DJnightwave| The New Guardian |WolfQueen


Dec 10, 2015
In the forest
Selene was born during a stormy winter night. Her mother had meet her father and his friends long time ago before she was put as a guardian herself. her mother died when the girl was still very young. Her father on the other hand had always cared for his little angel. Her father would take her out when he went out and delivered gifts. Yes her father is North. Selene's mother was none other then Katherine or known as Mother goose. Her mother hand passed on her gifts to her daughter when she died asking the Man in the moon to allow her daughter to have these gifts.

Selene had been born with bright Auburn hair much like her mother but bright blue eyes much like her father she is a good mixture of them both. Selene had meet all the guardians, she loves Tooth and loves Sandy just as much, sure her and Bunny don't really see eye to eye but she loves his colorful eggs. Selene was right now just waking up as she had the jingles of elves in her room as she had looked at them as they had brought in a piece of fruit cake. "Thanks" She managed to say as she had got on her fuzzy slippers as she had went to see what her father was doing while eating the piece of fruit cake she had in her hand as she had waved to some Yeti's who were busy at work.
The elves jingled as they meandered about the workshop, attempting attempting to look good and make toys, even though it usually resulted in them launching themselves across the workshop or plugging themselves into electrical sockets.

The yeti gave a happy wave back, resuming their actual work on the toys, avoiding the hazardous little elves.

As Selene arrived at her father's workshop she would find yet another little ice plane animated my his magic flying out the door. "Ah little gosling, good to see you awake." North said in his usual heavy cossack accent. "I am hoping elves brought you correct fruitcake this morning yes?"
Selene had smiled at her father's work, she was always amazed at what he could do as she had nodded as she had smiled. "Yes they did" She added as she had looked at him as she had looked at the plane/Train as she had smiled. "So is this a new toy?" She asked as she had come in to close the door as she had seen some elves coming in with cookies, one had spat some back out which got Selene giggling that was until one of the yeti had come in saying something to North.

Selene had this horrible feeling come over her as she had rushed out toward the globe as she had looked at some yeti's Selene was still in her pyjama's which was purple long shirt, her pants and then her fuzzy slippers as her red hair was a little messed as she had looked at the globe to see the lights flickering as she had soon felt this pull as she had watched as black sand had come around her waist and then form a shadow like on the globe as it seemed to make all the lights flash as Selene had froze wondering what was wrong. "Dad what is going on?" She asked her voice soft and carried fear, her bright blue eyes watched this sand like seem to look and point toward her before it all vanished into nothing as Selene had looked toward the Yeti's and then toward her father wanting to know what exactly is going on.
North watched as the black sand covered along the globe before exploding outward. "It can't be." He said before turning to the yetis. "Put toy production on hold for now. We need to call in the others." He said walking over to a console, turning a handle before pushing it down, a massive Aurora spreading out from the pole.

He watched the Aurora spread and sighed as he looked at Selene. "I am hoping it is just an old man's worry over nothing little gosling." He said, stroking her auburn locks softly.
Selene had looked at her father as she had felt his hand stroking her head as she had smiled before she had soon left to go and get changed. Selene had got back to her room as she would get changed into some black pants, her nice big fuzzy boots her father had gotten her as she had soon put on her red shirt that hugged her body a she had fixed her hair into a long pony tail as she had soon left the room with her green gem necklace her mother had given her before she had come back out. She had grinned the lights meant they would be having guests but maybe it would be a bad thing. Selene had looked toward her father to see the worry look. "I'm sure whatever it is dad Manny will know what to do" She added as she had hugged her father.

Meanwhile Sandy was off in a part of the working as he was on his little sand cloud moving some sand toward the children as he had smiled as he was giving them good dreams as he had looked up and noticed the lights in the sky, he knew that North was calling a meeting as he had moved his cloud to form a plane as he had sat down and taken off heading toward the north wondering what could be wrong, the last time this happened was when Katherine had passed away as he had kept his eyes on the sky.

