Bleach: Captain & Lieutenant (501st x MellowYellow)


Dec 27, 2015
It was inevitable in a place such as Soul Society -- desperate struggles were had, blood was shed, and people got hurt. This applied even to the captains, the foremost combatants of Soul Society, and it seemed to apply -- with distressing regularity -- to Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Perhaps it was a function of age or relative inexperience, or perhaps just because he couldn't control his Bankai perfectly, but he did tend to get injured a lot. And so once again he was waking up in Squad 4's medical facilities.

The rank of captain afforded him his own room, and he awoke to sunbeams and soft sheets. There was also a dull ache in his hip and a yawning void where his reiatsu should have been. It would come back -- he had just overdone it, was all.

He pushed himself up into a sitting position, sheets falling to reveal the impressively developed musculature, marred only by the bandages wrapped around his lower abdomen. He gripped his head and muttered something low under his breath.

"... need to get out of here," he said, and moved to do just that.
The door opened abruptly to reveal a figure that loomed over not only Toshiro (as most people in Soul Society did, in all honesty) but also many other people in the ranks of the Shinigami: Isane Kotetsu, the medic who was most commonly entrusted to the health and well-being of injured or sickly Shinigami. Despite her often absentminded demeanor, she was perhaps the best cut out for the job.

"A-ah, Captain please, don't strain yourself!" The silver-haired woman hurried over and gently placed her hands on his shoulders, gently guiding him back until he had his back pressed to his pillows. In the process she bent over a bit, giving him just the barest glimpse of the cleavage inside her dark robes. She wasn't quite as stacked as Matsumoto (who was?) but the medic had quite the impressive bosom all the same, and she had very nearly planted it in front of Toshiro's face.

"I know you're eager to get back into the field, and that's very admirable, but in this state you'll only hurt yourself further or... or worse..." she didn't dare finish the sentence, but the implication was obvious. Going into battle in his state only would have a single outcome. "So... please, just rest here for a few days."
Toshiro expended only a bit of effort against Isane's touch, pushing against it, still wanting to get out of the bed... but either she was stronger than she looked or he really did not wish to fight her, as he eventually relented against her touch and allowed himself to be pushed down against the bed. There was the hint, as well, of pale flesh in those dark robes, and his eyes were drawn. She'd always been one of the more modest Shinigami (in stark contrast to that damnable tease Matsuomoto) but it wasn't for lacking anything, that was for sure.

"... I can still fight, Kotetsu," Toshiro said. "Or... something. There will at least be paperwork," he said. There was always paperwork. "I just... can't lay here and be useless for days on end," he grumped.

And besides, it would have been nice to get away from her for a few minutes at the very least. Mostly because, with the women he surrounded himself with and few to zero outlets, it didn't take much to get things going with him. He was quietly attempting to hide the bulge that pressed against the sheets, but such was not easy. As much as the women of Soul Society such as Isane and Matsumoto were endowed with incredible chests...


Some of the men were separately but equally endowed.
"I know you're concerned. But Momo and Matsumoto are both taking up some of your paperwork until you're better." Whether they'd be any good at the job, well that wasn't for Isane to judge. She was sure they'd do fine, provided Matsumoto remained sober enough while she worked... or didn't just pawn if off on some random schlub when she got bored of handling the quill. That was a very likely possibility.

Isane was set to chide him, and prepare some medicine in the process, only to pause when she saw a tenting in his sheets. "E-eh...?" she asked aloud. In the span of a moment she did the math in her head, noting the positions of the Captain's legs, and then realising that that most certainly wasn't a leg staring her in the face.

"W-well it seems you've got some swelling there," Isane said. She cleared her throat awkwardly and cast her gaze up to the ceiling. She so often wrapped herself in her work that she could often forget her baser urges, and despite his stature the captain was awfully cute. Perhaps an orgasm or two would make him chill a bit? "I'm, well... it's my responsibility to look after your needs, so if... 'that' is making you too uncomfortable, feel free to tell me and we'll work something out."
"... if they will even do their jobs," Toshiro muttered. It wasn't even that they were terrible -- Hitsugaya was just horrible at delegating. He had to do it himself to make sure it was done right. It was the only way he'd kept his Squad going, or so he always reasoned when he was burning both ends of the candle trying to get through monthly reports and the status of what was going on with Soul Society's many many enemies.

