song of celerity《 captain levi x saber arturia 》

captain levi

Dec 22, 2015
After months of patches and flawed launches, the first successful beta test of the newly upgraded League of Legends was to be tried globally, the players hand-chosen from a lottery of a thousand from different parts of the world. Players were advised via manual to remain absolutely motionless in bed while immersing themselves in the 4D virtual reality simulator, for a careless move could easily jeopardize the game's performance. But little did the thousand beta testers know that the system's programming was corrupt and upon logging in, exiting the game via their motor functions would be impossible. There was literally no return to reality after the player's avatar, a cybernetic copy of their carbon selves, would appear in the vast world of League of Legends.

Every logged-in player was transported to a dimension void of anything but dark matter where a personalized 'champion select' hologram materialized in front of their simplified avatar. Not unlike a Normals match familiar to a 2D League of Legends game, several other parties (other beta testers) joined both the ally and opposing team, and champion selections were made left and right via a scroll-by menu. Alistar, Jax, Miss Fortune, Shaco, and Nautilus completed the enemy group, every champion following the first few to decide now locked in. The countdown was loud, deafening, even, over the clustered group of summoners cloaked in uniformed robes, a default attire for anyone starting at a measly level one.

The last champion selection was made and a voice unique to the summoner who had made the last decision echoed loud and clear:

"Only you can hear me, summoner. What masterpiece shall we play today?"

Once the summoners had linked to their chosen champions, the invisible platform they stood upon dissolved, the bottomless pit of nothing below it pulling every summoner into another dimension unlike the limbo they had been trapped in a second ago. Each one came to, all ten summoners scattered in different places on a map not yet conceivable to the poor and inexperienced summoner. But, there was a blue sky above every head and firm ground below their rattled bodies.

With the addition of a certain companion they had chosen to fight alongside...

"Ah, you've finally come to, summoner," Sona sighed in relief, her hands clasped in front of her. Her lips were obviously not moving to the naked eye and her voice, as melodic and celestial as the tunes that naturally resonated from her divine instrument, echoed in her summoner's head. She smiled, ocean-blue eyes giving off a friendly, warm glow that spoken words couldn't quite deliver to her human companion. She simply levitated around her fallen summoner, the ribbons of azure hair flowing like streams behind her, and the etwahl with her. "I was concerned you might not wake." If they hadn't been under the shade of a tree, concealed from view, they would have been at a clear disadvantage against the enemy team.

Veritably millions of potential testers and out of the thousand or so, he was one of the ones picked. One thousand seemed like a big number, but Lucas wasn’t totally stupid. It was a thousand people or so from millions, and as he waited for the final touches to be placed in, he figured the chances of getting in a car crash, crawling out of the car and dying to a lightning strike right after seemed like a way higher chance as far as things that could happen. But, he was there in the testing rooms, the VR device looking more like a helmet as he placed it on. “So I just put it on and wait for you guys, right? Everything else is connected and all ready to go, right?” There was more than just the helmet, the VR was suppose to be incredibly advanced, if not the most advanced that any company had made.

“That’s right, just let us do the rest of the work... See you on the other side in 3...2...1...” As the number was counted down, various parts of the VR sprang to life, and as the director reached one, everything went black for a few moments as the VR took full hold and Lucas felt like he was in a totally different world! Everything felt vivid as he looked at the hologram, his face well reflected, though his outfit... different. A slick robe, not much different from the robes that the various summoners around him wore, a little basic but there was always room to improve, right? Whether it was by conscious choice or random chance as he missed the choice and let the program choose for him, a rather familiar and soothing voice rang through his ears as the platform below him melted back into the void, and he felt himself being pulled downward and into another world!

Gone was the void and inky blackness. Instead, there was a blue sky, the sound of wind through the trees, viridian grass and aqua hair infront of him.

Aqua hair – the voice was familiar, mixing with the figure infront of him. “Ah.... Oh, Sona!” he chose her, right? “Wow, this is... This is really real, huh?” he held his hands infront of his face, blinking for just a second before looking back to her. “That I wouldn’t wake? Of course I would.” He had to wake, right? “So... The match started, right? I guess the game works a bit different if i’m actually here in the match, right? Uh.. How much do you know about the map, and what we’re actually doing here?” did this mean he had to fight?
She was startled when he exclaimed his surprise, the gentle flow to the ribbons of her aqua hair and robes interrupted by a sharp jolt at her initial alarm. Like a tide, her form gracefully ebbed and returned to him, almost curiously in the way she circled his body. It was admittedly her first time seeing a summoner in the flesh and it secretly amused her how they looked under-dressed for this particular occasion. She giggled, her voice echoing like musical notes rather than the voice of an actual woman her age. It almost sounded like she was more of an instrument than the celestial tool that hovered close to her form.

