Returning Home (Um x lexibelle)


Jan 9, 2015
Sirius had hoped he would never have to return back here, the Black family home, the home where he had grown up. When he had finally escaped this place he had sworn he would never set foot inside of it ever again, never speak to any members of his family again. They of course had been absolutely fine with that, he was considered the disgrace in their eyes after all. But circumstances had forced him to return. There was possibly something in the house that could help in the coming war, some vital piece of information his family had obtained due to their less than reputable connections, and there was nobody that could get into this place except him. Fortunately there had been time to wait, so Sirius could wait for the ideal opportunity, he could wait until the house was empty and he could be in and out with nobody knowing any better. Sure, there was a real possibility of being caught by the House Elves, but all he had to do was order them not to divulge his presence and they would have no choice but to obey. He had spent days preparing, and now the perfect opportunity had presented was now or never.

"Damnit..." Sirius growled to himself as he emerged from his hiding place, making his way silently towards the house under the cover of darkness, his black robes allowing him to blend in easily, practically invisible, particularly to muggle eyes. He looked up slowly as the house revealed was a good thing the noise was inaudible to Muggles, and to any nearby Wizards it would mean less than nothing, no cause for alarm or investigation, just someone returning home right? Once he could, Sirius made his way silently up the steps, withdrawing his wand to open the door without touching it, he couldn't leave any physical trace of his presence after all. "Ugh...." He flinched as the door opened, slowly stepping inside. "Still smells the same....that tainted stench..." He frowned, then carefully closed the door behind him before starting to make his way down the hall, eyes moving constantly for signs of traps or alarms. If he could rely on one thing it was the paranoia of his family, but he had been raised in that paranoia, he knew how they thought, knew what they expected and didn't expect. In this he had the advantage, for now at least.

Silently Sirius made his way upstairs, knowing exactly which creaking steps and floorboards to avoid. It was hardly his first time sneaking in or out of the house after all, usually in the dead of night where even the slightest noise would likely be heard throughout the entire house. Sure, there wasn't supposed to be anyone home, but no need to potentially attract the attention of the House Elves unnecessarily right? Well, there wasn't supposed to be anybody home anyway, but as Sirius passed one room the door was slightly ajar, and he could hear noise from inside. Damn, someone was here? Or maybe it was just a House Elf? Still, he had to do something to make sure they wouldn't potentially discover him. It was a risk, but a risk worth taking. Sirius moved towards the door slowly, reaching out to gently poke it with the tip of his wand in order to open it just a little further, leaning his head to take a look inside to see who or what was making the noise he had heard.
Orion and Walburga had gone to some type of function at the Ministry. Orion hated to go out, being more comfortable at home where he could drink his bottles of Firewhiskey and not worry about being accused of anything. Walburga had argued that showing up at public functions, donating money, was the things that made the Black family more popular. They had to be in high society after all. They were the Purest of the Purebloods. Luckily for Regulus, his parents were so proud of the fact he had become a Death Eater that when he said he did not want to go, they accepted it and left without a word. He ran his hand over the tattoo, a snake slithering through a skull. It moved on its own and he gave a grim smile.

Regulus did not put up the traps and precautions his parents usually kept up, but he did have one of his own. It would let him know if anyone came in. He began to work on his plans at that point. He needed to prove himself to The Dark Lord. His mission was going to be simple. He needed to get a locket for him. Get the locket and return it. He had been given the task personally. The Dark wizard informed Regulus that it was an important task. He ran his hand through his shoulder-length hair and slammed the book closed violently before standing up. A curse that would have made his mother ashamed left his lips.

