Neverwinter (kaorexTheAgelessOne)


Apr 8, 2015

Just minus the hat, add red and black leather corset, a book strapped to her waist a dagger, and knee high boots

Sierra sighed happily as she stretched on a bed in the Inn she and her companions had stayed the night while traveling along the High Road on their way to Neverwinter. The 25 year old had been traveling with Katrina and Rin for almost a year now and she was quite fond with them. They knew where her power came from and while initially apprehensive, had come to accept that she was one of the few 'good' Warlocks. They also knew of her little addition, a 7 inch long inch and a half thick cock.

That had thrown them for a loop. She was certain they didn't care about that fact and she was also certain that she would soon be able to convince them to share a bed with her. A part of her pact with Fierna required her to regularly have sex... or at least sexually gratify herself though Fierna preferred sex. She had come to care for her companions beyond what she usually felt for her 'marks' and hoped that, when she had sex with them, that their relationship wouldn't change to much.

She was currently very naked as she didn't like wearing any clothing while asleep, though her Grimoire and Pactblade were within arms reach, and made her way to were she had left them the previous night. She slowly pulled on her elbow length glove before slipping on her small top and corset. She was just about to pull on her panties when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said with an impish smile.
RE: Neverwinter


No sooner had Sierra said the words "Come in," Rin came bursting into the room. She was already bright and awake, but then again, she always was. Her companions always saw her that way. Up until a year ago, the rogue did not have any family. She grew up on the streets and learned her trade the hard way. Now, she proud to call both of her companions family. Sierra had her dark secrets, but that didn't bother her, not like it did Katrina at first.

"Wake up sleepy head!" she called into the room as she bounced forward and closed the door. The girl was at the end of her 18th year and still full of life and energy. She was also completely unaware that Sierra was partly naked, and if she did recognize the fact, it didn't bother her, they were both women after all, or well she was all woman, Sierra was pretty much all the way woman, but the cock still didn't phase her in the least.

"Come on! Katrina's already down at the market getting food!" Rin's eyes glazed over at the thought of the fresh food waiting down at the stalls. The ripe fruits and vegetables, the still juicy meats, and the grains just waiting to be boiled. If Rin wasn't already hungry, her stomach would have contemplated being so, just so she could eat in all its delicacy. What she forgot was the Inn they stayed in was along the High Road, the Inn itself connected to a tiny village at best. The market was merely Katrina bartering for food with the neighbors, nothing like the grandeur in Neverwinter.
RE: Neverwinter


Just minus the hat, add red and black leather corset, a book strapped to her waist a dagger, and knee high boots

Sierra pouted briefly before letting out a slight giggle at how excited Rin was for food. She sometimes seemed to be ruled by her stomach. She also always seemed to be able to make Sierra laugh and brightened her day just by being around... something that she really loved about the energetic young woman. She wondered if Rin was a virgin. It was difficult to tell and she had never asked the girl. Considering her personality she doubted it believing she would have lost it to a friend years ago... but you never know. Katrina on the other hand Sierra was absolutely sure was a virgin.

The Drow(?) was far to uptight to have done it yet... then again she wasn't sure how old she was and may in fact have had sex numerous times... possibly even more then she herself had.

"Just give me a minute to finish getting dressed and then we can go and find Katrina to fill that void you call a stomach." Sierra said playfully.

She picked up her panties and began to slowly pull them up her long legs, trying to do so as teasingly as she could, not knowing if the hungry Rin would notice her actions with her thought on food. After making sure her cock was tucked in comfortably she grabbed her armored short skirt and slid that on before making a show with putting on her boots. When she was dressed she put her Grimoire on its hook before sheathing her Pactblade at her side.

"Well lets get going." She said before teasingly adding "Growing little girls like you need their food after all."
RE: Neverwinter

To say Rin was watching Sierra pull up her panties to cover that futa could would have been incorrect, but it would also be true, as well. Although she wasn't directly looking at it, at least not after the first two seconds that passed, she was aware of it. She was not, however, aware of the tint of red added to her cheeks that made her face warm. Even though Rin was a virgin, as no man could tame her, she still had the mind of a curious girl who wondered over such things. To give Sierra a bit of privacy, she turned her face away and began to hum the melody of a drinking song, one that she heard last night, but had no recollection of.

Once Sierra was dressed, the pair was ready to go off and look for their Elf partner, Katrina.

