RP: Scream My Name [Hunger Games] : Horror_Show & Intimate


Feb 15, 2010
Katniss had a splitting headache, possibly a concussion. Her face had a huge gash above her left eyebrow, she had scratches and bruises. She had been sweating continuously for days as the quarter quell continued, but now she stood in the darkness bent back, ready to let an arrow into Finnick chest. He stood only a couple feet or more away in the jungle. He looked terrified but looked at her.

So much death, so much pain had already happened. She had lost Peeta and it was her primary and only goal to make sure he lived. She now believed both Finnick and Joanna had betrayed them when it was the exact opposite. Everyone, even half the victors were protecting Katniss when she was unaware of it.

It was only an hour or so ago that the group had followed Beetee up to the lightning tree. The plan was to tie Beetee's wire around the lightning tree (which is struck by lightning at 12:00) and run the wire into the ocean, making the beach a conductor to electrocute everything in its path, thanks to the dampness of the tidal wave at 10:00. It was Katniss job to go with Joanna to take the wire down to the beach when they got attacked. Joanna had knocked Katniss out and also cut out her tracker. Her arm was no bleeding with shards of flesh exposed, she had it wrapped with a cloth.

She held her stance as Finnick pleaded with her.

“Katniss…..remember who the real enemy is.”

Katniss eyed him down but had heard that before the games had started, she let down her bow looking at him and that’s when the storm had started above, it was getting ready to strike the tree. The clouds were swirling and as lightening flashed you could see the dome of the arena.

“Katniss get away from the tree!!!!”

Katniss bent down picking up the coil wire and started wrapping it frantically around her arrow. Finnick screamed again having no idea what she was doing as she bent on her knee’s glairing up at the dome.

“Fuck you snow…” She quietly breathed and released the arrow. It shot into the eye of the storm above the tree. Lightning struck the tree igniting the wire, the explosion sent both Katniss and Finnick flying in opposite directions. Then the lightning soared through the wire as it hit the dome killing the game.

That would completely kill on communications, all media, everything linked into the game. The game maker’s headquarters would also be down.

In a more wanted scenario, this would have been the end, her rescue. But this wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. As she lay there paralyzed in a bad condition she would have a sort of euphoric high, a sense of peace as she wished she could die, it least she had stopped the games. In the distance as time felt slowed down, she could hear people screaming her name.

Breathe and balance and love,
I was born on the scene
Now it runs in my blood, yeah,
you know what I mean
When I'm dead and gone,
will they sing about me?
Dead and gone,
will they scream my name?
Scream my name
Horror_Show said:
Katniss had a splitting headache, possibly a concussion. Her face had a huge gash above her left eyebrow, she had scratches and bruises. She had been sweating continuously for days as the quarter quell continued, but now she stood in the darkness bent back, ready to let an arrow into Finnick chest. He stood only a couple feet or more away in the jungle. He looked terrified but looked at her.

So much death, so much pain had already happened. She had lost Peeta and it was her primary and only goal to make sure he lived. She now believed both Finnick and Joanna had betrayed them when it was the exact opposite. Everyone, even half the victors were protecting Katniss when she was unaware of it.

It was only an hour or so ago that the group had followed Beetee up to the lightning tree. The plan was to tie Beetee's wire around the lightning tree (which is struck by lightning at 12:00) and run the wire into the ocean, making the beach a conductor to electrocute everything in its path, thanks to the dampness of the tidal wave at 10:00. It was Katniss job to go with Joanna to take the wire down to the beach when they got attacked. Joanna had knocked Katniss out and also cut out her tracker. Her arm was no bleeding with shards of flesh exposed, she had it wrapped with a cloth.

She held her stance as Finnick pleaded with her.

“Katniss…..remember who the real enemy is.”

Katniss eyed him down but had heard that before the games had started, she let down her bow looking at him and that’s when the storm had started above, it was getting ready to strike the tree. The clouds were swirling and as lightening flashed you could see the dome of the arena.

“Katniss get away from the tree!!!!”

Katniss bent down picking up the coil wire and started wrapping it frantically around her arrow. Finnick screamed again having no idea what she was doing as she bent on her knee’s glairing up at the dome.

“Fuck you snow…” She quietly breathed and released the arrow. It shot into the eye of the storm above the tree. Lightning struck the tree igniting the wire, the explosion sent both Katniss and Finnick flying in opposite directions. Then the lightning soared through the wire as it hit the dome killing the game.

