A Whole New Cyborg//Captain Levi & Velociraptor-Noise


Sep 1, 2015
He hadn't realized the new body would be so... twitchy. He hadn't realized a lot of things. It was amazing what could be casually forgotten over the course of four years hell-bent on revenge. Looking back, Genos realized that certainly there must have been a drastically shocking difference in the way he experienced the world around him after he'd first woken up in the Doctor's lab with nearly all of his flesh and body replaced with stronger, artificial parts. But revenge was all he'd thought about back then - all he'd thought about until rather recently, really. Or maybe the process of losing his organic senses and having them replaced with superior artificial allegories was somehow less shocking to a system than the reintroduction of those organics. Whatever the reason, even the process of walking was bringing him to a state of annoying distraction. For the first time in four years he could feel the fabric grain of his clothing as it folded and stretched with each step he took. Really, truly feel it. Not simply register the motion of the material through a complex algorithm coded through metal. Had it truly always been like this?

Surely Doctor Kuseno had known how drastic the difference would be, but it was just as likely the good doctor knew also exactly how determined he was on this new upgrade - or was it a downgrade, all things considered? The doctor had been very clear that since their initial operations on Genos's body four years ago had been so dramatic there would be no possible way for him to truly return to the way he'd been before. The basic cyborg skeleton that had replaced his human one would have to remain, there as simply no way around it.

The fact hadn't even wilted Genos's resolve once the doctor had gone onto explain that, despite this, there was an available in-between. The good doctor was ever blessed with a miraculous sense of foresight. He'd retain samples of Genos's cell-tissues, perhaps in anticipation of something exactly like this happening, knowing the doctor. It had taken weeks after he'd made the initial request, but Dr. Kuseno had managed to outfit him with a skin and muscle chest, torso and hips that were so close to human he would be indistinguishable... or would be if not for the fact that the skin ended at his neck, shoulders and mid-way down his thighs. That seemed rather inconsequential to Genos. The doctor, who spent at least half of his overall time in his lab piecing Genos back together, had suggested the design in a (likely over-ambitious) hope that he'd have to regrow as little skin and muscle as possible.

Genos had listened silently to the doctor's instructions and warnings regarding his newly augmented body, ever the polite young man even though his newly over-sensitive body was literally itching to get back home. The important part was that he was still completely repairable, albeit through a more complicated, painful process. That, and of course, that he'd gotten what he'd wanted: A body that was capable of the things that real human bodies could do. He was incredibly grateful once again to Doctor Kuseno, not only for heeding his labor-intense request, but for for remaining relatively silent through the process.

He had little doubt that the doctor knew exactly where he'd gotten the idea and why he desired it. It didn't really bother him. What did, strangely enough, was the prospect of speaking on the subject with someone - other than the very specific someone who'd brought all this about.

Speaking of whom, Genos only hoped that he hadn't missed anything of great import while he'd been away for the lengthy operations. Finally arriving home he raised a hand to the door but stopped... He paused, raising a hand to his cheeks which were warm and flush. That too was new. Genos took several lengthy, measured breaths before opening the door.


Saturday. To the everyday, determined hero, a Saturday was just any other day teeming with the risk of facing another global threat, but to the simple-minded "hero for fun," Saturday was bargain sales day. The only day in the week when bundles of spinach were three for the price of one, and kombu for more of a bargain price than that. Surely, raiding the supermarket on Saturday mornings was just one of the very few activities that Saitama was absolutely passionate about, perhaps even more so than fighting crime on the streets.

He had quite the haul today, too! Leeks, spinach, kombu, and a package of pork butt were just a few of the treasures he literally had to shove past middle-aged housewives to snatch for himself. Today was a good day, one that Saitama hoped wouldn't be soured by an alien invasion or some upper class hero dropping by to teach their "subordinates" a lesson in respect. But none of that happened and Saitama was also relieved that his current rank in Class B of the Association nullified the requirement of meeting a certain crime-fighting quota for the week. It certainly saved Z-City's anonymous hero a lot of time not having to scour the neighborhoods for anyone trying to pick a fight.

His day turned slightly for the better when he saw a familiar cyborg at his door. Had it been weeks? Saitama had lost track of people and events that didn't concern his bargain sales at the supermarket so it truly felt like forever that he had last seen his disciple calling his title in that particular tone of his. He had just assumed Genos was busy being a Class S hero, an accomplishment Saitama had gradually learned wasn't all glitter and gold if it meant having to be at the Association's beck and call 24/7.

