Elijahx OC *Bambina and SithLordOfSnark*


Oct 30, 2015
Mirabelle Delaney Reinhart

Growing up Mirabelle was introduced to witches, werewolves and vampires at a young age. Her mother who was an outcasted witch was an alcoholic, addicted to all type of drugs. Her father was an abusive warlock that was killed by her mother when he threatened to take the child away from her mother. The mothers love that caused the women to trump her father had worn off when Mirabelle was around the age of six. She sold Mirabelle to a group of witches for drugs, their terms were that Mirabelle could stay with her as long as she did everything the group of witches wanted her to. Their plan was to use the child to take control of all witches using Belle’s Siphoning power.They taught young Mirabelle how to siphon and forced her to take different types of magic from things, whether those were magical objects, werewolves, vampires or other witches.Once Mirabelle was finished siphoning their magic the witches would kill them and burn the bodies. So that was how Mirabelle lived for nine years, doing the witches bidding, coming home to a usually passed out mother and studying music when she could. At the age of fifteen Belle had enough of doing the witches bidding which she had always hated and rebelled against the group of witches. Of course things got out of hand and Belle accidentally killed the group. Horrified by which she had done the girl took what she could and left her mother, traveling from Virginia to Miami by train.

Homeless in Miami was not a good thing to be for a fifteen year old girl and she fell victim to many things. One of those things being a gang leader who she had fallen in love with. He introduced the girl to various crimes including drugs, underage drinking and trafficking. Through her time with him the young witch had finally acknowledge the unspoken dream of wanting to be a vocal artist and started to learn the piano well still writing songs. Her time with him came to a stop a year later when he was shot to death by a rivaling gang. Although it was probably a good thing he was out of her life Mirabelle didn’t see it that way and through herself into another relationship to try and get over the pain of loosing the last. The man this time was someone she had met well at a rave, he was numerous ages older than her and got his income by playing with his band at venues. He made Mirabelle one of the lead singers of his band and although he did care for her he was incredibly controlling, months after this control turned to abuse. He isolated the girl, letting her take drugs and drink but not leave his place unless it was to perform at a venue. By this time Mirabelle masked the pain of his abuse and loosing her last love by taking drugs. However when this started to affect the bands performance he threw her out of the streets. On the streets the girl didn’t bother masking her daily drug use and was intercepted by the authories who sent her to a youth center in Louisiana. Mirabelle was there for six months until in a mood swing she had used magic that she hadn’t practiced since she had killed the witches, breaking she and imedietly running from the center.

She ended up in New Orleans and started to make money in the only way she knew how, by performing the songs she had wrote. In New Orleans Belle met a werewolf known as Hayley and the two became quick friend, going so far as to move into together. To Mirabelle the older girl was the only true friend Mirabelle had ever met. Eventually Hayley had to leave to go to Mystic Falls and although she offered Mirabelle to come with her the witch declined,saying she would be here when Hayley returned. Belle saw New Orleans as a way to settle down and focus on her career. For her being a witch in the city wasn’t to much of a problem for the girl since she barely practiced magic. In fact the vampires were less of problem for her than the witches who called her an abomination of nature because she was a siphoner.One night well performing at a club Mirabelle had met the king of the city, Marcel Gerard. She knew he kept tabs on her but never actually met him until that night and surprisingly from what she has heard her was rather kind. From then on they ran into each other quite often and when Mirabelle had been kicked out of her apartment because she couldn’t pay it he had offered for her to come stay in the compound, even getting her a job at Cammie’s bar. Mirabelle had a suspicion his kindness came from wanting her loyal to him because of her siphoning abilities. So for now this is how Mirabelle lives in New Orleans, working part time, partying, attending venues, and waiting for her best friends return.

Mirabelle can be described as a sweet girl with a fiery soul, a complete combination of sugar and spice combined. She has a bubbly exterior, loving a good laugh and forever chasing things that subconsciously let her know she's not numb inside yet. Whether this be harmful love interests or reckless adventures, either one proving to be quite toxic to the girl these last few years. Belle is very creative, interested in various types of art especially writing songs and acting, both have become quite useful for her career.

Mirabelle's less than easy life has led the girl to become quite the determined individual, meaning that if she puts her mind on it then she will get it done; whether that be finishing to write a song or surviving in a fight against deathly creatures. However that same life has left the girl without really any family and very few friends. So when the untrustworthy witch finds individuals she can call her friends she becomes furiously loyal, protective and ruthless to the people who hurt them, afraid to loose them like she lost others in her life. Because of this she can be easily manipulated by the people she loves and reluctant to let go of the ones that hurt her for fear of being alone again. Mirabelle also has a tendency to be sarcastic, and is prone to, recklessness, dependence, day dreaming and self guarded.

A huge downside to Mirabelle's personality is her unpredictable temper, usually this is caused by her repressing her pain until it explodes in outbursts over small things. Another way she deals with problems is throwing her self into reckless behavior and partying. After a few nights of that she forces herself to move on with life.

Lastly Belle adores animals of all types, and can often be found in the bayou to spy on different types of nature when she gets the chance to.

Best friend: Hayley
Friends/Allies:Cammi, Marcel.
Anyone that hurts her friends. The witches aren't to fond of her because she is a siphoner.
Hayley, Cammi, Marcel.​


A variety of music was the only sound that echoed through the downstairs farm house on a sunny afternoon, it was loud enough that it could hear it from the living room but not enough to wake the sleeping infant upstairs.

In the kitchen a redhead stood, occasionally dancing along to colbie callat's version of here comes the sun by the beatles, her favorite song for the current spring season. The girl was dressed in a lacy sundress and her usual wavy hair in a side braid save for a few pieces framing her slim face.

Her name was Mirabelle and she didn't live in this house but then again neither did any of the current occupants, they were all there because of another Mikealson enemy that wanted poor baby Hope for her witchy bidding. Elijah who was most likely upstairs with his niece brought Hope to this hide away house along with Mirabelle who was a siphoner witch, there in case of emergency. Nicklaus, Rebekah, and Hayley had stayed behind to find a way to get rid of the witch before they got to Hope, much to the werewolf's dismay although she knew it would be possible for someone to track her daughter using her.

At the moment Mirabelle was cooking lunch for the hybrid child, something she wasn't great at but knowing her cooking must not be horrible if Hope seemed to like it. Despite having to take a few days off work and missing her best friend like crazy Mirabelle didn't mind being out in practically the middle of no where, it gave the siphoner time to sit back and not worry about various things in her life.​
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