He knew he should stop, take a break, but no, he needed to find it. He needed to prove himself. Regulus was better than Sirius, contrary to popular belief. Sure, there was a time when he had hero-worshipped his older brother, but that time had changed. At least that was what he tried to tell himself. Actually, it was a lie. He respected Sirius even more. He had gotten out. Regulus would have too, had he not been scared. If he got kicked out, where would he go? He shook that thought away as he turned to face the door, planning to go to get a drink. But he froze when he saw a familiar face in the doorway.
"Sirius?" His grey eyes widened, but then he remembered himself. Better be prepared. "Accio wand."
Regulus! Sirius felt himself hesitate, his younger brother. He hadn't expected the boy to be here, he had been certain everyone would be away. Damnit, Regulus always had been able to throw even the best laid plans completely out of whack. When Sirius had left he had considered taking Regulus with him, practically kidnapping the boy if needed, he knew the boys heart wasn't truly in what the Black family pushed for...but at the same time, Regulus had always been easy for their parents to manipulate. He would never be truly trusted, never be above suspicion. "Regulus..." Sirius watched his brother carefully, then as he went for his wand Sirius quickly raised his own, deflecting Regulus' wand away from his hand, quickly stepping further into the room. "You weren't supposed to be here little brother...." Sirius never lowered his wand, never took his eyes off his could never be careful enough around a member of the Black family.

"Still, I guess that might make things helpful...." Sirius could possibly get some information out of Regulus, then use a memory charm to erase the encounter. It wasn't ideal, but Sirius would at least find some way to turn this situation to his advantage. "You should've come with me Regulus, you should've left this place when you had the chance. It's not too late y'know" Sirius stepped a little closer. "I came here for information, so why don't you tell me everything you know before I have to force it out of you and then I'll see if I can take you with me? I know that's what you want deep down. So then little brother, time to make a decision. Are we gonna do this the easy way? Or is it gonna be the hard way?"
Regulus' wand zoomed away from his hand thanks to his older brother but he could not move. What was Sirius doing here? He had not seen him since Hogwarts, so why was he in the Black house once again? Especially since he had been disowned. When Sirius had left, Regulus had felt betrayed. Why wasn't he taken too? Instead, he had taken the path his parents wanted him to take. "Sirius..." He did not take his eyes off him. His brother was not to be trusted. He was intelligent and good with a wand.
"I wasn't supposed to be here? I live here, where else would I be?" He gave Sirius a curious look as he wondered what his brother had been planning. Then it clicked, Sirius had broken in to try to get something. The more Sirius spoke, the more Regulus felt sick, even though he hid it behind his cool demeanor. If it was one thing a Black knew how to do, it was not show emotion, at least in public. But what he was being asked to do was impossible. The offer to run away was too much and he shook his head, clearing it of his thoughts. "I can't," he said. His voice stuck so he tried again. "I can't help you."
"You were supposed to be out with mother and father, following along right behind them as usual. I guess things have changed a little more than I thought while I was away..." Sirius stopped in the middle of the room, wand still raised. He didn't want to get too close after all, he had no idea if Regulus had gotten any faster during his time away. The boy seemed different in some ways....though exactly the same in others. When his voice caught and wavered, Sirius couldn't help but smirk slightly. There was still a weakness there, still that doubt. "Oh you can't? Are you sure about that? You don't sound very certain little brother" Sirius knew he could try using a spell, try to force the information out of Regulus, but the only wand based spells to do that would also be painful, and they'd leave a lasting imprint that would reveal Sirius' presence. A potion based approach would be better, though it wasn't like Sirius just carried around truth potions. Still....the ready made vials he did carry around...Sirius smirked once more. Yes, those vials could certainly be used in that manner. Unorthodox sure, but at least it might make Regulus a little more co-operative.

"Last chance Regulus" Sirius reached down with his free hand, reaching into his robes and pulling out a small vial of pink liquid. "I have ways of making you talk, but since you're my brother it'd be a little odd to use them. But if I have to...." He shook the vial slightly. "Agree to tell me what I want, about what the family has to do with this Dark Lord moron, and then maybe I'll take you with me when I leave"
"I don't like going to boring functions anymore." Regulus rolled his eyes as he spoke. His behavior was still insolent. He was something of a narcissist, or at least he was good at pretending. He sighed a bit as he saw the wand on him. Regulus rolled his eyes as he put his hands up in a sign of surrender. Maybe he could do something to help, but he did not understand how he could. It was a predicament. "It's complicated, Sirius." How was Regulus supposed to explain how Walburga and Orion had caused him to become a Death Eater. His own thoughts of excitement about finally making a name for himself. Where was he supposed to even begin? Why did Sirius even care? Questions flooded Regulus' brain, but he pushed them all out of the way.

