RP: Star Wars: Stonefist [Horror_Show & Broheed]


Feb 15, 2010
A young female was sitting in her small room. It wasn’t much but her family had a small hut they had been able to make home. It was made of natural materials from clay to brick. It had taken almost half a decade to build the house to what it was now. It used to be just one level and they made a loft so she had her own privacy. She had plants and vines growing through out the house to help with better oxygen and they even garden which was hard to do in such dry lands. They lived in what was close to an oasis, but the water was still a pretty dime to buy.

Her room had a makeshift bed, rugs that were knitted. Her floor was covered in scraps and spare parts. She was in the process of building an android. It was night time as the sun had set cooling off the dessert planet. Her Mother was in the kitchen preparing a late dinner as her father was working long hours as a mechanic at a local repair shop.

A strong wind was picking up unusually outside and the girl looked up at her open window. Her room was on the second floor. She stood up barefoot and walked toward the door that went to the balcony, she opened it and looked outside at the night sky. She saw bright lights and wind blowing dust and sand everywhere, she had to shelter her eye’s and come back inside and quickly went to shut her windows. She assumed it was a sand storm.

She ran down stairs into the lower side of the mud house and her mother was in the living room talking to a few neighbors. Her mother saw her and looked alarmed.


Before their mother could finish they could hear shooting and the sound of screams from the other villagers. Kara looked horrified and ran to her mother when their father ran through the back door.

“…..Get Kara out of here, hide her…..its happening!” Her father instructed. Kara had no idea what was happening. The neighbors were talking to her father in a different language. Before they could even get Kara out the back door the front doors opened and storm troopers came in shooting. Kara was pushed to the floor as her mother sheltered the teenager’s body with her own.

Kara was trying not to cry and was holding her breath as the Storm trooper demanded to know where someone was. Her father honestly stood his ground, begging them to have mercy on his family. In seconds a laser was shot and her father was killed. Kara heard her mother scream and was able to lean up to see her father.

“Kill the girl and shut her up.” One mouthed.

Kara was crying hysterically and screamed out as things started randomly flying across the room. Three of the guards got forced pushed hard against furniture that broke. The girl breathed out coughing up, spit wide eyed holding her father.

And though we know how far we've come
We stay possessed by what we lost
And we both know, love's not in our hearts
Kylo stood tall as the stormtroopers piled out of the carrier. As soon as their feet hit the ground, the sounds of their blasters filled the dark cold night. The New Order was informed of a Rebel hiding out amond the small village. The preperations for the New Order's secret weapon was soon going to come to fruition and any chance of weakness needed to be ended before it was too late. After a long deep breath, Kylo Ren walked off the carrier and made his way towards the center of the village.


The smell of blood and fire grew stronger as he made his way past the carnage. The Troopers were rounding up who they could but that didn't stop some of the villagers from fighting back or running. Kylo walked by a small family that was threatening a squad of troopers. He was only trying to protect his loved ones. One of the troopers looked to Kylo. Stopping in his tracks, Kylo didn't even look back. The trooper nodded before he opened fire of the family. Their blood was poured onto the ground as the sand soaked the crimson mess like a sponge.

Suddenly Kylo felt a strong presence... something he had not felt in a long time. He quickly stormed off towards the direction of the disturbance. Kylo quickly grew restless and excited at the same time. He hadn't had something like this come up since he joined the New Order. Arriving at the small hut, he saw a couple stormtroopers dazed and on the ground. A small smirk crawled onto his face behind the mask. Quickly walking over, he stepped on one of the troopers before walking into the dim hut.

Kylo gazed upon the mess that was laid out in front of him. A dead father. A broken wife. A scared child. Pulling his light saber into his right hand, the weapon quickly hummed to life. He quickly turned his gaze to the mother, pointing the saber at the woman.

"Tell me... what happened here."

Kylo's breath started to pick up as the mother looked up towards him. She had tears rolling down her face before laying eyes on the Sith. Her face then turned from mourning to anger. Kylo's breathing started to steady as he slowly turned his gaze towards the young girl.

