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A specific Request (M x F) (Closed for renovations)

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Nov 23, 2015
The heart of Pandemonium
Far in the north of the small land of Ostrava, the cold wind blows fiercely. The snow falls for the majority of the year, but the people are resilient. Through the use of heat arts, the people have conquered their lands and in some cases their neighbors. One nation has done very well in this pursuit. Olsa has conquered their neighbors with iron and blood. Olsa is located between the High-back and low-mount mountain ranges. While the people of Olsa have suffered greatly, they have grown hardened and steadfast. They would follow their leader. A young prince, who had come to power before his time. His father succumb to an illness after a lifetime of dedication to his kingdom. While most were not happy with the previous ruler because of his concession of Olsa's land, they still stood by him.

Eventually the demands became too great, and Osla could not give anymore. So, the young Prince took up his weapon, and he rode out of the castle with his soldiers. Into the fierce fray he rode, no more than a boy at the time. The heat of the goddess Lumena shown brightly that day around the boy king. The soldier's rallied to the strength of their ruler, as he fought frightfully. His blade engulfed in flame, while his shield illuminated by the Goddess's protection. The day was won before the enemy knew what happened. The boy hardened by his victory continued his march, as attack from the other side of Osla was unlikely. They marched and marched not stopping for years.

Years later, with their territory reclaimed and much of Ostrava theirs, the prince settle into a commanding position only taking the battlefield to inspire his troops. Now a young man, he had the respect of his soldier, his people, and his nobles. It seemed he was unstoppable, but his deep thirst for security, conquest, and war in general had left the prince cold and distance. The only ones close to the king was a small group of knights, a friend of his father, and a common wood-elf, whose home was far away. She was one of a kind in Ostrava. Most elves strayed away from the cold lands of the small continent. He recovered her from an enemy encampment, and while her stay with the prince has been anything, but that of a guest. His lengthy observation of his guest continues on a regular basis.

Along with the wood-elf, he took an enemy priestess captive as well. She was an observer of Nix, which was the goddess of the cold, and death. Unlike the wood-elf, the observer was kept bound in a tent. The men not comfortable, with an enemy moving freely through their camp. She was well kept though. She got here own meals prepared, and several amenities provided. The prince often visited her on the coldest nights.

Next a Draken girl, who left her village in search of a cause. She joined the fray to take back a small village, which had been captured by bandits. She almost took the whole village by herself. She fought like a wild animal tearing through the enemy lines, with wild strikes and chaotic movements. On top of that, she could fly. She had instantly gained respect of the soldiers. Since that day, the prince and her fought side by side several times taking the day.

Finally, there was one more being he was close to. Lumena or at least the version that came to him in his dreams. She was fiery and righteous; she helped guide him down the correct path from a young age. He has never spoken of her to anyone, nor has he mentioned the fact he has seen her take a physical form many times. The prince felt he owed much to the goddess Lumena. However, she never asked anything of him... not yet anyways.

So, can the prince melt his heart, and stabilize the land, or does it take a cold heart to rule?

Thank everyone that read through that. That is my starter idea, and I am open to changes or variations, in fact I will offer two further below.

What I am looking for?

  • A partner who is literate and tries.
  • A partner that is open to adding plot twists.
  • A partner that is looking to have fun.
  • A partner that does not just disappear.
  • Finally, a partner who follows site rules.

Variant One
What am I looking for?
  • This one would be straightforward.
  • A partner to play one or all of the girls mentioned above.
  • The characters are for my partner to fine tune.
  • This would be plot over smut.
  • I am very open to kinks.
  • However, rape, gore, vore and snuff are right out.
Variant Two
What am I looking for?
  • This one is more smut than plot.
  • A partner to play one or all of the girl characters above.
  • A partner to play varied and wild scenes.
  • I am very open to kinks.
  • However, rape, gore, vore and snuff are right out.

In conculsion
If you are interested in building this RP with me, please send me a PM. I am open to playing in PMs or threads. Once again, thank you for reading, and see you around.​
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