But... Genos didn't seem like the type to mind having someone to order him around. "Oi, Genos!" he greeted his robotic friend, friendly as always. He walked right into the door that the cyborg had opened already, not irked in the slightest that Genos had intruded. Opening the door for him saved the trouble of having to set down his groceries! "You should have been at the market this morning. It was one coupon per customer!"

It felt like nothing had changed, Genos hadn't been gone for a few weeks, but that was always how it was with Saitama who had been living quite a stagnant lifestyle for some time. All the change he could hope for were the numbers changing on his weekly flyers and a newer, better bargain being advertised at their local supermarket.

The new android/cyborg hybrid hadn't been sure how he'd felt when he'd opened the door to find Saitama conspicuously absent. He knew of course, through all of his carefully documented pages of study, that his teacher was most likely running through every supermarket and grocery store that had advertised some kind of buy-one-get-one sale. That still didn't entirely assuage his nagging thoughts that something had happened to his teacher or, much more likely, he'd missed witnessing some amazing act that his teacher had casually committed.

And yet at the same time, part of him couldn't help but feel a certain bit of relief at the prospect of having a bit more time to collect himself and his new, run-away sensations before having to face the man who'd inspired the sudden change. Particularly considering even the way the apartment smelled residually like his teacher was having a rather profound effect on his new body. What had worked outside the apartment, at the door, was certainly not the way to cope now. Deep, controlled breaths were only reminding him more and more of the man who lived here. He was sure he was even more pink in the face than before, to say nothing of the other myriad of reactions that his body was keen to broadcast. He hadn't considered the way that his new humanoid parts would behave before he had time to devise so much as a single step of a plan. He'd been barely more than a child the last time he'd had to deal with this and he'd hardly had much time to learn back then.

When his cybernetic hearing picked up the tell-tale footsteps approaching the door, Genos had a moment to hope that his knew body didn't immediately give him away before he opened the door to greet the man.

"Ah... apologies, Sensei." Even his voice seemed to want to stutter and change. "Doctor Kuseno was unsure of how long the process would take. I promise I will not be gone next week."

Provided of course, that no hero-related business interfered with the plans, but that was probably a given. He could only assume that the Association had managed well enough without him in the week he'd been with the doctor, he hadn't heard of any particular bouts of devastation that he'd missed. Not that his teacher couldn't have handled them without him if they had.

"Process?" Saitama repeated with a confused, even a blank, stare on his features. Now that he recalled several weeks prior to Genos's disappearance, he vaguely remembered the blonde telling him that he would be at Doctor Kuseno's for some time, although Saitama had been half-asleep to refresh the memory as to why. He only figured it had to do with those maintenance checks that Genos went to every now and then to upgrade parts or fix some that had been damaged in battle, nothing quite like the actual reason Genos had sought the Doctor's skill.

"Oh, did the Doctor give you some cool upgrades?" Saitama beamed. The first time he had fought Genos was still vivid in his memory although it admittedly hadn't been much of a challenge on his part. Seldom did he duel against cyborgs or just machinery in general, so it was easy to recollect all the gizmos and gadgets that had literally popped out of Genos on that battlefield. Like a Gundam! It always seemed like the cyborg was enhancing the parts he already had to be faster and stronger and Saitama was subtly amazed each time Genos returned with some rocket launcher attached to his shoulder or the energy of a nuclear bomb installed inside him. But... this time, he didn't look too different since the last time Saitama had seen him.

He stirred some freshly-bought kombu into the water he had set to boil in a pot, waiting until it simmered to add blocks of radishes. "I thought you were busy with the Association," Saitama nodded, now clad in a pink apron unfit for the legendary reputation of his one-punch strength. "They really like calling you."

But he said that without an ounce of envy. It was simply an observation that he had noted after seeing Genos leave in a rush too many times to count; it was obvious that his cyborg disciple was a favorite in the ranks. He was proud of him, in a way. And, despite how indifferent Saitama was about almost everything, he was glad to see Genos again.

