hunting for heart ( ƒeral x inspirit )


Mar 24, 2012

hunting for heart ( ƒeral x inspirit )
katarina & shiny umbreon

"A Shiny Umbreon, you say? You could fetch tons for something like that. Maybe hand it over to the Boss for a promotion!"

"Now why would I do that?" the redhead refuted her fellow admin in the lounge of the Team Rocket base. Word had already spread in the entire hideout of Katarina's catch of the day and many had already pestered her about seeing the Pokéboy in the flesh, much to her annoyance. The other admins, envious of her spoils, had also attempted all they could to convince her that handing the Umbreon over to the Boss would be a wiser idea. As if.

Katarina had never been the type of associate to kiss ass. She was more invested in her personal success than Team Rocket's, treating the latter as a quick, but stable way for cash flow. Her passion lied in poaching, though, and her sport made her name infamous among trainers and tempting among clients. Katarina seldom brought trophies home, but when she did, it was usually worth it.

The poacher had been out that evening and came upon an ambitious trainer who challenged her to a battle, claiming she had a "secret weapon" up her sleeve. One by one, Katarina's Zoroark, an exotic Pokégirl herself, practically mowed down her opponent's roster, right down to her last Pokémon. When her opponent revealed the last card up her sleeve, the Shiny Umbreon, she knew she had to have it for herself. Team Rocket had never played fair and the organization's selfish methods of creating a Pokémon army came in handy when they invented contraptions like Dark Balls specially designed to steal owned Pokémon. They were scarce and high in demand in the ranks but Katarina had a couple, just for these occasions.

The devastated trainer, beaten and vulnerable with no able-bodied Pokémon in her roster, watched in horror as Katarina seized the Umbreon for her own. He was hers, now. Not Team Rocket's. Hers.

"Have you released him yet?" the nosy admin asked her, his eyes twinkling.

Katarina retrieved the Dark Ball from her belt and tossed it lightly onto the ground. She hadn't bothered to heal him yet, so she wasn't worried that he would lash out, especially not with another admin and two of her Pokémon present in the lounge. One long leg crossed over the other as she watched his form materialize in front of her. "Won't you greet your new mistress?" she ordered coyly, also proud to present her new catch to her fellow admin.
The eagerly anticipated Shiny Umbreon materialized tall and proud, intelligent aureates scanning around in cold ire, thin lips curling into a faint sneer. Unlike many Pokéboys new to civilization and human ownership, the Umbreon's outfit indicated familiarity with human customs. His jacket was nearly skin-tight, black paneled with gray and decorated with ruffles and a zigzagged string. One hand gloved, the other left bare, a touch of edgy mirrored by the single streak of dyed hair. Fitted falcon jeans were tucked into steel-toed boots ending just below the knee. He could have passed for an immaculately dressed pop singer, had it not been for the glimmering bands of cobalt on his thighs and shoulder, the small of his back, and, of course, ringing his flattened ear and faintly bristling tail.

He was not badly injured from the events prior, a slim cut on his cheek from flying debris and bruises lining his forearms constituted the extent of his injuries. But he was exhausted. Despite his rolled back shoulder and upturned chin, his fatigue was obvious in his matted bangs and the way standing seemed to take great effort. The Poké battle had taken whatever energy he had remaining; even his tail seemed to droop as he ascertained his surroundings with feigned bravado.

In a way, Pokéboys were not unlike succubi – while wild Pokéboys did not require sexual essence to live, Pokéboys grew strongest under loving attention and care. The capacities of a feral Pokéboy versus that of one raised by a diligent trainer are as different as night and day. And though this Umbreon was obviously previously owned, an experienced trainer could easily deduce a lack of care from his quick exhaustion and slow recovery.

Molten golds darted around, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. He recognized the self-assured female trainer from the previous battle, but the rest of the battle seemed a blur. His eyes lingered on the unfamiliar Pokéball; it wasn't the home he was used to, and yet appeared to be his new lodgings. His eyes narrowed in a cross between unease and aggression as he spotted the Zoroark standing just behind. It disgusted him the ease with which the clearly well cared for Pokégirl wiped the floor with him. He wasn't weak...he wasn't...but his tragic history of being shuttled from collector to collector and finally to an abusive trainer had taken a toll on both his psyche and strength. When he was young, his coloration had been a source of pride, but now he couldn't help but see it as a curse. He eyed the two humans with suspicion, tail bristling even further as he contemplated what might be in store for him this time around.

When the request came, he hesitated. He knew well that despite the phrasing, it was a command, and from experience, refusing those always led to very bad things. But while he wanted to shirk before the confident human, to run, he knew he wouldn't get far with two well-trained and alert Pokémons in the room.