Regulus' eyes widened as the bottle was produced. No, it couldn't be. That potion was rare, and not many people knew about it. It was a potion with special properties. The younger brother shuddered a bit as he thought about what the potion caused. He shook his head again, looking away for the first time. "He'll kill me if I tell you..." He looked back up, meeting his brother's eyes. "I'm in too deep. He'll know and I'll be killed."
So, Regulus had finally grown a bit of a backbone had he? Finally learned to get at least a few small things his own way. Still, he hadn't changed at his core, still as easy for their parents to manipulate as ever in the grand scheme of things. Granting him a tiny bit of freedom like this would only cement the hold they had over him, give Regulus some false sense of respect from the pair, blissfully ignorant that he was simply being used for their own purposes and was still as disposable as ever. "Complicated huh? Y'know I've learned that there's not really any such thing as complicated unless you make it that way on purpose". He saw the realisation in Regulus' eyes, so, he knew what this potion was hm? Still, Sirius had added a few special little ingredients of his own, the pussy juice of a mermaid, the ultimate magical aphrodisiac. Getting hold of that had been an.....interesting experience to say the least. Still, it would not only enhance the potions normal effects, but drive arousal to levels no human was ever meant to feel. The need for satisfaction would overwhelm anything and everything else.

"Feh, He'll know, He'll kill me, that's what they tell you Regulus, but it's just another lie. But if you're not willing to talk willingly..." Sirius began to move closer again, wand in one hand, vial in the other. "You think you know what this is, but trust me, you only know the half of it. Decision time little brother. One way or another, that mouth of yours is going to work"
Regulus was the innocent scared boy Sirius had left behind. No, he had gotten smarter and was able to stand up for himself. Except for one thing. Maybe that was the thing that made him finally grow up. That finally made him realize the truth. It pained him to know he had waited for too long in order to see the truth. "You don't understand." He looked away again and closed his eyes. When would Sirius stop? He never would though, he was just like their mother. Once Sirius got a hold on something, he would keep harping on it until the truth came out. But he knew the potion was one to change people in
ways they were not supposed to be changed.

His eyes snapped open and snapped onto his brother. They were wide with fear as he backed up, only to bump into the wall. "It's not what they told me. It's what The Dark Lord told me. As soon as I graduated Hogwarts, I was forced to join. My choices were join or death." He was a coward. He chose a life of servitude over a hero's death. "I can't tell you what I know..."
"They forced you? I get the feeling you didn't put up much of a fight Regulus. You never did, just roll over and do as you're told isn't it? There's always a way out, and you could've left any time before that. You didn't need me to take you" Sirius frowned. So, Regulus was a Death Eater now? That could make things problematic, make him traceable. Sirius wasn't sure if the mark could be removed...but there had to be a way, right? The others might know...but for now, that wasn't his concern. What had caught his ear was what Regulus said about the Dark Lord...the Dark Lord had told him things? This was better than anything Sirius could've hoped for...first hand information like that could be crucial! That settled it, Regulus had to come with him now, whether he liked it or not. Still, better to find out the information first...right?