"Oi, Genos, try this broth out for me, do you think it needs more kom—" he trailed off, belatedly realizing that robots didn't have taste buds, and Genos was certainly not exempt from that fact. It was just easy to think of him as another human being most of the time.
Doctor Kuseno hadn't changed much about what was beneath the new skin that he'd given him (other than redesigning his metal framework to be smaller and more accommodating to the layers of flesh and organic material that now covered it) but none-the-less Genos almost felt as though his core might have been replaced with a flesh-and-blood heart at the moment. Was this really what it was like for all humans to be around the person they felt so strongly for? Or maybe the levels at which he was being affected were directly related to his teacher's amazing strength.

Genos's fingers itched for his pens and notebooks. But his teacher was addressing him - he'd file the thought away for later documentation and study.

"Doctor Kuseno made several upgrades and augmentations at my request." He wouldn't lie to his teacher, regardless of the personal nature of the 'upgrades and augmentations' in question or their intimate cause. "They were fairly extensive as such I notified the Association that I would be unreachable for several days. I hope I did not cause any trouble for you, Sensei."

He fought the urge to follow close behind Saitama as he moved about the small living space, setting about making broth for what Genos could only assume was dinner. His teacher was not typically fond of the way he occasionally stood or hovered too close to him. As the relationship between the two progressed (at least where Genos's feelings were concerned) it grew harder to keep his respectable distance. What remained of his usually forced resolve evaporated entirely when his teacher invited him to try the broth.

He closed the distance in the blink of an average eye, already raising the spoon to his lips even as Saitama realized how futile the request would have previously been for Genos. He sipped at it carelessly before he realized how hot it was - and how his newly augmented organic systems actually processed heat and pain.

"Oh - it's hot." Genos grimaced slightly from the slight burning, painful sensation. He would have to remember that again. "My apologies, Sensei."

"Oh?" Saitama responded, although the clueless expression on his face gave away just how confused he was about the specific requests Genos might have asked Doctor Kuseno to perform on him. Not that it mattered to him. Whatever Genos did in his own time was none of his business and Saitama knew that if those upgrades would enhance his performance in battle, he would see it the next time another threat happened by Z-City.

Right now, his top priority was to make an impeccable miso soup for dinner, which would have been easier to accomplish if he had a second opinion. It was just his luck that the only individual that visited him was Genos, a cyborg that didn't really count as human as far as biological capabilities went.

Saitama was briefly disappointed until Genos tried the soup and declared that it was too hot for a proper flavor profile to be assessed. He was amazed! "Genos, you can feel it?" he asked him. After all those times Genos had scarfed down bowl after bowl of udon without feeling the slightest prickle of pain on his tongue, he felt it now, only after taking a sip of his broth? That must have been what Doctor Kuseno had been augmenting for all those weeks Genos had been missing, although Saitama still wasn't convinced that re-implementing Genos's ability to feel pain would necessarily be of advantage in battle.

'Unless,' he thought for a moment. 'Unless Genos wanted to feel more human?' Perhaps the cyborg assumed that having more human parts would strengthen him somehow, but even that explanation sounded a bit far-fetched once Saitama evaluated it. "Your request?" he was being nosier than usual now, disguising his curiosity with a blank expression. "What kind of request did you make, anyway?"

The soup needed more kombu, and maybe some more salt. Briefly whisked from his chat with Genos, he added some flakes of dried seaweed and stirred the steaming broth in the pot. Well, maybe now he could genuinely share a meal with Genos if the cyborg had suddenly acquired his sense of taste again. He was looking forward to it.

Genos nodded, for lack of having an appropriate audible response immediately.

"The Doctor augmented some of my cybernetic functions to be similar to their original organic processes." He responded, in his usual way. He wasn't entirely sure how Saitama would react to his updates, but once again he was conspicuously aware of the way his core temperature seemed to rise out of his control and the pace of his analog to a pulse was quickening in the same manner.

"He assured me there would be no detriment to my fighting capabilities." Genos added, perhaps a bit too quickly, not wanting to give his teacher of all people the impression that he'd done anything to willingly weaken himself.

For lack of anything else to do with the sudden rush of jitters his new body seemed intent to produce when in any proximity to Saitama, Genos lowered his spoon back into the broth. This time he blew on it softly several times before doing his best approximation of the way he remembered he would slurp something warm.

It was warm, salty and hearty in a way that he didn't remember tasting since he'd had his massive, cybernetic overhaul. Genos smiled softly.

"It tastes good Sensei."