"Yes, I believe you have some essential items in your inventory," she chimed, urging the summoner to swipe his hand left to open a virtual bag that would carry all of his potions and weapons until they were absolutely needed. Even a map was generously included in the list of starting items, some others being a few potions and a pre-assigned Doran's Blade. For what the nature of the items suggested, the terrain they were in was peaceful and lacking of any enemy sightings, a new feature Sona was thankful for after her time and experience being in the forefront of battle. "Game?" Sona muffled an inaudible laugh behind the palm of her hand. "The moment we're summoned, the battle decides life and death, summoner, surely you must have known that?"

It was amusing to her, at least for the moment, how clueless the human was. Surely if they were caught off-guard by an enemy champion seeking the advantages of a First Blood, it wouldn't be as entertaining. "A town was established here a while ago," she advised, pointing in a general direction north. "It... It might be wise to purchase some items for myself, too. That is, if the summoner wouldn't mind spending on me." She spoke shyly, her cheeks tinged a faded pink. Never had she had to ask a summoner face-to-face to equip her with items, and certainly not to a handsome one!
He did choose her, didn’t he? Afterall, this would be his first game, he knew how Sona worked... And while he kinda knew he’d be ‘in’ the game, he didn’t know just how ‘in’ that meant until now. Perhaps he should have read that fine print more? Regardless, he was standing next to her as he leaned back against the tree for just a moment. The bark felt real, pressed up against him. The wind brushed against his face, through his hair... This wasn’t a dream! It felt like real life. And when she jolted just a bit, he almost expected things to stop working but they did not. It was gonna take some time to get use to this, and as he took a deep breath and focused, he looked to her and the bag she made evident to him. “Right, I know what this is.” basically the inventory, and that meant he had to buy things. “Y-yeah, life and death...” This was a game and even if he fell, he’d just get revived later, right? That’s how it worked.

But as she talked about getting items for himself and hers... It was simple. He knew what to best spend gold on. From a simple blade to arm himself with – the suggested dorans blade... To a few potions for the both of them, the rest of the gold would be spent on a map, plus a blade for Sona as well – not that she needed to use if in a fight, but the familiar icon of a spellthief’s edge gave way to a proper shape in the virtual world, and he handed both the blade and some potions to her. “Of course, Sona. Here, I think you can best use these, right?” Of course, he used this starting build for Sona hundreds of times over by this point. “If that’s all, I think we’re quite prepared to get ready with the others. Do you know our opponents?” If he was fighting with her, this was a veritable ten versus ten fight.
There was no mistaking the genuine smile that spread across her lips when she was given her starting build, a familiar Spellthief's Edge and some potions for her to carry and replenish her mana supply, if need be. "Harmoniously," she replied with a soft, melodic hum.

But her expression quickly fell when her summoner asked about their enemies. Her existence in any Rift match started with being summoned so any information shared prior to that was missed and it was common for champions to blindly scavenge the map to stumble upon their opponents face-to-face. That was usually what made these battles so random and dangerous. "Unfortunately, no," she told him, her fingers strumming the strings of her etwahl in the hopes that she would pick up the slightest disturbances in the air around her. "I don't sense any dissonance in the area, perhaps our allies are preparing in another section of the map."

