Surrender to the Urge (Kaybee x MysteriousD)


Oct 12, 2011
Linnaea paced softly, boots whispering in the grass, pointed ears alert for any sound of the Alliance while her Fel-Green eyes scanned for any sign of intrusion.

She'd been camped in this out-of-the-way section of Arathi basin for days, watching for the first indicators of an alliance attack. Living a silent existence without flame and with precious little comforts to betray her presence. It was a necessary duty, and one that most of her Blood elven compatriots would have spurned. (Most of her kin turned those stealthy talents to personal gain rather than using them to fight for the Horde as a whole.) But she enjoyed it in her own way, appreciating the solitude to some degree. Perhaps she was a little closer to high elven bloodline than most, and perhaps that was what gave her that ability to be still and quiet rather than always moving, always taking.

Then again, perhaps it was just how Linnaea was...

A sound out of place stirred her from her silent introspection and her head whipped left, then right, seeking the source. A faint tang of mana was in the air, tickling at her nostrils, a little spark of energy through her. Mage... There was a caster in the area, arcane to the core where are you... She turned, sticking close to the tree, ready to leap and hide herself amongst it's branches. If she was caught, whoever found her would have to die. Word of her presence could not be allowed to make it back to alliance lines, or the ambush the rest of the horde forces in the basin were preparing would be all for naught.
Diego Starstone looked around, keeping his senses sharp. The Mage came here to the Arathi basin looking for resources to use in his Alchemy. While he would normally come with his friends, they were busy training as they were changing their professions. As such, Diego was forced to come alone here. However, being best friends with a Rogue meant that he learned some of the inner tricks in maintaining a quiet presence. Of course, it was sometimes hard to do so. As a kid, few noticed him so it was easy. Then he learned being a Mage and discovered he had a massive amount of arcane potential in him. To where some joked that his fat was actually his magic resevres back during his years as a chubby adolescent. Unfortunately for them, Diego was also a mercurial individual with an admitted warped sense of morals and he didn't hesitant to beat his tormentors with a staff. He was not above underhanded tactics, pragmatic moments or just downright dark thoughts.

He sighed in frustration before he took a breath. His instinct was warning him so he was steeling himself. The faint tang of mana appeared when he cast a spell; specficially, he cast Presence of Mind, allowing him to use the next spell he needed to with ease. He took a moemnt to gather himself as he looked at any potential hiding places. He looked near a tree. To do this was an admittingly risky move, performing a spell on like this. However, he had prepared himself and it would least calm his nerves down.

He faced the tree... about only 3 yards away. Then, using the instant casting ability of his Presence of Mind, he fired out.

"Arcane Blast!"

A large explosion of arcane energy burst our of his staff as he fired a large blst of Arcane energy out of his staff to where the tree used t be standing. It was now reduced to chunks of lumber and such and he looked around for anyone who may have been there.

"So, I wasn't crazy," Diego said as he came to a body there...

A Blood Elf.

For all of Diego's... eccentricity, he was still a loyal member of the Alliance. His staff was pointed at her. "Looks like I caught myself a Spy," he said with a vicious smile.
Mages were tricky given their ability to warp reality around them with their powers, but the same thing that made them unpredictable made them predictable in turn, albeit in another way. Mages were reliant on those powers, often -in Linnaea's experience- to the exclusion of any other knowledge or skill.

A mage who was powerful was so by dint of fireballs and killer frost rather than any musclulature or dexterity. A mage who created equipment or useful items could be assumed to have done so with magic and spellwork rather than any true balcksmith's know-how or prowess.

A mage who was stealthy could be assumed to be using some invisibility magic rather than truly bothering to conceal themselves as a rogue would.

Which was why the LAST thing Linnaea expected was to hear a cry and feel a surge of mana before the tree she'd been pressed against blew apart, showering her in splinters as it hurled her stunned form several meters through the air.

She landed with a dull thump, rolling as she failed to muster the proper impetus to stop herself, coming to a halt in the dust and dirt, aching all over from the succession of impacts. Dimly she was aware of the Mage pacing towards her, but her body wouldn't respond beyond convulsing as she coughed, trying to pull air back into her lungs and breathing little more that dust and wood at first.
Diego Starstone liked blow thing up. He knew that he lacked the speed and skill of his Rogue or the raw power of his Warrior, but as the Mage of the trio, he had utility, unpredictability and a knack for being prepared.

Diego looked down to get a better look at the spy. She was a Blood Elf obviously. Diego went through his knapsack and ended up binding her hands in enchanted rope. He mad a good solid knot to keep her from undoing it. Of course, after doing so, he also spotted something. "Well... this is interesting," Diego noted to herself upon coming into her campsight. From what Diego picked up, the Blood Elf was here for several days and th vantage point allowed her a measure of security while overseeing large empy fields and sections.