"... huh?" Toshiro asked, having been steadily ignoring his own issues. It took a moment for Isane's words to register with him. His youth was often a barrier to this sort of thing, despite that he was well over forty years old, his body was so much younger. He'd known the touch of a woman, just not... well, not nearly as often as someone with his hormones would have liked.

He looked up and up at Isane -- she towered over him, but that was something he'd had to get used to around here.

He kept his voice from wavering, instead injecting his speech with as much authority as he could command: "... Kotetsu. Lock the door," he said. His heart was pounding in his chest. But if she was serious he would be a fool to pass it up.
She nodded slowly and then made for the door, her dark robes contouring to the slope of her shapely ass. "Well, don't you worry. This is a private room, and nobody's likely to come in on us anyway. But, if you're sure." The door locked with a resounding click, several white glyphs briefly glowing along the frame of the door. Special enchantments that would be enough to ward off the ridiculous strength of some of Soul Society's residents.

Isane made her way over, fumbling with the sash of her robe until she finally untied it, the split in the middle growing wider until the robe was fully open, letting Toshiro see the white bindings around her bosom, and the fine lacy panties that she wore. Isane hesitated as she let her robes pool at her feet, but... well she'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious. She'd heard rumors from Matsumoto after all. Short or not, the captain was apparently impressive.

"Is this to your liking captain?" Isane asked politely, her bindings slowly coming undone as she revealed more and more of her impressive breasts for his honed eyes to admire.
Toshiro's breath hitched in his throat as she moved to lock the door. It was true -- they were unlikely to have anyone just randomly walk in on them... but Unohana and Matsumoto were among the people that would just drop in on them unannounced and neither of them were people he would want there right then. Unohana scared even him and Matsumoto was...

A different story entirely, and thoughts of her did nothing to help out his situation.

The dark robes had downplayed Isane's lovely body considerably... and with them gone, for a moment Toshiro found himself entirely out of breath. He couldn't let her be the only one, could he?

He shifted backwards a touch and shrugged off the robing that was complementary to a Soul Society hospital stay. He shimmied out of the associated trousers, struggling for only a moment before he popped free. He was impressive but not cartoonish, though his relative size did make everything look slightly out of proportion. Ten inches long (at least) and rather thick besides -- well sized for even a woman of Isane's height.

"Suck on me, Kotetsu," Toshiro said.
Oh dear...

Isane felt a rosy tinge roll across her cheeks, seeing that the scale was even better than what she had anticipated. Isane wasn't a virgin by any stretch, nor was she quite as youthful as she appeared, but dealing with one so big... and the captain wanted her to try and fit that into her mouth? Was that even possible? All he same she'd agreed to try and help him, and maybe an orgasm or two would let the guy calm down a bit.

"Of course sir," Isane said, smiling modestly at him.

Slowly she made her way in close, palms resting on the bed to hold her body level, and soon the silver-haired medic was slowly lowered herself to level with his shaft. Goodness... it looked big from afar, but pretty goshdarn huge up close. She pushed her worried aside and opened her mouth wide, welcoming the first few inches into her warm mouth, her wet tongue giving the underside a few steady strokes.
Her sweet and modest demeanor mixed with a frankly incredible body worked wonders for the young captain, and without even a single touch upon his cock he was already standing hard and ready for her touch. His whole body was on edge as she leaned down onto her hands, brought those soft lips close... and wrapped them like a warm and wet vice around his cock. He groaned -- he'd been so on edge that it felt all the better for it.

"V-very good, Kotetsu," Toshiro groaned.