"...It was you, wasn't it?"

Without hesitation, he raised the saber before striking the mother down.
The scream that erupted from the small girl was agonizing and earl curling. It would have sent even the smallest pain of emotion to the older man who had just taken her mother’s life. She let go of her father’s lifeless forum and crawled over his bloodied body toward her mother. Other storm troopers entered and were ready to fire but didn’t, someone must have instructed them silently not to do so much as even move.

“Mom!!! No…..god no!!!” She choked on her own saliva and looked up at the shadowed man in all black. Her eye’s were welling with tears of shock and anger. She could hear and see the man’s light saber. The girl fell into her mother crying.

It was only when someone had tried to approach her that she glared and once again the same thing happened, objects flied crashing against the clay walls shattering. The man known as Kylo Ren was pushed back caught off guard crashing into a wall as his light saber deactivated. Storm troopers against order started firing their gun’s targeting the girl.

Luckily,because of how emotional the young female was all of the laser minus one had deflected straight back into the soldiers, the laser that got through went into her arm making her cry out as she fell.

Kylo struck the wall with a light grunt. Slouching over for a moment, he took a deep breath before standing straight up. Was this the Rebel that they were looking for? She didn't match the description they were given but she was too powerful to be left there unaccounted for.

Watching the blaster fire bounce back and forth in the room, he heard the woman scream of pain. Looking down, he saw a thick stream of blood come from her arm. This was his chance to push back.

Raising his arm quickly, he somehow stopped the young woman from moving any further. All the could do was watch as Kylo knelt down next to her.

"The Rebel... Do you know where they are hiding?"

The tall cloaked man reached up, grabbing the woman's injured arm. He had a feeling she knew nothing of it but... He wanted to test the girl.


Moving his thumb up, he slowly started up press on the blaster wound on her arm. The heat from the blaster could still be felt on and around the wound. The battle could still be heard outside. Villagers screaming and yelling before a few blaster shots called for silence.
Kara screamed out as the cloaked figured bent down and ask where the rebel was, she had no idea of what he was asking about. All that she felt was psychical pain and the mental pain and anger from this man and these soldiers killing her family. She could hear war raging outside in her village. She couldn’t move under the control of Kylo and the pain of him, pressing his gloves finger into her hot, fresh wound was agonizing, his finger pushed through her open flesh making it bleed. She screamed out and her pain held both anger and anguish.

“I don’t know!!” She wailed and choked on her own spit coughing out from the pain. The control that was on her stopped and she breathed out in a gasp and fell but was caught. Her breathing was heavy.

Other storm troopers had come to the scene and was standing a little confused why a young female was still alive, why she was in Kylo’s Ren arms, why there was a few storm troopers injured or dead on the ground in the hut.
It's just be thought, the young woman had no idea as to why they were really there. If she wasn't with the alliance then... just who was she? Kylo could feel the untapped power lying deep within her. This woman could be of great use one day. Peering over his shoulder, Kylo glanced at the troopers. One of the troopers finally spoke up.

"Sir... we were ordered to eliminate..."

"I know what our orders are. Now I'm ordering you to leave here at once. Go keep looking for the rebel spy." Kylo ordered with a stern voice.

Two of the troopers glanced to each other as the others stared at Kylo. The tall hooded figure stood tall over the woman as he faced them.

"... Yes sir. "

The Stormtrooper muttered as they slowly filed out of the building. Kylo looked down to the girl. Leaning down, he picked her up on both of his arms. Kylo walked outside, the village at ablaze due to the carnage. All of this just to find one person. Dozens of people dead, families torn apart and their homes gone. Walking back onto the ship, Kylo laid the young woman down on a cold metal bench. Staring down at her for a moment he turned towards the cockpit.

"We are ready to head back." Kylo demanded

The pilot looked back. "Did you find the spy? That was q-"

"Just go. Now."

The pilot nodded as the ramp to the ship closed, a loud whirring cooling the vessel. Walking back to the woman, he sat down next to her head, slightly hunched forward.
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