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Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

                                                          • the Kingdom Vista â??[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                                                            During the frigid month of December, 1984, an eerie wind swept through a London hospital. The building itself was filled to the brim with 3000 occupants, both ill and injured patrons as well as the employees. For three days no one heard not even a whisper come from the hospital. A young woman with a newborn child who was severely ill traveled to the prestigious building one evening, gingerly prying open the front door to be confronted with something that made her heart stop beating. The walls were thick with smudged, bloody hand prints and revolting splatters. Bones torn from sinew and severed limbs - with significantly large bites taken from them - littered the lobby and other rooms. The woman howled, shrieking and sobbing, which unintentionally beckoned forth the creatures that committed the massacre. No one really knew what ever happened to Gloria Longhorn and her child that evening, nor the 3000 occupants of the building. Well into the new millennium they investigated but not even a sliver of evidence presented itself. No one knew what happened that night. Not any human, anyhow.

                                                            For hundreds of years communities of paranormal creatures had been living underneath the humans. It was those creatures - which they had called gluttons, that murdered the inhabitants of the hospital. In fact, during the 1700s, it was the gluttons that caused the extinction of the vampires. Today there are not many of them - that the other species believe. During the year 2009, modern-day lycans believed that the gluttons had found food scarce without causing a panic to some degree, so they submitted to their primal urges, otherwise known as cannibalism. Despite being cannibals, gluttons were immensely intelligent beings. They hunted in groups and easily covered up their tracks by devouring anything that would unveil their crimes to humans. Though no one had heard from the decades, there have been instances suggesting that their existence hadn't yet waned from the planet. Certain species of animals going extinct may have been due to the gluttons favoring them over the others.

                                                            Unfortunately for the lycans, their hypothesis was completely wrong.

                                                            Early 2010 brought upon an event known as the Sundering, a period of time between early May and October where the gluttons had resurface, in greater numbers then ever. Rather then seek the humans for fodder, they targeted their kinsman that have kept their existence unknown to mankind. However, they have also kept massive families of gluttons from openly attacking humans, which dramatically limited their food supply. Inevitably fed up with eating restraints, the gluttons took a hiatus and increased their numbers. Come 2012, the underground communities numbers had dwindled. Their kingdom was left for dead after the genocide, leaving little to no one to pick up the pieces. Those who still had authority erected safehouses for the younger generation of the underground beings so they could grow and develop their gifts while under the watchful eye of a significantly powerful being. These safehouses were called Kingdom Vistas, dubbed so by a powerful being that gave a very emotional speech to the remnants of the broken underground.

                                                            "Our once proud kingdom has fallen at the knees of a gluttonous enemy. Their sins are not our own. Our youth have been left broken, parentless and with no one to teach them how to thrive in this world and live unseen amongst the humans. We protect these beings, who in a sense, are below us, and for what? Ridicule and slaughter. My job here is not to sway you against the human beings and make you think ill of them, but it is to make you cognizant that this world is no longer split into two divisions ... but we are now fighting over one motherland. With one land will be one winner. We will be that winner, for the cost of losing is unmentionable."



                                                          • the Kingdom Vista â??
                                                                  • SPECIES/ RACES [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                                                                    ❶ HUMANS

                                                                    Not many humans are aware of the silent war waged between the Underground and the Gluttons. For the most part they are oblivious, though there have been few known humans that are cognizant of the paranormal creatures. Certain humans have ethereal or shamanic abilities, for example, the ability to contact the dead or catch a quick glimpse of the future. This ability culminates from their senses of intuition being heightened dramatically. Some humans also have been known to live in Kingdom Vistas with the remnants of the broken Underground. For the most part they remain abstracted to the notion of paranormal entities. They exhibit meager strength and for the most part, quirky colorful personalities. While they've very weak compared to other races, they are quick witted and whimsical which makes them strategical geniuses. Some humans are openly accepted into the faction of the Underground because they are given the gift of a witch or a wicken. Only few witches actually make it into a Kingdom Vista; they must be extremely skilled or of 'royal blood'.

                                                                    ❷ LYCANS

                                                                    It is a misconception that lycanthropes change solely during the period of the full moon. Lycanthropes have the ability to change from human form to a massive humanoid wolf form at will during any given time, though, during the full moon, they are forced to change whether they want to or not. While in their wolf form they cannot speak and for the most part act on primal urges. They recognize members of their own packs and vaguely remember images of objects or people. They are feral, malicious creatures, both in human form and alternate form. They are forced to cater to their primal needs, such as a need to mate, to eat raw meats and to socialize with other members of their pack. While they exhibit very crude, daunting attitudes, they can be civil if need be. During the Sundering, lycans were sought after as a meal ticket by gluttons. They were said to be the race that put up the most fight during the vicious attacks, but in the end succumbed to the group efforts of the intelligent glutton clan. Lycanthropes have the ability to heal almost instantly, and are known to both extremely hormonal and sensitive during the period of the full moon. Their senses are also twice as sharp as a human - they have the ability to hear, see and smell twice as well as a human.

