Materia Hunt (501st x Azecreth)


Dec 27, 2015
Yuffie Kisaragi was no stranger to sneaking around a place. Materia was EVERYWHERE if you knew where to look for it... and boy did she know where to go! There were all types of dungeons across this world, dangerous places where magic pooled and Materia formed.

And so here she was, sneaking around an old cave system. It had been inhabited by years by banditry, other criminals, and monsters on top of everything else, so it behooved the young thief to keep her head down. She slung herself off of a rocky precipice down to the cavern floor below, eyes shooting quickly to the left and then to the right.


She skulked over to the pool from which the Materia sprang. It would be harvested in some hours by the locals for sale, but not if she beat them to it. She wrapped her fingers around it and, for safekeeping, she equipped it.

... less than perfect.

The effects took place immediately, there being no great way to tell what lay within a Materia before someone equipped them.She felt warm immediately and more than that... her top grew tighter, warm flesh expanding to fill that tight sweater top, causing some to slip out beneath and give a tantalizing shot of underboob. She fell to her knees, gasping and trying desperately to unequip the Materia.
The process that made Materia was one which was strange and unique, and no one could predict the effect that any one might have. How this particular Materia had been formed and why it had these particular qualities in the first place was anyone's guess, but now was not the time to dwell on that as Yuffie tried to remove it, to negate the body altering properties that had kicked in when it had been equipped.

Nonetheless, her change in breast size was not the only effect that it would have, with one additional problem that she would be unaware of at the moment. The heat she felt was far from natural, as her body went into overdrive, producing pheromones that would lay a tantalizing scent upon the air, drawing in all who smelled them towards the currently panicking ninja.

At the same time her struggle to try and remove the Materia had its own consequences in turn. She had known well enough that she wasn't alone in this place, and the distraction at hand didn't help her in avoiding those dangers which hadn't vanished simply because she had reached her destination. Those she was probably a bit too busy with her more immediate problems to consider that.

It would prove a mistake though as a voice rang out. "Well well, what do we have here?" The voice belonged to a man, one of a trio that strode into the cave, nearing Yuffie. They were bandits, and outfitted as such, with scavenged armor and stolen equipment. Nonetheless, they were tough, and they knew what they were doing. It did not make for a good situation, that was for sure, as they stepped towards her, blades at the ready.

"Looks like a rat was trying to steal our Materia," the taller one of the three growled. "We should teach her a lesson." There was no argument there, for sure. Yuffie would have to act quickly, if she didn't want to fall afoul of the bandits wrath.
The Materia came bouncing out of her, clicking noisily on the ground, as the trio made their way into the cavern. But such effects were not so easy to get rid of as all that, and so she yet strained against the sweater top (topping out at bouncy double D breasts) and the front of her shorts... well. It appeared that she had had an accident, but the heavy scent in the air and the way her cheeks were flushed a brilliant red, well..

It was something else entirely.

She glanced up quickly at the trio of men with their blades, and though she was rather thrown off by everything, it wasn't like she had completely abandoned her reflexes and her wits.

"Ah... s-stay back!" Yuffie cried, reaching for her ninja tools. She threw down a handful of pellets, smoke bombs that would fill the room with a cloying cloud. There was only the one way out, and Yuffie scrambled to get around the brigands, distractingly bouncing the whole way.
the men grinned, ignoring the Materia as it clattered away. That didn't matter to them after all, since they didn't know of the effect it had as well as the fact that if it wasn't in her possession then it meant that she couldn't use offensive magic against her. Given the situation at hand, anything that crippled her even more would be better for the group of bandits. In that area, they were doing perfectly well.

They grinned, leering at her bust and the display she made for the moment, before she tossed down the pellets and filled the room with smoke. That earned coughing from all three of them as they tried to recover, quickly realizing that simply waving it out of the way wouldn't be feasible.

"Don't let her get away," one of the bandits cried, and the three of them moved at the same time, sweeping the smoke and backing towards the entrance as her only escape. If Yuffie wanted to get out of here she would have to go through them, and they didn't plan to make it easy for her as they waited for what attacks might come either way. They knew what they were doing, as bandits with some experience, and they could handle one rat, no matter what tricks she might have on hand.
Yuffie could hear the men moving in the smoke and she cursed under her breath. Darn it! She didn't have time to be dealing with this right now! She needed to get out of there before even more things could go wrong. Her entire body ached and between her legs... she was absolutely soaked, enough so that her knees were weakened and knocking together. She reached for her fuma shuriken, holding tight to it as she tried to figure a way out of this whole situation.

There was nothing else for it -- she couldn't sneak like this. She had to move sooner rather than later, so she would just have to brute force it and rely on her speed.

And so...