That would completely kill on communications, all media, everything linked into the game. The game maker’s headquarters would also be down.

In a more wanted scenario, this would have been the end, her rescue. But this wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. As she lay there paralyzed in a bad condition she would have a sort of euphoric high, a sense of peace as she wished she could die, it least she had stopped the games. In the distance as time felt slowed down, she could hear people screaming her name.

Breathe and balance and love,
I was born on the scene
Now it runs in my blood, yeah,
you know what I mean
When I'm dead and gone,
will they sing about me?
Dead and gone,
will they scream my name?
Scream my name

Plutarch looked on in horror, this was not the way it was planned and now he would have to think quickly and off-the-cuff. That was not how he liked to work. The games took almost a year to plan and prepare and the quarter quell with its hidden agenda had been even more time consuming, not least because of the need to communicate with district 13 and the clandestine nature of such. Then there were all the players and staff who had to be briefed and trusted and watched for the slightest sign of betrayal. Several times it had appeared as if all their plans might collapse like a house-of-cards, just one weak link would be all it took. The time, the effort, the stress, all had taken their toll. He'd lost weight and become such a ball of nervous energy it had been difficult to maintain his usual cool exterior, particularly in the presence of the President. Every time he met Snow, it was as if the man could look into his soul and with every word uttered he expected to be informed of his imminent death. When it did come, it wouldn't be quick, that was one thing he was certain of.

He quickly ordered a medevac team to pull all the remaining players out of the arena and take them to the secure wing of the hospital. Katniss, Peeta, Beetee and Finnick were taken to one ward, Brutus, who had merely pretended to drown when Peeta had attacked him and Enobaria in another - he needed to be able to speak freely with the rebels. But where to put Johanna that was the big question. In theory her allegiance was to the rebel cause, but her mind and her tongue could be waspish at the best of times and it was clear she resented the attention that Katniss received. He would put her with Brutus and Enobaria for now, in the hope of having a believable spy and the fear of having a turncoat who might destroy their plans.

A proactive response was needed for Snow. He grabbed Seneca and the two of them left the control room. Seneca was drained with horror, he knew exactly what the penalty for failure was. "He's going to kill you, you know that, don't you,"

Plutarch turned on the older man, "That's precisely what I'm going to try to avoid. So now we need a plan."


"Well, given how badly the 74th games went and the fact that you're still here."

Seneca understood his meaning and in the following 10 minutes they came up with a passable idea. Persuade Snow that this little interruption would simply heighten the show - after all, it would be memorable. Rebuild the arena, which should take about a week. Guarantee a more visceral spectacle, particularly for Katniss's death, the offer to make her beg for her life or poor scorn on the rebels. In the meantime, he had 7 days to work out a plan to get them out of the capitol, thought the districts and on to 13. Simple really. For the first time Plutarch felt real dread.


The interview with Snow had been brief. He seemed amused at the resistance and felt that a second showing would help drown the spirits of the rebellion more. But Plutarch had been tasked with coming up with a replacement to screen in the meantime and had had to get his team to put together a retrospective of previous games, biographies of previous winners and a 'how to' programme about some of the previous best traps, with a viewer vote. The plebs, how easily they were coddled.

Now he was on his way to see Katniss. Above all else he had to know how she was feeling and what she was thinking. He arrived at her bedside and looked down at the girl on fire. Now pale, scarred, much thinner and with tubes coming out of her. But eyes still bright.

"Hello Katniss."
Katniss had eventually passed out while the medevac pulled her from the destroyed arena. She and the remaining survivors were taken to a special hospital in a private unknown area in the capitol. She was quickly under strict instruction from the game makers to be nursed back to complete health. She was separated from the others for her own safety if you could call that considering they were only letting her live on borrowed time…or so she thought.

Fluttering her bloodshot eye’s she heard a familiar voice, Plutarch’s. She tried to sit up but her body ached, she had gotten electrocuted and thrown into a tree before landing on her back in the jungle of the arena. Groaning out she sighed and continued to lay there and tilted her head to see Plutatch, dressed casually in a black dress pants and a buttoned up navy blue oxford. His oxford was unbuttoned, maybe showing signs of stress. A game maker’s job wasn’t easy, nor was the people who were the ones who made the games happen like Plutarch.

