Star Wars: Avdenture on Faunica (MysteriousD & Temptationist)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
The Unknown Regions were a mysterious and wild place, little understood by the major governments of the star system. Different worlds hold ne wlife and new possibilities. Unfortunately, there were plenty of individuals and organizations who would want to exploit these new possibilities for the sake of profit or worse threats. Corrupt governments, seedy corporations and even the malevolent organization known as the Sith expressed plenty of interest here.

It's up to the righteous groups like Corsucant and the Jedi to maintain order and peace in these worlds. One example is in the brand new world of Faunica. Beyond being known for its stunning fauna and floral, which at night illuminate with the glow from the three orbiting moons, they are very rich in minerals and rare crystals. It is beginning to be colonized by organizations for profit or worse and many of the natives, the Faunians, are becoming upset by this. Of course, the Jedis are not taking this lying down, which is why they sent him there.

Jedi Knight Diego Vendrix was an odd Jedi. While an honorable and noble young man, his philosophy and view on the Force was not in the traditional format and his open displays of affection have made him an eccentric. However, this has also endeared him to some and his resolution in protecting people is respected and appreciated, so the Jedi Council send him for the more esoteric missions, as they admit his flexibility and adaptability make him useful in these sort of missions.

He was flying on his Jedi Starfighter to the planet from a larger starship. It would just be him and his astrodroid, R2-X7. An R2 model he purchased, he has made many adjustments to his headstrong but reliable droid to assist him in such missions.

"I hope we'll be able to help the Faunians, X7. I think most parties will back off with authrotiy from the Jedi, but I have a feeling something else may be going on," Diego told his unit, which chirped sardonically, knowing that simple tasks unravel into large misadventures with them involved.
"They will suck us dry!" A tribe leader shouted in the longhouse, slamming his fists into the birch table in order to make a point. We were all gathered around the table, which fit 12 tribe heads - each with a designated seat, engraved with their tribe emblem, to represent their leadership. I held one of those seats, though, it was at conflicts like these that I most loathed being the Chosen of my tribe. I shook my head at Marakth, the man who stomped his fists. He was an opinionated gentlemen, not one I particularly got along with. His aimless tantrums and hot-headed temper never seemed to get him anywhere, except for in trouble. Though, today, his concerns were valid.

Turning to face the rest of the chairmans, I agreed with him. "Marakth is right." They all seemed surprise at that statement. This was perhaps the first time in years that I agreed with his spoiled opinion, and for many people, my agreement alone was enough to persuade them. "These visitors have started to populate our lands. First it one one species, now two, three, four - they will continue to grow on our soil."

Another head chimed in, another female Faunian named Aminae. Though, she was older, generally wiser. "We have never been a selfish species. We are a people of peace, and integrity. We cannot simply wage war because we feel entitled to these lands."

Marakth snorted at that statement, throwing his hands up in the air in a dramatic show of disagreement. However, before he could spit in her face, I took over. "But we are entitled to these lands. Our people have roamed this earth for thousands of years. We have enriched the world around us so that it can rejuvenate, and grow. We have worked too hard and have come so far from the Great Wars to lose it all again... to what? Some space invaders who think their fancy ships and technical weaponry means they can baptize this world as their own? Foolishness!"

"EYE!" Marakth agreed. But I hissed at him, shushing him mid-victory as to put him in his place.

"Open your eyes, Aminae! All of you!" My eyes glanced over all of their heads. "They have done nothing but take; take; take. Soon Faunica will be depleted. And if not our earth's resources, maybe our own people." I continued.

Aminae shook her head again. "But they are too strong." She smacked the butt of her staff into the stone ground below us. "They have technology beyond our abilities. If it is Faunica they want; they will use their power to murder us. All of us, to truly take what they want." Her voice was groggy; she croaked as she spoke from the many years of wisdom she carried in her head, and in her bones.

Marakth, in his naivety and childish youth, intterrupted yet again. "What about the folklore? The Legend of Crystals. The stories of Faunian technology that has been lost to us for hundreds of years? If we can find that source we can-"

"NONSENSE!" Aminae rose from her chair, slamming her staff even harder at his words. "Those are fairytales! Myths!" She raised her voice. Everyone went silence. As the eldest of leaders, her word meant a lot. "Stories told to children to put them to sleep at night. Marakth, do not be juvenile. As Faunians, we have always been a people of simplicity, and of peace. We have never needed an army, or advanced weaponry to defend our kind."

