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the pony of death and L337GAM3R

Jul 4, 2009
A girl of maybe 17 or 18 years of age stood at the bus station the dirt and grim from the bus seemed to hover around her in the air and lightly on her skin masking her young beauty in a way. Her hair hung a couple inches past her shoulders her mother had insisted that she have her hair done in hopes that she might actually go on a few dates this year since her hobbies rarely attracted men her age. Her hair was a nice natural shade of red on the bottom half of her head then her natural sandy blonde hair on top with layered in highlights. Her hair had been cut to make all of this blend together nicely and the slight curl at the ends only added to the look framing the fair skin of her face beautifully. She had blue and hazel eyes, a slight hint of pin on her cheeks emphasizing her youth, her lips were small but slightly full. Her figure was lean but shapely from her size 30 D breasts trailing down to her small waist down to her well proportioned hips with a small, firm butt. She stood at about five feet tall. She wore a pair of wide leg jeans that hugged her hips, a plain brown t-shirt that exposed about an inch of her nice flat stomach, and a pair of flip flops. Her suit case sat on the ground beside her small frame.
Liena looked around for her older brother and sighed a bit annoyed he was supposed to pick her and take her to his dorm for the week. She had not seen her brother in a little over a year and she had changed a lot since he last saw her. She had grown a into a nicer figure since he had last seen her. She wondered how he would react. She had thought he was cute when she was younger but had pretty much pushed those thoughts aside after he had left for college. She sat down on her suitcase as she waited impatiently. He never was much for being on time it had seemed. She sighed and pulled her wallet out walking over and getting a snickers out of the vending machine she needed to eat something her blood sugar was getting a bit low. She snacked on the candy bar until she was pretty sure she saw his car pull into the parking lot. She grabbed her suitcase and rolled it out through the exit hoping it was him she was anxious to clean up a bit. She hated the bus it was never very clean.
Running a bit late Jared gunned the car down the high way towards the bus station. Growling at himself for having to take off school early to pick up his baby sister he sighed and put on his disturbed CD. Turning the music up he dropped the gear on the nineteen sixties model mustang and tore down the highway at almost a hundred miles per hour. Finally he hit his off ramp and squealed to a stop as he turned into the parking lot of the bus station. Putting the car into a parking spot he put on the parking break and set it in neutral as he stepped out to greet her.

“Hey Liena, I hope you haven't been waiting too long, I got stuck in traffic.” He said chuckling, a small lie. Walking over to her he took her suitcase and smiled. Lifting it up he walked to the car and slid it in the almost nonexistent back seat. “Give your brother a hug.” He said as he walked over to her and pulled her to his black t shirt clad chest, his jeans a little big on him. His green eyes looked her over and a smirk crossed his five O'clock shadowed face. His brunette hair was a little long, but up in spikes as to keep it out of his way, and it was the way he liked it.
She smiled when he helped her with her suitcase and demanded his hug she jumped up hugging him like she had when she was younger. "so you have to tell me all about college on the way to your place. Cause when I get there I need some sleep I'm beat. You know I can't sleep in the car and the bus is even worse. " she said smiling up at him. She was going to make him notice that she had changed while he was away. She sighed happily "wow its nice great to see you again I missed having my big brother around. Too bad you had to go to college you might have been able to help me convince mom I don't need a boyfriend to be a normal girl. Look what she did to my hair" she said making fun of their mom a bit. She looked up at him she had seen him eyeing her and she was going to make sure he did a lot more of it before she left for home in a week. She looked over at him as she climbed into his car.
Smiling he got in the car after he made sure she was in. "You know how mom can be, trust me I went through it all. Then again I had like four girlfirends at the same time when I lived there, you had a lot to live up to." Jared smirked as he started the car and pulled out of the parking spot heading back around to the highway. "College is a lot like highschool really, boring classes, long winded lectures and homework. The only differences are that you pick your own times and classes." Jared said as he got on the highway and took off for the house about thirty minutes away from the central hub of the city. Shifting he dropped into high gear and took off to make the trip a little shorter. "Shit, didn't you sleep last night?"
"a little but I was excited to see you I really did miss you. I thought you might be worried about me dating you are after all my big brother aren't you supposed to be like how dare anyone look at my little sister. I could date if I wanted to I just don't want any of the guys who ask me out they just want me to sleep with them they don't actually care about me." she said shaking her head a bit "that I'm afraid if they hug me they might break me I'm smaller than a lot of girls at school. but at least I'm not as flat as I used to be so I can't be referred to as a ten year old boy." she said laughing a bit. "I can't wait for college." she said softly. "things have been harder since you left mom has been riding my butt about being the most popular girl in school and dating all the supposedly hot guys and dad has been riding me about grades even though I have all A's except for two classes I can't be perfect" she said softly "I'm so glad to be out of there for a week. cool no nagging for a week" she looked over at him.
