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Star Wars: The Hunt Begins [celebstars x The King in the North]

Apr 15, 2014
The land of Winter
*** Potential Episode VII Spoilers ***​


There has been an awakening. It was unlike anything he had ever felt, a massive wave of energy which thrummed through every fiber of his being. It had awakened something within him as well, an undeniable feeling deep within him that his fate had just been changed. The Knights had been trained for years to be in tune with the dark side of the force. To use it to sense their prey. That was the irony of it... their greatest power was also their biggest liability. Sevrus was no exception. Supreme Leader Snoke had turned him into a weapon, and now was his chance to prove himself. Kylo had failed to capture the girl. Worse yet, she had escaped with information on the location of Skywalker. A failure of grand proportions.

The massive hologram of Snoke appeared in front of him, casting a blueish hue on the dark chamber. Sevrus knelt in front of the image silently. "You have no doubt heard the news by now. The task of finding the Jedi falls on you now. Bring her to me, or make an example of her."

"I will not fail you, Supreme Leader." The time had come. Snoke still coddled Kylo, reigning in his favorite pet to lick his wounds while sending others to clean up his mess. From what he had heard, the girl was powerful but untrained. So how had she managed to best a Knight? Sevrus was looking forward to the challenge.

Almost a year passed without any sign of the Jedi. A First Order probe had discovered a Resistance outpost on the planet of Korkron in the Mid-Rim. The scum had been launching long rang patrols from the base which had become dangerously close to discovering the location of their fleet. The lack of orbital defenses spelled doom for the base before a quarter of their fighters could get off the ground. As soon as the bombardment ceased, the troop carriers swooped in and landed amongst the wreckage of the Resistance squadrons, pouring out dozens of Stormtroopers. Those still alive were too shell-shocked to fight back. It was pitiful really. One of the prisoners turned out to be a high ranking official, Colonel Xhan. Sevrus had brought him back for interrogation on a whim, but what he found in the man's head... It was too good to be true. Xhan no longer held any secrets. The Force laid bare every inch of the man's mind and Sevrus had seen it. A map, a galaxy, a system illuminated. And then he had seen her, the girl. There was no need to be told as even through an echo he could feel her energy.

The Phantom was one of the fastest ships in the Order's fleet. Sevrus had wasted no time in pursuing his quarry to the system he had seen on the map, far in the Outer Rim. Unfortunately, the system was quite large, and trying to find one person was an almost impossible task. Perhaps it was fate. The massive blue orb of the planet filled his cockpit window as a signal popped up on his scanners, and the same feeling began to stir inside of him. In the distance, a large scrapheap of a freighter was exiting the planet's atmosphere...
RE: Star Wars: The Hunt Begins

Rey looked up at the sky, seeing the large ship slowly floating away from her. The man the entire galaxy was looking for leaving her side, needing to hide in order to save himself and the resistance. If he had shown himself, came out of the shadows then there was no doubt the entire fleet would use every weapon necessary to destroy him. It would put a huge strain on the resources of the resistance, it wasn't time for his reemergence yet.

A whole year had passed since Rey found Skywalker, that meant a years training under the last remaining Jedi. It took some convincing at first, Luke didn't want want a young apprentice. He had many before, but all were killed, he blamed himself and went in to hiding because of it. The girl had convinced him however and it had begun, she was on her way to becoming a Jedi herself.

She was to be given Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, training was hard, Luke did not go easy on the girl. Her lack of patience reminded him of his own when he was being taught by Yoda. It was intense, the teachings were breakless, Rey was only allowed one meal per day during the evening before she slept. Luke was testing her, even trying to break her, but the young girl from Jakku showed promise, which pleased the man.

Nearly a year to day later, during a fierce lightsaber session, both man and young woman stopped, sensing a presence. Rey was well trained in the force by now and could feel something coming towards them both. "You have to go, you can't show yourself yet."

"You must protect it, I have taught you everything I know, now it is up to you to grow and develop." Luke's hand rested on her shoulder, he was silent and turned his back on her, not before saying "May the force be with you."

