Korra: The Last Airbender [501st and Avel]

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Sep 13, 2012
Korra's adrenaline was pumping through her veins like never before as she booked it down the narrow hallways, sending waves and gusts of fire behind herself to slow Amon down enough for her and Mako to be obscured from his view long enough to dive into the nearest room unseen. And, of course, the two didn't have time to discuss what they would do from there. Their main goal was accomplished: buy Tenzin and his kids enough time to escape while distracting Amon. Now, however, it was their turn to escape. Thing was, Amon was one quick bastard.

As soon as they ducked into the room, they could hear the masked man barreling down the hallway despite Korra's attempt to slow him, and thus were forced to hide immediately. Mako, who was already a few steps ahead of her, threw himself behind a stack of crates and settled down low, so he could peek around the crate and watch as Korra found her own hiding place. Which, admittedly, wasn't the best.

The nearest place to hide was a table with a white, long clothe tossed over it, and so, that was where she dove, ending up squatted beneath the table while sucking in a lungful of air to keep from breathing too loudly. She was panting, after all, out of breath from her mad dash to escape. And the only way to silence her rapid, uneven breathing was to hod it in.

It wasn't that Korra was totally afraid to fight Amon, but his bloodbending abilities tied in with his ability to take her bending away was enough to cause the usually bullheaded young woman to be cautious.

'Please, please let him skip this room..' Korra preyed silently to herself, hoping that whatever malevolent spirit was watching would give them a break this once.

Still, she listened for any sound of movement, unable to really see much of anything thanks to the clothe in the way. All while holding her breath, which was starting to make her chest ache... Maybe holding her breath had been a dumb idea?
It didn't matter what one called him anymore.

Amon, Noatok, the Equalist leader or Son of Yakone -- he was so close. The United Republic's forces lay in ruins, the good General Iroh was on the run, and he was at the height of his power in a city brought entirely to its knees. And all he had left to do was take out the symbol of all that he stood against, the purest emblem of inequality in this world -- the Avatar herself.

He would take from her what had been taken from him -- a future.

He leapt over a gout of flame, arms over his face as he hurtled through the air like a champion athlete. He rounded a corner and... found nothing.

Nothing but a door swinging on its hinges.


Footsteps echoed in that room, heavy footfalls that drew Amon through the long hall and its many covered pieces of furniture. He was feeling through the room with his bending. The same way that any given water bender could sense the coming of rain or the more experienced kinds could sense it in the air or in plants... he could sense it in people. And here he could sense two bodies in this room. He sucked in a deep breath, and raised his hands.

Korra wouldn't be able to see it, but she could hear it -- Mako's startled cry. A rustle of cloth. And then breaking glass as Mako's form went sailing out the skylight above them. Maybe there was a splash -- maybe he came out alright from the abrupt departure from the building, but she couldn't know. She might never know.

Because suddenly Korra's body turned traitor and she was dragged straight out from underneath the table, right up to Amon and the hand that waited to wrap around her throat.
Korra couldn't help but let go of the breath she had been holding in when she heard the sound of what sounded like a strangled scream from Mako, followed by the sound of glass shattering. She gasped hard as she finally let the air from her lungs, her body shifting forward where she sat as she prepared to lunge out. "Mako--" She tried to shout, but was only able to move an inch before, suddenly, her body was yanked out from beneath the table like a rag doll. It was the most bizarre, uncomfortable feeling she had ever experienced. She could move her muscles, and yet her body was completely at Amon's mercy, resulting in Korra in his clutches. His hand crushed around her throat, fingers buried into her soft flesh, bruising it, all while sealing her wind pipe.

Her hands fought to lift and fight back, her body trembling and muscles twitching visibly beneath her skin, and yet with his hold, all she could move was her eyes. Which, currently, were strained to look overhead at the window which Mako had presumably just been thrown out of.

Was he alright..?

That was all Korra could manage to wonder as she choked, eyes flickering back to Amon's masked face, vision doubling from the extended lack of oxygen. She strained as hard as she could despite that, of course. Her lips curled back into a quivering sneer, glazed with rage at the sheer thought of Mako being injured. Desperately, she fought to lift her fist and blast him with a ball of fire, but to no avail. It went without say that besides her anger and fear that Mako was hurt, she also felt great fear at the thought of being in Amon's hold like this, on the verge of blacking out.

Maybe someone would save her? Tenzin, Bolin, Asami.. anyone would do. Because unless someone showed up quick to snap her out of Amon's control, this was going to become very grim very fast.