As soon as that was said, there was a deafening roar coming from the dense foliage behind them. "Summoner!" she shoved Lucas none too carefully as a bloodied Alistar pounced out of the brush, followed by an ally Rengar who lashed out with glaring claws at its summoner's command. Both beasts were staggering, weak and bloodied, as the yellow health gauge above their colossal bodies depleted to its red range.
“Better, right?” He spoke when he saw her smile – and it was pretty breathtaking! He couldn’t help but smile back as they moved for the battlefield, looking to her as he was still learning along with her. “So I see, then we’ll have to keep an eye out.” This was more immersive he admitted, it made it feel less like a game and well... A real fight. Hearing the music of her instrument alongside the wind, it did give him the determination as they moved on, at least until the melodic ambiance was disturbed by the sound of a crashing roar, the bloodied opponent a massive minotaur-esque being, crashing through the heavy grass around them, followed by a snow colored predator! ‘Shi-’ Trying not to let panic overtake him, this was a game and their opponent was injured afterall! He held the knife in a more combat ready stance after picking himself up from his allies shove. “Thanks...” He muttered, moving swiftly for Alistair. ‘Burn!’ focusing on flame and ruin, the spell of ignition would take hold of his opponent, fire searing already grievous wounds! And to further seal the killing blow he lunged for his opponent, a series of quick knife strike causing crimson to coat the edge of his weapon, Alistair roaring out in pain, a flailing but powerful strike lashing out at Lucas as his blade bit deep into the beasts wrist!! Lucas was sent flying, knife in hand as the flames continued to engulf the wounds of his enemy! Of course... Searing pain enveloped Lucas as well, the wound feeling far too real!
Rengar and Alistar wrestled in dirt and upturned roots, the weight of two colossal beasts fighting to the death kicking up patches of grass and tearing brushes in their violent wake. So, it was difficult for Sona to maneuver around the titans as they battled, having been separated from Lucas after she pushed him out of harm's way.

What she hadn't expected was for him to lash out so boldly and with a skill he hadn't tried in this four-dimensional world! Panic overwhelmed her just the same as a portion of her health was depleted by the damage Lucas had sustained, although with a quick but elegant swipe of her fingers across the divine strings of her instrument, Rengar was partially healed, and so was her summoner's wound. With the enemy Alistar staggering on low health, she quickly switched up her tactic and cast forth a brilliant beam of blue light that struck through the minotaur with tremendous force. The energy burst through their opponent twice before she swiftly returned to her summoner's side, watching as Alistar stumbled and fell face-first into the ground.

But, strangely enough, the enemy failed to re-spawn, and the meek female summoner hiding behind a tree shrieked as her form shattered into pieces. The sight of the enemy champion not yet disappearing was strange even to Sona. However, their ally summoner with Rengar in tow was hardly impressed nor fazed by the disappointing turn of events. A loud 'First Blood!' narrated by a familiar woman's voice echoed over the land, and a notification listing some experience and gold gain popped up.

"Tch," the ally summoner staggered off with his champion. "Thanks for the KS, asshole."

"Summoner, are you hurt?" she rushed to Lucas' side, concern flecked on her features.
Oh crap that hurt – he expected there would be pain, but this was like getting hit by a car! Not that he had personally, but getting a fist the size of his chest crashing into said chest caused him to hit the ground with a sprawl, dirt being kicked up as he groaned out. “Shit....” Staggering up, his vision was dazed for a moment, coughing out faintly as air was soon sucked in. “K-killstealing... Should be thankful you and Rengar aren’t dead and having to respawn! Thank Sona for keeping your idiot ass alive!” They couldn’t report him, right? And hey, it wasn’t too mean. Still, as the enemy summoner shattered, and the fight ended, he was left to recover and let the Rengar and ally swagger off. They all shared the bounty in any case!

“Y-yeah... Sorry, didn’t think you would get hurt.” He spoke, noticing Sona’s concerned features. She wasn’t real, but the concern and way she looked at him immediately made him feel guilty. “Sorry, I just saw an opportunity and went for it. Shoulda planned that better.” Why was he apologizing? That was dumb, but well, he was dumb. “You aren’t hurt too badly, right? We got a ton of gold from that, if we stay for a big longer and either wait for minions or even get lucky like that, that’s even more and we can get something new.” He grinned, curious as to how respawning worked... Not that he was going to volunteer himself to try it out here. He just gave Sona a grin. "We're working out pretty damn awesomely in any case, c'mon. You really helped out, we coulda lost Rengar in that fight if it weren't for you!"
"Summoner..." she pressed her lips tightly together, unable to stop the slightest of frowns to reach her features. "Please, be more cautious next time, a careless mistake could cost you your life." And she certainly didn't wish that for both of them just five minutes into the match! What was strange, however, was that Alistar defeated on the ground was still there, whereas he would have regenerated at the enemy base in less than ten seconds in any other normal game. Surely, this had to be a mistake? Had Alistar's summoner disconnected?