"My name's Kaine," he grumbled under his breath, casting a leery gaze at the seated woman. Another pause before he added, voice barely above a reluctant whisper. "...mistress."
Katarina's eyes seemed to glimmer as if she was gazing upon a jewel rather than a Pokéboy, which he was, and certainly not just to her but in Team Rocket's interests, as well. She hadn't been able to inspect her trophy closely during the battle when her Zoroark had been pummeling him into the dirt, but now that she could in the privacy of the hideout, she was more than intrigued. Excited, even.

"Kaine," she repeated to herself. It was a hassle to train a Pokémon to answer to a new name, so she decided against confiscating the one last thing the Umbreon had for himself that was truly his. Everything else was simply nonexistent now that he had a new mistress to serve. She uncrossed her legs, each limb impeccably dressed in skin-tight leather parted so she could prop her elbows on them, now slightly hunched towards him. "Come here," she ordered, but her voice was sultry this time, lacking the naturally edgy tone that carried her intimidating impression.

When the Umbreon simply didn't succumb to her will fast enough, the Houndoom behind him kicked the bend of his knees, forcing him into physical submission on his hands and knees where he rightfully belonged. Only when the stronger Pokéboy overstepped his boundaries and grabbed a fistful of the Umbreon's hair did Katarina command him down, an order the Houndoom immediately obeyed. "It's going to be a lot easier for you to lose that petty pride your previous tamer failed to fix," she reprimanded curtly, the toe of her boot lifting to tilt the Umbreon's chin for her to inspect his face. He was handsome, sleek, and effeminate where it counted; all that really needed to be fixed were the dirt and minor injuries that marred his features and he would be as good as new. The leather of her boot left his face and she unfolded her arms across her chest to rise from her seat. "For now, you'll refer to me as Mistress," she said. "I don't see the point in telling you my name if you're not worth the trouble."

Yes, the Umbreon was certainly a prized breed and she was certainly expecting great things from him in the future, but if he proved to be a waste of her time, she knew she'd easily find some other paying client to take him off her hands. It was a win-win situation for her: end up with a Shiny Umbreon in her roster or be richer by tomorrow.

The Zoroark and Houndoom followed her when she took steps towards the hallway, stopping only when their tamer glanced at the neglected Umbreon on the floor. "Come along, on your hands and knees," she instructed him. It was undeniably humiliating for the Umbreon but Katarina saw a defeat as a defeat and this walk of shame was what he had earned for that disappointing battle that evening. Her own Pokémon, of course, were not exempt from this rule of thumb, although they were still glad and wholeheartedly willing to serve their mistress in any way she wished. If he obeyed, she had half the mind to tame him that night, just to establish who held the end of his leash now. If he didn't, well, he'd have to wait another night with his injuries.
Kaine often wished he was born a human, if only to be rid of troublesome instincts and an inability to mask his emotions. Whilst Katarina spoke, he kept his visage as disinterested as possible, doggedly staring her down. But when she spoke his name - not the high-pitched, nasally whine of his last owner, but rich, feminine and sensuous - the triangular, elongated ears perched among a mass of sleek dark hair twitched with interest. As suspicious as he was of humans in general, and this one in particular, he couldn't deny her appeal. He could tell that she engaged in a line of physically demanding work by the sleek muscle tones that shifted with her movements. She looked strong, but unlike her bulky Houndoom, was clearly built for speed. And in spite of a painful looking looking scar, she still maintained a softness about her features, radiant with the charisma of one used to holding the reins. In a word, she was breathtaking enough that he almost forgot about his predicament.

But of course, she didn't let him forget.

Before he could even make him his mind one way or another, his new owner - kidnapper - was already imposing her will upon his flesh. He grunted with pain as his knees were kicked out from under him, tumbling forward with little grace as he barely braced his fall with forearms. The sudden impact, combined with his physical exhaustion, was enough to knock the air out of him. And he remained on all fours, unable to summon the strength to climb up, unable even to maintain the defiant tilt of his chin. He clenched his jaw as she spoke, humiliating words compounding with his humiliating posture. And he hated himself. Trainers were all the same. This one might be heads and shoulders above his last in strength and looks, but thus far, she was just as cruel.

It didn't matter anyway. For a moment, he could only hang his head in defeat, tail laying limply against the ground. Perhaps it would take her a day, two, a week at max before she would find a good bidder who prized his rare coloration. And then she would only be a blurred face among past owners who'd never seen past anything more than glowing cobalt rings. He growled under his breath, nails digging into his own palms in anger and helplessness.