Tooth was in her little area as her little faeries were all about collecting teeth as she had looked when one of her faeries had said something a she had seen the lights. Oh no, what could it be she asked herself as she had soon gave off some orders while the second in charge faerie had come with her along with a few others just to make sure she was still collecting the teeth as Tooth took off toward the North as fast as she could though she smiled as she would get to see Selene once again after so many years.
A loud thumping echoed as the large rabbit bounded through his tunnels from warren to warren across the globe. As he got to one however, an egg golem stopped him, tapping it's foot and gesturing to the surface. Bunny tilted his head and shot up, a hole appearing as he looked up and saw the aurora. "Oh for the love of pete." He said, delving back down into his warren, a single flower appearing over the refilled hole as he grabbed some paw warmers so he wouldn’t have to get frostbite on his paws

Jack laughed as he flew along the winds over the town. He checked the sky and nodded. It was winter time in this part of the hemisphere, and these folks were gonna experience the joy of a snow day. He laughed as he flew down, casually tapping a few trees and spots along the ground, snow and a bit of ice slowly coating them. He gave a chuckle as he tossed a snowball at one kid, the site soon erupting into a full blown snowball war. He laughed and smiled, looking up. His smile soon shifted as he saw the aurora. "Winds help me out. To the Pole." He said, leaping into the air auroras he let the winds guide him.

Meanwhile, in a small English village, many children were prepping their costumes for halloween the upcoming week. "Dude, our costumes are gonna be terrifying." One boy said to another. The other child smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah, I bet even real monsters would be terrified of us." As the walked a voice spoke out that neither could hear. "Oh really now. I would take that wager." As two skeletal hands shot out, phasing through the boys' heads, causing them to lock up. "Welcome to my world boys. Try not to leave too much of a mess." The hands pulled Way, the two boys looking around before screaming in terror at the sights around them. Monsters, ghouls, ghosts and demons roamed the paths, leaving the two children a sobbing mess of fear.
Selene had soon come back out as she had looked around as she had looked up and smiled. "Hi Sandy!" She greeted the short golden male who had smiled and waved toward the redhead who was smiling bigger then ever. She had got down and hugged the male as he ad seemed to ask how she was. "I'm good a little worried about dad and what is going on" She whispered as he had seemed to not and not to long after Tooth would arrive. Tooth had looked to Sandy. "What is going on?" She asked as she had seen Selene and smiled. "You look like your mother with that red hair of yours, where is North?" She asked as she knew this was bad as she had looked around.

Selene had soon noticed something as she had moved toward the globe. "Dad!" She called as she had seen two lights go out in England. "Its England, two lights went out" She called as she had wondered what in the world was going on and what was happening and going on. She had looked to Tooth who gave her a worried look as she had looked toward her father as Sandy held a question mark over his head as if asking what happened and why they were called here.
Before North could say anything, one of the roof panels opened, Jack Frost flying down before landing next to Selene. "Alright North, what's the situation? St. Patrick trying to con people out of money for his pot? Cupid accidentally fire his 'extra-friendly' arrows at random people?" He then blinked and gave a deadpan look. "Did the groundhog dig up your petunias again?" He said, floating on his staff.

At this time Bunnymund hopped in through a doorway, shaking snow off. "Seriously North, you need to at least get a panel of ground I can open a tunnel on in here or something. I'm tired of freezin my dang paws off." He then looked around at the assembled guardians. "Well, seems the gang's all here. What's the problem then?"

North looked at his daughter and fellow guardians. "It is with a heavy heart I say this my friends. But I believe Pitch is back." He said, holding up a handful of the black sand that had been in the globe room less than an hour before.
Tooth had looked to see Jack and Bunny had both showed up as she had smiled to Jack and soon looked back to North as he had looked toward Selene and then started to speak. "What? Pitch is back, how is that possible?" She asked as she had looked to North while Sandy was going crazy with symbols above his head asking how this could be, how did he know. Sandy had soon noticed the black sand as he had looked to Jack knowing what happened last time.

Selene had looked to the others who seemed to be freaking out. "Wait Pitch, you mean the boogyman?" She asked as she had looked to Tooth who had nodded her head. "Yes Selene the boogyman, he seems to be back after so long" She added as Selene had looked down wondering what was going on and how come she has never heard of him before.
Bunny stood ramrod straight, remembering the events of a past Easter dealing with Pitch when the Guardians had almost fallen. "Woah woah woah, hold on mate. How could Pitch be back? I thought he was still sealed away inside his lair thanks to those nightmares of his." The pooka said with a stern expression, though his twitching nose belied his concern.

Jack gave a nod, his own usually playful expression gone grim at the reminder of the nightmare king, though soon regained his smile as it reminded him of how he became the Guardian of fun. He turned and saw Selene's face. "Back before I became the Guardian of fun, I was just a wandering prankster, causing snow days, icy roads, and the occasional blizzard when I wasn't feeling too hot." He blinked and laughed at his own little pun.