"No," Sona answered him, strumming her instrument once more to heal both their health bars to its limit. The odd turn of events that had left Alistar's corpse still fresh on the battlefield was puzzling for Sona but she quickly distracted herself by rejoicing in the reward of their unexpected triumph. "Then we must make haste, summoner, there will be minions coming through this way." The area they were in was an efficient place to level up which was why Rengar and Alistar had both been there, fighting over the turf that Lucas and Sona had ultimately claimed for their own.

She placed her hand on his arm gently, her voice resonating soothingly in the privacy of his own thoughts. "I was impressed by your performance despite your impulsive maneuvers. I believe we may make a harmonious duet with some finer tuning."
Actually, it was a little odd that the enemy champion did not fade away after death. By all accounts enough time had passed that it should have, yet it did not. Instead it continued to rest where it was, almost hauntingly so. “A little odd...” It wasn’t the usual for him, but maybe it was just part of the new game mode, again. They had staked out a good area, and as the enemy minions started to appear, once again Lucas held his blade with some confidence, waiting. “I apologize though, I won’t act that recklessly again. Next time i’ll at least tell what i’m doing. Our mental bond goes two ways, doesn’t it? And hey, thanks.” As she placed a hand on his arm, he leaned back into it, smiling. She felt way, way too real. “I think we’ll make a great team too. And i’ll keep you safe, no ones hurting my Sona, ‘kay?” He promised, giving her a smile.

Their own minions made a good shield of course, and lunging between them to get the killing stroke on the enemy made for easy income. However, situational awareness was even more important now, he was part of the game, limited to the much more narrow vision around him, and his eyes darted from brush to brush, from entry to exit as his knife missed a kill or two during such. “Damn! Have to be more attentive.” Where was their enemy? Surely there would be other enemy champions lining up to try and contest the area, and he was careful not to push too far forward, his body still somewhat ached from the blow earlier, he figured it best not to test his luck.

Still... In the back of his mind he knew Alistar should be back.
And I'll keep you safe, no one's hurting my Sona, 'kay?'

They were words that strummed her heartstrings like a melody she knew by heart and it didn't fail to color her cheeks in a wild, passionate pink unfit for her title as the calm and composed Maven of the Strings. She retracted her hand, simmering in what felt like her own body warmth before hovering closely behind her summoner.

Training and claiming the hunting ground for their own was simple enough with no enemies nearby to disturb their exercise. She was far more cautious than her human partner, however, her range of hearing and the ability to pick up any discordant sound far more enhanced than Lucas'. "Adagio, summoner," she warned him to take the minions in calculative stride as it was easy to miss a blow from the back by focusing on the few at the forefront. Sona twirled in the air as she sent forth bursts of blue, spiritual energy from her etwahl, dealing magical damage to the minions that shattered and would re-spawn elsewhere in due time. Her mana was depleting quickly, so she lessened her mana consumption by healing Lucas for the time being and focusing on the few minions left with basic auto-attacks that finished the job just as efficiently.

She had sustained the same amount of damage Lucas had, and was more or less covered in minor scratches and bruises that wouldn't have been visible in the original gameplay. "We can teleport to a town for upgraded items," she suggested. "Facing enemy champions at our level will..." Her gaze trailed to Alistar who hadn't been resurrected yet. Would she end up like that, as well?
A bruise here, a scratch here from a stray minion.. Surprisingly he had inherited some fighting skills here, his knife hand deft, and the blade razor sharp as he cut down minion after minion. Unlike Alistar, the little minions did fade away some time after death, their bodies no longer littering the ground around him. That only made the situation all the more peculiar, briefly looking to Alistar one last time before dodging out of the way from an errant minion spell, feeling the energy brush past him once again. It was far, far too real for something that he considered magic! Likewise, Sona’s vibrant blush was beautiful, and in a way that made her seem less like a non real object and more like a real person...

