Inherit the Darkness (501x Applepoisoneer)

The light in Lady Sinya's temple chamber was merky and dim. Red-shaded lanterns were the only source of light. The pale-green Twi-lek sat cross-legged on a plush cushion with a table between her and her acolyte. Above the table, a teapot and cup hovered in mid air. The tea pot tilted, as though on an axis, and poured itself into the tea cup. The tea pot landed gently, and the now full teacup swooped into her waiting hands. She took a sip before speaking.

"The Force can be grand and all consuming, but it may also be delicate and precise. Reach out with your mind and pour the tea. And do not spill a single drop."

This exercise was not one that her own master would have approved of. Probably not his master either. Most people thought the Force was best used in enormous acts of destruction; and while that had its place and its time, there were many instances in which precision was the key to victory. It was difficult for some in the old order to see that there was a real difference between Passion and stupidity. She just hoped that her acolyte was one of the rare gems who understood.
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