A King and his Harem (RoleplayMaster x Applepoisoneer)


Jun 26, 2013
Tommen stared at his book, learning about some of the previous wars that had happened across the Seven Kingdoms. The book detailed the sides, their leaders, their strategies, and the victor. Every page was filled with gory details of people that died in the most gruesome ways. For most 17 year old boys, this would be the best thing ever. For Tommen though, this was barely anything interesting.

Growing up was never a problem for Tommen Baratheon. His family was one of the most wealthy in Westeros, so he usually got what he wanted. At least, anything he could buy with gold. When it came to everything else, his brother Joffrey would get it.

That is why it was such a shock when just the previous day, his brother was killed. Poisoned at his own wedding. It was no surprise that someone wanted Joffrey dead; after all, he was getting to be almost as bad as the Mad King. But to do it at his wedding was just horrible.

One thing that did occur to Tommen though, was that he was next in line. He would be the next King of Westeros. So much responsibility, so much power.. it made him feel extremely nervous. He knew that Lady Margaery Tyrell had been promised to Joffrey, but what would happen to her? Would she be Tommen's Queen, or would another woman step up to take her place?

What would his Queen be like? Would Margaery or this nameless woman be nice? Kind? Gentle? Tommen hoped so, and also hoped that she would be patient; Tommen had never been with a woman before, due to his young age and shyness, but hopefully that was to be expected.. right? After all, weren't you meant to be a virgin up until you were married? Or was that just women?

The boy was wrapped up in his thoughts, he did not notice his bedroom door open and close behind him.
Margaery tensed every muscle in her arms and mid-section to keep the door as quiet as possible. Like an assassin, she stole into Tommen's chamber. She had hoped to wake him gently and speak privately with him. Out of ear-shot of his mother and the rest of the court.

Part of her was extremely reluctant to begin the dance of seduction again, but Tommen was so much more... human than Joffrey was. Something about him was so sweet and, even a little simple. As though things could only be right or wrong, without all the grey. It made her want him; to corrupt him, to preserve him, to cherish him, to use him up. All the conflicting feelings welling inside her to create an overwhelming passion.

She stood at the edge of the light his candles threw. Her long, white nightgown clung to her body in the chill of the castle. "My lord," she whispered. "I hope I have not interrupted anything important. But I hoped we might speak privately. If you will allow it?"
Tommen had jumped when he heard a voice in his chambers, not hearing anyone enter. Turning around, he was faced with Margaery Tyrell, the woman he had been thinking about before she interrupted.. not that he minded.

"No, you are alright, Lady Tyrell. I was getting sick of this homework anyway." The boy smiled, shutting his book and pulling another chair out for her to sit down, if she so wished. "What is so urgent that you had to see me now?" Tommen asked curiously. This was the first time he had actually spoken to Margaery, outside of a 'hello' here and there. 'She has a nice voice' He absent-mindedly thought.
Margaery pirched herself on the edge of the seat, allowing herself to lean forward, just a little, so that Tommen could see down the front of her nightgown.

"Our futures are so... uncertain, my king. It must be rather overwhelming to think of." She studied him to see if her words had any effect, then continued. "I realize you've had the crown thrust upon your brow, and so shortly after your brother's death. I've never been allowed to properly offer my condolences." She etended her hand for him to take, if he desired to. She hoped that he would, and perhaps even press it to his lips. It might give her a good indication of where to go from here.
Her actions had a very predictable response. As the beautiful woman leant forward, his eyes quickly travelled down her cleavage, hoping to see some nipple or anything else. While no nipple showed, just the sight of her breasts excited him. Her words did make a small effect on the boy, slowly nodding as she mentioned the idea of everyone's future was an overwhelming thought.

"Thank you. I am sad to see my brother is now gone." He said formerly. He was not a good brother, and usually if someone replied to condolences without complimenting the deceased, then it meant they had nothing nice to say toward them. "But how are you? He was to be your husband?" Tommen asked curiously. As he spoke this question, he took the offered hand. After a moment's hesitation which was clearly just from nerves, he kissed Margaery's hand. "I offer my condolences to you as well, my Lady."
She relished the tenderness of the warm, soft lips on her cold hand. The sweet intent that so differed from her late husband, filled her with a feeling of importance second only to being Queen. She didn't want to lose either.

"In truth, I may not be quite so in-mourning as the court might suspect." She smiled joylessly. "I wear black in ceremony, but my soul has spread it's wings; beautiful, butterfly wings with many extraordinary colors." She sighed, a little more dramatically than was normal for her. It occurred to her that perhaps opening up this way might not have the adverse effect it would with any other member of the Baratheon clan. "He was... incredibly unkind to me, Tommen..."

She only hoped that the use of his first name would inspire more confidence than indignant. There are those who would be upset by the omission of their title in a personal address. However, she thought the intimate nature of this conversation would call for a change in tone.
The revelation that he was unkind to Margaery was not a huge surprise, but did bring Tommen a bit of disappointment toward his brother. "I understand. He was nice once, when we were much younger. But as he grew, mother coddled him so he became more demanding, and a bully." He explained, reminiscing. "He's been unkind to me too, but as a family member, mother had always been there to stop him. She has not always been like that, when his anger is aimed towards others though."

"I do not wish to rush you, but why have I gotten the pleasure of your company tonight? While I do not wish you to leave, your appearance this late at night seems to hold some importance." Tommen inquired. "It clearly is not to do with my brother's death, as he never cared for yourself or me."
"No, he never was." She said resolutely. "But I believe you and I both deserve more. If I may be so bold, we deserve better hands than we were given. But perhaps, if you and I bound our hands together, we might both know strength and hapiness. Perhaps, if the fates have woven our threads into the Baratheon tapestry, our destinies are just as entwined. Wouldn't you agree?"

Margaery saw herself walking a tightrope between being polite and being passionate. She knew she might fall one way or the other; too polite and she would lose him, too passionate, and she would scare him away. Or worse.
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