Katrina was out along the path headed back to the inn. Her visit to a neighboring farm had yielded little, but would suffice for the day's journey. A loaf of bread, some dried meat, and a small block of cheese would be shared among the party that day. Just as the inn came into view, so did her companions. Rin, no doubt, caught sight first as she was waving frantically at Sierra's side. When the trio met, Katrina held out the sack with the food and opened it for all to see.

"This should be enough for the day," she told the other two. Her voice was very Elf-like, showing the sweet and motherly tones that most wanted to trust and hold dear. Still, the Elf was wise and she only allowed the two a second to see what was in the sack, mainly because of Rin, before closing it and adding, "Try not to eat all of it in one sitting."

Katrina looked up at the sky to determine the time and where they should start walking. Her hand brushed against the buckle of her sword, a little habit she developed, just to check and make sure it was always by her side. With no further delay, she began to walk down the road.
RE: Neverwinter

Sierra giggled as she knew that Rin had gotten a slight blush from watching her sensual method of getting dressed and was inwardly quite pleased. She may be closer to seducing the lively young girl into her bed and may even have a virgin on her hands if the blush was anything to judge. She grabbed her travel bag as they left to find their friend, Sierra brushing her hand teasingly against the young woman's side as she did so. As the two of them wandered out into the morning sun Sierra made sure that Rin didn't wander off to look at something that had caught her eye by gently holding her by the hand like a little child. They quickly found their missing friend and this gave Sierra a chance to look over the gorgeous Elf before her.

Unlike Rin who gave off a child-like sense of wonder at times, Katrina had a sense of age old maturity and kindness to her. While she rarely smile and usually just watched when Rin and Sierra would have childish arguments, usually Rin was being childish while Sierra play acted being so, the futa knew that the Elf cared deeply for them and had their back in even the most dire of situations. Still seemed a little bit cold to her though.

As the three of them made their way out of the village Sierra struck up a conversation.

"So how did everyone sleep?" She asked jovially "It was nice to sleep in a bed after so long on the road and I had the most wonderful dreams."

She then started to describe the sensual dream she had in hopes of getting some kind of reaction from one of her two friends.

"It started with me in a chamber covered in light red sating sheets with darker red cushions covering the floor and all around me were beautiful creatures in a wonderful orgy." She described "The a tall male figure and a lithe female figure approached me. The male leaned down and pressed their hand between my naked legs and began to rub me gently while the female took one of my breasts into her mouth and began to gently lick and suck it."

(OOC: Naughty girl.)
RE: Neverwinter

Katrina kept walking. There wasn't a visible reaction on her face. She knew all too well to hide her emotions towards such thoughts. She had more than a human's lifetime on her age. She had experimented in her youth, but her age had long since caught up to her to not fret over other people's musings. Her eyes remained focused on the road ahead of them. It was hard to tell if she was even listening.

Rin, on the other hand was another story. She grew up on the streets, and knew the meaning of what it meant to get by. She had seen friends offer their bodies to strangers to help put food on their plate. Although she had never put herself in that position, she had seen all sorts of sexual encounters. Such things were not so much an embarrassment to her as they should have been.

Therefore, it came to no surprise that Rin ended up interrupting Sierra's story with, "How big was his cock?" and "How big were her tits?" After just about every detail, there was something, in Rin's mind, to ask and with each answer, the rogue found herself blushing lightly. To her, it was erotic fiction, that got her mind racing with interesting fantasies. In front of them, Katrina simply sighed.
Sierra heard the Elf sigh and laughed in her mind. It seemed she was irritating her friend which was often quite entertaining in and of itself. Regardless she continued her story, answering each of Rin's questions as she did and enjoying the blush on the young rogues face as she did so.

"And then just before I could cum... I woke up." She finished with a sad sigh "I was so frustrated and angry that such a good dream had to come to such a crappy ending."

I had taken her almost a half an hour to tell the story what with all of Rin's question and now they were quite a distance from the small trading post they had started out in. She stretched her arms up over her head as she looked around, admiring the lightly wooded areas surrounding the road they were traveling down. It was such a nice change of scenery from her home, which pretty much consisted of rocks and dirt everywhere with scattered farms and small villages. it wasn't really a barren place but it was quite dull compared to where they were now.

As she was thinking this she heard something growling off to the side and stopped, her eyes locked on the direction she thought she heard it. She wasn't knowledgeable about the local fauna and monsters of this area but whatever made that noise sounded big to her and it was always better to err on the side of caution while traveling.

