RP: I Want To Touch You ( Horror_Show & Textual_Intercourse)


Feb 15, 2010
It was the summer and that meant besides online courses and her part time job at Starbucks she had more free time. Free time meant lounging around the house and doing absolutely nothing productive which she was fine with. The younger female was just turning eighteen and lived with her parents. She had been adopted when she was a toddler. The family had re-named her Lilo as one of her favorite Disney's movies was Lilo & Stitch. It was also a Hawaiian name and the family was natives from there.

She had very few memories of being a baby and being fostered but she had been told she was abused. They had never told her details and she never asked. She had signs of depression, which she figured was side effects from what ever had happened but she willingly met with therapist and was very functioning. Her parents had spoiled her and she graduated high school earlier and was taking college courses, was working, they couldn’t ask for more.


There son who was older and lived on his own was famous because of the likes of an online website called YouTube. He was known as Markipler. He had started the videos when he was a teenager living at home and it had escalated from there. He now made a decent living off of it and lived in California where he connected with a lot of other famous YouTube vloggers.

Lilo had grown up to be rather close to Mark. He had been very protective and was basically her only best friend. Lilo of course made friends but she didn’t go out of her way to be social or connect outside of the family. Mark had even escorted Lilo to her prom, he didn’t actually attend but he had taken her and picked her up and gone to the after lock in party. Lilo didn’t have a date so she went with a couple of girl friends. Those were the kind of memories she had of Mark.

Mark had moved out when she was twelve to move across country to Calfornia but he often kept in contact and let her visit but as they both grew older and he got busier doing vid-cons and fundraisers, she gave him distance.


Lilo had hobbies like drawing, painting, dancing and writing. She role played as a way to escape and for the most part wrote action or fantasy type of role plays, she loved creating worlds and creating rpg games but she had privately been writing a romantic fan-fiction between a fan and her brother Markiplier. She had uploaded it onto fan-fiction.net but didn’t realize she had made it public. It had a lot of hits and positive feedback of people begging for more chapters. The fan-fiction blossomed from a short story to a novel in the matter of a few months. The fan-fiction was named after one of her favorite songs from another YouTuber named Flula, I Want To Touch You. The song was epic and a little creepy in loving somebody so it fit the fan-fic perfectly.

It consisted of a fostered child who found love in playing video games and living online and happened to be a fan of Markiplier. She ended up saving up enough money to go to vid-con and was able to meet him in person. Out of all the fans in the world something about her clumsiness and shyness attracted him and he offered to take her out to dinner and from that point the story built into a relationship. The chapters ended with her writing steamy poetic chapters of them being intimate. Her fan-fiction had gotten so famous people on deviant art were submitted fan-fiction art of the role-play and people were making music videos. She was flattered but very embarrassed and prayed to god that Mark never found out. He couldn’t find out. It would ruin the family. So she had gone out of her way to change her e-mail and contact information to a fake identity.

What she didn’t know is her brother was very active in his fans and their online community. He knew a lot of women loved him and fan-girled over him. He loved the attention, he respected the culture and often took pride in reading stories, parodies, he loved it, as well as fan-art and video collaborations. He did what he did because of the fans. So of course he would be directed to this new fan-fiction that was blowing up. Lilo would have no idea as she as doing homework that her brother was reading her fan-fiction.

I want to touch you
On your face and your body and your heart as well
I want to touch you
Will you touch me in return?
It was the time of the day Mark always liked to set aside to catch up with what his fans were doing and saying about him, it was something he found hard not to do, for a long time his fan base was growing in a big way with each day and his fan base was a very passionate one. The attention that Mark got from this was something he truly loved, he would never shy away from attention, after all, it was one of the the reasons he kicked off his Youtube career, this kind of attention only drove Mark to keep on doing what he was doing with even more motivation, he loved the fact that so many other people loved him and if he could help it, he was going to make sure that, that was always the case.

Mark was originally born in Hawaii, on an airfield base to be exact, which was where his father met his mother, soon after they moved to Ohio where they decided to settle down and start their family, it was at this time Mark's parents decided to adopt, whilst most only children would dislike the idea of having to share the attention of their parents, Mark was overwhelmed by the idea, he was always a carefree energetic person and the prospect of having a younger sibling was the best news he had heard. When Lilo was taken in by Mark's family, Mark instantly felt a connection with his new little sister, he was always there making his best attempts to make her laugh or at the very least bring a smile to her face, to him it didn't matter if what he did actually worked, but the fact that he would try was what was important and he was hopeful she knew that.

As Mark was grew up he went to college, he was studying to become a medical engineer, but things did not go as he had planned. During Mark's late teenage years he had started to make video's for a website called Youtube, at first it was just meant as a hobby, a way to kill time and personally, Mark wanted to see what other people thought of the content he made. Although he did have some trouble when he first started and that trouble being his original account getting banned, Mark noticed that his popularity had started to grow at a rapid rate and in such a short time, he knew that if he started to take this seriously, it could be something that could make him very successful and most importantly, it was something he could do that he truly enjoyed doing.