And he was hungry. It had been nearly a day and a half since he's last been fed a proper meal. He stared at the ground, gnashing his teeth as he considered his options. But denying her will was pointless anyway. He could hardly flee weakened as he was, and that Houndoom more than proved his inability to challenge her authority. There was no option but to yield. Swallowing his pride, Kaine crawled, head held low and normally upright ears drooping parallel against the ground, clambering awkwardly after her as if some dumb four-legged animal.
Her bedchamber was behind the last door down the west hallway, so any other member of Team Rocket navigating the corridor would have seen the battered Umbreon on his hands and knees, submissively following his new mistress. It wasn't a rare occurrence for her to discipline her Pokémon in public but the Umbreon surely was, and the interested and a few envious gazes wandered elsewhere when Katarina turned to face the newest addition to her team. So far, he hadn't acted against her violently, although she had caught the rare moments he'd slip signs of aggression beneath a seemingly submissive facade. A snarl here and a scowl there were nothing she couldn't correct.

She returned her Houndoom and Zoroark to their Ultra Balls once they were past the threshold of her bedroom, although her Pokégirl initially protested that she be left vulnerable to the untamed Pokéboy. It was dangerous not to be armed against something that had every reason to harm her but Katarina recognized a broken will when she saw one, and she failed to detect a single semblance of a fight left in the beaten Umbreon. If he was smart, he'd know that she was his one-way ticket to a warm meal and any hope of recovery from his festering wounds.

But, he had obeyed her as she had asked and she was a merciful mistress when her will was acknowledged. Since the Team Rocket base didn't have the luxury of a PokéCenter to nurse their wounded, she had Hyper Potions in stock that got the job done just as efficiently, although not as conveniently. For the first time, she knelt in front of him, uttering a "hold still" before spraying the medication on his visible injuries. The bruises and cuts magically fizzed away and the fine mist that veiled him after a few more pumps would have relieved him of his post-battle fatigue, if only a bit.

Beneath the dirt and debris, she was pleasantly surprised to see a handsome face. He had been quite lucky in the gene pool to inherit an attractive set of facial features and a type of rare discoloration for his breed. "Aren't you a handsome boy, Kaine?" she praised with the smallest of simpers, a gentle hand sifting through his dark tresses. "It's a shame you wasted your time with an incapable tamer."

Then, she remembered. Most, if not all, registered Pokémon had some sort of chastity device attached to their genitals as proof that they were owned. Dark Balls merely messed with the programming of the original Poké Ball but left these contraptions be. Did Kaine have one? "Undress," she ordered, pinning him to the spot with her leery gaze. "I believe your previous tamer left me a bit of a troubling present."
The brief journey felt impossibly long; his knees were bruised and shaky by the time the flame-haired tamer stopped before a door. He couldn't have scurried inside fast enough, cheeks burning with the myriad of gazes he had endured on the crawl through the hallway. It wasn't the first time he felt the sting of humiliation, but it was hardly something he could ever get used to. It surprised him to see the other two Pokémons returned; was this trainer brave, foolish, or simply a good judge of character? He wasn't about to attack, no, doubting that he could even execute a move properly in his exhausted state. And even if he could, what then? How could he possibly escape from this unfamiliar lair. And where would he even go. Born and raised in captivity, the wilds were a concept unfamiliar to him, and, with this accursed coloration, he would always be hunted, his pelt an irresistibly trophy to tamers young and old.

The troubling thoughts made him lower his head once more, and he waited on his knees, gaze downcast. He didn't dare hope that this new trainer would be any different from the last; optimism was just the precursor to disappointment. However, he did raise his eyes to study Katarina as she doused him in a mist of medication. His joints no longer ached and, while still tired, he wasn't plagued with the same bone-sagging wariness as before. It was...surprising. A hint of tension dissipated from his shoulders and his wary eyes lost just a fraction of trepidation and mistrust. But they were still alert, guarded, a testimony to just how poorly he had been treated in the past. And then she reached out and petted him. For a second, he froze, so clearly unused to affection. But as she continued to simply pet, combing through his dark tresses, his ears perked and he couldn't help but purr, leaning into the experienced hand, closing his eyes and seeking her touch. It was hard-wired into Pokémons to flourish under affection and crave praises, and it's been far, far too long since Kaine has had any such figure in his life.

He was almost disappointed when she pulled away. He didn't trust her, not yet, but the fleeting fond gestures were enough to invoke in him a primal yearning for more. A seed of hope taking root in infertile soil. Perhaps if he pleased her... The shadow in those shimmering golds lingered, but he didn't avert his eyes at her command, save perhaps for even more pronounced redness to dye his cheeks.

