home is where the heart is ( death by orgasm x inspirit )


Mar 24, 2012

home is where the heart is ( death by orgasm x inspirit )
riven & lucario

Ever since Riven had left home at fourteen to pursue what would become a lifelong quest for knowledge, she had never lingered in one place too long. When every nook and cranny of a region had been explored and appreciated, the ash-haired vagabond pressed on to the next, encountering new Pokémon and various individuals that made her solitary journey worthwhile.

The opportunity to become a tamer had always been tempting, but Riven simply couldn't find the one Pokéboy that would accompany her for a lifetime of adventure. So, she trained alone, self-teaching herself the ways of defensive martial arts to prepare herself for the true hardships of traveling solo. Team Rocket was troublesome enough but wild, often aggressive Pokémon would often attack her out of blind or territorial rage and it always helped to be one step quicker and wiser. It was lonely, though. It wasn't uncommon passing by the heartwarming sight of tamers with their Pokémon companions, training, laughing, and eating together while she had nothing and no one but herself and the sky above her.

So, perhaps the Lucario she stumbled upon on her way to the next town was the heaven's way of sending her the partner she'd been wishing for all along. He was injured badly, his wounds an aftermath of an unfair battle between feral Pokéboys that had left the defeated festering in this condition for too long. She knelt next to him, retrieving a Hyper Potion she kept in her bag that she would use on the several occasions she nursed injured Pokémon back to health.

"Hold still," she coaxed him gently, spraying a fine mist over the Lucario with the Potion. "This might sting a bit, but you'll feel better in no time."
It had been a bad morning the this Lucario Pokeboy, he had been shifting through some tall grass trying to get some food or catch whatever he could for a breakfast. He was a low lever Pokeboy, lift out in the wild they didn't get too much training or fighting in. They often had small scuffles throughout the day with random Pokemon and other boys he would encounter. Today however, a training trainer was passing by this Route 3 when they had wandered into the grass. Lucario wasn't extremely territorial, but if they wandered too close, he would try to bare his teeth and intimidate them off. Sadly, this trainer was more than eager to call his bluff. The inexperienced Lucario had taking monster ass-kicking from the trainer's Kadabra. The psychic type was way about Luc's fighting range and made quick work of him knocking him out and leaving him under a tree for dead. He was far from dead, but he was beat, exhausted, completely drained of his energy. The soft breeze of the wind was blowing by his face as the day went on as he tried to get comfy where he had been laying for the last few hours to little avail.

After several hours, he heard new rustling in the tall grass of someone headings towards him. Lucario's eyes and ears were fixated on the origin of the sound as it keep approaching closer to where he was resting under the tree. Lucario closing his eyes trying read the aura of the person coming out towards him.

When the woman broke through the grass to where he was at, he could see her aura faintly around her. Lucario breathed a sigh of relief for a moment when he seeing that seemed to be friendly for the time being. She hurried over to the Pokeboy under the tree where he was laying under the tree. The mystery woman reached into the bag grabbing a hyper potion, with soft warning that it might sting. Stinging was an understatement. Lucario was beaten up pretty badly, but as she applied the potion he winced and growled at the woman initially. The potions started to fizzle and the potions effect kicked in and a warm soothing effect started to take over and was starting to rapidly heal his wounds and cuts.

Lucario was able to take a few deep breathes, holding them he was starting to feel better. Looking at the mystery healer who was standing over him, after catching his breath he stood up to matching the woman in height, he calmly spoke, "Thank you, you save me."
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