Leia's Training (RoleplayMaster x Celebstars)


Jun 26, 2013
Luke stared at Leia as she spoke to Han Solo, a fellow friend of theirs in this mission to stop the Empire once and for all. As he looked at her, his mind travelled back to when Leia had been imprisoned by Jabba the Hutt, wearing a sexy bikini and revealing almost everything. Just remembering that made the young man grow hard beneath his robes. Seeing Leia speak to Han made the jealousy erupt within him, as Luke wanted her all to himself. Sure, having the mission against Darth would mean he had no time for romantic interests, but having a beautiful woman like Leia nearby to relieve him of stress whenever he needed it, would be a welcome advantage.

When Leia finished with Han, Luke approached her and took her to the side. He could feel the force coursing through her. It was gentle though, so it could be the usual amount most people held, as the force surrounded everyone. It was possible that Leia would be a potential Jedi, so Luke would use that to his advantage.

"Leia... As you know, I am a Jedi. I use a lightsaber and the force to ensure the world is a balanced and healthy place. With the force, I can feel it within people, some, more than others. You have a strong force capacity within you, so I would like to train you and see if you can also become a Jedi. You would have to obey every request I make, no matter how ridiculous you feel. Do you accept?" He asked the smaller woman.
Leia was talking to Han about the planned attack from the rebels. His smugness irritated her, yet somehow she loved it at the same time. There was defiantly a connection between the pair and others knew it. None more so than Luke, who had caught her attention and taken her outside of the secret base.

"What is it Luke?" She asked, her lips a ripe red with the lipstick she wore. It was anyone's guess how she kept herself looking great in the middle of a war. Her outfit was all white, a suit more like which buttoned from the waist up.

Listening to the man speak, her big brown eyes followed his as he went on to explain the force and how he could feel it inside of her. "Me....? No....? A Jedi? Are you crazy?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but a small inkling inside of her somehow believed him. "I think I always knew, I always did feel....different...." Looking away she pondered for a few seconds. "If it helps the rebels, I accept" she said.
Luke smiled as Leia had the internal struggle considering whether she could really be a Jedi. "You'll be a padawan at first, like I was to Ben Kenobi. But with training from myself, I am sure you'll be a proficient Jedi like myself." The man wore a black suit with the collar up and covering his neck, a lightsaber hanging from his belt. It was a vibrant green colour, having replaced his father's weapon for one of his own creation.

"I will tell the rest that we will be in a separate part of the forest for... lets say, a week. This will be just a start to see how well you wield the force. If you are capable, we will continue, but we'll stop if you do not show an acceptable amount of skill. We can come back for meals if need be, but I would like to try and hunt for our own food. Grab some clothing and any other necessities, and meet me here in five minutes." Luke instructed, before walking to his own belongings.

The young Jedi packed away a few sets of clothes, his father's lightsaber (which would be given to Leia if she is shown to have enough skill to use it), other Jedi training equipment, and the bikini Leia wore for Jabba the Hutt. With luck, Luke would have the woman wearing it before the day was over. Leia had thrown it to the side the moment she was saved, but Luke had kept it for... his own interest.

Meeting Leia once again, he escorted her to a private area of the forest planet, away from the Ewoks, Han, and any other distractions. The area in question was a small forest clearing with trees all around, as well as a cave large enough for the both of them to rest in, as long as they slept close together. "Okay Leia. We are here to get away from anything that may distract you. The force is a very delicate tool, which can be powerful when you learn to control it. Everything must leave your mind. Even your clothes will distract you to a degree, so I would like to request that you get naked." Luke instructed. His face was straight the entire time, showing confidence in his words.
"We are going now?" She asked, shocked, as this was all a rush to her. She wasn't stupid, the quicker she learned the ways of the force the quicker she could help her friends and the Rebels. "OK" she replied, leaving his side to go and fetch her belongings, anything she would need to stay in the forest.

With a bag, the woman had grabbed what she needed and met up with the Jedi Knight. R2-D2 was following behind them, but Leia looked over her shoulder and told the droid to stay where he was. "We don't need you R2, stay there, they need you more than we do!" Hiking the forest, climbing rocks and pathways, they finally were alone.

Putting her bag down at the entrance of the cave, she sat down on a rock and looked up at Luke. "This is all very...sudden" the princess said, gazing at him as he spoke his words. "Get naked? Why do I need to be naked? I haven't heard of anything like this, plus I am a princess, Princess' don't get naked in the forest Luke!"
"Unlike Ben who taught me, I will tell you of my experiences during my training. You become painfully aware of every detail, from the humming of an engine, to the soft breathing of a sleeping companion nearby. I know this from my training on the Falcon. Clothing was yet another part that was painfully obvious to me. I wore a loose robe during my training, yet it felt painfully constricting, to the point that I felt I couldn't breathe. When privately training in my room by myself, I tried it naked, and it worked much better, which was how I learned faster." Luke explained why clothing was a hassle, but it was mostly a load of shit.