"Well then Regulus....if it's something the Dork Lord told you, then I definitely need to know it before I take you with me. Since you haven't just blabbed already though, I'm guessing you've grown at least some backbone and aren't going to just spill everything willingly. So..." Sirius smirked, flicking his wand to cast a paralysis spell on his younger brother, freezing the boy in place temporarily. It wouldn't last long, but long enough. "Now...." Sirius walked over, uncorking the vial with one hand, the other reaching out to open Regulus' mouth. "Time to go to work" He smirked, then tipped the vial into Regulus' open mouth. Normally just a few drops were enough for the potion to take effect, but Sirius emptied the entire contents of the vial, then shut his brothers mouth, forcing him to swallow before taking a step back as the paralysis spell wore off.
Regulus looked away, unable to answer. This was how all their fights used to be when they were growing up. And it seemed that even now, he was not able to stand up to his brother. Like how he was not able to stand up to his parents. "If I ran, who was gonna take me in?" he asked. "Unlike you, I don't have anybody." He had been placed in Slytherin, had aligned himself with others who his mother deemed proper. And all of them were Death Eaters now too. Regulus looked back at Sirius, trying to stand his ground. But like times before, he was not sure of himself. Never was when he was around his older brother. He could not meet his eyes as panic set in. The look in Sirius' eyes made him nervous. He was planning on using that potion...and who knew how much it had been modified?

"I can't..." Regulus' back hit the wall. He was trapped. Grey eyes looked around for a way to escape, but Sirius was blocking the way. Damnit, when would he understand that he would be killed for telling him anything? And then with a flick of Sirius' wand, he felt himself freeze. He tried to move his arm. Nothing. He tried to bite, tried to claw, but to no avail. Sirius had unscrewed the bottle and now was coming to him. His mouth was forced open and the potion was forced down his mouth. He swallowed it against his will. And then he felt the changes. First, he felt his chest expanding, two large breasts were forming, ripping through his robes. He folded his arms, trying to cover himself. And then a stirring between his legs, just under his cock, which was rock-hard thanks to the aphrodisiac he had not known Sirius had slipped into the potion. "No..." He shuddered as the pussy was finished, already wet and virginally tight.
Sirius grinned as he watched Regulus struggle against the spell, then the look in his eyes as he swallowed the potion. This next part was always so much fun, both to watch and to experience. "My my, would you look at that?" Sirius smirked as he watched Regulus' chest suddenly ballooning outwards, rapidly growing into a pair of very perky breasts, his shirt ribbing open, robes falling to the sides as the newly grown orbs of flesh were revealed. Sirius glanced down, watching his younger brothers pants turn into a tent, and then a few moments later a patch of wetness began to appear. "Well let me ask you something else instead Regulus, you ever had this potion before? Now be honest....or else I wont be able to satisfy those cravings that should be kicking in around now..."

The added Mermaid pussy fluids were an intense aphrodisiac alone, but their effect would only combine with the natural arousal enhancing properties of the potion. Sirius licked his lips at the thoughts of what fun they could have, and the various other vials he had hidden about himself. A moment later he reached down, slowly unzipping his fly. "Y'know Regulus, tell me everything I want, do everything I want....and there's gonna be a nice reward in it for you...." With a grunt, Sirius unveiled his own erection, huge, throbbing. He was already rather gifted naturally, and a potion mishap during his fourth year of Hogwarts had left him with an even larger permanent size....not that he couldn't make it even larger should he wish.
Regulus squirmed a bit as his breasts grew and his pussy developed. The feeling of arousal suddenly hit him like a tidal wave. Just the feel of the remains of his robes were enough to make him cum, but he held back. He was not going to let himself be humiliated like that. Sirius would never let him live it down. The question made him flush and he shook his head. "N-no." He shook his head. "Seen it given, but never had..."

And then his pussy, already over-sensitive from arousal, began to leak. The juices flowing down his thighs as he orgasmed. His cock throbbed as well. He looked at Sirius helplessly. The lust had him needy, hungry for sex. He licked his lips as Sirius pulled out his thick cock. It was huge. Regulus moaned at the sight. His body trembled with need. "Anything. What do you need to know?" Merlin, his need flowed through him as he looked at Sirius' cock, both his pussy and cock throbbing with need.
"Never had? Oh've been missing out little brother...oh I've been taking this stuff for years now, always fun to have a little play around after all. And right there you got the special batch I made just for Remus. Y'know he's gonna be jealous when he finds out I gave it to you, but I'm sure I can make it up to him" Sirius chuckled slightly, watching as Regulus fought against the pleasure, but it was no good. "My my Regulus....did you just cum with your brand new pussy?" He smirked, watching as the wetness in his crotch seemed to spread to his pant legs as well.