Looking out the window, my eyes became fixated on a landing ship in the near distance. It was a spacecraft I had never seen until recently; just another reminder of the reality of this new age. "Not until now."
The Jedi Starfighter landed in the middle of a clearing in the forest. While entering Faunica's atmosphere, Diego was already able to see some of the damage that some of the surrounding enterprises, fortune seekers and governments attempting to mine resources, cut down the trees, capture the animalas and even one or two criminal organizations capturing a fw of the Faunians for slavery.

Diego Vendrix got a serious look on his face. It appeared the the concerns of the Jedi Council were genuine. "X7, I know you recorded all of that. Send what we've seen over to the Council. We'll keep recording and sending it over as evidence for the crimes for each of the individuals," Diego told his astromech before he got out. He looked into his ship and wondered what to take. Granted, he already had his Lightsaber like any standard Jedi, but he also felt he needed to take an additional weapon just in case. After a moment, he decided to take his blast. Most Jedi did not take a blaster for out of the Jedi code and for un being sometimes unwieldly weapons, but Diego's was different. It was heavily modified to fire mainly on stun. He could fire more shots in one cartridge and firing faster and smoother.

He also had it to where it only worked via his finger prints. He placed the blaster onto his waist before R2-X7 hoppoed out of his section and made his way down. "All right then, X7. I think we need to try and make our way to civilization and maybe we could help. However, I'm not sure how well they'll take my help... or the Force for that matter," Diego mentioned to himself as he began going through the forest with his black and gold astromech traveling him through the forest. After several minutes, they ended up in a clearing, where a growing pit was being developed on.

"Harvesting machines. And from the insignia, the machines appear to be from the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation," Diego said as he looked through his binoculars before he heard the electric chirping of R2-X7. "Now that you mention it, those machines do look like they are acting erratically," Diego noted before he went in to investigate, his droid coming behind.

"What are we to do now? Just sit on our asses and wait for our world to deteriorate?" Marakth came running behind me, calling to me as I left the council meeting and headed back to my tribe.

I rolled my eyes he called for me, but tried to compose myself by the time he walked beside me. "Rove. Like we've been doing. Keep your eyes on them. The more we know on these foreigners, the more of an advantage we'll have against them." I glanced at him briefly. He did not look pleased, although he nodded his head in silence and we parted ways. For the past few weeks, spies had been spread across the region; all there with one thing in mind: seek out as much information as possible... from a safe distance. But Marakth was right, we could not simply watch as these aliens invaded and pillaged out nations. We had to act soon, or we would all regret it. I felt it. I felt it deep within my bones, as I'm sure Marakth and other council members did too. Dark days lay ahead.

With my own ideas in mind, I gathered a small crew and headed for the swampy woods. These lands were unpredictable. Some terrain was dry, nearly dehydrated, and others, saturated in marshlands. If there was anyone who knew these grounds, it was I - who spent most of my childhood days wandering the region. I headed for a clearing in the land, one that had been snagged by outsiders for mineral mining. I could nearly growl at the sight of these massive machines, shredding our sweet soil and fracture these fields. "I cannot watch this desecration any longer!" I said in a sudden rage, throwing myself off the tree top branch and storming forward. A fellow crew member seemed shocked, attempting to question my actions as I glared at the machines in the distance. Whatever he said was just like wind whispering in my ears. I heard it, though faintly, and purposely chose to ignore its sound. My brow lowered as I began to growl, "I have had ENOUGH!" Slamming my bare foot suddenly in the ground, the firm terrain split before me; a crack splintering forward and out for the mining pit. The divide was tiny; but a hairline fracture in the ground's uneven surface. But the force was enough split through the distance, reaching the machine's destination in mere seconds.

Against my better judgement, Marakth's remarks had gotten to me. And with one swift motion of my foot and my mind, I projected the force of Am'ma against these invaders. Feeding into my increasing cultural insecurity, the crack met the foot of one of the harvesting machines, and suddenly, opened to create a sinkhole. The leg of the device instantly fell in, the entirety of the machine beginning to lean drastically to one side; threatened by the buckling of the equipment. Raising my arms upwards, my eyes seemed to sparkle just a little brighter against the gleaming sun as I flung my hands forward. Focusing my energy on the other machines, I channeled Am'ma in a destructive nature. The act sent bolts of unexplained power through the machinery, causing it to surge and malfunction. They all went into overdrive, moving with supernatural speed before nearly imploding seconds later.