"Well you know I really don't care if you date, if I ever come home and you're fucking some boy on the couch then we will have problems." He said rather bluntly as they drove down the highway. "No one is perfect, dad will ride your ass forever about it so the best you can do is to let it go in one ear an out the other that's what I always did." He smiled and poked her in the side. "Mom is a little crazy but you have to love her." He said as he found his exit and got off at the fifth street bridge, the bridge that led to the suburb just outside of the campus in the city. "I'm glad you're excited but you should have slept last night, I can't promise I will be able to be quiet enough for you to sleep, I do have some work to do."
"its ok I can sleep through pretty much anything you know that." she said poking him back. She looked out the window curiously. "wow maybe I should go to college here its so neat I would love it here." she said looking out the window looking very excited. She looked outside as they pulled up to where he was staying it was a large building not exactly fancy but nicer than some of the other places in town but his apartment building looked welcoming a clean for the most part. She smiled a bit "this is going to be great catching up this week and hanging out like we used to all the time I'm really looking forward to it" she ran up and hugged him as he was getting out of the car.
Jared smiled and patted her on the head as they pulled into the parking spot. "You have a convention to go to an I am going to be on spring break so I guess we can catch up some." He said with a smirk as he parked and turned off the car. Getting out he grabbed her suitcase and smiled. "So what is this years convention and why do you need to stay at my place?" He asked as he looked over at her small frame again. Pulling the key to his apartment out he walked to the door on the ground level and opened it, apartment four oh eight. Two stories, with the neighboring units still for rent. The apartment was well furnished with old furniture from the family home, well stocked with food and drinks, a large tv and an xbox 360 in the living room, but only one bedroom, the other had been turned into his computer room.
"because the convention is being held at your collage it is within walking distance and mom and dad wanted me to stay with some we knew." She said simply and shrugged. She followed him into his apartment, and smirked she opened her suitcase and pulled out her nighties and went into the bathroom to change. she removed her clothes and put on a pair of rolled up boxer shorts and a tank top. She yawned stretching a bit her chest sticking out a bit more in that position then she walked right past him. She was going to see just how much she could tease him while she was here.
"Mom and dad worry too much, I knew my school was awesome for some reason or another and please don't tell me you're going to bring all you anime nerd fans back here." Jared smiled and watched her walk by him, presenting her body almost on show for him. "You know I can handle the anime and the games for a while, well the games for a long while, but it's the fans that drive me up the wall. All the screaming little girls who think the anime characters are real." Jared sighed and walked to the kitchen the was open to the living room. Grabbing a can of coke from the fridge he popped it open and took a long drink before hopping up on the counter. "So what is at this convention, anything I might be interested in ?"
She smirked and looked over at him "well if it's hentai you are looking for no. I won't bring anyone back with me." she said softly. she looked over at him "so where will I be sleeping?" she asked walking over and getting a glass she leaned over the counter to reach a bit. Then filled the glass with water she took a sip and sighed "I think I after I have a nap I'll hop in the shower that bus was filthy." she said softly she brushed past her brother and headed for the couch. She was having so much fun teasing him she knew he was eyeballing her and she loved it. She curled up on the couch and fell asleep. She just wanted his undivided attention.
"Well take your nap, I think I will do the same I had to get up early this morning for an exam since I had to pick you up." Jared smiled and stood up stretching, pulling his shirt up over his decently toned body as he did. Tossing the black tshirt on the ground he walked out of the room. "If you need me I am sure you can find me." He said as he disappeared up the stairs to his room, directly across from the top of the stairs. The room next to his was the computer room and the room across was the one large bathroom in the apartment. Undoing his belt he gave a light wiggle as his pants fell off revealing a loose pair of black cotton boxers. Crawling under the heavy layer of covers he closed his eyes, not closing the door he didn't really care it was only his sister.
She woke up about three hours later she went up stairs to his bathroom and stripped down she left the door cracked out of habit so the steam didn't build up so much. She hopped in the shower and started washing the grime off her body from the trip. She hated buses for this reason they made her feel filthy. She closed her eyes stretching under the hot steaming water ti felt so good on her bare skin. She started washing her hair the foam running down her back and chest. She smirked thinking about how much fun it would be to tease her brother if he walked in on her like this. She loved to tease it never got old to her. She sighed happily just thinking about how he would react to this sight.
Jared yawned and rolled over a little hearing the running shower in the room next to him. Being as drowsy as he was the sound didn't register as he stood up and yawned. Walking across the hall to the bathroom with his eyes half open he walked to the toilet and raised the lid. Pulling the front of his boxers down his nine inch dick was now out and he was relieving himself. His hazel eyes closed as he took what was almost his “morning” piss. Tired as he was he then realized the shower behind him was running. Turning he looked very confused as he looked at the shower curtain and tilted his head. “Huh?”
