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School exposure (Isabella and L337GAM3R)


Sep 1, 2009
It is the first class of the day, and Uyen Vo seats herself carefully at the back of the schoolroom, nonchalantly unpacking her books onto her desk. She glimpses her reflection in the window as she looks up, and her pretty, carefully made-up face looks back at her, long black hair pulled tightly back to fall over her shoulders. She knew how people saw her: clever little Asian girl. Does well in all her classes. Pretty, but stuck-up and stand-offish. That was what they thought.

She was wearing no bra beneath her dark blouse, though her breasts were firm enough to not make the fact obvious. She was also wearing no panties beneath her skirt. This secret public exposure excited her tremendously; the concealment, the danger, the risk of being found out. As the teacher began to speak, Uyen spread her legs beneath her desk and began to slowly, surreptitiously pull up her skirt, first over her knees, and then over her thighs, until anyone at knee-level would have had an open view of her bare crotch. She felt her heart race with excitement as she sat there, her shaven, moistening sex secretly exposed beneath the desk. What would people think if they knew!

But they didn’t know. No-one did. It was her secret, and hers alone.

Wasn’t it?
Jason was late, as usual, to his first class. Opening the door and smiling at the teacher the young male strolled across the front of the room, laid a bullshit note on her desk and then walked to the middle row to take a seat. Hazel eyes, brunette hair that barely touched the tops of his ears, five foot ten, and athletic, yes, that was Jason. Being one of the only people in the class on some sort of athletic team there was a little bit of special treatment, like him always being late. Why? No one knew, some thought he had something on the teacher others thought that he simply could because he played baseball. Sitting down he dropped his back pack to the floor next to his black sneakers.

Leaning over and opening his backpack he looked back under the desks. To his surprise he was greeted with the sight of a young, apparently freshly shaven cunt. With a smirk Jason sat up, nonchalantly acting as if he had seen nothing. Pulling his black notebook from the floor he set it on his desk and opened it up. His left hand slid in his pocket as he began to scribble down some notes.
Uyen's eyes, like those of most of the girls, followed Jason as he entered the room. He was eye-catching, one had to give him that. Good-looking, well built, athletic... an attractive guy all round. Her heart jumped as he leaned down - would he see anything? - but he returned to his seat with no suggestion of having noticed anything unusual. The apparent near-miss turned her on more than ever, and it was only with some difficulty that she was able to concentrate on the class, slipping her hand down unobtrusively into her lap to run her fingers across the moistened lips of her aroused sex as she did so. Oh, if only they knew...
The hand in his pocket slowly slid out as he sat there listening to the teacher and watching the rest of the class. With a smirk he flipped it backwards to where the young Asian behind him was sitting. The flash and sound were both off on the camera so as he snapped picture after picture no one would be any the wiser. With a smile he slid the camera phone back in his pocket and continued to take notes on the lecture as he yawned and stretched he sighed looking over to his left and out the window. It was a cool day, not a rare occasion around this area, not cold but a little chilly. He sighed and looked up at the teacher once more wondering if any of the pictures he had taken would revel anything to him.
Uyen listened vaguely through the class, completing the required exercises with rapid flicks of her pen. In slower moments, she allowed her hand to slip surreptitiously down between her legs again, running her fingertips across her exposed sex, feeling a thrill of excitement each time she did so. When the class ended she slipped her skirt back down to its full length, gathered her books, and rose to leave, aroused and excited at having once more apparently evaded detection in her secret acts of self-exposure. Little did she know that Jason's phone now held any number of photographs that revealed her public nudity in mortifying detail, and that many of them even showed her with her fingers in her shaven sex, clearly getting herself off on the whole situation...
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