Change in Perspective (MewMew)


Sep 28, 2013
Damnit all... how did he get roped into this?

Toshiro sighed as he closed up the locker before him, safely locking his signature robes until he could retrieve them later. This onsen was a bit of a fixture and had been used by Soul Society for many generations, but in all his time here the short silver-haired captain had rarely made use of the services here. He was a man more concerned with work, but that policy was what landed him in this current situation.

Momo was always concerned for him, and while he was glad for the concern Toshiro didn't want her to reel him into something as frivalous as this. But her and Rangiku could be a dangerous combination, and together they'd worked to strongarm him into being here. Apparently trips like these were common among female Shinigami... didn't explain why he absolutely had to come by on this trip.

He looked down his short and slender frame, down to the two towels wrapped about him from the waist down. It was embarrassing, having to wear one on top of the other with the latter reaching down lower, but the towels here were rather... modest. And while Toshiro was short in height, he was quite large in other respects that he didn't want to flash around. It was poor covering, but it would have to suffice for now.

Sighing, he made his way from the changing area, rounding a corner until he reached the steaming expanse of the springs. Toshiro walked along a smooth path of damp stones, the humidity steadily making his hair fall, until he sank into the water and breathed out in relief. All he had to do was go along with this nonsense for a little while, and he'd be back to work in no time...
This is a good idea to take Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro to the hot springs. All thanks to Rangiku and Momo themselves!

If they had not asked him to go to the hot springs with them, he still would be working diligently. This why every so often the two shimigami forcefully take Toshiro to the hot springs! Even if he doesn't want to go, they will force him to go one way or the other. Toshiro already knew they will force him so he just let them take him to the hot springs.

You see, Toshiro works far too much! Ask Rangiku, his lieutenant, herself! Toshiro won't stop working unless he has to take a bath, go to the bathroom, meeting, or have a mission, otherwise, he works 24/7. Understandable why Toshiro works diligently all the time, however, sometimes, Rangiku thinks it is very unhealthy for the captain to work overtime.

More importantly, it is worse that Momo is fussing over him all the time. Like, seriously! Rangiku understand why Momo is concern for Toshiro considering they are childhood friends however Momo is overly concern for his well being. At times, Rangiku finds herself frustrated, and from time to time, jealous. Which why she plans on getting back at Momo for intentionally causing her to be envious of her relationship with Toshiro. By all means, Rangiku's plan is going to work.

For starters her plan is about to commence. Momo already put her clothing in her locker and went into the hot springs so this is Rangiku's chance! Rangiku smirked evilly, placed her clothes in her locker before sneaking into the male's hot springs.

Call Rangiku bold for going in the male's hot springs however she planned on teaching Momo a little lesson. Luckily for her, Toshiro is too busy relaxing in the hot springs to barely notice Rangiku sneaking up on him. Walking towards him, he grabbed her captain from behind, lifted him up.

"Got you~!" Rangiku yelled, laughing soon afterwards.


Elsewhere Momo wondered where Rangiku was because she has not even arrive yet, pondered on where she could be. Overtime, though, as she soaked in the hot springs, she forgot about Rangiku, continued to relax in the warm water.
Well... perhaps this place wasn't so bad There was something relaxing about having the steaming water massaging at his sore muscles, working out some of the tension that had been built up from his lengthy periods of work. Not that he planned on making regular attempts at this, but he supposed if he found the time he'd consider thanking Momo and Matsumoto for being so considerate of him. At times it got annoying, but their hearts were in the right place.

Toshiro gasped sharply as he was hoisted up, and he very nearly felt the back of his head getting swallowed into the cleavage of his perverse lieutenant, an act that left his cheeks flaring into a deep red shade. "M-Matsumoto?!" he asked in shock, trying not to lean into the comfort of her heavy breasts. Damnit all... why'd she have to be so quick to pull him in like this? And what was she even doing in the men's bath in the first place?

"What are you even doing in the men's bath in the first place?" the shorter male asked, glancing up at the busty woman looming over him. Toshiro gulped. She had that look in her eye... what was that sneaky devil-woman planning?
If anyone were to find out about this, Rangiku would never hear the end of it either! Plus, Momo most definitely will be furious at her! Even so, Rangiku didn't care! It wasn't as if anyone had to know about their little incident in the hot springs anyways. Besides it is just her and Toshiro all alone anyways.