"Huh..." was his only response to Genos's explanation. It was still a lot of technological mumbo-jumbo Saitama doubted he would understand if broken down anyway. It sounded like Genos had augmented some of his more robotic parts to emulate human bits, although Saitama was still stumped as to his motive why. Maybe Genos, like all of those artificial intelligence models Saitama had read about in his science fiction manga, desired to be more human to feel, or in this case, burn his tongue tasting his miso soup.

That was good for him.

"Is it?" Saitama asked happily, Genos's second opinion easily dashing his doubts that the soup needed more salt. He grabbed the pot of miso soup by the handles and scooted back, accidentally bumping into Genos who was standing too close yet again. "Ah, Genos, don't stand too close like that," he said, relieved that the broth hadn't sloshed out of the pot and burned them both.

He set it on the cozy coffee table fit for two and scooped three bowls of rice, two for him and one for Genos. Robots didn't need to eat anyway; it just seemed like a waste of food dumping some good rice into a metal chute that would probably incinerate everything.

"Why did you go and ask for human parts anyway?" he asked, not intending to be nosy but he sometimes couldn't help his curiosity especially when he was bored. If Genos considered that information classified, he wouldn't press further but it didn't sound like the cyborg was particularly keen on hiding it from him.

"Sorry, Sensei." At Saitama's acknowledgement of how close they had indeed been standing, Genos moved equally as fast as he'd initially closed the distance. In a practical blur he was seated, hands respectfully on his folded knees, at the little table in their- his teacher's apartment. His still darkly-colored eyes focused intently on his lap.

Genos didn't look until his teacher inquired once again, rather directly, as to his reasons for his recent remodel. There was nothing outright keeping him from withholding the information, but he simply couldn't justify outright lying or even avoiding a direct question from the man around he'd quickly begun to center his life.

Once again black and gold eyes cast downwards, firmly focused on his hands as they clenched together. "I thought, provided my use on the battlefield would not decrease, I might be more use to you with a more human body."

It was close enough to the exact truth, if the blatant response of his new 'more human body' was anything to judge by...
Even now, after all that they had gone through as temporary roommates and comrades in the Association, Genos was still so uptight with him, even when Saitama tried fruitlessly to break the tension with his lax attitude about everything. It was easier to accept when one considered the fact that Genos was a robot, but the first few weeks of keeping up the stifling formalities had admittedly been a bit tough for Saitama.

Now, he was more or less accustomed to his title and Genos' presence, whether he liked it or not. There were still times, however, that Saitama felt the cyborg relied on him a bit too much, and quite often he felt undeserving of Genos' unwavering loyalty and unconditional respect.

To thank him in his own way, Saitama did his best to prepare a simple meal for his favorite visitor. His surprise, of course, was not unexpected, as he had never thought Genos needed to be useful to him in any way. If anything, wasn't he supposed to be a Class S rank's sidekick? "Eh?" Saitama mumbled, clearly puzzled by Genos' sudden confession.

"I don't need a sidekick if that's what you're poking at," he said with a mouthful of rice. It was a bit silly to even fathom the idea that Genos would have traded his cyborg parts just to be more like him. His shoulders slumped a bit. "Genos... you're not making much sense."
Once again Genos opened his response with an apology. It wasn't exactly a foreign habit for the cyborg, but for whatever reason he seemed even more inclined at present. It was hard not to. Had he had this much of a difficulty with normal faculties as a human?

"My apologies, Sensei. I'll try to be more clear."

He looked down at the cup of soup and the little rice bowl his teacher had prepared. He could smell it, and it was different than it had been before. Genos's sense of smell hadn't been gone as a cyborg, but there was something very different about it now. He clapped his hands together in front of him, taking some comfort in the normalcy of the action. "Thank you for the food."

Then he squared his shoulders and looked back across the table at Saitama. The usual tight posture hadn't changed since the reintroduction of some organic parts at least. It was markedly odd how difficult he found it to explain his choices to his teacher, considering the ease with which he'd shared the memories and experiences leading up to his original operations. This should be the subject of casual conversation comparatively.

It wasn't.

"Prior to the reintroduction of these organic components my body would have been unable to participate in normal human acts of coitus. Now that I am able to perform these functions adequately I would like to present myself as an option for such activities." Genos's face had taken on a thoroughly pink shade in the cheeks that wouldn't have been outright possible before.