Coming to the conclusion she was a Scout, Diego turned to face her. He knew about Blood Elves and their races' curse for magic addiction. He and his friends felt sorry for them and they have dealt with them fairly. Of course, here she was a spy and probably had plenty of viable informaton for the Alliance. Claiming the lands here for good would be a boon for them.

"Congrats!" he announced to the Blood Elf in a cheerful yet mildly sinister voice. It was like poisoned honey. "You're now my prisoner," Diego told her as he picked her up and looked at her with a smirk. "I know you're a Spy for the Horde. I'm not kill ya, but I want your cooperation. What is the Horde up to?" Diego told her as he held onto the rope her hands were bound with.
Fresh and ready, Linnaea probably could have outpowered him without too much trouble, but dazed and coughing up dirt the blood elf was helpless against the human as he locked her arms and tied her hands behind her back. She still coughed as he looked over her campsite, pulling herself to her knees with difficulty as the mage looked over her campsite.

"To the hellfire with you, alliance." The words were harsher and more vitriolic than she would typically have been, but she wasn't feeling particularly charitable or kind at this current juncture. "I've no reason to tell you anything."
Diego crossed his arms and sat, thinking over his decision. He didn't have any leverage against her and it appeared that her loyalties were intact. Bribery nor threatening would work here. At least, not the normal kind anyway. Diego Starstone was certainly in a unique situation.

Bartering with an enemy you knew for so long became harder and easier over time. Harder because you all know the tricks, but the fatigue of war would on one down as compensation to the strange little balance. And so now here they were. After a moment, Diego got an idea. He bit his lip in doubt. He worried about it working and of the plan itself. From a practical standpoint, it was part of the "sounds plausible in theory but looks ludicrous" department.

However, the big issue was in whether Diego would be willing to do so. It certainly sounded unethical. Diego may have been a warped individual due to several exposures to questionable tones and arcane experiments, but he possessed some sense of morals. The idea of helping the Alliance out was too important to resist and there was the fact that this was the only choice he had.

"I got something you want," Diego mentioned, his pensive look turning into a smirk before he placed his palm on her forehead and forced a surge of raw magic into her. Pure raw arcane force. His pure magic. He lured into her, exploiting how blood elves fed on magic.
Linnaea prided herself on her integrity to a degree. Blood elves were often fickle, and rogues of the species were often even more so, and while loyalty and such traits that went with it often went unrewarded in her society, they were appreciated within the horde's military minds. Any other rogue would likely at least have asked for some compensation -gold or valuables- in exchange for the information Diego sought, but Linnaea never considered it. Another Blood elf might even have asked for magic, or arcane dust at least. Something with which to take a slight trip from reality. They would be risking shattering themselves in doing so, becoming one of those wandering wretched who do nothing but feed on magic, addicts looking for their next fix, but some did it anyways, and a few of them had managed to do it for long enough that Linnaea honestly thought the hunger might never truly overtake them...

Linnaea was not one of those elves though, she felt the gnaw of hunger inside her when she was away from the sunwell, but it was something she clung to, letting it make her other senses sharper for it's lack, and simply enjoyed her leaves to return to silvermoon all the more for the proximity and relaxation it brought her.

She had rarely consumed magic in her life, finding the pleasant floating sensation it brought her to be a sign of weakness on her part. Moreover, she had never consumed raw mana before, fearing that the euphoria of the experience might somehow overcome her despite everything.

So when Diego's hand suddenly suddenly clamped to her forehead, palm pressed against her brow as he channeled mana into her, it was a sensation like nothing she'd ever felt before. Like alcohol in humans, Blood Elves reactions to mana varied. Almost all of them experienced a pleasant floating sensation, but the nature of the pleasure changed. Some grew deliriously happy, others almost painfully masochistically melancholic, and others still developed intense sensuality or a powerful sexual charge.

Linnaea -as it turned out- was the third type. Her pupils dilated, her breathing catching, hitching, and suddenly deepening as her entire body flushed, nipples stiffening against the hard leather of her armour, pussy suddenly moistening without warning. She gasped, back arching on the ground as the surge of mana nearly brought an orgasm from her unprepared body, only to be denied the climax as the mana was cut off a moment before it struck. She fell back, chest heaving, eyes wide and barely seeing. "Wh-what... What di-d you do to meee..." The words were slightly slurred, and her hands moved almost of their own accord, halfheartedly scratching at the ties of her armour, no longer quite coordinated enough without focus to undo them.
Diego didn't know what to expect with how the Blood Elf would react. He was aware of their condition, but he never saw one react in terms of magical exposure. Despite the return of the Sunwell (ironically, an incident he and his gang of sorts was somewhat involved in), most Blood Elves still went through withdrawals and the hunger of magic characteristic for their race remained.

Whatever the case, Diego was not prepared when he saw Linnaea practically convulse with what appeared to be pleasure. He wasn't sure. However, after recovering from the initial shock, he took a closer look to her. Her pupils dilated while her breath intensified and her face became bright red. She even looked a bit sweaty all of a sudden. Of course, she then ended up falling back with eyes widen and a heaving chest. Her slurred words reminded Diego of a drunk. However, the other symptoms reminded Diego of a particularly incident involving a fellow classmate attempting to make a certain potion...

