Harley & Co. (RoleplaymasterxApplepoisoneer)

"Fuck you! Yeah- I said it! Fuck you! I don't need this!" Harley shrieked, throwing things here and there in an attempt at packing. The joker, in his under-shirt, boxers and purple socks, loomed in the doorway.

"Of course you do! You're nothing without me; you know it, I know it, so let's just have sex and make-up. Hm?" His tone was very light and genial, which meant Harley had to be careful. Or, that's what it would've meant if she weren't beyond the point of being careful. She threw one of her shoes at him, and his smile disappeared, if only for an instant. "How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, Harley? You just don't get it, do you?"

"No, I am not playing that game any more! I am leavin' and I'm takin' my half of the boys with me. Now, get outta my way!" She pulled her pistol from under her skirt and pointed at him.

"You don't have the balls!" He laughed, until a gunshot rang out and split the air. He fell to the ground and loooked at his feet. A huge, red stain spread from the left knee of his pants. He held his hand over the wound and was a little stunned. Trying to stand, he wobbled and swung at her. With her free hand, she pushed him back to the ground.

"Listen up, you bums! My crew is coming with me. We're leavin' and we ain't comin' back! So get your shit, and let's go!" She made her way toward the exit, and waited.
Curtis stared at his comic book, trying to drown out the sounds of yelling between Harley, and an oddly calm Joker. This was the seventh year he had been working for the two, yet this was one of the biggest and loudest arguments he had ever heard take place. His method of distracting himself with his comic was good enough, until a gunshot made his eyes widen. Looking up, he soon saw Harley walk into the room, telling her crew to get packed.

Running to his room, Curtis grabbed his bag and returned to Harley, already seeing her begin to leave. As criminals, hideouts were often compromised, so the ability to travel quickly was a must. Noticing he was one of the first out, Curtis followed behind Harley, almost as if he was leading everyone, yet Harley and one or two other thugs were ahead of him still.

At the mere age of ten, Curtis had been recruited by Harley Quinn and the Joker. This was not a good day for him, as his recruitment was not a consensual process. His father had debts from gambling that he would never be able to pay, so the Joker had taken Curtis as his prize, only to be returned when he got his money. Seven years later, and he still had not seen his family... Thankfully Harley had made the process a little better, always making sure he was alright, and the older thugs weren't bullies. He would follow Harley to the end of the world, as he owed her his life.
"Everybody out? Alright then," Harly yelled over the sound of traffic and muttering so that the gathering of about 13 men could hear her. "we're not hitting the usual back-up hideouts. This is it for me and Misteh J, so we're on our own. The plan is; we scatter, I find us a new place, then I round you all back up."

There was murmering from the crowd. Men shifted uncertainly and looked to one another for answers. Harley looked at Curtis and smiled. He'd been her favorite for a long while, ever since his father practically sold him to the Joker over some gambling debts. He was just a boy then, and now he was a young man. Looking at him gave her an idea for what to say next.

"Trust me fellas, have I ever let you down? Will I ever let you down? Our man Curtis here'll come round you up when we have a new place to call our own. It shouldn't take more than a week. I'll make us some rooom if I have to." She laughed, and there was laughter from the crowd, and further laughter from the Joker, who burst through the crowd of men with a sawed-off shot gun.

"Scatter!" Harley yelled, grabbing Curtis's arm and insistantly pulling at him to follow her.
Curtis listened intently as Harley instructed everyone that they would leave separately, his eyes widening when he found that he would be the one rounding everyone up. A little confused as to why he had been chosen, the boy jumped at the sound of the Joker's return. Looking over, he saw the clown-looking man clutching a shot gun, and he began to sprint. Harley took his arm and he was quite happy to follow her, trusting her more than anyone else he worked with.

Once they got to a safe distance away, the boy stopped, panting softly and clutching the side of his leg. "Cramp." He muttered, rubbing and punching the area until it was alright to continue. "So.. where are.. we going.. boss?" He asked, pausing every few seconds due to being out of breath. He wanted to ask why he was the person in charge of returning all the other thugs, but whenever you asked a question to the Joker about his decisions, you weren't always guaranteed to leave alive. While he knew Harley was different, he still didn't know how she's react.
Harley caught her breath and sighed. "I have no freakin' clue, honey. But we'll find something." She pinched his cheek playfully. "Don't worry about it sweetie." She looked around for any sign of the Joker. She didn't see him, but that didn't mean he wasn't following. "We've gotta keep moving. Can you keep going?"
The boy blushed lightly as she pinched his cheek. Standing up straight, the boy nodded. "Yeah, I'm good to go. Just needed to stop for a few seconds." Curtis answered the Jester, a nervous smile on his face. She had always treated him nicely, especially compared to the others that he worked with. He had no clue why she did so, but it made living here with everyone a much more pleasant experience... especially whenever he got to watch Harley leave, as her ass in that costume looked amazing. Living in a gang meant that he had no time to have girlfriends like most kids his age did, so he felt quite lonely. Harley seemed to fill that gap in his life a little bit, even if she was just a friend.
"Great. Let's get going." She started running again, though not as ferociously. "First, I gotta find some place to take this makeup off. As much as I like it, it'll draw way more attention than we need."

Harley stopped at the top of a hill and looked down into the city. There was a gas station with a circular parking lot. "There!" She pointed. "We'll go in, and I'll take off my makeup. Then we'll clean the place out for a little starter money." She started running again, sliding a little on the hill. She didn't stop until she hit the parking lot.
Curtis followed Harley through the bushes and trees, and climbing a hill. They were on the outskirts of Gotham City, looking down into the lighted city and finding no signs of trouble. As soon as they stopped, Harley began moving once again, right to a gas station. Watching as she went inside, Curtis rested his back against the wall just outside the bathroom, panting softly as he was out of breath.
Harley went into the bathroom and hurriedly whiped off the makeup. When she came back, she handed curtis the gun behind her back, so that the cashier couldn't see. The man at the counter had already seemed suspicious when she'd rushed in wearing her full makeup. He watched her go into the bathroom and never took his eyes off Curtis.

