Star Wars: Rey's Story (Celebstars & RoleplayMaster)


Apr 28, 2012
Warning: The following roleplay may contain spoilers at some point. Read ahead at your own risk!

"We are together, so we share what we find, got it!" She said to the creature a few yards away from her. Scavenging wasn't easy, you could miss something valuable, passing it by with it right under your nose. It was uncommon, but some would team up, another set of eyes to find a prize, even if it meant half the profit. It didn't always work out though, trust was a hard thing to find on the planet of Jakku.

The dessert was always harsh, yet Rey managed well, using a speeder to get around and cover the vast distances.

Both were heading for a Starship, it was so big not all of it had been checked yet. Rey had started looking for parts and valuables well over a year ago. The best she had found was a rare capacitor. She traded it in for ten portions of food. That was basically her life, every day, searching for parts and hopefully getting a meal from it. Doing so until her family returned for her.

Entering the large thrust of the ship, the shade was a welcome from the heat but the darkness didn't help. "Do you have a light?" She turned to Kral.
Kral scurried through the ship, his reptilian claws allowing him to crawl along the metal frame with ease. Nearby was a companion named Rey, a young woman who he barely knew anything about, but they helped each other every now and then.

Kral was from a reptilian race who was known for strength and agility. His body was bulky and thick from muscle, yet could squeeze between tight crevices that even the much thinner Rey could not fit in. A thin tail protruded from his pants, which was often used as an extra hand. Currently, a torch was being used to light the path in front of him. When asked for a light, it look a few moments before finding a small lighter, which produced a flame whenever needed. Throwing it to the young woman, he gave a shrug. "That's all I have. You might be able to find something flammable around here and light that on fire." The man suggested.

Whenever an item of value was seen, the honour code between Rey and Kral was to yell out their discovery, allowing them to fight over it equally instead of being sneaky. Mostly Rey was the one that found these items, and was 'conveniently' quite close to it at the time, therefore giving no chance for Kral to get that item. This caused Kral to be a bit more dirty with his tactics. Finding a starship generator piece which was quite rare, Kral made his announcement and bolted. On all fours, Kral sprinted towards the item, grabbing it before Rey could even take five steps. "Yessss. One hundred portionssss, here we go." The reptile hissed, over-estimating his reward. It was likely that he would only get 15-20, but he liked to dream big. "You find anything yet?" Kral called out, happy with his prize.
Watching him shout something out and run towards it on all fours, Rey barely had time to acknowledge anything. She could hear his claws scrap and tap against the hard metal surface before the pulling of the device. Seeing it rest in his hands she didn't look happy. "Hey! Remember I said we share everything, it is only fair! I brought you here, I told you this place would be better than your junk yard out east!"

"I'm talking to you!" The lighter he gave her, she threw at his head trying to get his attention. Walking over to the reptile like alien she held her staff out. "I mean it Kral!" Snatching the rare piece she put it in a bag she carried over her shoulder. "We can find other pieces and then share everything we get together."

The young woman was only one of a handful of humans on the planet at this time. Everyone saw them as weak and scum like. Rey felt she was better than that. She often dreamed of leaving Jakku and visiting a vast ocean.

"Keep looking Kral!" Rey turned her back and walked further in to the Starship, holding the lighter up which gave the walls an orange glow.
Kral gave her a death stare as she snatched the item from him. "I gave you a warning. Not my fault the human brain cannot register speech as quickly as any other race can." Kral insulted her. It was common for him to insult her, especially whenever she unfairly took one of the rare pieces of equipment they found. "I expect that I'll get that back later?" He asked in a snarl, walking off to search for other items of value. The most he could find was just shells of items that have already been scavenged. The muttered swears under his breath would echo and be heard by Rey, letting her know he wasn't having any luck.