With the troubles Mark was having with his original account and this new decision about whether to keep this as a hobby or to do it full time, Mark realized this was his chance to start fresh and really see how far this new Youtube career could take him. For Mark the decision didn't take long at all, he decided to drop College and move to California at the same time, he made a new account on Youtube and turned his hobby into a sustainable job, there was never a day from that point where he did not have a smile on his face, this was something he truly enjoyed.

Of course, Mark was not happy that he would be moving away from his family and more importantly, his younger sister, who he had grown extremely close to over the years, but this was something he knew was right for him, plus he had every intention of staying in contact with his family and keeping in touch with Lilo as much as his spare time would allow.

It didn't take long for Mark to start following his own fan base, nearly as much as they followed him, even though it started out as a way to see if people was liking what he was doing and seeing how he could improve himself and his channel, he quickly start to notice how much he loved the attention of his fans, this was unreal to him, how much effort his fans would put into creations they had made where Mark was the subject, fan art, fan fiction, even fan mail, the amount of people out there who seemed to adore Mark never shrunk and Mark had come to love seeing this side of his career almost as much as making the videos themselves.

Today was no different than other days when looking at what the people who followed him was doing, Mark had a constant smile on his face and even would laugh at some of the funnier content his fans had come up with, but something else caught his eye, it was a fan-fiction which had pretty much blown up, loads of people seemed to love it and was talking about it and even making their own creations based on the story, immediately Mark began to read the story and he found it hard to stop, even if it was not about him he would have still enjoyed it, it had a level of detail in it, which Mark thought was rare, especially in a fan-fiction, it was one of those stories that was written so well that it wouldn't take much effort to believe it was real.

Whilst Mark was reading the story, he had noticed one thing that stuck out to him, the girl in the story seemed familiar, she reminded him allot of his younger sister, she had the same traits, the same likes and hobbies, even a very similar family situation. As Mark continued to read the story, in his mind, the girl in the story he simply replaced with his sister, at the time he didn't think to much of it, but the more he read, the more his theory seemed to make sense. Obviously Mark had no other basis to assume it was Lilo who wrote this, but it was the only realistic theory he could come up with, Lilo was not in the public eye, so his fans did not know her at all, but whoever wrote this story seemed to know her very well, or at least that was how it seemed.

Mark became somewhat excited and amused that Lilo might have wrote this story, but he wanted to be sure of it, the only problem was, knowing Lilo, Mark knew she could be rather shy and at times quite withdrawn, so he couldn't just ask her, he needed to be careful with how he handled the situation, after all, the last thing he wanted was to offend or upset Lilo. Throughout all this, Mark still had a large grin on his face, he decided it was a good time for Lilo to pay him a visit, even before reading this story it would have been nice to see her again, this just added incentive. Mark decided to write Lilo an email, he wasn't overly familiar with her schedule so he wanted to make sure he didn't interrupt whatever she may be doing.

Lilo! How have you been? I know it hasn't been that long since we spoke, but it seems like it. I know I have been pretty busy lately, but the upcoming week is going to be pretty quiet for me, I would love it if you came to visit, I can cover the travel for you to come here, if you do decide to come, I promise you the most fun week you have had in a while!

Anyway, let me know, it would be awesome to see you again,

- Mark.

With that Mark went straight back to reading the story, now more than ever he was picturing Lilo as the girl in the story, even though he knew he had little to go on to assume it was her who wrote it, a part of him just felt like it was her, plus a part of him liked the idea of her being the fan in the story.
Lilo had finished her homework and was getting ready to head down and help start prepare dinner when she noticed she got a message in her inbox. Clicking on a tab she always kept up on her her personal email she saw a message from Mark. She read over it and her jaw dropped and her eye’s went wide in surprise, and possibly maybe in horror? He always kept in touch but normally always just visited the family for big holiday events. Why was he randomly wanting her to come and visit? She had just written that fanfiction and it was getting famous? She stood there stumped. She was so baffled she ignored it and needed to clear her head and headed downstairs to prep for dinner.

Lilo made sure the kitchen was clean and started cutting up fresh vegetables when her mother came in with groceries. As she always came over to gently kiss Lilo on the head, she started putting groceries up and making small conversation. It was a habit they always did each day. Lilo continued to slice vegetables and opened the meat to season.


“Lilo, mark was texting me and even called….guess what? He want’s you to come visit and had asked me if I knew if you were really busy with school and work? He really wants you to visit. He offered to pay your expenses.” Her mother said, smiling and Lilo’s face dropped and she looked up at her. He was going to extremes to make sure she would come down.

“Ugh…mom what about work?” She said and her mother smiled.

“Just take off a week, you’ve never called off a day in two years….if it’s a problem, then quit.” Her mother said casually. They could financially support Lilo, her mother and father had good jobs, Lilo just got a job to help pay for her own wants and wanted to help save.

“Okay….” Lilo said nodding.

“I’ll call and let him know you be coming down next week then.” She said winking and Lilo rolled her eye’s.
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