"Since there doesn't seem to anyone that you have shown interest in." He added and truthfully. Since in all of his staunch observation of his teacher had never seen anything of the sort.
When Saitama had told Genos to be clearer, he hadn't been expecting this sort of response. All the rice and soup that he had been chewing down into bits spewed out of his mouth and all over the table when the cyborg clarified what his real objective had been this entire time. He was kidding, right? Or, if Genos hadn't developed a sense of humor with his new human upgrades, he had to be teasing Saitama about his lack of sexual experience with women!

It made sense, considering Genos had needlessly worried about the balding condition of his hair before, so this random outburst was certainly not far-fetched from Genos' previous attempts at "caring" for him. Still, to offer himself as some sort of tribute to remedy Saitama's lack of sexual experience (which had never been Saitama's greatest concern, mind you!) was strange, even for Genos to say.

"Genos..." he wiped down the table with red tinting the tips of his ears. "Humans don't have sex with anyone that offers!" Was that a bit too loud?

Not that Saitama would be particularly interested if anyone did offer, really. But this was a different case and Genos was obviously a male cyborg if Doctor Kuseno had actually taken the time to distinguish genders for a hunk of metal parts. Secretly, Saitama was curious more than anything else. "Can... can you even feel pleasure, Genos?"

Genos stared firmly forward at his teacher as he sprayed forth a fine mist of miso soup peppered with green onions and grains of rice. He did make note, the data-scrolling features of his vision feeding him the information, that Saitama's ears were reddening with typical human embarrassment. His neutral expression fell minutely. He hadn't thought about what he might do if his teacher did not accept his proposal. After the doctor had informed him that the organic replacements wouldn't weaken his fighting capabilities he hadn't considered any other consequences. But now that he had actually experienced this newly augmented body, he wasn't so certain that he would be able to cope so easily with the effect that his teacher seemed to have on him.

"I can currently Sensei." Genos responded immediately to the question, latching onto the task of answering in lieu of having to process Saitama's early comment which might have been a blatant dismissal. "Prior to these changes the doctor speculated that there was likely some level of sexual satisfaction to be found in physical contact and imagery, but since the organic installments I've been told that there would be virtually no difference between my experiences and that of a normal human."
Genos was actually propositioning him for sex? Did he think that engaging in such activities would somehow enhance his strength or understanding of human beings or was there some other personal motive for his sudden curiosity? Whatever Genos' purpose was for all this was beyond Saitama's comprehension but it certainly struck his curiosity in some odd way, too.

Genos was right. Saitama was a virgin and while his libido had plummeted with his general ambition towards life, discussing it certainly reignited the spark that he naturally needed to have as a normally functioning male. Talking about having sex with Genos was worlds outside of his comfort zone, though. Genos was a male cyborg, after all, and while his disciple was clearly unhindered by that biological discrepancy, Saitama was having a pivotal moment of questioning his sexuality. He was curious, but that didn't necessarily mean he was gay, did it?

"So... you want to pleasure me, is that it, Genos?" he asked bluntly this time. Was that really all Genos had wanted? "I guess... I guess we can try. I've never had sex with a robot!" was... probably not what he had meant to say. What he had meant to say was that he hadn't had sex, ever, but he was, crazily enough, willing to experiment.
"Truly, Sensei?"

At Saitama's words Genos lit up, both literally and figuratively. His face had a wide, guileless, genuine smile, his eyes bright and the dark chrome steel of his arms (which had been untouched by the updates) whirred slightly and glowed faintly with the usual orange colors. He'd had no idea how Saitama would actually receive his proposal. True, he was aware that based on the usual behavior of average humans in similar scenarios, offers of sexual congress were generally positive between two people in a close domestic situation. But he knew better, perhaps than anyone, how extraordinary his teacher was in seemingly random manners and habits.

The slight confusion and reticence with which Saitama eventually came around to accept was completely pushed aside thanks to his excitement at the general confirmation. Excitement that was, thanks to his recent acquisitions, manifesting both mentally and physically. He moved in a blink to the other side of the table, vaulting clear over it to sit in front of Saitama. "I did quite a bit of research on the subject Sensei."
Genos was far too eager for this than Saitama had initially thought.

He wondered if the cyborg fully comprehended the lewd nature of the act he had propositioned Saitama for, and if extended the opportunity, would have done this with anybody else. Genos wasn't exactly the social type, after all, so it left Saitama pondering if he was Genos' option because he was the only option in the other male's limited network of people. He was still confused of the nature of which this conversation came about even if Genos was way ahead of him at this point.