"I can compromise though. I had figured that you would not want to wear nothing out here, so to start with, you may wear this, if you prefer." Luke offered. Waving a hand, a piece of clothing floated out of his bag and came towards them. Hovering in front of her, Leia could see it was the same bikini that she wore while being imprisoned by Jabba the Hutt. "Your choice. This, or nothing at all." Luke told her.
While sitting there on the large grey rock, her head was resting on a hand as he spoke of the training. Slowly sitting up, with her back straight, she could almost feel pain from the man. The way he spoke was always wise and most definitely Jedi like. If it was anyone else alone in the forest with her she would of had suspicions, especially if it was Solo telling her to get naked. Out of everyone in the Rebel base, Luke was the person she trusted the most.

"Wear what?" The Princess replied, seeing the bag move as it rested on the floor. It shook before a piece of clothing came from it, floating in the air. Her eyebrows lowered in disbelief, "The thought of that outfit sickens me, you know who made me wear it." Turning away, showing the side of her face to the clothing in disgust.

Upon hearing his words of a choice, Leia looked at him from the corner of her eye and took the outfit from the air.

Turning around, she started to unbutton her outfit, pulling it from her arms and then stepping out of the jumpsuit. With no underwear on, her milky white flesh was one with nature and her round ass cheeks looked firm and very inviting. Taking the bikini, the woman got dressed in it, exactly how she was with Jubba, all the fine details in to the hair, which was now a ponytail. She was ready for her training.
Luke turned away as Leia began to strip, letting her keep her modesty for now. Once he was told that she was 'decent', the young man turned and found the woman wearing the extremely attractive bikini, causing Luke to harden once again. "Thank you." Was all he said, before grabbing the spare lightsaber and a training ball, as well as a long piece of cloth. Putting the ball and cloth to the side for now, he grabbed the saber and handed it to Leia. "This is a lightsaber. Get a feel for it. The weight and size of it. When you're ready, press the button to activate it. DO NOT aim it at yourself." Luke instructed, watching her and admiring her body subtly.

Once she was happy with the weapon, Luke approached her and gently blindfolded her, activating the training ball. "I have activated a droid which will periodically shoot beams at you. If they hit, they will give a slight stinging sensation, which should encourage you to dodge or block it next time." The Jedi informed her. "You must use the force to sense where the beams are headed."

What the princess did not know, is that Luke was not making this easy for her. The sound delay was put off by a few seconds and in a slightly different area as to where the beam was coming from. This would make it extremely difficult to block, even for a Jedi with experience. He also ensured that the droid would aim solely at Leia's chest and ass, which would ensure Leia would get stung possibly in a pleasurable way. It would be interesting to watch whether Leia was into a slight bit of pain. This would be one of the only exercises Luke would use which would not involve him touching her in some way.

As Leia began, the man sat down on a nearby rock to watch. Due to Leia's blindfold, Luke was now free to ogle the woman in front of him, watching her breasts bounce and the sweat glisten her body. A few marks where beginning to graze Leia's skin, and this would help Luke touch Leia a lot, lot sooner.
She gripped the lightsaber in her hand, taking it from Luke. "It feels so light" she acknowledged, looking it over, turning it and inspecting every inch. Pressing the button, a light blue colour erupted from it, the noise almost scaring her as she jolted back. Nerves filled her, which Luke most certainly would have picked up on.

"Your blinding me? Is this wise?" The princess noticed her sight going dark. She could only rely on her senses now. The sound of the droid floating in the air moving from side to side confused her, she didn't know how to work out where she was going to be shot from. "Ow!" She screamed, a hit in the arm. Trying to concentrate she was hit again, this time in the chest. The bikini did little to help soften the blow.

"I can't do it!" Leia said giving up, losing patience. Staying blindfolded she was hit again, this time in the thigh, the droid aiming for her ass but she moved. "Ow!"
"Calm yourself. Emotions get in the way of concentration. Allow your senses to go to the force, and sense where the bolts are going." Luke instructed gently, allowing the instruction to go on a bit longer. Once she had a few more marks on her, especially a nice bright spot on her left breast, and under her right ass cheek. "Okay, you may take the blindfold off." Luke told her, turning the droid off.

"Now, the force is good for many things. It is good to protect yourself in a fight, you get a 'feel' of everyone around you, and can even be used to heal others. This of course, is not possible for severe injuries, but gentle stuff, like a gentle sting, is easy to heal. This will provide a soft, pleasurable feeling to the spot fixed, as well as a lot of relief." The man told her. "When untrained, it can be dangerous, so I will not allow you to try it yet. If you wish, I can heal these marks for you?" Luke asked. A bit of the force was used on her, in a way that would make the idea more appealing. Since it was just a gentle push, Leia would not be able to sense it, and likely wouldn't be able to resist.
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