When she'd given him the gun, she sasheed over to the counter and leaned against it. "'scuse me, misteh, but I was hoping you might help us with a little teachable moment?" She turned and called to curtis. "Curtis, come'ere, sweetie." She waited for him to step up to the counter. "So, what do you do now?" She took a few steps back, locking eyes with the cashier, who was really confused and getting a bit nervous.
Curtis took the gun from Harley, swallowing deeply but silently. This was the first time he held a loaded weapon, and it was heavier than he expected. Harley slowly walked to the cashier and spoke to him for a moment, then asked Curtis to approach. He was asked what he should do now, so he spoke up. "Calmly place all the money into a bag." And raised the gun, pointing it at the man. His voice had a bit of nerves to it, but he was beginning to overcome them. Looking over at Harley for a brief moment and then back to the man, he asked "Do I uh.. shoot him? Or let him live?"
The man behind the counter was stunned for a moment, then burst into uncontrollable laughter. "What is this shit? Kindergarten career day?"

Harley was not amused. Her frown deepened the more he laughed. She put her hands on the counter and leaned in close to the cashier. "The man told you to put the money in the bag. I'd do it if I were you."

The cashier looked from Harley to Curtis, and reached for something under the counter. Harley picked up a wrack of tiny keychains on the counter and threw it at him. It clocked him in the head and neck, knocking him off balance.

"Plug'em in the gut and we'll take the money ourselves." She stepped back, waiting to see if Curtis would shoot.
His eyes widened at the instructions, his hand shaking a bit. Before he could decide if he wanted to do this or not, his finger slipped, a bullet piecing the man's gut, followed by another and one more after that. The gun became loose in his grip, so he quickly put the safety on and placed it on the bench. "I... I killed him." He said, his body shaking. This was his first kill, it was hard to believe it came to people like the Joker so easily.

Grabbing a plastic bag, the boy held it open while Harley filled it with cash, his body filled with a numbness he could not explain.
"Wow, you really let'em have it." Harley laughed, loading the plastic bag with money. Thankfully, the corpse had been too busy yucking it up to trip the alarm before he was rendered thus. "Maybe be a little louder next time, and don't be afraid to get in their faces. It's good for ya at first, but you should be able to do it from a distance too. Take this." She handed him the plastic bag full of cash and jumped over the counter, sitting bow-legged accross the dead cashier's legs.

She rummaged through his pickets and extracted a set of keys. "Let's go to the parking lot and see if we can't find us some wheels." She lept back over the counter with ease, and stuck her head through the doors. A man was coming in from the side, presumably to pick something up or pay for some gas.

"Sorry sir, we're temporarily closed. I was just about to turn the sign." She explained, without a trace of her usual sass or even her heavy accent.

"Aw, what? You gotta be kidding me!" The man was outraged and threw his arms up, but he didn't seem to want to inquire further. Just turned and walked away. Harly reached over and turned the sign, then stepped outside and pressed the button on the cashiers set of keys. A little "woop woop" echoed from around the corner of the building, and she motioned for Curtis to follow her. They found the little car, unlocked it, and Harley slid into the driver's seat.

"This outta get us around a little faster, but we'll have to pop the plates. It won't be too long before somebody finds that guy and puts two and two together." She thought a minute. "...well, with the pigs in this town, we might have longer than I thought." They pull out of the parking lot and speed away.
Harley offered no help with the dilemma that the boy had, as he just took a life. Anything would have helped, but the response was to ignore the fact that it was his first kill. Swallowing deeply, he took the bag and let her take the gun if she wanted it.

Harley's lie to the stranger was extremely smooth, especially considering the petrol station was a 24/7 service. Soon enough, he was in a car with Harley and a bag of money. "So where to now?" He asked, staring at the stolen money, without really concentrating on anything other than the man's face when the first bullet pierced his body.
"Hmm, I bet there's a warehouse around here that'd work... Gotham is full of junk like that. It's just gotta be out of the Joker's reach..." She thought as she drove, turning corners and scanning the slummy city-scape. Grungy men slept against the sides of buildings and huddled together in alleys. When she saw these empty husks, she just reminded herself that she had more potential, or at least, she thought she had more.

After a few moments, the silence had become overwhelming, and she turned for a moment to look at Curtis in the passanger seat. Her eyes drifted back to the road, but she had seen him.

"Somethin' wrong, hon? You look kinda sick." She asked sympathetically.
"That... That was the first time I've killed anyone." he explained softly. "I've never aimed a loaded weapon at someone and fired before. It's amazing the impact it has on me, when I see people like the Joker, where killing others is a natural thing in his life, just as breathing and eating is." The boy continued. "Does it... Does it get any easier?" Curtis asked hopefully, needing to know. He knew now that there was less thugs, he would likely need to go on heists and such now, no matter how much he didn't want to.
"Well sweetie," she sighed, pulling the car through an alley that was clearly not meant for parking purposes, and slowing to a stop. "for some people it does, and for some it doesn't. I don't know what else to say, really." She leaned back in her chair and turned her head to look at him.

"I've known guys that can go around spraying people with bullets, and never give it a second thought. But then, there's other guys..." She swept her hand accross her forehead dramatically. She thought for a moment and sat back up. "How is it that you've worked with Mr. Jay's crew for like, ten years and haven't killed anybody? What've you been doing this whole time? Just, hanging out in the back?"
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