An hour later, Kral and Rey left the starship, bodies glistening in sweat. The only item of value that the massive star ship had was the generator piece, which Kral would be taking now, whether Rey liked it or not. Grabbing the bag from Rey, Kral was searching for the item when the staff came swinging to his head. The alien's heightened senses allowed him to back away at the last moment, avoiding the hit. "This is mine!" Kral growled, dropping the bag and jumping on Rey. The staff was being used by Rey in an attempt to push Kral off, but it was not working well. Pushing the staff down, the reptile smirked as Rey struggled, hoping to suffocate her into unconsciousness
"Of course you will, we will take it together to trade it for portions. Split it equally, only fair" Rey replied, continuously looking for parts. Climbing on to a wall, she got quite high and used the height advantage to try and see anything worth while. "There must be something here, look at this thing. If only we could get inside the actually ship, there must be so much in there."

Sadly however, their luck had not changed, the part Kral had found was the only thing in Rey's bag. Her forehead was dripping in sweat and it glistened in the sun as she headed out of the ship. "Hey!" Screaming loudly as the bag was snatched from her she swung the staff at head level only to see her swing dodged. Falling to the sand as he jumped on top of her, her staff was laying next to her as the reptile tried to strangle her. Struggling for breath, she had her fingertips on the staff and finally grabbed it, bringing it around to knock Kral off her. Using a spare few seconds to fill her lungs while the creature reacted to the blow Rey got up and ran for the bag.

The speeder was a few yards away, she needed the head start knowing Kral could run on four legs.
Kral groaned as he hit the ground, rubbing his head as his vision blurred. When his eyes finally focused, he saw Rey sprinting for the bag and speeder, Kral quickly ran after her. Just before she got to the speeder, Kral knocked her over, her head hitting the back of the speeder. Knowing it would take a bit of time for her to recover from that blow, he grabbed the staff and bag, and drove off on the speeder.

Driving back into town, Kral walked up to the trading desk, handing up the piece. "Fifteen portions" the large alien said to the reptile. "Fifty." Was the reply attempting to negotiate. "Twenty, and I don't kill you where you stand." The alien said, and Kral reluctantly accepted. Taking his twenty credits, Kral sat down at a table nearby and began to eat, wondering if Rey would survive or not. He didn't care either way, but he was a little curious.
Opening her eyes, she felt a pain on the back of her head. Sitting up, Rey looked around and saw nothing but sand and the Starship. Kral had left her, left her for dead it seemed. Pushing herself up, her fingers spread in to the soft sand granules and her boots soon left steps as she began to walk home.

It took well over two hours, climbing hills and rolling down them caused her to lose energy fast and with no water she struggled harshly. Upon reaching the town, there was a watering hole normally used for the livestock but she fell on to her knees and started to drink from it, pushing water in to her mouth with her hands.

Seeing the queue at the trading station there was only a few minutes left before it shut. Rey quickly ran home, grabbing a spare part which she was saving for a rainy day in case she never found anything on her searches. Taking it to the alien Unkar Plutt, Rey handed him the piece for which he gave her half a portion. "What! It is at least worth two! You have me two for that same piece only last week!"

He wasn't happy with her outburst and chucked the half portion on the floor before shutting the shop up.

Holding her portion close to her chest, Rey walked through the town feeling sorry for herself before she saw Kral. The anger in her was evident. "Where is my speeder and staff! And I want my cut!"
Kral eyed Rey as she entered the marketplace, as she seemingly didn't notice him. She held a part, which seemed as if it had aged, and not from the ship itself. Maybe Rey had held onto this piece in secret? Either way, Rey now had no leverage over 'her cut' of his piece. Watching as Rey traded in the item, she seemed less than happy as she approached her lizard companion.

"Your speeder and staff are over there." Kral pointed to her belongings, safe and sound. "And your cut?" He asked, a slight sarcastic tone to his voice. Half a portion was thrown to her. "That's for letting me borrow the speeder. Your 'cut' went out the window when I saw that item you just traded in. I've never seen that in my life, meaning you hid it from me. That's not part of our deal, as you have to announce everything we find. You get that item, I get mine, and now we're even." The man smirked, a bag of now-eighteen portions in his hand. "But, I'm feeling generous. You still have something I'm willing to... let's say, rent out, for.. five portions." Kral smirked, not stating what he wanted yet, so then she got interested in what she would be getting. "I want to fuck you in whatever way I like, and then you'll be paid."
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