If he wasn’t aware it was VR, he’d assume he really was living here. He heard her warning, focusing on the minions once again, feeling her magic bolstering not just him, but also doing its own damage to the enemy. Even his energy was slowly feeling spent, and as he winced from a light bruise, he soon gave a nod to her. “Yeah, I think it’s best we head back now, get our strength back and come back a little stronger.” he moved closer to her, his words from prior still serious. “You go ahead and get a bit of a head start on it, i’ll follow right behind, alright?” Staggering it by a second or to made him feel a little more secure about doing it. But when he was confident she was going to make it out in one piece, he began to channel as well, trying to ignore the corpse of their enemy.
Only when Sona had checked and double-checked that their environment was safe enough for her to channel first, she started to do so, her form dissolving in a colossal ray of light that seemed to pierce the heavens. Her destination was the cozy, default town that all allied summoners were teleported to, a refuge beyond the turrets and a bridge towards the Nexus. Sona was astounded by the new features that had been implemented to accommodate the influx of human summoners, including town inns, edible provisions, and the assortment of dazzling decorations that welcomed the first beta testers to their first four-dimensional game.

Sona's smile seemed to widen considerably as she awaited her summoner, observing as Rengar trudged out of the merchant's stall with some new equipment in tow. She was relieved that, despite their rough start, the Pridestalker had survived the first few minutes of the bloody fight. So far, no other champions had been proclaimed dead but Sona still wondered if Alistar had been resuscitated in the enemy town, or if he was still lying in the dirt with the all-too-real effects of rigor mortis setting in.

It was starting to get dark and she was becoming antsy, wondering where Lucas was when he should have appeared shortly after she had. "Lucas?" she called, hoping her telepathic ability would be able to reach him where her voice couldn't.
She was not the only one checking, he wanted to make sure they weren’t to get ambushed, and while things calmed down enough, he was able to feel the teleportation magic as he channeled it, eyes closed and breathing a little light as things were allowed to wind down. ‘I’m coming’ He heard his champions mental question and replied back with his own, the world shifting around him as the incantation finished. In the blink of an eye, the world faded, and he had found himself not far from Sona, viewing the base for the first time. Perhaps he’d lost track of it, but time had wheeled by and what was once day time was rapidly beginning to fade away, night beginning to consume the sky with a violet hue. ‘Well, this is different.’ He mused to himself, looking to Sona after a moment. “Great, we’re both here! Let’s go get some items and recover a bit? Nothing seems too pressing right now, so I think we can kill at least a bit of time.” It was getting dark and he pondered if that meant there was to really be a pause in the fight? He wouldn’t mention Alistar, it was already uncanny enough to leave a bad feeling in his throat for now.
Words clearly couldn't describe the absolute relief she felt upon seeing her summoner in the flesh beside her again, even if it had only been a few minutes since they had been apart. Musical notes, jovial and happy as the way she beamed at him, reverberated in the summoner's thoughts and only for him to hear. "I was concerned," she stated, the etwahl hovering to her backside where it hung like a guitar, just so she could reach over and hold onto his sleeve. "I won't be parted from you again."

She levitated closer to the merchant stall Rengar had been at, briefly browsing the item icons with familiar fascination. It was always interesting to see what kind of equipment her summoner would choose for her that would determine her potential in battle. Perhaps a Rabadon's Cap to build a full AP burst? Archangel's Staff? Her attention, however, wandered over to the assorted array of bread and hearty meals that Sona hadn't seen before. Perhaps these were new items?

"Here, it's a treat!" the shopkeeper handed them two loaves of bread filled with custard and Sona took the curious item in her hand, taking an experimental bite of the loaf. Her aqua eyes immediately widened in surprise, custard smearing on her lips as she tried actual food for the first time. It seemed to put her in higher spirits, just before a deafening voice boomed over the entire town, startling her just enough for Sona to drop her bread.

"An ally has been slain!"
“Concerned over me? Well, i’m glad. I haven’t heard anyone being concerned over me in a while truth be told.” Why would he confess something to someone who wasn’t real? Well, it made it easier to d, he knew she wasn’t a real person, but felt lifelike enough that well, it wouldn’t hurt to say. “But i’m here, don’t worry. We’ll get outta this match without a single death! You have my word.” He was a little cocky, but nothing wrong with that, right? As he approached the same stall, he was a little less picky on what he wanted as he was rather specific. If he was a melee fighter in the game, at least a pair of boots and a new enhancement weapon – a pick axe seemed apt. Could work it into a Tiamat later or even Death’s Dance, something that’d keep him alive, he had made a promise after-

‘An ally has been slain!’ The booming voice was a little surprising, but the words were not. he’d heard them a thousand times over in the real world, sometimes just before taking off his headphones with a heavy sigh. ‘Ahh....’ sighing out just a bit, he then noticed Sona had dropped her bread, and since he hadn’t bit his yet... He looked to her, handing his loaf to her. “Here, it’s clean.” Taking the one that was dropped, he brushed it off, “I don’t mind, don’t worry. You should enjoy it.” It was a simple gift and again, something easy.