The attack came in waves --

First a gout of flame from one of the few Materia she kept for herself, then the whirring steel of her shuriken coming through the smoke... and finally Yuffie herself, making a break for it on the right side, panting and jiggling the whole way.
The men were ready, alert, their eyes scanning the smoke as they backed towards the entrance of the cave. They knew it was the only way out, and when dealing with a ninja it would be better to force her to come to them, rather than letting her divide and beat all of them individually. They weren't quite that stupid, even if they didn't have any real experience fighting someone as skilled as Yuffie. Fortunately for this, this was far from normal circumstances.

"Come on, stop hiding like a coward and face us," the tall guy shouted into the smoke, his mindset pretty obvious to all those involved. He was looking forward to this, and her traditional tactics were really bugging him. He wouldn't have to wait long though as the attacks started coming in, as Yuffie broke for the door.

The gout of flame was the more unexpected, and harder to deal with. "Ahh, shit!" For all their dodging the middle guy got smoked by the flames, arm hit and injured, and he was distracted by trying to beat it out, lest he be generally caught on fire and more injured than he already was, an admirable pursuit that was also very sensible given the situation at hand.

The fuma shuriken was more easily dodged, if only because of Yuffie's current situation and how it affected her ability to handle the weapon itself. Not to say that it wasn't effective, since it did create a distraction and an opening for her to use, it just didn't knock someone out like she might have hoped. But given how big the thing was, it did send them into disarray and gave her an opening to run at, which was what she would need to settle for with the situation at hand.

Sadly though the group recovered quick, or at least the two uninjured guys. They quickly moved towards the right as Yuffie ran for it, drawn by the sound of her motion and the slowly growing visibility. "Stop right there," the leader cried as he and his companion tried to stop her escape, either by getting between her and the exit or getting in melee range with their swords. Bad odds, especially in this situation.
Yuffie almost made it.

She really did.

If she had just been a little slimmer and more coherent, she would have flipped past them, unleashed a few gouts of fire, and would have gone running off down the corridors, never to be seen by the bandits again. She was just too fast, too agile for the likes of them.

But that didn't happen.

Instead, a rock got her. Her foot was caught on the uneven surface of the cave and she went sprawling across its rough stone. She made a yowling sound, catching herself as she went and trying to get back up -- running headfirst right into one of the men. Right into whatever it was they would have planned for her.
It was the greatest of fortune, at least for the bandits, that Yuffie's current state meant that she wasn't in top condition, and in that state she fell all too easily. Even they hadn't been expecting that she would trip, though she did catch herself. But it didn't matter as it gave them the time that they needed to get in her way, and that led her to slam right into one of them as she tried to move forward.

"Got you," the man, with his scruffy beard and brown hair, barked in amusement as he took a firm hold of her, making sure that she could escape now that she had been caught. They weren't going to trip up now that they had gone to the effort, and gotten injured for it in the process.

Swords were returned to sheathes, as the group gathered near her. "Search her," the leader ordered, Yuffie's arms pinned behind her back as the other bandits patted her down making sure that she hadn't taken any more Materia, and that she didn't have any other tricks up her sleeve. After the smoke pellets, they weren't going to take any chances.

Of course, with their search it was easy enough to notice her particular problem, even as they felt up the front of her shorts in the process. "Well then, looks like our rat was having a bit of fun," the leader of the group chuckled, sampling the scent on the air and examining the clear fluid on his fingers. "Guess you got a bit ahead of yourself celebrating, didn't you," he asked, making sure that Yuffie got a good look at what he was talking about. Well then, things had just taken an interesting turn.
Yuffie yelped as she felt an arm go around her shoulders, pinning her to the larger and stronger man. She moaned despite herself as she felt her enlarged breasts press against the hard muscle of his chest, and she did everything she could to get her arms between them to push him away. But then she was turned around with her arms pinned, hands running all up and down her body. She didn't have much in the way of clothing -- just the sweater top, shorts, and her shoes and armguard. Off came the armguard and with it a complement of flash bombs and her other personal materia.

Reducing her to just a young woman in not a whole lot of clothing.

"S-stop!" she whimpered, her legs rubbing together as she tried to dislodge his hand. She was soaking wet and such was obvious. She kicked at him but could do little to get him to move.

"I'll... give you anything! I have a stock of Materia! D-dozens of them! You can have them all!" Yuffie shouted. She was flushed with shame and by this point, that clear and pleasant-smelling fluid was running thick down her inner thighs, making the muscles and smooth skin glisten.
There was some noise of success as the armguard was located and subsequently removed, depriving Yuffie of the rest of her weapons once she no longer had access to it. It merely compounded a bad situation for her, though soon enough the search was over, with no other weapons located on her person. While that might be a small mercy, it would in no way bring an end to what was currently being done to her.

