Aphrodite Fitness Club (LTL x Periodical)


Nov 27, 2014
Long, slender fingers finished folding up the small, white piece of paper and guided it to the pocket on the front of the dress. Small hands started brushing off some of the dust off the leather black dress. Hazel eyes trailed from her dress up the the large building in front of her. The building didn't look like much. It really didn't. It was hidden pretty well in the world, and the woman wouldn't have been there had her sugar not poked and prodded her to go. Her busy hands moved back to her hair, making sure things were straight before she even entered.

Dr. Harleen Quinzel better known as Harley Quinn let a sigh escape her deep red lips as her eyes glanced over the building once more. She was dressed in a form fitting leather black dress. Her blonde hair was tied up in two pony tails, one to each side. Her pale face perfectly exemplified her deep red lipstick. To finish off the outfit were knee high black leather boots with decent sized heels. It was one thing to walk in them, it was another to fight. Of course, her Joker had sent her here to maybe help her fight the Batman a little bit better. She understood though, defeat after defeat after defeat could weigh heavy on one's psyche. Even a psyche that was so manic could be affected. That was why she was here. The flyer hadn't said much beyond the fact that it was a "Fitness Club."

Heels clicked on the pavement as she entered the facility. The front desk was unmanned and Harley let out an annoyed sound. "Hello?" She called out. He voice filled with dissatisfaction. It was pretty clear that she didn't want to be there. She stepped slowly, just investigating the place. She was very careful. Her fingers around the heavy, oversized wooden mallet that she had brought with her. If anything, Harley thought, this place would at least allow for her to get a little bit stronger.

"Is anyone home?"

Her voice called out again. When no one showed themselves, she stomped her foot out of annoyance, a pout forming on her lips. Shaking her head, she turned and got ready to walk out the door she had come
The Aphrodite Club once one had gotten inside, would look like any other gym. It had an open spacious venue the building. From the looks of it was unmanned yes, and yet, there was the strange feeling she was being watched the moment she entered the building. Then, slowly appearing before her a woman, tall fit, and blond haired, wearing a jogging suit from the looks of it. Her toned figure, had just enough to it leaving her more beautiful then one might imagine.

"Ahh, so you got the Elite Membership card it seems." The woman comes out from behind the counter and looks at Harley Quinn, and circles her. "I hope you don't plan to bring that mallet onto the exercise floor..." She spoke in a gentle tone, and would move with such fluidity, that even Harley would have trouble not watching her closely. Soon with a snap of her fingers, Harley would have found her changed, from what she had worn upon entering, to what the owner of this place felt would be more fitting for her to wear at a fitness club.

The mallet would also vanish, it seems that the woman was not fond of people bringing weapons into a club like this. "Now then, I am Miss Aphrodite, and I do hope you have come to do some sweating?" Aphrodite spoke calmly, and gently reached a hand out placing it along the center of Harley's torso. Then, she glides a hand in circles till she had a feel, "It seems I have just the work out for you, should you still want to participate?" The blond fit woman said calmly.
The voice caused Harley to stop in her tracks. Turning slowly, the blonde woman before her was absolutely breath taking. She was into men, for sure, but for some reason, she just could not take her eyes off of the one before her. It was almost like she had a spell over her or something. Her fingers tightened around the mallet for just a second, but just the woman's voice had put her at ease. It was almost like she was a siren or something. She felt herself being drawn into her soft, soothing voice. The way she walked, was almost as though she was gliding through the air. When she snapped, a cold breeze hit her before she looked down and even noticed she had changed into something else. Harley didn't even care, she was too focused on what was in front, er circling around her.

In truth, Harley didn't even notice the mallet was gone. When she introduced herself, Harley had no words. When she touched her, Harley shivered. When she asked if she wanted to participate, Harley's brain started to scream. This was a workout club? She thought Joker had sent her to something of a training grounds? Maybe hone her skills! Not to sweat or workout on a fucking treadmill! Still, as her mouth opened to protest and to speak up, she found her head was just nodding at the woman in front of her. Shit! What was that! She wanted to leave, not stay!