Of course – there was another thing that startled him as he took a bite, a more mental warning to him - not one that boomed like the feminine voice.

‘Attention summoners: All current matches are placed on hold as we sort out some minor issues between player feedback and response times. Until these issues are sorted, all matches are currently on hold, and we suggest you get some R&R!’

“Actually... Hey, it’s getting dark.” Lucas spoke, looking to Sona. “Why don’t we take a break from the fight? Relax for an hour or two.” Well, this stuff was new, and as the match ended, inwardly he could feel other things opening. Non match specific things, an empty friends list, preferred champions... Champion and skins store, those applications seemed more mentally focused, but were real all the same.
Although she knew that his words of reassurance were just that, reassurance, she thought it felt nice to hear it from a summoner she was programmed to entrust her life to. Before, it hadn't been like that, and her battles were fought alone as were her deaths. But, he was here, and his promise to her spoke more volumes than the company of an allied champion who were more or less brainwashed drones themselves.

Her fingers clasped around the bread offered to her, a look of mild concern crossing her fair features yet again. "What about you?" she asked, tearing off a hefty chunk of the bread smeared in custard to offer him. "You must regain your strength as well, summoner, and not with tainted provisions." She was thankful for his generosity, though, and nibbled off pieces of her pastry while following Lucas into the inviting, glowing doors of a nearby inn. Zed and his summoner had already found the lounge and there was childish fascination scribbled on the latter's face as he switched his champion's skin with the press of a button on his virtual interface.

Hers were more or less the same, except two other options had been added in the collection of available skins: nightwear and lingerie.
They were partly assurance but also rather authentic. He really didn’t want to feel the pain of death, and assumed she didn’t either. She was programmed to feel virtual pain as well, and it would be real to her, a little different than him. There was something more sympathetic about that, that made him want to make sure she wouldn’t feel that sort of pain! When she tore off the hunk of bread, he rapidly shook his head as he held hers. A little bit of dusting off and this’ll be as good as new. Just not right to make you eat it, is all!” He had brushed off the dirt, taking a bite soon after. “It’ll be fine, promise!”

Heading into the inn, it was rather new, looking around with a brow raised. He had enough gold left for a room. A. Room. Not two for them, just the one... And well, he could just sleep in the floor. While paying for the room, he noticed or at least mentally browsed the shop, noting the two new additions, curious as to them. ‘Ahhh... Wow. Talk about player incentives.’ he muttered, a game like dead or alive would kill for that level of immersion. The room was rather nice, a good quality room that was quite spacious, and.... Once they were inside, once things were private.

Well, why not click the lingerie choice? That’s what he’d do.
This was all new to Sona, as well. It was strange that even she felt the weight of drowsiness as she entered the room, although it would soon be swept away by an alarming change to her wardrobe... In a second, her celestial robe had shattered into mere pixels and the etwahl with it, leaving barely anything on her rather voloptuous frame but a lacy babydoll dress that left hardly anything to the imagination. The hem was trimmed just at her crotch where a skimpy, also lacy pair of underwear hugged her full and perky bottom.

The red rose to the tips of her ears as she was undressed literally in a snap, her appetite no longer craving for the bread in her hands. "Summoner..." she turned a shoulder to him, a bit shy in her lack of clothing. "Is this the sort of symphony you'd like to play?" The thin hem of her dress seemed to flutter about as she moved, barely covering the top of her butt. She was embarrassed, but excitedly so, hoping that the summoner at least liked what he saw, especially now that she looked quite different with her aqua tresses let down to flow past her waist.
He’d be lying if he said it was just idle curiosity that really made him press the button, a little more than just the desire to see it made his finger mentally press down on it... But as the brief aura shimmered around her and the usual garment and instrument shattered on her to be replaced by a rather... thin babydoll, even he felt the flush rise to his cheeks before he calmed himself. ‘Oh, wow. It’s real.’ As real as anything else was here! He couldn’t help but feel the rising anticipation, watching the way her shoulder turned to him, her body shy but her words almost speaking of something a little different. “W-well.... I think you look utterly radiant like that.” Musical terms... “Perhaps that sort of symphony where we can reach a mutual crescendo...” that almost felt silly, but his eyes looked to her with more than approval, his cheeks still a little reddened by the arousal. Clearing his throat after a moment, he moved to sit on the bed, slightly leaning into it. “Afterall, I think it might be more than a good way to at least... break the ice and know one another more?” He asked, almost hesitant, but still part of him hoping.