"You-.. you bastard..!" She cringed, managing to choke the words out through her scowl. "Let me go!"
Amon held her there for one, three, five seconds, staring at her impassively through the slits in his mask. He let her go, but she would not budge an inch even with her windpipe freed. He lowered his hand and with it, her body, until her knees were pressed hard into the cold surface of the floor. He walked around her slowly, and her back bowed backward forcibly under the control of his bloodbending. She was forced to look straight up -- and all she would see was the cracked, peeling ceiling tiles, the broken skylight with its glass tinged on the edges by blood...

And Amon's hand lowering towards her head.

Thumb and forefinger pressed firm against her forehead, and something... switched. Like a light switch turned off, something entirely intrinsic to Korra's identity just dimmed. The burning heat of fire, the steady strength of earth, the fluid chill of water... all of it was just gone, too far beyond her reach for her to touch. Perhaps so much so that she might never touch it again.

He let her go then, allowing her to fall to the floor. "I told you I would destroy you," Amon said.

"... but I am not satisfied. Not yet. You are not fit to wear those clothes."

He moved on her, a slow and inexorable force. There wasn't any bloodbending -- he wouldn't need it. Not to descend upon her, grab her by the collar of her stolen Equalist outfit, and begin tearing.
Korra was reduced to a fit of coughing and gasping when she was finally lowered to her knees, her vision coming back to her the more oxygen she managed to get to her brain. But she wasn't given much time before her body jerked once more, a jolt of pain shooting down her spine as Amon forced her back to arch forward, jerking her head back to face the ceiling as a snarl ripped from her throat. Her blue eyes zoned in on the ceiling, to the only place she could look to was the shattered window up above... with blood dripping from the shards.

"Ma-... Mako.." The girl stammered, eyes widening when she felt Amon's thumb and finger press to her forehead. Quickly, her eyes flickered to Amon's emotionless, masked face once more, and--

It was like something in her was severed. All of her strength, cut off, snipped away. It was an indescribable sensation... one minute, she was sitting on her knees, Amon looming over her menacingly, and the next? She was laying on the ground, Amon's words sounding like a distant echo. Even when he grabbed the collar of her stolen uniform and lifted her limp body from the cold hard ground, Korra was stuck in a state of clear shock.

"No," She muttered under her breath, snapping to reality when she felt the front the uniform snapping open. Her body jerked, then, hands lifting to weakly grab at Amon's arms to try and shove him away as he pulled the top open to reveal her torso, chest wrapped tight in bandage to keep her breasts in place when she moved around. She strained to remain sat up, her smooth abs barely visible through her thin, soft, caramel-shaded flesh. As strained as her muscles were, her body was in shock from the loss of her bending coupled with that fact that she was still shaky from the loss of control of her body.

"You monster!!" She snarled, tears burning at her eyes now. Her fingers clawed into the fabric of his sleeves, eyes burning into his own through the slits in his mask.
Amon was a force to be reckoned with even without his ending. His hands were sure, practiced, and powerful as her shirt was stripped away to leave her torso bared but for the bindings of her breasts. And what breasts they were, if she was still so chesty with cloth binding them back tightly...

"What is it, Ava... ah. Korra?" Amon asked. A smile came to his lips, hidden as they may have been. He forced her clawing hands down through brute force alone and held them there. "Ah, yes. How rude of me. I should let you go," Amon said. He rose a hand and held her there with bloodbending as he went to fetch a chair. He sat down, and when he did... it was somewhat obvious that there was something very exciting about all of this for the Equalist leader, at least judging by the tenting of his pants.

He held up his hand... and Korra would be dragged upright and forced forward. Her hands would move unbidden, sliding to the bindings on her breasts to pull them off, depositing them as so much trash on the floor. And then her hands would slide downward, pulling her pants off over those shapely hips of hers. There were few greater humiliations that Amon could conceive than having her strip herself for him... of course.

There was one more thing he had in mind, and he drug her toward him. He stood and gestured -- and by the inexorable power of Yakone's great bloodbending, he'd have the former Avatar jerkily undo the front of his own pants.
Korra hadn't thought that Amon could do much worse than taking her bending, but now, she saw how wrong she had been. Not only was she being stripped of her clothing, but it was being done by her own two hands, and she could do nothing about it. She tried and tried to stop herself, but fighting back against the bloodbending only caused her pain as well as fatiguing her muscles. Still, she fought on as her shaky hands lifted to undo the binding around her chest, allowing her d-cup breasts to bounce free. The mounds were soft and youthful, topped by perky nipples which hardened just a little in the chill of the room. Korra bit down on her bottom lip as she was forced to reveal herself to him, face burning a bright ashamed red and eyes wide and filled with horror as it continued.

