sounded like something metalic connecting with a sort of crunchy squishy object. Like someone hitting a ripe melon with a crow bar. There was a lot of shouting, and more striking, the scramble of feet while someone begged. And then the sirens started up. Before she knew it, she was here.

"Thank you, Miss O'shae. Just sign some forms at the front desk on your way out and you can go."

She stood and pulled open the door, back out into the hustle and bustle of the main office.
Edward Nygma worked with the Gotham police force he was the forensic scientist. Edward had soon finished with some testing as he was bringing it up to Gordon when he had seen a woman leaving an interview room. He had looked to Gordon as he had handed papers. "Here is some tests back, hey what do you call a dog with no legs?" He asked. "No matter what you call me he won;t come" He said as she had laughed but it seemed nonsence to Gordon as he had soon left him and went to meet with the girl who was off going toward the front desk.

"Hello there I'm Edward, I noticed you having some trouble would you like some help?" He asked as he had looked at the woman and smiled at her as he had hoped he looked around if he could not get the other woman who worked here why not go for a different one.
"Oh, hello, Edward." She looked to her left and right, wondering where he'd popped up from. At any rate, it was nice to be noticed, especially by someone as cute as this. She straightened the seems of her knee-length black skirt and made sure her stockings were still upright. "I was just looking for the front desk. I have a few forms I'm supposed to sign there. My name is Bea, by the way. Bea O'Shae. It's lovely to meet you." She extended her hand for him to shake if he liked. What was it about men in suits and glassses that drove her to near brain-death?
Edward had smiled as he had pushed up his glasses before he would take her hand as he was standing to her left as he had shook it. He found her quite adorable since she was blind from what he had heard from the cops as he had smiled.

"Please allow me to show you to the front desk Miss O'Shae" he said as he would link her hand with his arm as he would show her toward the front desk making sure she didn't run into anything.

"Please if you need anything else just call for me" He said as he would walk off to the right from the woman.
"Oh, if you'll wait just a moment, I have something I'd like to give you." She told him, holding up a finger to halt him from leaving.

She took a pen from the desk and found a legal pad on the surface next to the forms the receptionist had lain out for her. Leaning over the counter, close enough to see the paper, she skrawled, "Whether hung by nail or tree, I am asked for frequently. And if you answer correctly, you can have one any time." and concluded with a sequence of numbers that were obviously her phone number. Her handwriting, despite her vision, was a normal size, and fairly neat print. She handed it over to him and smiled warmly.

"I hope you can puzzle it out. I look forward to seeing you again, Edward." She turned and squinted at the lines of the forms, signing near the bottom and passing it back to the woman behind the counter.
Edward had smiled but he had soon turned and stopped and looked at her questionably. He soon stayed where he was. "Oh okay" He said a little unsure but once he had gotten the paper he had smiled big as he had seen the pattern already. "Thank you, you have a good day Bea" He said as he had wanted to find out this little puzzle and find out what it meant.

Edward had soon went to his desk as he had read it again and soon started to take the numbers and soon laughed. "Oh you sneaky girl" He said as he had loved how this was, he loved the puzzle as he would call. "Bea, its Edward from the police station, I want to thank you for the puzzle, I enjoyed it and I hope maybe tomorrow night I could take you out" He said if she had picked up he would wait for a response if not he would leave a message for her with a little rythm with his own number in it.
Bea dropped a few coins into the slot to take the bus back to her block. She'd sat down and heard her phone ringing in her purse. She withdrew it and examined the number; it wasn't one she'd ever seen before, but it didn't look like a corprate number. She accepted the call and put it to her ear.

"Hello?" She asked, hoping it was who she thought it was.
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