"You're a Blood Elf. Your hunger for magic is well-known, despite the return of the Sunwell. You're welcome by the way," Diego said, crossing his arms. "So I exploited that and force-fed you my magic. It's pure arcane energy, the kind you feed on. I always had a large amount of magical energy so I had a good source of it," he explained as he smiled at her. "Looks like you like it... a lot," he said.

"So... tell me what you want to now and I'll give you some more," he said. He was betting no already. Which was all right. She was currently pretty docile and he could drag her into his place. That will not only give him the home-field advantage, it will let her desire for it build-up.
Linnaea's eyes widened, white all the way around in sheer terror for a moment, then anger and sense reasserted themselves. For all her fears, the high of magic hadn't taken her self from her, even if she was now worse off than ever against her captor. With an effort of will she stilled her hands, and tried to ignore the suddenly-raging lust that writhed and coiled inside her. "F-fuck youu..."

Gods, did mana really do this to her? Linnaea was struggling to accept the reality of her situation, and even as she gave her bold and angry replies, she was very aware that she was in over her head. "I'm n-not telllling you 'nything... 'lliance scum..."
Diego saw Linnaea's shock and couldn't help but smirk a bit at it before she reassered herself. While she was noticably affected by the mana high, she was still resisting it. Nonetheless, it was something Diego could exploit. It was just a matter of how to use it.

He attached his staff to his back along with his knapsack and picked up the bound woman up bridal style and getting a tight grip. Having practiced carried aquaintances or friends during tough times, he remained a strong hold on her no matter how much she struggled.

Furthermore, Diego maintained a steady stream of mana to Linnaea, but at different paces. All in roder to keep her in the high. Through ptterns of sudden bursts and then letting her deal with the petn-up lust, he gave her just enough to reach that high, but always stopping short of letting er climax and thus building up the sexual frsutration for her.

"Here we are," Diego smirked as he approached the cave where he met his shelter in. He was still a Mage; carrying her all the way to an Alliance stronghold would be too much for him.

"You don't look so good," Diego said in a teasing voice as he placed her down. "Just tell me what I want to know and I'll give you whatever you need to satisfy you. Either mana or... something else," he said with a knowing wink. He realized early on that her frustration was sexual in nature, which meant he had more leverage to grind her resistance down to nothing.
Linnaea's muscles still couldn't bring their full strength to bear, and so despite being stronger than the mage she found herself quite helpless as he plucked her up off the ground and into his arms. Little sparks of mana were shooting into her from Diego too, and every time she felt her strength returning, it ebbed away as another shuddering convulsion went through her, helplessly burdened with arousal from the constant drip-feed.

By the time Diego was carrying her into the cave, Linnaea's crotch was absolutely sodden with her juices, and her insults and rhetoric had died down several minutes ago. She huddled in his arms, forcing herself to remain still, desperately trying to remain silent even if every additional spark of mana left her moaning, unable to stop the pleasured sounds dropping from her parted lips.

She lay on the floor where Diego placed her, weakly trying to undo her armor but lacking the strength or coordination necessary. "Pleeassee..." She moaned, piteous to see, eyes filled with pained need. It was hard to bring herself to say it, but the fires inside her refused to be stoked, and her own hands simply refused to cooperate. She could kill him for what he'd done to her later, right now he was offering something she needed badly.

"I n-need to cum... Please... Just let me cum... Nnnot mana... F-fingers... Cock... Anything..."
Diego leaned against the wall of the cave and took a moment to relax, being a bit tired from having to carry her the way over here. He saw her legs and hands were still bound, knowing that if they weren't, she would've tried to kill him multiple times, even with the bursts of mana that he had given her throughout the ordeal.

Diego couldn't help but admit he was turned on. Her consistent moaning was music to his ears and he saw her crotch area was absolutely soaked with her juices, signifying just how badly she wanted it. He saw her try and undo her armor, a futile effort given her bound hands ad feet along with lacking any realy coodination to do it. She was pretty much begging for it and he knew he couldn't keep his guard down.

He went over to her and undid her armor and such, leaving her in her underclothes so he could further admire her body. He found just the amount of control he had over her was amazing and he wanted to push it further.

"Here's the deal, dear. I will be happy to help satisfy your needs, but I have some conditions. I need to know you won't try and harm me. Next, I need you to tell me things, some information. Your name, rank and why you were there. If you cooperate and be a good girl," he paused before he went and licked her ear.: "I'll fill you up nicely," he whispere dhotly while his hand pressed against her soaked pussy through her clothing.

He wasn't sure if he could trust her, but he had the upper hand. By the time she would awaken from the high, he would just need to hit her with his magic again. Having been on such a hgh and gaving a taste of it, it will be even easier for her to backsldie into the mana addiction and back under his sway.
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