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Looking to dominate a “literate” – the poor thing

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Jun 8, 2013
Dearest Reader,

I’m interested in going dark. I want to find you working late at night in the office and lead you along an innocent adventure until you suddenly realize that you're in far too deep. I’ll give you three choices here up front: blackmail, forcing you to continue in fear; restraints, dragging you behind by force; or – oops, I don’t remember the third one. How about you suggest the third scenario my hapless Texan.

I find myself needing to write a character that will dominate someone. So please, my dear reader, volunteer. Walk into my character’s office and become a sniveling pathetic pet for a night. I warn you, my character will be cruel. Maybe she’s had a bad day. Maybe she just needs a needy pet to take care of – in the third person with a minimum of a paragraph per post describing the thoughts and feelings behind the gag and bindings that prevent any speech or movement. Yes, remember I did mention cruel.

A Halloween office party is another variant. Just let me know what your little heart desires and then shut-up and take it as my character dishes it out without any regard to what your character may want. After all, she doesn’t really care. She only wants that which gets her off and if that lines up with your character’s lost soul, well good.

Thank you so much,
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