He shifted just so on the bed, pulling a few inches back to make a bit more room for Isane to join him on the bed. One hand happily found itself at the base of her neck, fingers twining with her silvery hair. His other hand went to her left shoulder, sliding down until rigid collarbone became pliant flesh, and he let the softness and warmth of one of her breasts fill the palm of his hand. He gave her a firm squeeze, fingers pinching at her nipple.
"Mm?" Isane paused, looking him in the eye once his fingers roamed through the silken locks of her hair. She thought she'd done something wrong and he was getting her attention, but she resumed her work at his compliment, gently bobbing her head up and down. On every third bob or so, she'd take the head of his shaft a bit deeper into her warm mouth, and her soft tongue continued to massage the underside of his cock to keep him pleased.

From her current position she could see his weighty sack, doubtless backed up with seed. The captain seemed the type of man who put work before all else, and he likely didn't even take the time out to finish himself off. Well that simply wouldn't do. No wonder he was such a grump! Isane's right hand reached between his thighs, taking Toshiro's sack in her palm, lightly rolling and bouncing the twin orbs to add to his excitement.

Well this wasn't so bad. She was even letting the head probe her throat, and found she quite liked the sensation. Not that she was in a rush to take the whole thing in quite yet.
Toshiro let out a throaty groan, a surprisingly light sound that hinted more at his age than his usual serious tones. His fingers tightened somewhat on her head, a reflexive motion. His whole body tensed, his abdomen clenching and his eyes shutting tight. She was so warm, from her mouth and slippery tongue to the small hand that cupped his heavy balls. He'd been backed up for too long, and even such light stimulation as all of this was drawing him ever closer toward the edge.

"Ah... ah~" he moaned. His hand slid down from her silvery hair to the nape of her neck, and he pulled her down. She had no choice with the head of his cock already probing her throat, and he pulled her down that extra inch as he came. There... was quite a lot of it, Toshiro letting out what must have been several months of backup at the least. His whole body clenched up, tensing until he just snapped, falling back against the bed with an appreciative groan.

Part of him was embarrassed, but stamina had never been his strongest point.

... but he always did last longer the second time around.
It had all happened so fast that Isane didn't realise what was going on until she was gagging, very nearly choking on a thick deluge of cum that rushed down her throat, and she had to summon up a bit of her own power to swallow the tide down as quickly as possible. It was either that or risk piking, and that... that would probably put a damper on the mood. It was a struggle, to say the least, but Isane managed to take the lot with only a stray dribble or two running down her lips.

Finally she managed to pull back, the corners of her eyes pricked with tears. "Ah... ow..."

"I know you didn't mean to do that captain, but a little warning in advance would um... would be appreciated," she said. Goodness her throat was sore. Somehow she didn't think she was in any rush to repeat that performance any time soon, but at the very least she was able to put him somewhat at ease. "Well um... are you perhaps um..." Isane trailed off awkwardly. "Um... satisfied?" she finished.
"... sorry," Toshiro managed after some time. "It has been..." Well, he didn't need to tell her that it had been a very long time -- that much had been evident with how easily she had turned him into a jerking and spasming wreck. He did wish that he hadn't shoved her down so forcibly as he ended up doing.

"Thank you, though. That felt..." Indescribable, really. It wasn't like anything he had felt before. The sheer thought of it kept him hard even after his first orgasm, and his whole body thrummed for something more. Something that she had been willing to give him.

"Not yet," he said. He pushed himself up and reached for her, pulling her onto the bed with him. Their size difference was all the more notable this way, but he was too horny to pay as much mind to it as he usually would. He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her despite where her own mouth had just been and what had just been pumped down her throat, and his hand slid down her comely body. One finger rubbed between her legs, teasing at her entrance. Wanting to prime her lovely body for what was to come.
Ah, she should have imagined he wanted more. After all, he didn't seem to have softened in any way, shape, or form.

"Eep!" Isane squeaked, and before she knew it her weight had been pulled in by the captain's impressive strength, the bedframe creakin a bit from the abrupt inclusion of her weight, breasts swaying under the momentum. She wanted to say something, or considered it at any rate, but before she knew it their lips were flush together in a way that had her cheeks aflame. Goodness, how long had it been since a gentleman kissed her?