"Did either of you hear that?" She asked as she slowly drew her dagger.
Katrina stopped dead in her tracks as she heard the growl coming from the side. Rin almost bumped into her, but was saved when Sierra gave her warning. Katrina had her hand on her sword ready to draw quickly at the potential threat. She focused and in her mind she went through her bestiary to match the growl to something she knew. All she knew was that the intensity of the growl would make it something big and the big ones were usually the dangerous ones.

"Rin, get behind me," she said in a low voice. Rin had her specialties, but attacking full on was not one of them. Rin was more suited to hiding and waiting for the most advantageous opportunity to strike. When she did, they were fast attacks that weakened most opponents until the final blow could be dealt with. The problem with hiding was they didn't know specifically where the enemy was. By the time the enemy showed itself, it would also know that there were three of them.

Sierra on the other hand could do more. "Sierra, tell me you have something prepared," Katrina said in a hurried voice. The bushes began to shake as the shape began to come forth and it was clear that it was not just one of them.
(OOC: Please note this post has cutting... because I see no other reason to have a Pact Blade other then to cut yourself for spells like a Warlock uses.)

"I always have a spell prepared." Sierra replied.

She was a Warlock and thus didn't need to prepare spells... though she did have a few of the more powerful ones prepared for quick casting. She raised her left hand which was engulfed in Eldritch energy before making a slashing motion in front of her, summoning a small purple wisp which began floating around her. This would not only help increase the potency of her spells but, when enough had been created, provide her with a powerful attack. She also summoned forth five fist sized orbs of green and black fire from Phlegethos which began circling around her just like the wisp and would attack any enemy that approached her.

Just as she finished her preparations a ten foot tall Ogre and six Orcs came out from the bushes. The Orcs, roaring madly as they charged with crude leather armor and wooden clubs, made a beeline for the three women. The meanwhile ogre slowly made its way towards Sierra, likely because it saw the many floating orbs around her and thought she was a threat... but then again who knows what such a stupid creature reasoned when it chose a target.

Luckily only one of the Orcs had charged at Sierra and he was immediately cursed by the warlock, causing the veins under his skin to glow an ominous purple just before the orbs of flame circling her rushed him and engulfed him in flames. The Orc began roaring in pain as he was quickly consumed and withing seconds died, causing another wisp to appear around Sierra. The Ogre, having seen its 'comrade' burn to death let out an angry roar and slowly advance on the young futa.

Sierra merely smirked before placing a greater curse on it. Now the normal curse only marked a target and made them weaker to her spells and also allowed her Patron to take the marked beings soul if they were slain. A greater curse did all this and also slowly sapped the life of the one it was placed on... painfully. After doing so she sent a blast of green energy into the beasts chest causing a large burn and further infuriating it. She then made a cut on the palm of her hand, the blood instantly disappearing as it was used to fuel her spell and the cut healing. In her left hand a ball of purple flame formed which she then sent towards the Ogre, once more hitting it in the chest before exploding in a burst of flames and knocking the large creature on its back.

With a moments respite, she turned her attention to wards her companions.
Upon seeing the Orcs, Katrina charged. She saw one of the Orcs fall prey to Sierra's curse. She went right past him leaping at one of the Orcs. Her body pushed against the green beast. The force of her weight knocked him over and with a downward slash of her sword, impaled his chest where his heart would be. She quickly stood up and assumed a defensive stance as some of the Orcs surrounded her. One decided to charge at her and before the others could follow suite, she disarmed him, brought her sword up, and slashed at his neck. She spun just in time to dodge a blow from the club of a second Orc. Her sword went low taking a knee before her sword came up slashing at another neck.

Katrina took a glance around at the other Orcs and she could see their plan in their eyes. They were going to charge her at once and when they did she would take one or two out, but not the third. She was late in making the first move, the Orc she charged at already took a step towards her, but with a bit of luck she would be able to take him out before the second reached her. Her speed was faster than his and she was able to impale him with her sword. He fell to the ground and she turned around to meet the approach of the second Orc, but he was no where. The third was still charging at her and she was forced to turn her attention to him.