They had to program her like this, right?
The way he matched her vocabulary seemed to pique her interest as if they were finally speaking a language they both understood, and her eyes lit up in juvenile curiosity. "I... well, thank you, summoner," she nodded, her cheeks still blossoming a pink hue at the praise she was yet accustomed to hearing about her body, rather than her musical performances.

"A mutual crescendo..." she repeated softly, approaching him with dainty steps until she was astride him, both slim, but toned thighs on either side of his hips. Her actions surprised her, even, realizing just after her bold move that she had literally straddled the summoner, her lack of clothing making every shift of her body that much more sensitive to the slight bulge her soft, almost plush mound pressed against. "To familiarize yourself with my melody, yes?" she hummed, arms sensually sliding around Lucas' neck so he could feel the way her body leaned against his, the warmth that fluttered between their frames, and her breath closing in, even to the minute details in the sensations of her lips melding against her summoner's.

She pulled away, a chaste peck bordering an actual kiss left on his lips. It was odd, the way she felt, the fact that she could even feel this, but it wasn't something Sona wanted for it to disappear so soon.
Whoever designed this was a huge pervert, was the entire team perverted? Maybe! But it’s not like he was innocent, he made the damn selection himself! Hardly the type to shy away from blaming himself, he was still there and more than happy to see her like that. “Yes, just like that.” As she approached him, her body was curvy yet toned, a woman who was soft in all the right places as she straddled him, his body leaning back a little more. She was more bold than he thought she’d be but that was hardly a bad thing, truth be told! And this time around he could feel her weight, he could feel her actual, tangible warmth against his body as he tried not to gasp out. It had... been a little while since he’d felt something like this, her plump and soft chest against his more toned chest. Breathing out just a bit, he felt her kissing him softly on the lips, something a little more chaste and pure. It almost made him laugh, but instead he smiled as a hand rested against the nape of her neck, leaning her a little closer. “Whatever you want to do...” his lips brushed against her cheek before whispering heatedly against her ear. “You can do it, i’m not going to tell anyone, you know...”
His lips against her cheek and then to the lobe of her ear elevated the heat in her body before it shot south all too quickly, the prospect of doing something naughty, something against her reserved upbringing, was exhilarating. And with a human summoner, too! She pursed her lips tightly together, brows furrowing to emulate a frown of sorts before her lips clumsily pressed to his again. She was clearly inexperienced in the way she kissed, but her body betrayed her lack of knowledge and rutted slowly against the tent dipping against the wet fabric of her panties.

"You won't tell?" she asked, embarrassed by the mere thought of the other champions spotting her in this scandalous predicament. She would be noted as a temptress similar to Ahri! But, her concerns for gossip were clearly disregarded in the way she pressed eagerly against him, her body craving to be fondled by his delightfully firm hands. Sona kissed him again, melodic notes thrumming a little louder after each brief contact to her lips that left her physically aching for more. She was easily aroused, and parted from him with a silent huff, her fingers lifting the hem of her lacy dress to show what a damp mess she had made of his lap. "I apologize," she winced in embarrassment. "I must have been a bit too eager..."
It was a little silly to say he wouldn’t tell! Who would he tell, anyway? But when he then noted the way she reciprocated after he said that, he gave her another smile. “Like I said, promise.” He felt the way her body moved, her lips humming against him when she kissed against him, her summoner soon returning the kiss as he just growled faintly into it. Oh yes, he very much wanted this even if it was VR... No one would really pay attention, right? Plus they had to anticipate this, he figured! Feeling the growing dampness on his lap, he encouraged it as his hand soon moved for her ass and gave it a firm, eager little squeeze to keep her close. “For what?” When the kiss broke, his eyes looked to her as his other hand began to dip between her thighs, rubbing against her slit. “It’s good If you are. Bend over, aaand... I’ll make you even more eager!” Oh yes, that would be very fun.
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