Quite some time, but it reminded her how much she liked the feeling. Toshiro would find that she was at least somewhat excited from their encounter, a bit of dampness rubbing off on his probing fingers. "C-Captain," she whispered hotly, her voice a sweet mewl that hinted at her growing desire. "V-very well. I believe that it would be... well, fun, to go all the way," Isane said, giving him an awkward yet oddly sweet smile.
Her lips were so very soft, and he found them... rather to his liking to be honest. There was much about her he enjoyed, chief among which was her sweetness. He hardly even considered that this might have been something she regularly did for her patients for all that Toshiro was usually under the terrifying ministrations of Unohana given his importance as one of the thirteen captains. He would need to request the comely lieutenant more often for his many injuries, that much was for certain.

"I do as well," he breathed, his lips hot against her own, and he kissed away from her lips, down to her soft neck. He pushed her back down against the bed, spreading her legs with warm and callused hands. Shifting against the creaking bedframe, he slid himself between her soft thighs.

He took his time with her, using his fingers to carefully prime her body, and the young captain only grew more excited at the feel of her dribbling her own need over his fingers. She was ready, and so was he.

Toshiro settled against her, the firm muscles of his pectorals pressing down against her soft breasts... and it was with a shudder, a groan, and an embarrassed look that hinted at his true age that the young captain became one with the lieutenant, hips sliding flush with her own, his heavy balls meeting her soft mound.
The captain seemed the impatient sort, that was for sure, as Isane found herself on her back in such a hurry that she barely even registered moving. "Oh my," Isane said, only to turn a deep pink shade as the slender figure moved between her slim, creamy legs. "C-Captain..." She did indeed do this with... a few patients. If they were in good enough shape that was, and thus even with his impressive endowment he wouldn't find it too hard to get it in.

Still, the sudden shove did make her squeak a bit in discomfort.

It had been an awfully long time since the busty silver-haired medic had felt so full, the pressure in her core sending butterflies aflutter in her stomach and making her bite her bottom lip. "A-ah... that is quite a tight fit," she admitted, short of breath. The walls of her pussy massaged down the length of Toshiro's member, squeezing tight around the thick rod as if already seeking to milk him dry. Given how eager Toshiro was, it seemed quite possible.

And... well, it made Isane blush furiously to even think on it, but she wouldn't be wholly opposed to that.
Isane was perhaps the largest woman he had ever been with... but still she was a tight fit for him, a cock-hugging sheath that massaged every inch of his cock on its way into her curvy body. His hungry eyes roved openly over her, from the swell of her breasts to the curve of her hips and thighs, spread so warmly around his hips. The sight of her wide open before him caused him to shudder from head to toe, his hips grinding against hers as he used her to please his thick shaft.

"K-Kotetsu," Toshiro breathed. "You're... ah... this is th-the best it's ever felt," Toshiro admitted with a flush of his own cheeks. But as nervous as he seemed verbally, his body was far more primed for the task at hand.

His hands slid down her thighs and pulled them up, angling her bottom upward so that he was thrusting down into her. So done, his cock retreated from her halfway before he pounded down into her, a solid thrust that caused his back to arch and a groan to be torn from his lips. He set up a firm and solid pace, his hips rising and falling against her own. He was as gentle as he could be given the circumstances, when all he really wanted to do was run wild and defile her body for a solid hour or two. She had brought something out in him that most people had not been able to, let alone most women--

Quivering breaths left the older woman with every motion into her soaked core, eyes rolling back a bit in her head as Toshiro applied a little extra force to his thrusts. Short or not, he was a Shinigami at the end of the day, and was far stronger than any mortal man and could apply just as much strength to his hips. "G-glad you like it so much captain... you... you're very impressive yourself," she said breathlessly, her breath coming out in small puffs of steam.

She lived to please, but if she could get a little something for herself in the process then all the better. "Mnn... it's... it's okay I.. I think I've loosened up a bit. You c-can go faster, if you wish. B-but don't overexert yourself!" She was thankful that Toshiro was willing to start slow, after how rough he had been on her poor throat, but all the same she knew he wanted more. And he'd gotten her riled up to the point where she wanted more too.

"Hann...~" Isane closed her eyes, and soon she was actively bucking her hips up to meet Toshiro's thrusts, each push adding another notch of pressure to her abdomen.
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