"Hm? Oh so you like this do you?" Sirius took a firm hold of his cock, waving it slightly infront of Regulus' face. "Well tell you what...before I ask you any questions...why don't you get yourself undressed? Your pants must be getting awfully tight and uncomfortable about now. And those robes...we can't have anything hiding those lovely giant tits of yours can we little brother?" Sirius took a step back, making sure to keep his cock out of Regulus' reach in order to drive the boy even more wild. The longer he went without satisfaction, the worse the effects would become.
Regulus' body was trembling with lust and need, overwhelming and unbearable. He bit back a whimper as he shook his head. At the mention of Remus, the former Slytherin blushed and tried to look away again, but he found it hard to. He bit back a moan and whined against his pleasure as his pussy leaked. His cock was leaking precum too, against his will. Lust overwhelmed him as confusion flooded him. Why was this happening? He knew that the potion should not be this strong. He let out another low whimper, trying to stop his body from shaking.

"Y-yeah..." His voice was already hoarse with need and desire. He licked his lip slightly as he watched him. He nodded as he took off his robes and then his pants. His breasts moved slightly as he did so and he whimpered at the sensation. Every movement he made had him close to orgasm. "What do you want? I'll do anything..." The need was too strong. He could not fight it. "Anything...please..."
"Look at you Regulus, moaning as the heat takes you. I'll need to remember this version of the potion....maybe I'll even make up a few more batches just for you, would you like that? Just think, if I take you with me little brother I can give you this potion whenever you want. Who knows, maybe I'll even give it a try myself..." He chuckled, folding his arms as he watched his little brother finally give in, beginning to beg, breasts bouncing with even slight movements...they were almost hypnotic. "Well first of all Regulus...." Sirius took a hold of his own throbbing erection, shivering slightly. "I seem to have a not so little problem here....why don't you see what you can do about it hm? I'm sure you'd like to put those nice new breasts of yours to work wouldn't you? Look at you, you're aching to touch them. So touch them, use them and make sure you squeeze them nice and tight around me....just let the heat take you" Sirius moved a little closer, his pre-cum now dripping onto Regulus' new breasts and nipples. "The fun is just beginning little brother....and I'll make sure that by the time it ends, you'll want to tell me everything you know"
Regulus bit his lip again to muffle another low moan. Sirius' words had him beyond turned on. His pussy was leaking and so was his cock. His head was reeling from the need and lust flowing through him. He could not even think rationally.

Regulus whined as his breasts jiggled again. He looked up at Sirius as he nodded, getting down on his knees in front of his brother. His mind was focused on the sole idea of fucking. It was like he no longer had control of himself. The precum dripping onto his breasts had him trembling again.

He put Sirius' thick cock in between his breasts, squeezing them tightly around it before moving them up and down. He moaned louder as the pleasure shot up his spine. Just the movements were enough to make his pussy clench again. "Fuck..." He whimpered.
Sirius licked his lips as he watched his younger brother slowly getting onto his knees, completely submitted to his own lust...not that resisting had ever really been an option of course. Even Sirius himself would've been a blubbering wreck of lust by that point. "There you go Regulus....that's all comes naturally to a slut like you now doesn't it?" He smirked, then groaned as he felt his brothers new breasts wrapping around his cock, pre-cum already running down the shaft onto the younger boys sensitive skin. "Ahhh've got some great tits Regulus....nice and soft...oh I'm gonna enjoy playing with those over and over'd like that wouldn't you Regulus? To come with have all the potions you want just so you can be my little slut..."

He grunted, thrusting his cock a little between Regulus' breasts, the tip poking out from the top between them. "Come on now Regulus....put that mouth to use. If you're not going to tell me what I want, I'm sure you can find another good use for it now can't you?"
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