Liena was in the shower she paused for a moment thinking she heard something but quickly shrugged it off. She started washing her face and behind her ears, then she pulled out some face scrub using that then washed again. She then started washing the rest of her. She relaxed under the water letting the heated water run down her bare body. She then leaned down lathering her legs starting to shave them she shaved every day so that they were always perfectly smooth. She had her girly moments but she was still for most part a tomboy.
Reaching up Jared flushed the toilet and then moved to the sink washing his hands. It then hit him, only moments after the flush of the toilet, his sister was there. He turned knowing what was about to happen and all he could do was, as horrible as it was, chuckle and wait to see the ensuing reaction from within the shower as all the cold water went away with the flush of the toilet. His hazel eyes watched out of some cynical reason waiting, watching to see what would happen. Would she jump out naked? Would she scream and throw something at him? Would anything happen at all? All he could do was watch.
She screamed and jumped out of the shower falling into him. She was panting still a bit startled she looked up seeing her brother. She slowly turned her face bright red and froze. "umm... " she didn't know what to say she'd had a crush on him since she was in middle school and she was now naked against him and she did not know what she was supposed to do. She just looked up at him her cheeks burning with embarrassment that she was naked in front of her older brother.
As she jumped from the shower into his arms he stood there shocked for a moment and held her lush, sexy, wet naked body to him mostly naked body. “My bad.” He managed to speak out as he looked at her, in a not so brotherly fashion. His eyes trying to measure every curve on his body. Shaking his head he stepped back a little and set up onto the counter, trying to hide the semi erect monster in his boxers. With a soft smile he stopped laughing and sighed. “Seriously sorry about that, I completely forgot that you were here when I woke up from my nap. Bad memory you know.”
"it's fine I just didn't expect that...well I'm going to" she stopped looking down at her leg the sudden rushed of hot water and the jump had caused her to cut herself shaving "oh shit" she grabbed some toilette paper and started to try to stop the bleeding it was small luckily but is was also deep. "ouch I need to be a bit more careful. She saw his erection and her blush only deepened as she bit her lower lip nervously."once I get this to stop I'll finish up in the shower" she said softly she was not entirely sure if she should invite him but she had made a few hints it was his turn to step up. She wanted to feel his touch for the first time.
As he saw the cut he smiled softly and shook his head. "I think I might have to get in with you, you seem to need a lifeguard." He said in a sarcastic manner before stretching a little. "That is unless you're going to argue with the person letting you stay with him." He said and winked at her quickly. Standing up he smirked and dropped his boxers, the large member still not fully erect dangled there as he moved past her gently brushing his hips against her ass as he climbed into the shower.
She blushed deeply and nodded "I think I can live with that" she said softly. She dropped the toilette paper and climbed in behind him. She lightly brushed past him her body lightly brushing his. She reached for the soap and gently lathered up again to start her shaving once more. She wanted to feel his touch on her skin, to kiss him, to hold him, to feel him. She wanted so much from him. She soon finished shaving and turned facing him. She just looked him in the eyes. She wanted him to show her this was some how alright.
Jared watched her as she shaved, their eyes met as she turned around. With a smile he took the soap from her hands and started to form a nice lather in his palms. With a smirk he spoke. "You missed a spot." He said and his hands moved to her sides, spreading the soap dangerously close to the fleshy orbs that he so longed to grasp. With a soft smile he stepped a little closer and pinned her gently to the wall, his hands moving higher up brushing her breasts with each motion he made. With a smile on his face he chuckled. "I hope you don't mind the help."
She blushed slightly and smiled "I don't mind at all" she whispered she leaned up to him her lips lightly grazing against his. She slowly ran her hands down his bare chest her eyes never leaving his. She soon reached his groin region lightly caressing his length. "you may help me anytime you want" she said softly. she lightly brushed her lips against his once more then kissed him softly on the lips. she leaned in her body pressing against his wanting to feel more of his touch. "I think I missed a few more spots as well"
As her hands crawled down his chest to stroke his length he groaned at the soft touch. Letting the soap slide from his hands he moved them to her ample breasts, squeezing each orb in his hands he leaned into the kiss that was quickly becoming more and more heated. Pressing his body against hers he broke the kiss. “What say we dry off for now and go back to a nap, we can share my bed, its plenty big.” He winked and moved his lips down to her neck softly kissing as he waited for her answer.
"yes lets do that" she said softly she kissed him softly then got out of the shower. she dried off and dropped the towel on the floor she walked over to his bed lifting up the covers and climbing in "come on you don't want me to be cold do you?" she asked smirking playfully she knew most people would consider this wrong but she believed it would be worse to deny her own needs and desires. He was the one who knew her best who understood her. "I want you " she whispered softly. She held her hand out to him longingly.
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