“Oh…its you, how welcoming.” She said with a scratchy voice and was able to get the bed to tilt so she was sitting slightly upwards. She licked her chapped bloodied lips and eyed Plutarch, she could see he didn’t look quite the same he did at the part in the capitol, he had shadows underneath his eye’s, his hair a little uncombed, of course knowing what had happened only hours ago she could only imagine.

“So why am I alive? I’m sure Snow is waiting to get his hands on me.” She coughed and looked around realizing she was in some sort of confined hospital room, she had IV’s and monitors hooked everywhere.

Then she had time to relive the events of the last of the game, the lightning tree, Finnick, how they had split up before and Joanna had attached her. She saw a huge bandage was on her foramen from where she had cut out her tracker. Her mind went to Peeta and her eye’s shot open wider.


“Where Peeta, where in the hell is he? Is he dead?” She asked with furious scared eye’s trying to get up but was strapped down by her arms and legs.
"Peeta is fine," he answered, "he's on the same ward as you, but for now you're all being isolated." Plutarch took a chair and sat carefully next to her bed. "Of course Snow wants you dead Katniss, I can't imagine there are few people who aren't aware of that. But he needs you to die in the games. If you're killed by another victor, the districts will have someone to cheer. The games will continue in a week, and there will be more previous winners brought in form the first 4 districts."

He paused to let the words sink in. He was in an impossible situation. He couldn't possibly tell her that a new plan was being put into place, it was just too dangerous for all of them. But he had to find a way to get her to trust him, and he'd had just the right idea. "I brought someone to see you." He smiled what he hoped was a smile of reassurance. He stood and backed away from her bed and as he did so, Cinna entered. Plutarch had rescued him from the guards before they could drag him away to a cell. He might only be a game-maker, but when the games were on this gave him more power than most. The Captain hadn't been happy, but when Plutarch had suggested they discuss it with Snow, he'd backed down.

Cinna approached the bed and took Katniss's hand. "Hey girl on fire." He bent down and kissed her gently on the cheek. "I don't have long so I need you to listen very carefully to what I have to say." Cinna had been well-briefed. The ward was under surveillance, so he had to communicate the new plan in a way that would not be obvious to anyone listening in.
Katniss bloodshot eye’s relaxed as Plutarch confirmed he was alright. That was her only concern, her may goal was to keep him alive. He deserved to live. She felt responsible for his life. Her mind started racing trying to think of ways to save him until she heard the games would resume in a week and her stomach dropped. Then Plutarch continued to agree that Snow wanted her dead but that it must be done in the right way at the right time. She would be put back into the games. She sunk back, her eye’s swelling with unwanted tears, as her muscled tightened. She was starting to panic at the thought of the games.

The fear in her eye’s, the way her body tensed. He would know she was going into an episode until he had backed away and told her he had brought someone to see her. Cinna immediately walked through the automatic doors and she breathed out with silent tears coming down her bruised and scraped up cheeks. He took one of her hands, even though both her arms and legs were restrained and his touch was calming as she tried not to cry but it was impossible. He would give her a kiss on the cheek and feel her body shaking, she was in a horrible condition. They wouldn’t be able to heal her in time.

“They’re gonna put me back in the god damn game, god kill me now. Cinna just somehow make it end.” She said with a scratchy weak voice. Her head fell back, some of her hair falling in her face, she turned to look at Plutarch in the back ground and couldn’t quite read him. He stood his ground, always looking professional, but she could tell he was stressed, perhaps since the games didn’t go as planned his life was on the line.
Horror_Show said:
Katniss bloodshot eye’s relaxed as Plutarch confirmed he was alright. That was her only concern, her may goal was to keep him alive. He deserved to live. She felt responsible for his life. Her mind started racing trying to think of ways to save him until she heard the games would resume in a week and her stomach dropped. Then Plutarch continued to agree that Snow wanted her dead but that it must be done in the right way at the right time. She would be put back into the games. She sunk back, her eye’s swelling with unwanted tears, as her muscled tightened. She was starting to panic at the thought of the games.

The fear in her eye’s, the way her body tensed. He would know she was going into an episode until he had backed away and told her he had brought someone to see her. Cinna immediately walked through the automatic doors and she breathed out with silent tears coming down her bruised and scraped up cheeks. He took one of her hands, even though both her arms and legs were restrained and his touch was calming as she tried not to cry but it was impossible. He would give her a kiss on the cheek and feel her body shaking, she was in a horrible condition. They wouldn’t be able to heal her in time.