                                                                    ❸ GLUTTONS

                                                                    The gluttons compose the majority of the Underground population. It was their doing that brought about the cataclysmic Sundering, an attack over a course of nearly two years that they sought out and devoured nearly every ally of the Underground, whether they be man, woman, elderly or child. Their means of extermination was to devour their prey whole. It is nearly impossible to to tell a glutton apart from a human, unless that is, if they smile. A glutton's mouth is filled to the brim with sharp, jagged teeth that are known to even crush diamond. They are notorious for their cheshire cat smiles and striking white eyes. On the outside, gluttons have soft flesh identical to humans. While they exhibit no special healing traits like lycanthropes, however, their insides are another story. Their organs are tough like leather. They are able to devour nearly anything and extract nutrients from it. If this object - an organism or not - does not have any known nutrient, their bodies create a chemical that aids in the production of a nutrient or beneficial chemical. Gluttons are constantly hungry; they are never sated which is how they gained their titles. Tame gluttons, ones that are allied with the Underground, are constantly chewing on slabs of gum of candy to ebb their endless hunger. Gluttons are also cannibals, and have been known to eat their own kind when provoked.

                                                                    ❹ BANSHEES

                                                                    Another race that typically resembles human beings. The banshees are loners and known to be artistic, talented and ideal. They have the ability to let forth an earth-shattering howl that can temporarily or permanently deafen their enemies; they can also change their voice at will, mimicking any tone or sound. Banshees generally take on the status as a soothsayer of a shaman. They have spiritual abilities to soothe people and aid their pain or agony simply by touching them. For the most part, banshees are born with natural psychic abilities. They are the only race that can rival the horrifying face made by the gluttons; they can contort their visages into a vision of pure horror and strike fear into the hearts of their target, literally having them frozen on the spot from fear (though some races are immune.) They are charming and independent, preferring not to associate with other races unless need be. While they are not vain and do not see themselves, higher then the other races they are lazy, and prefer not to get involved with things that don't benefit them in some manner.

                                                                    ❺ ETHEREAL

                                                                    The closest being to what a human calls a demon. Ethereals are very detached from the human race. They are philosophical beings constantly doting issues, even if they aren't important. Though they are calm, peaceful and for the most part very passive, they will attack when provoked. Ethereals cannot touch anyone that are not their own kind because they will draw their very soul from their bodies. Ethereals can cut a hole in 'immediate time', being able to travel a distance through objects, such as a well. They are deemed 'intangible' like a ghosts and can fade, hiding themselves from anything that poses a threat.



                                                          • the Kingdom Vista â??

                                                            The fictional city of Melrose is a vast, ocean-side lay of land filled to the brim with modern-looking buildings and advanced cafes. The majority of the city is very neat and tidy in retrospect, though it is host to projects, slums and other such regions. Listed below will be settings that have an important role in our story.

                                                            Old Town A series of narrow streets towards the south of town. It's uninhabited by humans or alliances of the Underground but is a virtual breeding ground for feral gluttons who have given in to their primal hunger. Generally human bodies that go missing are brought here to be feasted upon and devoured. Authorities have stopped visiting Old Town because they never find evidence.

                                                            Down Town The mid-lower portion of Melrose. Mostly lycan territory; they run the drug trade and clubs there.

                                                            Starbucks The Starbucks is a typical hang-out for the Underground remnants that enjoy more peaceful environments. The banshees are seen here the most.



                                                          • the Kingdom Vista â??
                                                            PROFILE SKELETON[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                                                            â?? INSERTSONGLYRIC
                                                              • ❝ insert quote here â? [/list:u][/list:u]

                                                                â?? name their full name
                                                                â?? age age, from 19-26
                                                                â?? birthday day, date, year
                                                                â?? height in inches and feet or centimeters
                                                                â?? weight in lbs or kg
                                                                â?? body type curvy, muscular, lithe, etc
                                                                â?? race their ethnicity

                                                                â?? species banshee, lycan etc

                                                                â?? personality at least two large paragraphs

                                                                â??brief bio two paragraphs !

                                                                â?? theme up to two theme songs
                                                                â?? other images appearance

                                                                [b]â?? INSERT[color=#8B8878]SONG[/color]LYRIC[/b]
                                                                [list][list]❝[i] insert quote here[/i] � [/list][/list]
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]name[/color][/b] their full name
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color] age[/b] age, from 19-26
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]birthday[/color][/b] day, date, year
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color] height[/b] in inches and feet or centimeters
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]weight[/color][/b] in lbs or kg
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color] body type[/b] curvy, muscular, lithe, etc
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]race[/color][/b] their ethnicity
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color] species[/b]  banshee, lycan etc
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]personality[/color][/b] at least two large paragraphs
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color]brief bio[/b] two paragraphs !
                                                                [b]â?? [color=#8B8878]theme[/color][/b] up to two theme songs
                                                                [b][color=#8B8878]â??[/color] other images[/b]  appearance


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