Alone on the island, Rey sat patiently, waiting....
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The engines of the Phantom boosted in pursuit of the freighter. This was an uninhabited planet, after all, and he could feel a strong presence aboard the ship. The Imperial fighter was easily faster than whatever hunk of scrap the Jedi was flying. Sevrus would be in firing range in three, two, one... That was when he felt it. Down on the surface of the ocean planet, an even stronger presence was waiting. Skywalker. It had to be. Snoke had commanded him to find the girl, but Skywalker would be an even bigger prize. During his moment of hesitation, the freighter had jumped to lightspeed, making the decision for him.

The planet itself was a vast ocean. Its surface was broken by jagged rocks which had been beaten down by the endless waves. The starfighter raced just meters from the surface of the water, kicking up a trail of cool vapor in its wake. On the horizon, an island grew ever larger.

Sevrus climbed the ancient staircase leading to the peak of the island, his robe trailing over the weathered stone behind him. It was the only evidence that someone had been here before. The island itself was a small refuge of green on the otherwise blue orb. This place had a strong connection to the Force, he could feel it flowing through him as he ascended. Finally he reached the top and looked out over natural sanctuary. There, in the middle of it all, she waited for him. The one who had defeated Ren. The one who had helped to destroy Hux's precious toy. "Where is Skywalker?" His gloved hands reached across his body and unclipped the two hilts hanging at his waist as he slowly stepped towards her. "Has he thrown you to the wolves already?"
The girl sat, cross legged on the grass below. Each green strand blew in the wind as they were high atop the mountain. She could feel the presence grow stronger with every passing second until she finally saw someone reach the top step. "You just missed him" Rey answered back, still on the floor. Standing up, her lightsaber hung by her side and she appeared to be much bolder and wiser than previous.

"I wasn't even trained when I managed to defeat Ren. You think you stand a chance now?" Picking up her weapon, the sharp blue light erupted with the trademark noise. "Who are you anyway? I don't think we have met?"

Holding the weapon in front of her, she seemed determined and ready to defend herself. Her hair blew in the wind as did her clothing, beige robes which were traditional for the Jedi.
The Sith came to a halt ten paces in front of her and ignited both of his sabers simultaneously. One glowed a deep crimson, the other a vibrant purple. This close, he was able to get a good look at his quarry. She was... impressive, young and well-built. It was clear that her training had molded her as her presence in the Force was unbelievable, but he was not afraid. "We have not, but I've been looking forward to this day for some time." They stood in silence for a moment, the only sound coming from their sabers and the flapping of their robes in the wind.

"I am Sevrus. You'll soon learn that Ren is our master in name only. I commend you for putting that whelp in his place." The pebbles crunched under his dark boots as began to circle her slowly, eyes fixed on her from beneath his mask. "If you joined us, Snoke would undoubtedly make you his new favorite pet. Something tells me you're not going to come quietly though. What I'm wondering is why you didn't run along with your master... what secrets does this rock hold?" The sabers in his hands spun lazily through the air. "I'll find out soon enough." With little warning, he lept into the air towards her, spinning in a flurry of black, red and violet.
"Sevrus? Sounds like a name only fitting for a slave" she smirked, trying to rile up the man in front of her. "Well thank you, I do try." Her arrogance and remarks were her naivety, something Luke would not have approved of, but he understood she was young still. In time she would be more mature and calm. To say she wasn't scared would have been a lie, she could feel herself doubting her ability, especially seeing two sabers light up, one in each of the man's hands. If she could feel her doubts, then the Knight could to.

"This is the first ever temple of the Jedi. It is sacred. Not for your kind." Suddenly, he leaped in to the air using the force, with the lightsabers spinning frantically towards her. Holding her own blue saber sideways she countered the attack while resting one knee on the grass below. Going for a low hit, she swung the weapon towards his feet before lifting it and striking down towards his face. Each was unsuccessful, blocked and counter attacked.

"Two is a bit of a chest isn't it?" Rey said, her humour something she used to settle herself. "Plus I am a girl, your pathetic." Darting towards the masked villain, Rey spun on her heel, gaining momentum in her swing of the saber which aimed at his right hip.
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