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Modern Slavery

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It is the year 2037, and the world is starting to fall apart.

As the old countries crumble and technology stagnates, the gap between rich and poor increases. In order to continue living a good life without having their property taken by the mob, many of the wealthy and powerful come together to form 'Free Cities.' These are new cities on undeveloped land, in remote areas, or even afloat, fully free of any national allegiance... or law. The perfect paradise or the perfect hell, or both at once. These new cities are built on new ideas, with most buildings designed as self sufficient, self-contained 'arcologies.' An arcology and everything in it is usually owned by a single person. An arcologies owner rules the skyscraper with all the authority of a feudal king. Those who live in the apartments beneath him are spared the horrors of failing society, but are subject to the whims of their host, and The only law in an arcology is the law of its owner. Tenants who break arcology rules or fail to pay the owner can be enslaved, brutalized, or simply expelled. Sexual slavery has become a new form of commerce as these new societies begin to form new customs and ideas.​

I am looking for someone to play a single slave in a harem. I will control the other girls, and sex with them will not be the main focus. Instead I want to explore the life of YC. How did she get here? Will she be welcomed, or will the other girls treat her badly? What will it take to make her submit? MC would dominate every aspect of YCs life; what she wears, whether she needs to diet, whether she has earned the right to speak, the ability to mastubate - all are subject to his rules. There will be far more to this than sex, as MC disciplines yours, and the political and social climate of this new society changes.

--------------- Update ----------------​

Still looking for someone to play this well. I'd love to incorporate celebs. Perhaps in the decline of society a less socially relevant (NSFW) Taylor Swift finds herself on the slave market.​
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