love tap 《 captain levi x xxxzombiechildxxx 》

captain levi

Dec 22, 2015
After months of patches and flawed launches, the first successful beta test of the newly upgraded League of Legends was to be tried globally, the players hand-chosen from a lottery of a thousand from different parts of the world. Players were advised via manual to remain absolutely motionless in bed while immersing themselves in the 4D virtual reality simulator, for a careless move could easily jeopardize the game's performance. But little did the thousand beta testers know that the system's programming was corrupt and upon logging in, exiting the game via their motor functions would be impossible. There was literally no return to reality after the player's avatar, a cybernetic copy of their carbon selves, would appear in the vast world of League of Legends.

Every logged-in player was transported to a dimension void of anything but dark matter where a personalized 'champion select' hologram materialized in front of their simplified avatar. Not unlike a Normals match familiar to a 2D League of Legends game, several other parties (other beta testers) joined both the ally and opposing team, and champion selections were made left and right via a scroll-by menu. Alistar, Jax, Miss Fortune, Shaco, and Nautilus completed the enemy group, every champion following the first few to decide now locked in. The countdown was loud, deafening, even, over the clustered group of summoners cloaked in uniformed robes, a default attire for anyone starting at a measly level one.

The last champion selection was made and a voice unique to the summoner who had made the last decision echoed loud and clear:

"Fortune doesn't favor fools!"

Once the summoners had linked to their chosen champions, the invisible platform they stood upon dissolved, the bottomless pit of nothing below it pulling every summoner into another dimension unlike the limbo they had been trapped in a second ago. Each one came to, all ten summoners scattered in different places on a map not yet conceivable to the poor and inexperienced summoner. But, there was a blue sky above every head and firm ground below their rattled bodies.

With the addition of a certain companion they had chosen to fight alongside...

"If you're planning on being useless for a minute longer, you're better off with a bullet in your skull," came the callous words of a certain she-pirate. She loomed over her unconscious summoner with the weight shifted onto her hip, both hands steady on the triggers of her beloved pistols. The Bilgewater queen looked as if she had just left the victorious grounds of battle with the fire ablaze in her eyes and humble clothes tainted with dirt and the questionable semblance of dried blood. Even her scarlet hair tied messily into a braid fell wildly in strands over her sun-kissed face, just barely accenting the light dusting of freckles over the bridge of the she-captain's nose.

She looked out of place on the jungle-esque map with her swash-buckling pirate outfit, although her reputation in and out of her marine hometown had proved her skills in battle proficient enough. Miss Fortune was a bounty hunter first and foremost and it hardly mattered on what terrain she fought on as long as her reward was bountiful. It was also true to her lore and personality that she hardly made allies and now wasn't an exception as the pirate queen herself lowered the brim of her captain's hat over the glaze of her eyes, and kicked her companion rather rudely against his side.
This had not been exactly what Hiro was expecting, after months of waiting he was happy to actually beta test the new league of Legends... However, the closer and closer he got to that chair.... The more he had this looming feeling of dread. After all, it was a strange devise that seemed to neurally connect with it's users upon activation. Now, Hiro knew he was no neural scientist, but he understood this can potentially be dangerous.

When he finally sat in the chair, he gripped the arms tightly. Gripping them even tighter as he heard the swirling of fans and the buzzing of electronics. In a near instant, he can hear a loud ringing. Perplexed on it's origin, Hiro couldnt tell if it was in his head, if he was hearing it or both. But it didnt matter any way, since all he can focus on was the pain. It seemed instant however, it felt like it lasted forever. Was that a part of the process? If so, he was certain he would use this machine far less then he anticipated. As Hiro regained focus, the pain became more and more of a distant memory. As he gazed upon an all encompassing blackness, a foreboding emptiness which was only broken by the sudden flicker of life. A rather awe inspiring screen lay before him, with 3d textures and a extensive list of champions. He didn't even need the machine to tell him, as it's function seemed obvious. Never the less, he was just so giddy to continue forward, he can understand some people may be to stricken to realize or take quick action. After all, every second Hiro spent here looking at this screen more and more Champions became taken.