Looking down, she found herself in white short shorts, a sports bra, and a pair of bleached white tennis shoes. White was certainly not her color, and she figured she must have looked ridiculous in the get up. After all, she was a murderer, not some preppy whore. Still, she waited for her new physical trainer to show her the workout room. As much as she didn't want to go, as much as her brain protested. There she was.
Miss Aphrodite walked, and the girl followed. It was clear this place dulled the mind, made one much more submissive. Either, this woman herself was to be the source of this, or this place was a mirage or a dream, either way. The woman walked, and lead Harley to a pair of exercise bikes. They were the latest model, with that 3D monitor on the handle bars that lets you view yourself biking around the world by clicking on the touch screen. It didn't look suspicious in the least, very normal for a Fitness Club like this.

Aphrodite would motion towards the equipment and clears her throat. "Harley was it, please have a seat..." She spoke, her tone was pleasant, yet when she said something it almost hit one in the core as being a demand. The girl looked more fit for this place now, Aphrodite thought, save of course the clown make up, but nothing a good bit of 'exercise'. Calmly she stood waiting for the girl to mount the bike, the clothes would be fitting tightly on her, she was not the curviest woman Aphrodite had in her place, but the clothes seemed to fit just a little to perfectly.
The deranged clown princess followed Miss Aphrodite without much debate or argument. When she saw the exercise bikes, her eyes glazed over a bit. They were nice bikes sure, but Harley was fit enough as is. She certainly didn't need to work out any and she certainly had no intention of staying. That being said, however, when Aphrodite asked her to take a seat, Harley soon found herself plopped firmly into the chart. Instinctively putting her feet up on the pedals, and putting her hands on the bars, Harley took a moment to pick a scenario on the 3-D monitor before she began pedalling away.

The clothes she was wearing would start to ride up on her body, but Harley never once stopped to fix them or stop. Miss Aphrodite wanted her to use the bike, and use the bike she would. Whatever her new acquaintance wanted, he new acquaintance would get it seemed. "It's getting a little hot, could I maybe have some water?" Harley said, makeup running down her face from the sweat that she was working up. Would this really help her beat Batman?
The moment that Harley was working up a good sweat. She smiles, the door would soon chime, and she would take a look at a monitor in the room. On the wall, upon looking at the security feed she saw a new client making her way into the gym. A chinese woman from the looks of it. Miss Aphrodite would look back at Harley and smile. "Keep biking... and do not stop, till I return.." She said sternly in warning. She pressed a button on the bike before leaving and suddenly as Harley peddled on the bike it would send a vibration up against the clown woman's cunnie beneath her work out shorts, with the sweat ridding up the shorts, it was clearly going to affect Harley.

Miss Aphrodite made her way back from helping Harley to meet the new comer, and would smile towards the woman, she looked like she enjoyed a work out. "Well hello Miss... you must be here about our new work out program." She smiled at her, the way the woman looked really quite interested Miss Aphrodite.

((Begin entrance of Chun-Li))
The clown princess continued to push the pedals harder and harder, and when Miss Aphrodite disappeared, she frowned. While the feeling of something was still heavy on her mind, now that her new trainer had walked away, Harley's mind began to clear up a bit. That was, of course, before the butten was pressed. When the little vibration went off, Harley nearly stopped pedaling the bike right then and there. Looking down, for a moment, Harley tried to find the source. It was in such a peculiar spot, and Harley almost felt as though it was intentional. The more she pedaled, the more vibrations she would receive. Holding back moans of pleasure, Harley started to pedal a little bit slower, just waiting for her chance to get off the bike. Still, she continued to pedal, even if her brain didn't want to.

Chun Li the woman said inquisitively for the newcomer. Her eyes had been scanning the little place. It didn't look too out of the ordinary, but you could never tell nowadays. "And you are?" She said, taking a step back for just a second. At this point, it was pretty hard for Chun Li to trust anyone, let alone someone that she had just met.
"You may call me Miss Aphrodite, this is my place you see..." She gave the woman a look over, observing what she was wearing. While Harley was busy, she took the time to enjoy the look of this latest entry she looked like she was used to working out and getting a good sweat. "I welcome you to Aphrodite Fitness, the best place to be if your looking to relax and exercise. The blond woman would flash a pretty smile at the Blue qipao dressed Chinese woman with the nicely built and powerful looking legs. "You have, impressive legs." The woman said slowly walking in close, and placing a hand out and holding out some work out clothes that hadn't been in her hands before, "Please if you would like to exercise how bout a change of clothes... follow me to the Locker Rooms." Passing the bike room she made sure to peek in to see if Harley was still biking before she continued leading the woman to the locker room.
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