Suddenly Rin appeared having jumped from somewhere. She was laughing maniacally as she landed on the shoulders of the last Orc. In her hands were two daggers that immediately impaled his neck as she landed on him. Her weight pulled him the rest of the way down before he even reached Katrina. The other Orc was already dead behind him. Rin drew her daggers out of the Orc and continued giggling. She was waving her daggers around as she ran in circles around the two defeated Orcs. Katrina, on the other hand, leaned against a tree trying to catch her breath and let the adrenaline rush die down. "Is that it? Is that all of them?" she asks as she looks around.
As Katrina said that Sierra had to roll forwards to avoid the hand of the Ogre that had gotten back to its feet. Turning back to face it she charged up a spell by cutting her hand again only this time she sent a large blast of sickly green necrotic energy at it. The blast, in the form of a large clawed hand and arm, hit the Ogre in the shoulder giving it five slashed like from a claw that became instantly necrotic. She then summoned five more green orbs of fire which instantly rushed the enraged Ogre, covering it in fire again. The Ogre, now covered in burns, roared in absolute fury and rushed at her. Barely managing to get out of the way she was surprised when the Ogre's club came slamming into her side, sending her flying a few feet away and possibly cracking a rib.

Dazed she struggled to get to her feet as the beast moved towards. She had just gotten to her knees when it reached down and grabbed her around her middle with its large hands, pinning her arms to her side and lifted her up to its face. Doing the only thing she could do at the moment she sent the one wisp she had into its face, bloodying it but otherwise doing nothing else. The Ogre then roared as it slowly began to squeeze her in its hand making her scream in pain as her bones ached in protest.
Katrina heard her companion's scream and her head instantly turned to the direction it came from. Luckily, the Ogre was preoccupied with Sierra and its back was to her. She dashed towards it and jumped into the air towards it. As she did so, she raised her sword ready to stab down at its neck. Her knees hit its shoulders first and when she felt herself hit him, she stabbed down in an attempt to sever his spine. The blade sank in and she felt that last bit of resistance where the tip was. She used all her might to push past it and make the grievous cut. The Ogre screamed out in pain and stumbled back. Katrina held on until he was ready to fall completely. Before he fell, he let go of Sierra. Katrina, just managing to pull her sword free, jumped out of the way from the falling beast, which made a loud thud. He was on his back where his blood formed a puddle on the dirt road.

Katrina pulled a clean rag from her pound and began cleansing her sword of the filth that stained its edge. She was breathing heavily, but this part always managed to calm her down. Rin came running over towards Sierra to make sure she was alright. "Are you okay!? Is anything broken?" When she realized Sierra was still in one piece her excitement took the better of her and she began to squeal in delight over the battle. Katrina finished cleansing her sword and took a glance around the area to make sure there were no more surprises. "We'd better get going," she told her two companions just as she sheathed her sword.
Sierra did a quick check for injuries and though she would be covered in hideous bruises for several days she felt she would be fine.

"I'm fine... for the most part." She said before turning to look at Katrina "Thanks for the save."

She knew she messed up. When the Ogre fell to the ground she should have finished it off instead of turning to check on Rin and Katrina's fight. It was an amateurish mistake that nearly cost her life if it weren't for the Dark Elf. She unsteadily got to her feet, wincing as her muscles protested the movement before giving a pained smile to Rin.

"I really want to get to a place to set up camp. Even just standing hurts." Sierra whined like a child before she began to slowly walk down the road.

She could have done so much more while in the Ogres hands that would have not only caused her to be dropped and help her healing along as well but instead she panicked. She could have used Vampiric Bite which would have injured it and drained it of energy which she could have used to heal herself. She could have used Dreadtheft and fired a beam of Eldritch energy into its face.

After a few more hours of walking while second guessing her every action during the last battle she was finally starting to feel better physically but not so mentally. Deciding that the best thing to do would be to ask someone with much more experience then she did she looked sheepishly over at Katrina.

"Uh... Katrina?" She said nervously "I know your not a mage of any kind but... do you think I should have acted differently while fighting the Ogre?"
Katrina looked at her companion and then over to where Rin was. Rin was off wandering around, yet staying close to the group. It seemed her curious nature was getting the best of her. All the well as it seemed this was a conversation that should be had in private. Katrina turned her eyes back towards Sierra.

"You are the only one who knows you. If you thought what you did at the time was the best course of action, then it was so." Katrina paused and realized that Sierra must have wanted something a little more than that.

"In battle there is no time for contemplation and much less so outside of combat. Such thoughts weigh us down and prevent us from making such difficult choices in the heat of the moment. Know that what you've done was beneficial and none of us, here, are dead because of your actions." This time Katrina paused for good and a small thin smile formed upon her lips, one of those rare occurrences from the elf.
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