Starting Over [Monster Hunter] (Kaybee x DJnightwave)


Oct 12, 2011
Yenna shouldered her greatsword as she regarded the forests beyond the boundary of her camp speculatively. There had been reports of frenzied monsters all across the land as the virus spread, but here was one of the points of greatest concentration. In fact, it was the point of greatest concentration she'd seen in some time. It hadn't taken long for the guild to figure out that Gore Magala carried and spread the frenzy virus, and so large concentrations were assumed to be where they made their nests, and hunters were being dispatched to deal with such concentrations. She'd fought several of the beasts by now -enough to have earned armor and weapons of their scales and bones- and was one of the best at clearing their nests and purifying them to halt the further spread of the virus.

That distinction of being one of the best was of course why she'd been the one called for the urgent mission to investigate this largest concentration. Where an ordinary gore often resulted in a handful of frenzied monsters, this place was a carnage ground, where every monster had frenzied and when the humans had fled in fear, they had turned on each other to feed the insatiable thirst for violence the virus instilled in them. Reports of multiple Gore Magala had fueled the guild speculation that this might be some sort of mating grounds for the infected dragons, but now that she was here wandering amongst the trees she didn't think that was the case. Monster mating grounds had clutches of eggs, and she had seen none, nor were any females there to choose or protect nesting sites. If there had been, she would have encountered one already...

Feeling as though something was very wrong, the Huntress kept one hand on the long handle of her greatsword as she paced further into the wood, alert for any sign of trouble. Only Gore Magala could spread the virus like this that the guild knew, and yet, this didn't feel like a multitude of Gore were responsible for this, for there were few to none of the typical signs of their presence...

No... This felt different, more dangerous than a Gore... there was a tension in the air that she couldn't quite place, and a faint... Shimmering? There was something glimmering in the trees, a shining scale, almost the polar opposite of a Gore's dusty black ones... "Where did you come from, and who do you belong to..." Yenna murmured as she carefully dislodged it from the tree bark and examined it... "What is going on here...?"
As she plucked the scale she would notice a few glimmering specs along it, reminiscent of the gore magala's frenzy spores. But instead of instilling a feeling of hatred and desire to fight all who crossed their path, this dust seemed to fill the body with an insatiable heat.

All along the forest one could see broken trees and torn up earth, but not from the thrall of battle as made evident by the numerous splashes of rather pungent monster fluids along the ground and trees.

This looked less like a battle frenzy and more like a mating frenzy. As you pondered what could have caused this, a large shadow is cast overhead. What originally looked like the sun, reveals itself to be a star winged golden magala, the beast crashing through the trees, the same golden dust falling from its shimmering scales and spreading around it
Yenna coughed as p she inadvertently inhaled a couple of shards, and while the flush that sprang to her cheeks was familiar to the anger the typically followed such, the rest of the sensations were not. Rather than a rush of energy she felt a rush of desire, a tingling heat washing over her body. Reflexively she coughed, and felt her nipples hard against the inside of her breastplate at the motion that accompanied it. What the hell..?

Suddenly, the forest seemed to take on a new appearance, as she took in the new perspective arousak had given her. It looked quite violent still, but less like a battleground and more like some monstrous orgy instead. A mating frenzy.

"No wonder the whole area seemed maddened..." Yenna murmured, carfully stowing the scale in her belt only to halt mid-motion a a shadow eclipsed her.

She didn't look, she just jumped, rolling backwards as a massive beast crashed to the forest floor and drawing her greatsword desperately as she came up. It looked like a Gore Magala, but at the same time it was clearly nothing of the sort, sporting shining golden scales where the other had black and purple. Shining gold... The huntress swallowed hard, this thing was responsible for the destruction then, the frenzy... I have to bring it down, and watch out for that dust...
The beast gave a roar loud enough to shake the trees around her, scattering several small birds that were still in the trees. It slowly stalked a bit, getting a judge of the hunter, but also releasing a wave of potent pheromones into the air. From what she could see of the creature, it's body was built much similar to the gore magala, though it's horns were permanently raised as if it were in a constantly enraged state. It's wings were also larger, rather than a single lay of webbing, it's wings resembled more a six pointed star yet still had the same bulky extra forelimbs of it's cousin.

The beast gave a growl, firing off a burst of fiery miasma, it's purple hue indicating it was the original rage inducing frenzy virus. Not bothering to see if she took the hit, parried it, or avoided it, the beast gave no hesitation. The golden Magala leapt into the air, it's regular claws ablaze with purple miasma, intending to launch down upon the huntress like a bird of prey.

