Spark to Spark (DuxT x Korax)


Apr 28, 2015
Earth, once a relatively peaceful place in the cosmos, now the host to a war not its own. For the past years, two factions of Cybertronians have brought the fight that decimated their home world, here. The Autobots, who once sought to hide, not fighting to protect the new planet they call home, while the Decepticons seek to dominate this world and destroy their enemies. But Earth is not without its own reasons to fight over, massive deposits of energon, the core of an ancient Cybertronian God and artifacts, scattered across its surface eons past.

In a small scrapyard in a small town in the middle of nowhere, lay one such artifact. Buried amongst the mountain of steel and rust, lay a small cylinder, about the size of a persons hand. It was an unusually shinny thing, built from no earth metal. On its side was a couple of large buttons, seemingly too large compared to the rest of it. There it sat, recently exposed from the bottom of the pile, just waiting to be taken.

Elsewhere in the town, a small one seat track car sat, a helmeted woman in the drivers seat. Course the woman was just a hologram, the car needed no driver, nor was a car. Swooper was her name, a Cybertronain and scout for the Autobots. Right now she was watching a small group of Decepticon ground troops, currently disguised as muscle cars. It was odd, they'd been driving around this town for a week now, seeming to look for something, but what? Swooper, while tempted to just ambush the group, decided to wait, see what they new. So for now she waited, parked as the Decepticons drove the streets, searching for something.
Day and day out it was always the same, but a guy had to make a living. Standing over a pile of scrap in a larger pile of scrap was a young man, moderately tall at 6'2 he had a lean body with thick shoulders and long cut brown hair bound into a small ponytail. His eyes were framed with thick glasses, said eyes had a light-blue tint to them if someone where to look into them. His name was Josh Callen, he was a part time mechanic and a full time scrap dealer, the two jobs tended to overlap so he was never wanting for work. On this particular day his entire life would change with just a flick of a wrist.

Sorting through one pile and tossing things into a wagon he brought along, Josh pulled an odd looking little box out. At first it looked like a rubix-cube, but it was made of stainless steel, lacked any color at all other than a strange blue-ish glue between the 'slats' and it was far lighter than a little block of metal should be. It was a curiosity at best. Shrugging Josh just added it to hi pile, he could look it over at a later date, no point in getting too wrapped up in it now. After another hours or picking through scrap, Josh finally decided to give it a rest. He pulled the wagon back to his truck and loaded everything up, though as he did so he noticed that the little cube had a soft glow about it that wasn't there before. Shaking his head the man hopped into his truck and fired it up before starting the long drive out to his home/garage.
Something changed, it had to of. The past week, the Decepticons had been patrolling in a typical search pattern, no change to their routine, just checking new streets and recovering the old ones. But... not now, now they began to converge, heading somewhere. Course Swooper wasn't going to let this go, so she gave chase. Three foot soldiers, all heading down the same street, followed by the Autobot who was going to reduce them to slag.

Josh's drive home seemed typical at first, nothing out of the ordinary. But as he turned into less built up areas of the town, separating where he lived from the junkyard, he noticed something. Three cars, identical, purple and black, muscle cars, were tailing him. No subtle it about it either, the three cars just formed a line behind him and began to gain fast. Before long the lead car suddenly sped up, ramming into Josh's truck, the hit was just off center, and the muscle car kept up on the gas. It was clear this guy was attempting to run Josh off the road.
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