"Watch it," one of the duo grunted as she kicked, though it was easy enough to block and dodge, especially in this sort of situation. Yuffie didn't have the leverage to do anything with any real damage, especially in her current state.

The man holding her rolled his eyes, showing how he felt about that. "Relax Duncan, you think she's gonna pull out any moves while she's like this? Give me a break." It seemed that he had a low opinion of her, that was for sure. Then again, given the situation they had found her in it wasn't as if she had had the opportunity to leave a good impression on them, as if that mattered.

"Speak for yourself," the third guy grumbled, wincing in pain. "You weren't the one who got lit on fire."

Fortunately for the squabbling trio Yuffie herself interrupted, pleading to try and get out of the situation at hand. "Anything," the leader asked with a scoff, as if her opinion had any matter. "We'll take the Materia, thanks, but I think we're gonna do a bit more than that." Given the state she was in that was barely a choice.

Duncan shifted a bit then, pulling her shorts down to bare her sex, still wet and leaking a heady fragrance into the air. It was definitely having an effect as he began to harden, the other two getting aroused at the same time. "Man, someone's eager," Duncan noted aloud, smacking her crotch at the same time. This was going to be a lot of fun.
"Th-the Materia aren't here! I have dozens! Hundreds! Stashed outside the cave. J-just let me go and I'll bring it to you!" Yuffie said. As if anyone would let someone like her just walk out of there to give her something she promised. Not when there was something just as valuable they could take from her right now, free of charge.

She screamed when he pulled her shorts down, revealing that she was nice and bare beneath those shorts except a trimmed little triangle just above her sex. She was swollen and soaked, and when he smacked her she let out another scream mixed with something else -- shame, pleasure, it was hard to tell, but his hand came away wet from the experience.

"P-please. Don't. I'm.. um. A virgin!" It wasn't the most convincing thing she'd ever said. And even if it was true (and who could say?) how was that supposed to convince a bunch of men not to defile her just then? And she knew that was coming, watching as their pants tented at the sight and smell of her.
While they might have been willing to accept her having some Materia, the promise that she had 'hundreds' outside of the cave if she was let go was too far to be believed. "Nice try, " the leader growled, rolling his eyes. "We aren't quite that dumb." This rat was such a bad liar, she deserved to be caught.

Of course, they then got more of what they wanted, revealing her trimmed sex and just how aroused she was at the moment. For all her screaming it didn't exactly show any indication that she was anything but willing at the moment, and the noise she let out after being slapped there, with accompanying wetness, hardly dissuaded them. The lie was just the icing on the cake (if it was a lie in the first place)

To that Duncan merely grinned, eyeing his wet hand. "Well then, all ready and eager to have your brains screwed out? Sounds like out lucky day." There was a dark chuckle to that even as he unbuckled his pants, letting them drop and revealing his hard length to her, his companion doing the same. He shifted once more, Yuffie still restrained as he brought his cock up to her slick folds. Time to have their fun.
"No, really! Hundreds!" Yuffie squeaked. "I steal them off idiots like you guys all the time!"

... okay, maybe there could have been some better phrasing there. Not that she had any sort of opportunity to change her wording now.

"P-please don't," Yuffie whispered at last. She was horribly confused -- between being absolutely terrified to being, well, frankly really in need of a hard cock... and she was about to be presented with the latter. With her hands bound behind her back there was nothing she could do as a man sidled up between her legs and pressed his hard cock to her.

Her body was wanting as much as she didn't really want him, and her hips moved against him, rubbing her soaking slit along the head of his cock.
None of them were buying the excuse anymore, much less her attempt to sway them to giving her freedom. The insult didn't exactly help there, and with the pheromones in the air they were much more concerned with something infinitely more important. Specifically, putting the ninja in her place, and giving her what she seemed to want at the same time, no matter what her protests might say to the contrary.

Duncan, in turn, could only chuckle as he readied himself, only for her to take the initiative as her hips moved. Whether it was intentional or not, he certainly felt it. And he wasn't about to let her forget it, not when she was being so vehemently opposed. "Don't worry sweetie. With how you are, you'll thank me for this."

That, in turn, earned an eyeroll from the man behind her, who sighed in exasperation. "You're a hopeless romantic Duncan. Get it over with already. I don't wanna be here all day."

Duncan grumbled to himself, shooting a glare at the man behind Yuffie. "Relax Jerome, I know what I'm doing." With that he would waste no more time, instead accepting the invitation, such as it was. With a slight moment of hesitation to further rub his length against her entrance, he then acted and forced himself inside her in a firm movement, giving her no time to adjust as he began to thrust inside her, and letting the lingering effects of the Materia do their work.
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