Blinking, Saitama pulled a flabbergasted expression when Genos announced that he had done some research prior to this. "You... did?" he asked, his body naturally scooting back a few inches from the cyborg. What kind of lascivious information had Genos recovered for him to be this excited about having sex... in the middle of breakfast!

Now that Genos was in close proximity, his gaze naturally fell to the other male's lap where some things hadn't been there before, and now it supposedly was. "Genos... did Doctor Kuseno turn you into a giant sex toy or something?" he finished the rest of his miso soup regardless of how fast this conversation was steering towards the inevitable. "You're really excited."
Of course he was eager. He may have skipped over his exact reasoning in his basic explanation to Saitama, but in Genos's point of view this had been a rather long time coming. He'd been enamored of his teacher in one manner or another nearly since their meeting. Odd, maybe, considering that within almost moments of meeting Genos's cybernetic pieces were strewn about in bits and Saitama had turned his would-be assailant into a fine mist of bloody spray to paint the nearest building... But that was rather the sort of thing that quickly became the norm for them.

That initial awe had shifted seamlessly into something that Genos had begun to understand less and less until he was at the limits of both natural and mechanical understanding. Which had led to much confusion and a good deal of research. Which had finally led a realization that was, all things considered, not terribly surprising. More like a natural progression than anything earth shattering.

What had been of much more concern to Genos was the fact that, with this new perspective on his own feelings, he'd finally found something that he couldn't do with his cybernetic body. At least the doctor had come to the rescue in the end... But it had taken a good deal longer than he'd wanted.

Genos blinked, his eyes still fixed on his teacher."Not specifically. The new specifications explained by Doctor Kuseno seem to be standard. Would you have prefered something more extreme, like a giant sex toy Sensei? The doctor could likely arrange something to that effect."
If Saitama hadn't half-expected Genos to be this blunt, he would have spat his last mouthful of rice, this time on Genos. "No!" he exclaimed in embarrassment. The tips of his ears had already turned a bright pink at this point and there was no mistaking the fact that the blush was slowly creeping inwards and over the apples of his cheeks. "Don't take everything I say so seriously!" Saitama was beyond flustered at this point.

But with the wave of shame that struck for even considering Genos' proposition came a growing, nagging curiosity. If Genos had remodeled himself just to satisfy Saitama, and Saitama specifically, did that mean Genos had... lady parts? Or had Saitama's sexual preference for women gone completely ignored? "Genos, do you..." he asked cautiously, although his hand had somehow taken the initiative to reach forward and touch the cyborg's crotch, expecting a hunk of metal where his palm lay. But it was soft and warm. That was definitely a dick he was feeling but why was Saitama... okay with that?

"I'm not letting you put anything in me," he reminded the cyborg, feeling an unfamiliar warmth pool low in his gut. He was starting to feel the effects of being sexually deprived for so long. "Genos..." and he initially leaned his head towards Genos' neck and saw metal parts, thinking it wouldn't do much for him to kiss him there. Well, that was awkward. He lifted his head just a bit, pressing his lips to Genos' surprisingly soft lips, his weight slowly but surely leaning over his disciple's.
Unsure of what his teacher had been about to ask him, but keen to answer if possible, Genos had been waiting for him to finish. When instead Saitama had wordlessly brushed his hand against his pants and the newly-capable hardware there, he'd made an automatic little noise of response. Before he had even processed it completely. Such a small thing and now it was nearly all he could think about. This wasn't a weakness that he'd considered initially of his new, more-human updates, but he didn't find himself terribly concerned at the moment.

"Of course Sensei. At least his voice was mostly even when he did respond to Saitama's later comment. What he'd found in his research, once he'd narrowed down the focus of his inquiries, seemed to suggest it was much more common for the younger, less-experienced and usually comparatively weaker of two men to take the receptive role. Applied to the two of them, the trend seemed to be perfectly sensible. But beyond that, Genos would have done whatever it was what Saitama desired. Probably regardless. Especially now." I'm happy to.."

And then Saitama had kissed him and Genos was quite sure that his brain might have suffered some manner of reboot. He went immediately tense before he realized what was happening and how truly nice an experience it was. He reached up, grasping Saitama's shoulders and kissing him back. His lips had been relatively untouched by updates, but the mouth behind them had been thoroughly overhauled - hence the incident with the miso. They were soft, moist and thanks to Genos's exhaustive self-education, not entirely useless. He was an eager participant even while he followed Saitama's ques and let his teacher loom over him.
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