"" Kaine murmured, clearly embarrassed but not in a position to refuse. There was a pause before he added, "...mistress." It was barely above a whisper, and spoken not without a hint of reluctance, but it was still a sign of cooperation, of some degree of willingness. He knew well what she was looking for, so he simply settled back on his heels, half-sitting and half-kneeling on the ground. He undid his jacket, not surprisingly wearing nothing beneath. His body was lean, skin pale as expected of an Umbreon. Only gentle swells of muscles covered his abs and chest, enough to not appear scrawny, but by no means buff. He slipped it off, letting his jacket pool on the ground, before faintly trembling fingers fell to his waist and undid his belt. He wasn't sure if she expected him to stand or not, and so, after undoing the button and the zipper, stared at her hesitantly and slowly began to rise. When no rebuke came, he clambered to feet and shrugged out of his tight jeans and boxers. The pantlegs caught in his boots, so he simply slid the fabric lower instead of taking it off.

Like many canine species, his scrotum was softly furred and accompanied by a short sheath, colored the same sleek black as his hair and tail. The chastity device she was looking for came in the form of duo cockrings. One band was cinched tight beneath his scrotum, pushing them away from his body ever so slightly, and the other, around the base of his sheath. That alone would have been enough to ensure harder erections and increased difficulty to ejaculation, but the burnished gem engraved into where the two rings were melded together provided his owner even greater control. The sinister locking mechanism gleamed as a ruby would, and, upon being triggered by a tamer, could switch to an emerald shade. The rings functioned like ordinary cock rings when the gem glowed emerald, but in its current ruby hue, no amount of desperate pawing by him could offer his trapped manhood relief.

Kaine wasn't sure what to say, so he simply remained silent, keeping himself as still as possible, nails digging into the sides of his thighs in nervous anticipation. Being inspected like this was humiliating enough, but his non-cooperative member was already peeking out of its sheath, growing longer and harder, half-masted at around four inches from simply being appraised. Unsurprisingly given his lithe build, he wasn't overly large, capping at a little over six inches when fully erect. He dug his nails harsher into skin in an attempt to calm himself, but to avail. It had been nearly a week since his last climax, and his simple-minded cock demanded relief regardless of what his more rational mind might decree.
She was pleased that he was being so cooperative despite having no real reason to lend his trust to her so easily, a gesture she was more than willing to reward, perhaps very soon if he proved to be obedient until then. Katarina rose with the Umbreon, although her gaze was fixed on the contraption left as an additional nuisance from his previous tamer. Immediately, her palm cupped his furred sac much like it was a ripe fruit, gently kneading the pressurized area that was kept balled together by the chastity mechanism. The duo cock rings would definitely come in handy for later use, perhaps as a training tool tested to make long walks on the road a little more enjoyable and interesting for both Pokéboy and tamer. For now, she wanted all of him to be exposed to her and she certainly couldn't have some juvenile plaything keep her from granting her Umbreon a well-deserved release.

"I expect you to answer me clearly," she chastised, although the tone of her voice carried her callous words more like a fair warning rather than any serious scolding. Even the hesitant way the Umbreon responded to her command was something she felt needed to be disciplined; his reaction should have been immediate and wholeheartedly obliging to her will. Did she expect him to bend so easily, given the circumstances? No, but there was no better method than to nip young habits in the bud. Her fingers coiled around his cock standing just shy at half its full size, tugging it gently like a leash to have Kaine step forward if only to keep his member intact.

Her thumb quickly found its way over the glistening gem, the restraints falling away with a mechanical hiss that would ultimately grant the Umbreon relief from the toy's chaffing binds. Unsurprisingly, the cock rings had been a size too small. It really went to show just how inexperienced Kaine's previous tamer had been to allow something like this to happen. She smirked, though, clearly amused by how naturally Kaine's manhood had risen in response to her lavishing it in much-desired attention. "It looks like you know who your mistress is already," she crooned, her hand leaving his member with a gentle tap to the swollen crown.

This time, it was his turn to inspect her; after all, if they were to be fleshing out a functional relationship between tamer and Pokéboy, they needed to be intimate as soon as possible. She couldn't possibly bond with her new Umbreon otherwise. Katarina wondered how he would react to a female's touch if she was especially forward with her advances and was even more so curious about how his previous tamer's inexperience had reflected on his performance to please. She was admittedly a difficult woman to pleasure. Katarina's hand pressed the nape of Kaine's neck towards her, lips then pressing against his in a rather ambitious show of affection as it moved more than what was required of a chaste peck.

Her other arm had already wound around his broad shoulders, although her toned frame had pressed against his already, the flat of her navel doing its part in teasing Kaine's half-hard erection with skin-on-skin contact. "Are you going to be a good boy for me, Kaine?" she asked, her voice like honey in the way she purred.
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