Taking a deep breath, his heart heavy with anxiety, his pulse beating with a uncontrollable excitement. He picked the first champion that came to mind. "Miss Fortune!" He called out as he practically slammed his hand against the hologram, recklessly but efficiently picking his champion before it had become to late.

Almost instantly, the emptyness had opened up below him. From pure black darkness, to the world of Runetera! And... He was falling! What was this a development bug? Shouldn't he have spawned somewhere? With a great fright, Hiro plummeted down with great haste. Unbeknownst to him, this was scripted to make you feel bad ass, no matter what the gravity in this world all players were to have a short period of invincibility, allowing them to land and well... Feel cool! After all, thats the point of a virtual game, to make you feel in the action. However, Hiro couldnt realize this until he hit the ground, practically passing out in the shock of what he thought was death....

Soon, his sleep is broken by the feeling of a boot against his side. "What?" He said, opening his eyes slowly to the rather rude words. Slowly his eyes come back into focus, the boy realizing he was in fact alive. As he finally realized that a sultry voice had spoken out to him, he looked up, to find himself instantly taken aback... It was really her... It was Miss Fortune. It was so breath taking to see her there, so much so he effortlessly forgot how crude she was to him just a second ago. That soft, white skin. Slightly sun kissed but still pale, and smooth. Her eyes, burning with excitement, her un kept red hair slightly falling to her face despite her tail. Those soft lip's, making him just want to kiss her then and there.. It was just... Gah! He would easily have wood then and there if not for the risk of other players wrecking them while he stood there like an oaf. But he couldnt help it, So many thoughts came to mind, his head a literal maze of ideas and questions. Has she changed at all with the new version of the game? Will she like him? How well will he play his favorite champion, in this new game? Does she know how often he masterbates to h- No, he had to shake himself awake. He needed to stay focused, after all his first impressions to her are rather bad as of currently. Jumping up, he looked around hoping for some kind of support from the game, a instructions of sorts. But no luck. Looking at himself Hiro can see a new, strange attire. "Sorry Captain." He said as respectfully as possible, his hands reaching for pockets, trying to see what he had. "I guess your stuck with a noob for the moment, feel free to shoot me in the skull and put me out of my misery. If not then, I just need a second to catch my bearings. You know, find my sea legs." The pun was probably wasted on her, but he liked it none the less. With a smile he reaches into a satchel at his side, in it he finds a large tome, as well as a small vial of green liquid and a knife. He was starting pretty much bare bones, which was fine.He just needed to watch himself for now. "Well seems I have crap for crap, books probably for spells or something but I dont think I have time to gloss over it... Alright Fortune, you lead the way for now, i'l follow. I think we should warrant caution until I learn what I can really do in this game."
Well, of all the summoners she could have been paired with at random, her supposed fortune had led this clueless denizen to her, hadn't it? She arched her brows, her nude lips pulling into a quick frown at the pun he attempted to pull as a joke, as if their lives weren't in jeopardy at the moment. Perhaps some shrapnel to his leg would set his priorities straight.

"I never intended to follow," she asserted, checking the magazine of her pistols with refined dexterity. In this mode, she certainly felt like she had more freedom in the way she operated on the plains of battle, unchained to her summoner's decisions despite the fact their health bars were synchronized. If he intended to survive, he needed to learn a few basics that would determine the outcome of battle. The scarlet-haired pirate opened the virtual interface with a swipe of her hand, scrolling through an emergency shop menu that allowed all champions and summoners to purchase items for the first ten minutes of the game. She bought a stack of potions, a Doran's Blade for her summoner, and the starting materials of an Infinity Edge, coming just short of a few hundred gold for the actual item. It would prove to be enough, for now.

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