As it flew over her, it's wings released more of the golden scale sheddings, each wingbeat spreading the potent aphrodisiac about the grove like a shimmering fog. While the beast was still above her, she would catch a good look at its underbelly, noticing another feature that the beast shared with most reptiles. Two thick draconic penises, each easily as thick as her torso and long as her hung from the dragon's groin. The twin members dripped a musky pre, the scent filling the surrounding grove, almost inciting a lust fueled frenzy without the aid of the virus.
Yenna circled slowly, holding the greatsword lightly despite it's weight that slowed her footsteps, watching the creature carefully as it stalked clockwise to her counter, mirroring her caution for a moment. It gave her a moment to size it up, the same size of a gore magala, and bearing the same horns that denoted frenzied state, golden scales, but shedding a shimmering dust. She might guess the cloud around the monster was more violently hued than what she had seen around others but that could simply be her eyes playing tricks upon her psyche, a meaningless conclusion.

Then again... She did know the frenzy this creature induced was rather different from those she had encountered in the past...

She rolled as it barked a viral blast from it's mouth, dodging mere moments before it exploded to create a thick cloud of viral matter where she had been standing. She came up, Greatsword half raised into a block as she saw the dragon take to the sky, ready to dive down upon her. Yenna's eyes widened as the twin members became apparent, and swayed as the ambient viral particles in the air combined with the heavy musk of the monster's readiness to assail her with desire that sent heat shooting through her body, nipples painfully stiff against the inside of her chestplate and a sticky wetness seeping against her panties...

Flushed but resolute, she raised her blade, bracing herself to block the charge anyways, putting the thoughts of carnal pleasure out of her head for the moment, though they would return the moment she let her mental guard down...
The great dragon circled above for a bit, watching the huntress before diving down, it's claws ablaze with miasma as it's natural weapons collided with the Greatsword. Sparks flew as it's claws scratched along the blade forged from the scales and bones of it's cousins. The beast could almost sense that her armor and weapon were made from it's fallen kin, sending the beast into an even greater urge to take this huntress and make her pay.

As she moved to dodge, his upper arms lashed forward, claws glittering with the beast's golden, lust inducing miasma. It's arms struck, landing solid hits along her armor, leaving noticeable cracks and dents. The beast had plans for this huntress, it's twin cocks throbbing as heavy spurts of pre coated the ground, one stray burst landing across her chest and arms. The musk from the pre wafted through the air, the liquid coating her armor and arms assaulting her senses, attempting to drive her wild with her body's needs, heating her up like a burning inferno was swelling inside her chest and groin.
Yenna held firm even as the force of the blow had both her and the dragon skidding across the earth, leaving her legs trembling as the force finally eased. Another moment or two and she would have been sent tumbling head over heels by the dragon, and as it was she swayed slightly, her guard wavering, and one of the dragon's hind claws snuck free to lash at her as it did, striking with force to bruise as it ground across the black scales of her armor.

Something heavy and wet struck her in the chest, and for a moment of lucidity Yenna wondered if a Seltas or a Kecha had joined the fight, then the miasma of the virus-laden precum struck her like a crag shot and her knees buckled, face going bright red as arousal soaked her panties through and her entire body washed with a feverish heat. Her greatsword bit into the ground, held only loosely in one hand as the other flexed uncertainly, caught between desperately clawing at her own armour and the rationally-driven struggle to bring it back to the sword and drive the monster off before it could do any worse, and in that moment, Yenna was helpless before the Magala...
As she knelt there, her sword in the ground and her body defenseless, the Magala struck, firing a golden burst of frenzy miasma at her, the blast cracking and shattering her sword and armor, revealing the horny huntress' body to the world. The beast gave a growl as it's lust inducing toxin along with the shot of precum on her practically clouded her mind. It lumbered over to it's prey, cocks drooling along the ground and leaving a trail of fluids from where it landed to her prone form. The beast reached her, it's eyes looking over her as it sniffed along her.

Moments later, Yenna would feeling something long, hot, and slightly rough gliding along her body. If she were to look, she would see the Magala's long tongue licking from her exposed maidenhood up her stomach, past her breasts, and up her chin to her face. Any normal hunter would assume this was simply the beast tasting a hunter before they were to be devoured, but this was no ordinary situation. The beast then pushed her legs apart, it's long tongue lapping away at her sexual fluids, the dexterous appendage stimulating her already sensitive slit.

After several more moments of licking she would feel a pressure in her loins. The beast was now pushing it's thick tongue into her core, spreading her lower lips as the slimy tongue slipped into her folds, penetrating deep into the huntress' tight slit.
Yenna felt her sword leave her hand as it flew in one direction and she the other, the force of the blast tearing them apart. She was thrown backwards at the centre of a steadily-expanding cloud of miasma and shards as her armour cracked and peeled away from her chest under the force of the blow, great enough that they stretched even to the back of the armour, and resonated through the faulds...