Her hands now moved to her pants, tugging them down against her will to reveal to him her strong, wide hips, plump (but not fat) thighs, and, of course, her core. Her most vulnerable and hidden place. Her virgin womanhood. There was a small, well groomed tuft of dark hair resting just above her pussy, but aside from that, her lower lips were hairless and smooth.

Korra grimaced as she did this, turning her head away as she was forced to reach out and begin undoing Amon's pants. Which were very clearly containing something that Korra didn't want to see.

"Why-... why are you doing this?" She croaked, shifting her gaze away as the tears burning at her eyes began to fall. He had already won. He had taken her bending away fro her. On top of that he had degraded her by forcing her to strip for him. And now this.. She closed her eyes tight, lips pulling back into yet another snarl as she felt his growing erection spring free, brushing against her hands in the process.

"I will make you pay for this, you sick bastard." Her voice was low and quivering, but held a dark, threatening undertone.
Amon's eyes dragged down over Korra's body, and even through the mask the intensity could be felt. The way he pulled her apart and did the most horrid of things to her with nothing but his eyes. From her soft breasts down to those wide and well-developed hips and thighs. She was a strong girl, that had always been obvious. She could take what was coming to her.

"Because you are the symbol of all inequality that stands in this world," Amon said. "The 100 Years War that began this foul city -- fought by firebenders, started to kill the Avatar. Every nation in this world has suffered for it. You've not paid for these acts. But you will," Amon said. He stood, letting his pants fall down to his ankles. His legs were as well-muscled as one might expect them to be, and between them lay a heavy cock, ready and waiting for the touch of a woman. Amon kicked his pants aside and pulled her to her feet through the force of bloodbending.

Slowly he made his way around her -- inspecting her youthful breasts, her trimmed pussy, her wide hips and toned behind. Here and there his hands touched, rough-textured but gentle enough in the force applied. He cupped her left breast and tweaked her nipple, squeezed her ample behind, ran his hands over smooth stomach and virgin flesh, terminating his circle around her by sitting back down. His knees spread and he beckoned for her. She was pulled off the ground and toward him, settled in his lap... and then the pull of bloodbending stopped.

It was only his hands on her body that controlled her now, pulling her close to him until her breasts were squished firmly against his muscled chest. He gripped her hips, and there was a smile in his words.

"And your payment starts here."

There was no preamble to it, no more foreplay. Only a lining up... before he pulled her straight down by her hips.
"You're wrong!" Korra growled, glaring at Amon now as he bluntly told her that she was the icon of inequality. "The Avatar gives people hope... I'm not to blame for the 100 Years War. That war was started by tyrants like YOU, Amon." Korra visibly tensed mid-sentence as Amon stood, slowly making his way to where she was forced to stand. As intimidated as she felt when he let his pants fall, she swallowed that fear and continued.

"You're the very definition of what you claim to be fighting.. you're a total hypocrite. If your followers know the truth about you - that you're a bloodbender with a thirst for power - they would turn on you in a heartbeat. You don't want equality, you want domination!"

Just as she was finishing her sentence, Amon had reached her and was looking over her body without restraint. It made Korra feel completely defiled.. and that was before he even touched her. She shivered involuntarily, her bottom lip quivering as she bit back more tears. She couldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her sob and beg him to stop this. As much as she wanted someone to save her, she knew she was on her own. And the moment she broke down was the moment Amon truly won.

Instead, she sucked back her tears and jerked her head to the side, looking anywhere but at him as he circled her like a vulture, touching her where he pleased. Though she couldn't stop the sharp gasps and breaths when his calloused fingers touched her virgin flesh, caressing her breast or grabbing at her tight, full ass. She tried her hardest to will the feelings away, to pinch her eyes shut and take herself elsewhere. But each time he touched her, it brought her back to the here and now, causing her skin to tingle where his skin met hers.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open when she felt him tug her again with his bending. Gasping, he pulled up into his lap, and then his hold on her dissipated. But that didn't mean she had any more freedom. She drew her head back when he pulled her breasts firm against his own torso, her face mere inches from his mask. Her hands moved to grab his shoulders, shoving hard to put some space between their upper bodies while she shifted, trying to remove herself from his lap, but it was too late. Just as her hands were grabbing his shoulders his own hands grabbed her hips, pulled her down, and--

"Ah-!" Korra's eyes went wide, back arching forward as a jolt of pain shot up her spin as he forced his way into her. She was tight, her cunt wrapped around Amon like a quivering vice. He was so hard and thick, it felt like she had been impaled by a smoldering pike... And it was anything but pleasant. She couldn't even breathe; wide eyes glazed with pain, face twisted into a wince. It was like everything froze. Her heart shuttered at the sudden pain, skipping a beat as she bite down on her bottom lip hard to keep back a whimper that was caught in her throat. She wanted off of him, but.. she also didn't want to move.
"And yet, the world was healed when the great tyrant Fire Lord Ozai was debended. The same is true of Yakone, who savagely oppressed the people of this fair city for years with his own bloodbending. And yet, Aang was only ever cleaning up after messes he created. I make things equal. And for the first time the people of this world are able to stand against the empowered. Even you have fallen," Amon said.