“They’re gonna put me back in the god damn game, god kill me now. Cinna just somehow make it end.” She said with a scratchy weak voice. Her head fell back, some of her hair falling in her face, she turned to look at Plutarch in the back ground and couldn’t quite read him. He stood his ground, always looking professional, but she could tell he was stressed, perhaps since the games didn’t go as planned his life was on the line.

"Katniss, listen to me," said Cinna in a voice barely above a whisper, "I always made you look your best, didn't I? I always gave you the costume you needed. I'll do the same again, you have to trust (he said the word very carefully and his eyes moved sideways, as if indicating the man stood behind him - he hope it was enough) me to do so again. You'll be fine. You'll put on a great show, and that's all Snow wants."

Cinna smiled. Had he said too much, his life still hung in the balance, but Plutarch and offered him some protection. Now they just needed time and for Katniss and Peeta and the others to not do anything stupid. Snow had to believe that the games would resume as normal and that the odds this time were definitely in the favour of the capital.

"I have to go," Cinna said, stepping away from the bed and releasing her hand, "Take care Katniss, we'll meet again on the other side." was it a mistake? To much? he didn't care. She was worth the risk. But Plutarch looked angry as he passed him.

Plutarch turned to Katniss and said rather gruffly, we'll have the restraints removed and begin some intensive rehab, we need you to be able to put up some resistence (again the word was emphasised) in the games." he gave her the briefest of smiles. Then turned and left.
Katniss watched Plutarch leave and leaned back closing her eye’s trying not to sob out. She was being sedated so she felt no pain, all of it was emotional as she was being kept comfortable. The fact she was going back into the games was horrifying. Cinna didn’t really make sense? What did he mean all she had to do was put on a good show? They had confirmed Snow wanted her dead it was just a matter of when the perfect moment was. Snow wanted everyone to see the mocking jay burn alive.

Her mind thought of what was the best possible solution in her own demise. She knew she might die when being thrown back into the games a second time. Her goal was to save Peeta, to make sure he was the last one standing. That was her only option. She would recover, do rehab, get better, go back in the game and kill ruthlessly, she would make sure both her and Peeta was left, then take her own life. Then he would win and leave a peaceful life? Right, is that how it worked, Snow just wanted her dead.

The truth was Katniss was damaged, psychically, mentally and emotionally. Like a solider being wounded, she might not be able to perform to her greatest.
Horror_Show said:
Katniss watched Plutarch leave and leaned back closing her eye’s trying not to sob out. She was being sedated so she felt no pain, all of it was emotional as she was being kept comfortable. The fact she was going back into the games was horrifying. Cinna didn’t really make sense? What did he mean all she had to do was put on a good show? They had confirmed Snow wanted her dead it was just a matter of when the perfect moment was. Snow wanted everyone to see the mocking jay burn alive.

Her mind thought of what was the best possible solution in her own demise. She knew she might die when being thrown back into the games a second time. Her goal was to save Peeta, to make sure he was the last one standing. That was her only option. She would recover, do rehab, get better, go back in the game and kill ruthlessly, she would make sure both her and Peeta was left, then take her own life. Then he would win and leave a peaceful life? Right, is that how it worked, Snow just wanted her dead.

The truth was Katniss was damaged, psychically, mentally and emotionally. Like a solider being wounded, she might not be able to perform to her greatest.
The door opened and in wandered Peeta. He walked over to her as if in a daze and then threw his arms around her, holding her tightly, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I thought Id' lost you, I thought I'd lost you." He mumbled over and over, never wanting the moment to end. She was here, she was alive and for this brief moment at least neither of them was in immediate danger. He didn't want to let go. "Don't give up Katniss," he whispered almost silently.

Peeta finally let go and stood up, "I know Plutarch and Cinna have been to see you. They came to see me too. I'm ready to go back in." Peeta stared at Katniss with such an intensity, he needed her to read his mind. Cinna was preparing costumes that would assist them in escaping and Plutarch would make sure that they got a head start before anyone noticed that they had gone. None of this could he tell Katniss. Her hatred of Snow and the games couldn't be tempered.
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