Upon hearing her captain gasp distinctly for being lifted up made a mischievous glint glimmered perverse lieutenant eyes glimmered in deviltry. Furthermore it was even more hilarious for Rangiku when Toshiro's face grew beet red when he saw massive bust. "Don't be shy captain, I just want to play with you for a little bit~!" She singsonged, dimpling.

"I just wanted to wash my beloved captain's back is all~!" Rangiku piped out as she pulled Toshiro into a bone crushing hug. She soon let go then deliberately pressed herself against the younger male. "Come on Toshiro, turn around so I can wash your back~!" She chirped, having a washcloth in her hand.
Oh this was bad, this was real bad. Being cornered by a damn lioness! And if Momo stumbled upon this scene, it would make matters even worse! But Toshiro was stuck in a position he couldn't outright escape from, least of all when he was crushed to Rangiku's heavy bosom. If it were possible to grow even more embarrassed, steam would be pouring from his ears. Matsumoto must have planned this all out from the start.

She offered to wash his back, and Toshiro seemed wary. If the older woman knew what he was packing, it could make her even more... forward. So, to calm himself, he turned away from the sight of her full breasts and offered his back to the tall blonde. "Very well... but be quick. I don't want Momo getting suspicious or going looking for you." He sighed and closed his eyes, doing everything he could to will some calm to his groin.
Rangiku had Toshiro right where she wanted him! Planned on not letting him escape not until she gets her way with him of course! Little teasing, flirting, and pressing herself up against will do. Rangiku was the predator whilst Toshiro was her prey. Thinking of this, just made Rangiku chuckled in delightfully. Cornered, Toshiro was complete defenseless against his lieutenant, and had no other choice but to endure her wrath. "You're so cute captain~! If you were a strawberry or tomato I would eat you right up~!" Undeniable her captain was attractive, now that was the truth. Seeing him turning even redder than previously when her bosoms crushed him made Rangiku giggle.

"Come Toshiro, lemme wash your back~!" Definitely not taking no for an answer, Rangiku naturally smirk smugly at him. "Thank you captain!" Overjoyed that he allowed her to wash his back made Rangiku beamed happily. Using the washcloth, she used the cloth to wash her captain's back lightly, scrubbing him until she deemed he was clean. "What else should I wash captain?" She asked, another mischievous glint gleaming through her eyes.
'Damn you Matsumoto...' he briefly thought to himself. If he ever got the opportunity, then he would definitely take it and get the upper hand. Toshiro had initially thought it would be easier to keep control of himself if he wasn't looking at Matsumoto, but instead her gentle caresses and hot breath tickling his ear had only kept him on edge. Had she planned for that to happen too? That evil sexy witch!

"Hm?" he turned a bit at her question. At first Toshiro didn't want to answer. Her teasing had made him hard, and given the scale of his cock it was more than difficult to keep it hidden, not when his second towel was riding up. And he knew that if he got his hands on Matsumoto like this he'd have what it took to drive her wild... problem was, figuring out what that sneaky woman would do next. "Where... else would you wash?" he asked cautiously.
Oh my gosh! This is too much fun! To see jealous look on Momo's face as she stark ass naked holding Toshiro would be priceless. This is such a rare opportunity! Rangiku won't take it for granted! She will help her captain as much as she can. In her own triumph, she smirked ― knowingly, and gave Toshiro that look, you know look that she is up to something. Rangiku knew her captain wasn't going to last for long, it was only a matter of minutes.

"Let me wash Mr. Happy!" Rangiku chirped, clenching the wash cloth in her hand. If he doesn't let her wash his lower regions, she will just have to force herself on the captain then.
"Ehhh?!" Before he knew it, Matsumoto's devilishly quick hand had snatched under his towel, and he found himself gasping sharply from a sudden pressure squeezing his cock. "M-Matsumoto, quit it!" Toshiro barked, all too late. She'd already gotten a grip on him, and in his half state... well it was clear that the silver-haired captain wasn't quite so stunted in every physical respect. Indeed, the length in her hand was a potent one.

Toshiro's blush intensified, and he was left slightly hunched over in a mute frustration. "Jeez... I know you're a pervert, but I'd like to think you have some boundaries." Despite his protests he was continuing to harden in her grasp, giving the blonde a chance to better appraise the sheer size of his engorged length.
"See this was not so bad was it?" Rangiku chuckled at seeing her captain's red face. How cute! Her captain was epitome of cuteness! The lieutenant noticed her captain was growing ever so slightly by her touch so instead of obeying boumdaries she crossed boundaries, allowed her hand to move up and down on her captain length gently.
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