RP: House MD: Haunting [ Horror_Show & Braiddan]


Feb 15, 2010
A young girl had finally after several hours had taped the last box of her belongings. She had a fairly decent sized room for a teenager and had over the past week cleaned out items she no longer needed or wanted and organized everything and packed it all in boxes. The movers would be here in less than an hour to haul all of her stuff to her father’s town house down town. He had once lived in a spacious for many years while being single after divorcing her mother. Their marriage was very short lived and done in the moment because she ended up pregnant un-expectantly.

Laina figured at various times they were in love and attracted but their personality and life style clashed. Her mother was always in a role of authority over her father and she presumed that always played a role, then again House had taken the job because she had gotten the position.

Gregory had shared custody with Laina which meant two weekends out of the month he got her. He was very much a part of her life, but it was complicated, her mother had tried so many times to keep her at a very short distance from him. He was often busy with his work as he was as a top doctor with a diagnostic team in a teaching hospital to treat patient’s no one else could help. He had saved life after life, he has also lost patients.

Laina had wanted to move in with her father from an early age, but was never allowed, even during her early teen years, her mother absolutely refused and threaten to cut off all her contact with him if she kept on about it. Finally, her nineteenth birthday was approaching and she was of age and was now moving out against her mothers own will.

Gregory had offered to cover her college tuition and wanted her to stop working her part time job so she could focus on her studies, which also pissed off her mother who thought working was important no matter what.

Laina pulled a backpack over her shoulder and looked at her mother standing in her old bedroom doorway.

“Well your ready to go I guess….you driving over there?” Lisa asked and Laina nodded.

“He’s not stable Laina, I’ve kept you from living with him for a reason. He’s to caught up in his work, in his self. It won’t be like you think it will….your going to be disappointed, I’ve only protected you from hating him honestly.” She said and Laina rolled her eyes.

“I will take care of him. He needs somebody…..you left him. I won’t. You can’t control me anymore.” Laina said harshly walking past her mother and out of the house to her car to make the drive.


'Cause I've done some things that I can't speak
And I've tried to wash you away but you just won't leave
So won't you take a breath and dive in deep
'Cause I came here so you'd come for me
Gregory House, both professionally and personally preferred to stay detached. Whether it be from the constant nagging pain in his leg, or his long time addiction to Vicodin. Or maybe because he found the the inevitable betrayal a whole lot less impact full when he didn't get attached at all. The latter probably stood true when it came to the issue with Laina. His relationship with her mother started as a one night stand when the both attended the university of Michigan.

They met again when Gregory applied for a job at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. It lead to a rather rocky professional and personal relationship between the two. Even whilst being the most brilliant doctor on staff, his anti social behavior lead to him being a constant liability. With Cuddy as his superior, it lead to many arguments. Arguments that sometimes left the walls of the hospital and to the bedroom.

One of those events lead to the birth of Laina. Gregory, an esteemed medical practitioner and established genius. Somehow found himself clueless how to come to terms with him fathering a child. Even with the limited interaction with her, he often found himself being distant from her. While it was a lot warmer than the relationship with his father; he knew it felt lacking. Maybe he feared she would grow tired of him, just like her mother.

It seemed like a shock even to him that he opened his door to his 19 year old daughter. He preferred his solitude. Maybe it was just his old habit of wanting to do the opposite of Cuddy's desires. HE knew she was against the whole arrangement.

Taking his 'bitchin' flame cane he stepped out the front door. He knew Laina would be arriving shortly.
Laina had relaxed her mind from her last words to her mother, they were a little harsh but it felt good to finally stand her ground, to make her own decisions. Her mother had always been so controlling of every aspect of her life, sometimes she didn’t even feel like she was her own person. She was forced to make top grades which stressed her out. She was forced to do things against her own will like doing sports on top of trying to manage AP and college courses in high school and her last two years and the start of college do all of that while working part time. She worked part time at Star Bucks and occasionally volunteered at the local animal shelter. All to make her mother happy so her child seemed perfect and her resume seemed perfect.

Naturally the daughter of established genius and a dean of the medicine and chief of hospital administer of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. She could be nothing less of a prodigy. Though her mother always took complete credit and recognition, giving House none. The truth was, a lot of her personality, looks and habits came directly from her father. She was identical to him even though her mother ignored it.

After a short thirty-minute drive her little turquoise Honda civic which was a gift for her sixteenth birthday pulled into the driveway of her new home, House’s town house. Laina assumed not to long after she and him had been going back and forth with the idea of her moving in, he moved. She knew it was to have more space for them. Her father was already standing with his usual cane outside. A sense of excitement and relief went through her body. As she turned off the ignition and got out of the car, she felt free. Is this what redemption felt like?

Grabbing a few things, she got out, shutting the car door and walked up to her father.

“Hey Dad, my stuff should be on its way. I can unpack most of it…so no worries.” She said giving him a hug.
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