And fallen she had.

There wasn't anything she could do. Not against a body as well-honed as his was. What distance she gained was quashed when he wrapped an arm firmly around her shoulders and pulled her straight against him.

"You are mine... former Avatar," Amon whispered, his voice an all-consuming specter behind an unflinching mask. He pulled her down until she was filled to the brim, their hips pressed firmly to one another's. His hands slid down from her shoulders to her full backside, squeezing her tightly there. He pulled her up, the rigid muscles of his chest and shoulders tightening before he shoved her down once again. These motions became a rhythm in time, their hips meeting together with an audible "slap!" every time she fell, a rumbling groan coming with his every third or fourth exhale.
Korra was doing her best to put physical sensation aside, and think of a way out of this. But what it came down to was that aside from being the Avatar (who now had no bending..), she was still a seventeen year old girl whose virginity was being coldly torn away from her. And by the man whom had been at the center of her nightmares for weeks now, to top it off. He had stripped her.. not just of her clothing, but of her identity and her innocence.

She couldn't stop the small, shivering squeak that escaped her when he finally was hilted completely inside of her tight cunt. His voice was strong, even if it was a mere whisper against her ear, he sounded so certain that he had won, even calling her the former Avatar. She bit her lip harder, ignoring the metallic taste that filled her mouth as a result. No.. No! She wouldn't give up! She-.. she couldn't. And yet, when he pulled her up, all her focus was moved elsewhere. All she could think about was the way his cock rubbed against her inner walls, her cunt twitching in response as she started to get wet around the penetration. And, to her horror, he didn't stop there. No, he began to rhythmically thrust up into her as she sat on his lap. Her hands moved to his arms, now, fruitlessly trying to loosen his hold on her as her head bowed forward and her breathing began to grow ragged.

Each time he thrust up into her, her entire body would tense up and jerk, her body betraying her with s shrill gasp or low whimper. Her face was a deep red by now, the warmth of her ashamed blush spreading across her entire body and causing her heart rate to skyrocket.

"St-.. sto.. p--.. U-unn!" She panted meekly, fingers wrapped desperately around his forearms now as her pussy started to drool around his cock. How could this be..? How.. how could something she wanted no part of.. feel good..?!
"Your body is far more accepting of your place in this world than your mind is, former Avatar," Amon said. He could feel her submission at every turn -- the way her hands weakened on his arms even as she tried to push him away. The speed of her blood picking up. The way his thrusts became smoother as her body adjusted to, adapted to, and accepted the passage of his cock into virgin territory.

And as poorly as she could hide her enjoyment, the Equalist leader likewise could barely do so. He grunted his pleasure hotly into her ear, one hand slipping up her back to slide into her long dark hair. His other hand more securely gripped her full bottom, and with the full strength of his muscled arms and back at his disposal he dragged and pulled her fiercely up and down his thick shaft.

"Cum for me," he whispered into her ear. "It won't be your last. Every one who has suffered under the heel of the Avatar will... ah... get their chance," Amon said. His plan for her was obvious. To take from her everything she had... and allow every single Equalist to take their share of her. No hole of hers would be unspoiled. No inch of her would go unmolested.

As far as he was concerned, Korra had gone from Avatar to cocksleeve.
Korra panted hard as she bounced on Amon's cock, eyes rolled back as her head lulled to the side, her hands sliding down his arms. Hand hand gripped fiercely at the hand grabbing her ass, her other hand grabbing her other cheek and pulling at it as well, the sensation adding to her pleasure. She couldn't stop the moan from pressing from her chest as she did this, the heat between her legs building with the friction of his cock grinding in and out of her hole. Why..? Why did this feel good?!

All Korra could do was mentally apologize to everyone for being so weak as she succumbed, whimpering louder now as her legs moved on their own, wrapping around his waist to pull their hips flush against each other once more before her hips started to gyrate lustfully. It was like something else in her was in control.. her expression showing her internal struggle to try and stop, but her body was very much enjoying the ride on her enemies lap.

