Workplace Relationships randomname98766789 x Calconne

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Working with the Behavioral Analysis Unit was not always an easy thing to do. The criminals that this team dealt with were some of the most ruthless, horrible human beings alive. During every single case, there was always so much death and so much tragedy. They simply could not save every single person no matter how hard that they tried. It really took someone special to be able to handle this job and be mentally okay with it. The team was constructed of the best FBI agents though and they did their best to get the job done. It was really stressful at times and involved so much traveling and spending a lot of time away from home. This information alone should keep anyone to actually establish a good relationship with each other. First of all, there was agent Hotchner and his marriage that was definitely declining as time passed. As much as Haley wanted him to find something else to do with his life, he could not leave these people and this job. However, two people on the team had found love and found it with each other.

Zachary Fitzgerald and Jennifer Jareau were these to agents. They met during the training at the FBI Academy here in Quantico and were assigned to be training partners on the very first day. That meant that day after day, they talked to each other and spent a great deal of time together and it was a blossoming relationships from the very first instant they spoke. With JJ clearly being the hottest woman there, it was safe to say that every man was vying for her attention even though Zach had them beat. He also knew that he had to make it known to her that he liked her and wanted to be with her so after a few dates and kisses, he was met with a quandary and had two choices. One, he could take a good job in Los Angeles with the FBI and make a lot of money and have a chance to really further his career or Two, he could take the job with the BAU where JJ was headed and get paid less money and have less opportunity. It actually was not a tough decision and he obviously stayed with JJ.

He could tell that she was torn up about it, afraid that he would leave her and go across the country but he told her that he would never leave her, not even if he was dead, and then ripped up the letter of the job offer in California. From that point on, their love really started to grow and one year later, it has not stopped. Usually workplace relationships are seen as something terrible and taboo and affects job performance. Agent Hotchner was the team leader and called them into his office from the very beginning. He was lenient abut them and just told them that he would not have any issue with them as long as it didn't cause problems. After all this time together, it really hasn't affected them negatively. In fact, it made them better because Zach and JJ work so well together and are more efficient. Plus, the team always needed a reminder that true love existed. They could have a rough case where they could not save anyone and be all sad and depressed but they would see Zach and JJ cuddling on the way back home and know that even though this world was evil, love did shine through and was possible.

Today marked the date that the couple would move into their new apartment in Quantico. They were flown out before to look around at places to rent while met with the team for the first time and were shown of what they were actually getting themselves into. Zach would end up being a field agent immediately because of his skill in majoring in Criminal Justice and Behavioral Psychology. His physique from playing football all his life and weight lifting plus training from the FBI Academy made him a perfect field agent. JJ would be the team's media liaison for now and their jobs were different but they would both travel together and still have all that time to spend. The apartment they are renting was only five minutes away from their work. It would be an easy drive every day along with being close enough into the city for shopping and food and other things that they needed. The young man was quite happy with how things were starting and he hoped that his girlfriend was, too.

It was a cold, winter day in January and they spent the holidays with one another back home with each other's family before leaving together to Virginia. After moving in, they had one free day to just relax and get into the routine before starting their jobs. The day had been long and been full of moving boxes, unpacking them, and tossing the boxes back outside. It was no joke trying to get everything set up like they wanted but was it worth it? Of course it was! Zach had truly never been happier in his entire life and that was something special to think about. After finally finishing the last box of unpacking, he took the empty box and tossed it down near the front door. Tomorrow he would take all the empty boxes they don't want to reuse and just toss them out in the garbage but for now, he wanted to rest. He ascended the stairs again to find his girlfriend finishing the organization of her drawers and he smiled to himself at what a wonderful sight it was. Walking up behind her, he let his arms slip around her waist and hold her, silently pressing a kiss to the back of her neck in an affectionate manner.
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