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Demi is done!

Less Th4n Three

Jan 29, 2009

This is Demi, She was some random girl I just drew but decided to make her a new OC of mine.

[XD] She's so pretty and I've always wanted a character with freckles before. :3

Anyway, she's half elf and half human. Her mother was an elf who fell in love with a very hunky large man of a human cause she wasn't attracted to the girly fufu male elfs of her people.

Demi's father owns and runs a mechanical shop, and Demi loves working their now.

Demi is quite the tomboy and doesn't like dressing girly. Though her mother forces her to wear dresses as much as possible; though Demi ruins the look with big boots and getting dirty while working.

Demi is 23 years old in human years, doesn't have the ability to use magic like her mother and prefers to hang around the city with the boys. She doesn't go looking for dating, she just prefers their company over girls.


Really proud of this picture. [XD] I wanted her to look slim but busty and not to seem fufu girly. [YAY!] and just...ugh, loved how i colored her.

I am like....giddy proud of her. X3
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