It wasn't until a crackle in the near bushes broke my attention, forcing my ears to flicker and my head to instantly turn. Immediately my men were on the move; flying down from the trees like monkeys to go after whatever unwanted being was lingering by. They had one priority and one priority only: to protect the Chosen; their tribe leader and their mentor, me. It was just seconds later I could hear their calls to me. They had something, and judging by the use of our native, foreign tongue - it was a outlander, ones we called "spacers". Releasing the machines, I turned to follow their signals. Plunging my feet into the nearby pond, I crossed the small lagoon to meet my band of warrior men on the other side. There they seemed to have surrounded a man and his machine; greeting him with hostility at the face of their arrows and weapons.
Diego was surprised to see an explosion occur from a machine exploding. However, he was even more surprised when he felt what caused it. He recognized it anywhere.

It was the power of the Force.

He didn't know what to make of it. R2-X7 also whirred in surprise as he let out a bunch of beeps. "I know it was the Force. No, I don't think any other Jedi are here, the Council would've notified me. If it's the Sith though... we could be getting into some serious trouble if it's them," he said to the droid before it beeped in a surprising idea. "Force-sensitive? That would be possible, but for them to develop an understanding parallel with the Jedi... that would complicate matters significantly.

Before he can continue to ponder this possible revelation, he heard familiar sounds. He saw that he was surrounded by several Faunians, all of them with hostile expressions. "Hold up everyone. I am not here for your world or cause trouble for your people. I was sent here to try and convince the otherworlders here to evacuate the premises so you can remain in peace," Diego explained to her, retaining a composed look. R2-X7 looked a bit wary, as wary as an astromech can look.

Diego could probably block deter any arrows with the Force and keep his distance, but he didn't want to fight these people.
I used my spear as staff to guide my way through the dark waters, curious at this mystery man. Normally I would have introduced my nobility with the same hostility, warry of these spacers and their suspicious ways. Yet, I was speechless in this moment; completely and utterly silent. Something that was both rare and unusual of my character. The men awaited for my direction, asking in the Faunian speech what they should do with you. I hissed slightly at their words, though was hesitant to speak. My lip twitched at the sight of you. My head tilted as I squinted, as if I was searching for something, or even, like I recognized you. "Am'ma lives within you." I hissed again, speaking in heavily accented Basic, with a confused looked on my face. The expression on the men's faces dropped in awe, and in shared bewilderment. The possibility of a foreigner capable of connection with Am'ma... that... that was unthought of - Impossible.

I emerged slowly out of the lagoon, the purple tinted water rolling off of my voluptuous hips. My eyes glared at the machine below me; its small size paling against my tall, 6 foot height. As a native to Florica, I was dressed in minimal clothing. The planet was extraordinarily damp and often humid, and although the nights were often cold, the Faunians species had a layer of blubber that kept them warm. This was the normal forestry attire, though in the city, non-wanderers of wealth and nobility were often better dressed. I, however, was a wildflower in these lands. I rejected glorified dress and jewelry in exchange for the better respect of my people. Though, my poise could not be mistaken. I was a leader, that was certain. Just by my confident stance and straight back, and through the guide of my crew.

"Who are you, wanderer?" Although I spoke to you, my eyes did not even meet with yours. Instead, they analyzed the robot beside you, who's chirps and beeps were both strange and irritating. Using the butt of my staff, I tapped the side of the astromech's metal sides, just to see its reaction.
Diego noticed the surprised look on her face. He wondered who this Am'ma was though he then figured it or when he took a moment to analyze her mentally. She was a Force-sensitive... And a very powerful one too. She possessed power to possibly become a Jedi. He did notice her exotic accent when she was speaking Basic.

Diego noticed that this woman was a bit tall than him by a couple of inches. She possessed the stance of a proud and protective leader. Furthermore, Diego could admit she was attractive. While many Jedo probably would not comment, Diego was still in tune to his emotions and his urges so he noticed how beautiful she was and such.

R2-X7 whirred and beeps on annoyance when th Faunian tapped its sides. It just rotated and chirped at her, making its annoyed feeling at being poked known.

Diego offers a friendly smile at her. "My name is Diego Vendrix. I am a Jedi Knight and I am here to help," he stated. "My Council sent me in order to try and help all of you get the foreign parties off of your world and maintain sovereignty over your world," he said to her.
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