Her leggings and greaves were spared the total destruction, as were her gauntlets, but even as lightly as they had been struck by comparison they were still nigh-unusable now, and the rest of Yenna's Armor was shattered beyond any hope of recovery let alone repair. She struck the ground with little more than a layer of shards between skin and earth, the impact separating the last few bits of the back piece from each other.

She gasped for breath, terror and arousal warring inside as the Magala's tongue unfurled from It's mouth and caressed her, arousal winning out as the miasma's hold on her grew stronger. She gasped, panting moans as she slowly began to draw air back into her lungs, squirming on the ground as the tongue coiled and lashed over her, every touch like fire and ice as her miasma-enhanced senses set her nerves alight with pleasure.

When it's tongue lowered to her womanhood and remained there, teasing and toying with her, it was a mere minute before Yenna came without warning, thighs trembling and mouth open in a soundless cry as her womanhood soaked the dragon's tongue. A minute later as it pushed into her, she came again, another small orgasm, another excess of her juices spread over her thighs and the Magala's tongue.

If this kept up, she was going to be utterly useless by the time it was done with her!
The Magala almost seemed to hum upon tasting her juices from the huntress' first orgasm. The dragon soon began to piston it's tongue in and out of her quivering cunt, the slimy tendril pushing deeper and deeper, soon thrusting against the entrance to her womb. For a few moments it seemed content to simply press against the barrier, it's tongue twisting, flexing, and stretching her cunt. However that would change moments later as it's tongue seemed to pick up speed and force with it's thrusts, the long tongue attempting to push into her womb.

As it tongue fucked her and attempted to violate into her womb, the dragon picked up her prone, sensitive body with a foreclaw. It almost seemed like it knew how to handle her body, turning it so her head was facing towards it's body while it tongue raped her. The beast then began moving her underneath, craning it's long neck to follow her. Within moments the huntress' face was pressed up against the beast's throbbing twin shafts, it's precum starting to slick her body and coat her from head to toe. it seemed to pay no mind to the fluid getting on it's own tongue, the beast almost seeming immune to it's own virus if not for the constant erection it maintained.

The dragon monster shifted it's hips, rubbing her head against one of it's heads, the large tip forcing against her moaning mouth. As it did and more of the virus fell on her, her body would start to feel a tingling sensation covering her, similar to how one's legs feel when sitting down too long. Before she could even process what the new feeling was, the beast's tongue managed to stretch her cervix and push into her womb, her body almost seeming to stretch and welcome the appendage to her deepest core.
The heat had become a uniform presence, shot through her entire body from her aching dripping core, but the tingling still came in patches and pieces, making her shiver with it's coming and going. A more coherent Yenna might have noticed the pins and needles sensations accompanying a certain feeling of ease but in the situation as it was, the huntress' mind was occupied by other things until the reality of the situation was forced upon her by the Magala.

Or perhaps more specifically, the Magala's tongue.

The lack of pain as the organ that -to a human anyways- amounted to an incredibly long prehensile cock thrust against the unyielding entrance to her womb had been put down to further effects of the Miasma by Yenna's pleasure-blurred mind. However, the sudden experience of having the tongue suddenly breach her cervix and thrust into her womb was so utterly alien that even as Yenna climaxed from the additional penetration she realized that something was happening to her. The miasma was having greater effects, deeper effects, not just mind, but body as well.

The mental effects had always been temporary, but Yenna was lucid enough to worry -if only for a brief moment- am I... Is this permanent?

Whatever the answer to that, the potency of the temporary effects showed itself as she felt tingling pass over her lips and cheeks, and the massive wyvern cock pressed against her mouth slipped slightly. If she stretched a little more, it could enter her mouth! And the tingling wasn't stopping...
The great beast's tongue continued to plow away, whatever the effect the beast had pretty much making her cervix and womb near elastic as it repeatedly plowed her core, pushing past the barrier ear time it ease. The tongue then began to twist, curl, tense, and uncle chuckle as it played within her pussy, the motions similar to how flexible a kecha wacha's tail acted. The additional orgasm from her constant breaching only sought to flavor the dragon's tongue more.

The beast looked down additional her, shifting it's hips to press the pointed tip of it's lowr cock against her lips, it's thick pre soaking her face and possibly temporarily blinding her by blocking her sight. The Magala gave a growl, thrusting forward, it's member pushing open her jaw to the point where a normal humans jaw would either dislocate or tear but instead her mouth and skin simply began to stretch around the beast's gargantuan phallus.

As it began to stretch her jaw and throat, his upper member rubbed between the huntress' large soft breasts, the heavy shaft soaking her tits with its drooling pre cum and golden miasma.
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