Gritting her teeth, Korra again closed her eyes as it soon became overwhelming. The mental image of more men taking advantage of her somehow throwing her over he edge, as sick as it made her feel for being turned on by such a thought. Still, moaning through her clenched jaw, her legs quivered around his waist as her juices leaked down his cock as she hit her orgasm. Her body twitched hard as she did, her inner walls clamping and convulsing around his cock lewdly as a sure sign that she was having an orgasm. If the sounds leaving her chest weren't indication enough, the way her hips ground down against his own so desperate for him to be as deep inside as possible...

What was she doing? Why couldn't she stop..?
Amon could only last so long under the delightful friction of Korra's body. His hands tightened on her behind and the back of her neck, his whole body clenched tightly as she fell again and again on his cock. His hands slid down her thighs as they wrapped around his hips, squeezing her warm and pliant flesh. He held on admirably under her body, but all the self-control in the world could not have helped him when she began to ripple around and squeeze his hard cock in the throes of her own orgasm. He felt her cum around him and he was driven over the edge as well. Their hips met that one last time and he came.

He stilled himself there on the seat as they found their completion within and around one another, his cum dripping slowly out of her used and abused hole. His breathing was heavy, his head bowed against the pleasure.

"... very good, Korra," he said, and with no more preamble than that he tossed her from his lap to crash against the ground, his cum oozing out of her and onto the floor.

"You served me well. I am certain the other men will enjoy you as well," Amon said. He went to don his pants once more, turning from her to head for the window. There would certainly be Equalists out there, ready to receive his missive.

And so there he stood, his back to the Avatar. The woman he thought powerless.
Korra hit the cold hard ground with a 'thud', landing on her side with a seemingly broken look about her. Tears fell from her eyes, her lips trembling as she panted hard and unsteadily. And, in that moment, she felt truly broken. Amon had won. She had failed. What more was there to it? Silently, her eyes glanced back over to the shattered window up above, her mind shifting instead to Mako, Bolin, and the many friends she had made while in the city.. to Tenzin and his family... a silent rage building within the girl's bare chest. This couldn't be the end. He had raped her.. he had taken her bending... but she was still the avatar.

"I.. haven't lost.." she panted, her voice meek at first as she groveled on the ground, struggling to look up at Amon, but he had turned his back to her. He no longer felt threatened by her.. no longer acknowledged her presence. Slowly, her expression morphed. Her frown twisted into a deep scowl, her brow furrowing so that her tear-filled eyes were slanted and full of hatred.

"Don't you dare ignore me..!" Korra snarled, rolling from her side to her hands and knees. Still, no response from Amon, who was slowly making his way towards the window across the room. "AMON!" She snarled, her voice getting stronger and stronger the more she peeled herself from the ground, until finally she was standing. Still out of breath, her muscles trembling with exhaustion, but dammit, she was on her feet.

"I'm not done!" She shouted, throwing her first in his direction, instinct taking over. She knew she had no bending, and yet, she tried anyways... and what happened shocked even Korra.

As she extended her first towards him with all the strength she could muster, a solid blast of air shot out towards Amon. It landed, hitting with enough force to knock him clear through the window and into the water, where he then revealed his identity to Republic City...

- - - - -​

A few days had passed since the fall of Amon, and while Korra thought she should feel happy that she defeated him.. she wasn't. She had returned back home to the Southern Tribe to see if Katara could heal her, her friends at her side, but, sadly, Katara could do nothing for her. A piece of Korra's spirit had been crushed the day she defeated Amon, and while she had her airbending, it was looking like she would never be able to recover the other elements. What Avatar could only airbend...??

Not only that, but Korra's nightmares continued to focus on Amon and what he did to her. And how, despite knowing she shouldn't have, she had enjoyed it. She felt so disgusted with herself that she hadn't been able to s much as look any of her friends in the eye.

She told everyone that she wanted to be alone after she learned Katara could not heal her, and they understood. What they could not possibly know what was the young would-be Avatar had planned.

She made her way to the cliff she often found herself standing on when she wanted to be alone, not even bringing Naga with her. Solemnly, Korra peered down over the cliff and to the harsh waved below, jagged, sharp rocks along the coast... the waves were so strong today. Without her waterbending, she would stand no chance against such powerful waves. Assuming the rocks didn't kill her first. Taking in a shallow, quivering breath, Korra shifted closer to the edge, lifting her gaze to the setting sun.

If she died, a new avatar would be born. A fully functioning Avatar.. who was not so shameful. She wanted to be stronger than this, but the elements had always been her strength. Fire, Earth, and Water... she had known those elements as well as she knew herself. They were her soul. This airbending.. it felt more like a curse now.

She desperately wanted to wake up to find this all to have been some sick nightmare.
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