North gave a nod. "It was at this time that Man in Moon gave us a sign, that Jack would become new guardian. However it was not an easy thing to convince him to join. Pitch Black, the nightmare king, had set a plan in motion to get all the children of the world to stop believing in the Guardians, and bring the world into a world ruled by fear. He almost succeeded too." Father Christmas said. "But thanks to Jack, and a child who never gave up believing, we won and the nightmare king was sealed away. Though we had thought it was for good."

As the group contemplated, a dark shadow was cast over the globe. "Ah, but is the thing my dear Guardians. No matter how much light and joy you bring to the world, there will always be a shadow." Said a rather slimy smooth voice. On top of the globe was a lithe figure, his pale grey skin and slicked black hair a contrast to his sharp silver-gold eyes.
Selene had looked to Bunny once he had started to talk as she had soon turned to Jack as she had heard his pun as she had laughed. "Oh that was a good one, I get it you never feel hot your Jack Frost" She said as she had chuckled as she had looked over to Sandy who was saying something about Pitch and how he had been killed as she had looked sad.

Tooth had smiled. "He even went as far as capturing my fairies and teeth of the children" She said as Selene had looked down. "He sounds like a really evil jerk" Selene said as she had looked toward her father and soon looked toward the globe as Selene had stepped up.

"Yes but as long as one kid believes we will make a difference, nightmares are just stories in your own mind!" She yelled as she had glared at the figure as she had nodded her head. "No matter what happens, the good will always out weigh the bad, the nightmares will turn into dreams" She added again as she had looked toward the globe and soon the moon started to shine bright on Selene.
Jack and Bunny both nodded at what Selene had said, the pooka readying his boomerangs while the snow spirit readied his staff. A yeti gave a shout, tossing North his swords, the large man brandishing the blades as he readied himself for the fight. All three however stopped and turned, staring in a bit of awe and shock as the pillar of moonlight shone down upon Selene. North looked to the sky at the full moon. "Manny, are you sure about this?" He got his answer as the moonlight flashed brightly around her. The three men smiled, the friend of two and daughter of one had been chosen to join the ranks of the guardians.

Pitch stood on the globe, looking at the moonlight. "Old friend, it seems you've gotten a bit senile already. I can understand Frost for his power, but now it seems any old child can become a guardian if they spout enough sycophantic and heart warming dribble." He said, the black sand swirling around him. "But alas dear guardians, I am not here to fight this time. But to deliver a warning to you all. There is more than one nightmare for this world to fear. And gods help you all if he succeeds." He said with a chuckle as he vanished in an explosion of black sand, the dark dust settling around the workshop.
Selene had looked at Pitch as she had looked around her before Pitch had seemed to vanish after giving his speech as she had soon looked to the others as she had looked down. "Did what he say was true?" She asked as she had looked toward the others. "Am I just some child?" She asked again as she had looked toward the moon as if asking him as she had soon felt something as she had seen a book on the ground as she read a few pages as the book almost seemed to come to life as a tiger jumped out from the page and circled around the girl. Tooth had looked at Selene. "No Selene do not listen to pitch he is evil, nothing can come from that" She added as she had looked to the others as Sandy smiled big and nodded.
Jack floated over, looking at the tiger, making a snow mouse and having the beast chase it off down a hallway. "It's like Tooth said. Pitch tries to manipulate you. Make you insecure and fear yourself and the world around you. It's what gives him his power." He said, watching the tiger bat around the snow mouse before it poofed into snowflakes, landing on it's nose.

Bunny was a bit indisposed, having jumped up high onto a piece of machinery upon seeing the tiger. Despite being a scholar warrior, the Pooka still felt the ingrained fear of a rabbit facing a predator.

North gave a soft laugh at Bunny's predicament before walking over, placing a large comforting arm around Selene. "No my daughter. You are not child. You are Guardian." He gently placed a hand on the book she was holding. "Your mother was the previous Guardian of Storytelling. Able to read to life fantastic creatures and amazing worlds. But her power was great in that she could also change that which was written. History was her plaything if she decided. She could have done terrible things, but instead, chose to bring joy and happiness with her knowledge. When she passed on, she told Manny to give her powers to you when the time was right. And now." he smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. "Now you are Guardian." He then chuckled. "But maybe we skip ceremony this time eh?" He said, seeing the elves about to bring in a pair of jingly boots.
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